Lutheran Education Puillishc{l Since 'iH65 by !he J,':lndty of Concordia Univcrsit-y, River J;orcst, Illinois Vn]ul1w 'jijO; NUl'llher 2 Publisher: Dr. John F. Johnson, Presidenl Concordia University, Hivcr Forest, Ill. Editor: 0. John Zillman, Dcpanmem of Psycholngy Contributing Editor: Ed Grube, Lutheran Education Association Associate Editors: Gary Bertels, Deparlment nf Theology William Due)', DepanmcllI of Human Performance General Editor: Peter E. Pohlhammer Regular Departments: ./1,lillllliJimiil/c '/,Iik Glen Kuck, S1'. Paul LUlheran School, Chicago, Ill. J)(,I' b/mJJiollJ William Cullen, Dcpartmem of Leadership, CURl' MII/iiM'il(~ MilliJiI;CJ Rieh Bimler, President, Wheat Ridge Ministries Je(()!jrla~J' .~'eq/{(U1(e Craig Parrot, Lutheran High, Denver, Coin, 'j(!fl(/Ii'Zg liN' Y(i/IjZ~ Shirley Morgenthaler, Farly Childhood FAlueation, CURl' Jon 1,(labs, Executive Director) J,uthcran Education Association Cover Design: Del Klausrcrmeier Vi//!mm J :dl!CtI/iolljolll'!l(// (ISSN 0024(7488) is published four limes pcr year.. Suh~criptions are $10 a year, and arc avaibblc from L,,!/Jerrm hrlm:a/ioJl jOllrt/ril, 740ill\ugusta SI., River Foresl, lL 60.'l05·] 499. Periodicd postage paid at Nappanee, IN. POSTTvlASTER: Send address changes 1:0 Lltlilertlll h'rll/(tllio!l}o!(FlJa/, 740il Augusta St., River Foresr, 1L 60405·] 499. 1Jrt/Jerall L;'r/!I("tllioll.lollrJJal is available on microfilm. \'\Irite to University Mierol1lms, North /'eeb Road, J\nn Arbor, Ml 48103. Printed in USA Llllb(!1wl 1_:rl!lmtirJJ/ .Ioltrllrll has been selected as the professional journal of the J .udlCn!n Education Association (I J_~A). Members ()f -the JJ ~A receive the journal as p~ln of membership benefits. Inquiries regarding membership may be addressed 10 LEJ\, 7400 Augusla St., River Forcsl, IT, 60305·1499. The journal and Ll:~A rcn1ain independent entities. In This Issue: Focus on: Wisdom, Emotion, Special Children and Counseling 90 Education, Wisdom and the Trinitarian Imagination: Christ, Creation and Community in the Twenty-first Century Ralph Peters asks us to consider wisdom as significant to the nature of God, the historic/ theological origins of such thinking and its meaning for contemporary society. by Ralph Peters 104 The Student with Asperger's Syndrome in the Lutheran School Classroom Steven Kaatz shares an infornlativc introduction to Aspergcr's Syndrome, a disorder diagnosed in children with increasing frequen­ cy. He offc1"s background, definition, characteristics and suggestions for the classroom teacher and parish educator. by Steven A. Kaatz 118 Emotional Intelligence: Can Lutheran Educators Take it for Granted? Marilyn Stroik offers a look at emotional intelligence as a lens through which to view child development. Drawing upon the work of Daniel Goleman, she gives us biophysical and behavioral infm.. mation. by Marilyn Stroik 124 Diversity in Faith-Based Counseling Counseling in a Christinn context bas often been viewed as a dichotomy between a Bible-based approach and a wholJy secular­ ized approach. Counselors, past<)l"s and others who engage in coun­ seling-type relationships will benefit from Kevin Loberger's well­ researched cOlnnlcntary on this cOlltinUUlTI, including several other ways of thinking about and defining these interactions. by Kevin Loberger 1..jilheran Edllcation ]ollnla;- !/'o!tIJJ!(! 140, j\lo. 2-Pagc 82 Departments 85 Here I Sit...Looking In My Wallet o. John Zillman 138 Administrative Talk: Making Decisions Glen Kuck 141 Secondary Sequence: Dear CEOs Craig Parrott 144 Teaching the Young: Windows to Learning Shirley Morgenthaler 146 Today's Lutheran Educator: Celebrate! Jon Laabs 148 Multiplying Ministries: Its Ael about the Alpha aned Oemaega Rich Bimler 151 A Final Word: Wisdom John F. Johnson LfllberclJI Edllcatiol1.l(Jllnttll- [/O/IfIlJ(! 140, .No, 2-Page 83 J~Jf/I}(!J(!Il h'rlJfw/iun1(mrJIrll" 1,/(JIIIIJI(! 140, 1\10, 2-Pagc g~ v. cr experience one., of those.-' t.1111CS \.Vhcn .y.ou'rc..' really done for the day but you really just can't E overcome inertia and get up £ron1 your desk, paek the briefcase with the papers you didn't !lnish grad·· ing and head home? Could be at !lve; could bc at 7:30 pm after the late practice or rehearsaL So we sit for a couple of minutes. M:aybc rearrange the desk. 'Elke the stapler apart Open the center desk drawer and look wa·a), in the back and among the stray paper clips :md old batteries, !lnd the drawing that your kid gave :.;..,. you years ago, or maybe a thank you note [roll1 a parent. (j) Next til11e you have one of those transitional 0 1n0111Cl1ts, do this instead. ()pCll your wallet. No, not the :s: \V3)/ we're used to hearing that in _Lutheran churches and >- schools, open it and pull everything out on your desk. ()kay, I'll go first:. An10ng its contents arc: :z c C a • My Illinois drivers' license with the bad photo, E fairly accurate weight and, whc\v, it doesn't expire 1J) N C c until next year. ~. -C • A Blockbuster movie rental care1. 0 -,0 0 0 • Nil' Concordia H.ealth Plan cards - why do I keep .....J carrying the one with the old co··pay an1()Unt on it • CCJ>- • and the new one? WaHets arc like miniature hase­ ..... ments - if you don't throw things away, they just .-V) take up space, And to think that r sit on this stuff -ID every day, b ID • NIl' health club membership carel, (;ee7" gotta X work out 1110[e. G Three 111ajor credit cards. G JVly.Jewel Food Store "Preferred Cust0111Cr Card" which hasn't scanned correctly for two years. I haven't felt "preferred" in a while. • i\ 15'1() tip calculator card that I can suneptitious­ Iy check at the restaurant table out of view of those who don't know I always ask rny wife to calculate the gratuity when she and I go out. • Baby, con!lrmation, and high school graduation pictures of 111Y daughters; a "school picture day" photo of 111y wife from some years ago - it just happened to be one that I liked, A card with instructions for CPR, If you're with me when it hap­ pens, don't worry. • A five eufO note that I kept f!'Om our trip to France - handy when a teenage daughter asks for t11oney. Twenty dollars left from the check I cashed last Friday, (She's on to tbe euro thing, I'll try asking her for her PIN numbe!'.) • i\ slip of paper with my wife's sizes on it - none of your busi­ ness - that has weathered twenty-nine years of Christmas, birtb­ day, Mothers 1)ay and i-lnniversaty shopping. An expired museum pass from Paris, tbe business card from tbe guy in the service department at tbe Cbevrolet dealer (which will get tossed when the warranty runs out), my Concordia University ID and a few other odds and ends, Now, what's in your waUet? How many of tbe items that you carry are emblematic of a privilege that you have? That driver's license? Sure it gives YOLI the right to operate a motor vehicle, but after about age sixteen that becon1es n101'e utilitarlan. Sjncc I'm \vay past the age thaes posted where certain beverages are sold, being "carded" is an infrequent and even gratifying occurrence. Ever shown up at an airport gate without it, though? 01' get stopped for going a tad over the limit and have to retrieve it from a police station 01' court clerk - with cash? Suddenly you become quite aware of the unseen privilege that little cards afford you, whether you stash it in wallet or purse, How much money could you spend if you could max out that pias·· tic? Certainly not recommended but, okay, ever heard a really EiXPEN­ SIVE noise coming from your car just outside Flagstaff, AZ - and you live in the Chicago area? How many places can you shop, buy gas with­ out paying first, order things online or accumulate airline ll1ilcs? \Xlho's there to help if you're suddenly seriously ill or in an accident? God forbid, but will en1crgency root11 ad111i5sion staff, nurses, medical technicians and doctors look after you without question? That 111cdical insurance card is the one that's really priceless. How much can you fork over to your kid when they need field trip money" ,yesterday? (Will the teacher take euros?) LlIlbertIJJ L-:.'r/llcatioJl jOllnl(J/· l--/o/mJIO 140, J\Jo. 2-Page 86 Now~ look at that photo on your driver's license again. \X/hat's the race or ethnic background of the face in the picture~ Anglo? African American? Latino? Asian? Middle Eastern? 1f denominational demo graphics of Lutherans correlate with the usual readership of this publi­ cation, it's 1110st likely the first one. Aside from shopping, driving, going to the health club, and the other privileges we carry, Peggy McIntosh (1988) suggests that perhaps the face in the photo is the one that carries the most. A1110ng those she na111es arc: • Being in the c0l11pany of people of one's own race 1110St of the tin1e. • Being able to rent or purchase a hC)111e in an area that one can afford and in which one would want to live and assuming that one's neighbors will be at least ambivalent, if not pleasant. • Being able to shop alone in any establishment without being fol­ lowed by the staff through the store. • Turning on the television and seeing people of one's own face portrayed in meaningful roles. • Going into a 111usic or video store and finding 111usic or 1110vics in which one's race or language is represented; shopping in a grocery store that offers foods that afe consistent with one's cul­ tlln-ll background and tastes; going to a barber or hairdresser and knowing that the person there kno\vs how to cut and style one's hair.
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