Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 12-17-1969 The Parthenon, December 17, 1969 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, December 17, 1969" (1969). The Parthenon. 921. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/921 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. -1 Wednesday .._. Dec. 17, 1969 The Parthenon -- : MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER VOL. 70 NO. 54 W.Vfi. STUDENTS ENJOY THE WEATHER president, takes a taste of snow. At left, 'old man wtnter• brought &o campus Charlie Biern, Huntington freshman, Taste of winter Tuesday. At right, Pam Slaughter, makes a snowball. <Pho&os by Bob D1mha& seoier ~ ~~u4c&uJMHly_vJce.. _ ~~ampbell) . Committee tours student centers Members ol. Student Center with student center directors sophomore, and Madeline StoY­ the MU Student Center to those ·0ur desire is to meet all the Plannina Committee visited to disucss problems in build­ er Beckley junior. she found at other schools, needs ol. all students in the student centers on six area ing unions and also those con­ On Friday, Donald Ross Hun­ Sandra Tanner, Huntinlt.on center's plans. Nowwe'replan­ campuses Thursday and Fri­ cerning governing boards and tington junior, Sandra Tanner )mior, said, •1 thought it (our ninl what we feel they(students) day as part ol. their planning proeramming. HUJltinlton )mlor, Louise Wood center as planned) compared want. In the tumre. we'll ban for the new MU Student Center. Committeemen who visited Kenova sophomore, and Chair­ very well. I was surprised to to flncl out what students want Purpose ol. the trips, accord­ Morehead State Universit;y, man John Short Huntinlt.on find the aood points ol. their (in the union) .tbroulh surveys ing to Marti Boatman, Bain­ Univerait;y ol. Kentucky, and sophomore, toured student cen­ unioos that we want and to find and opinion polls. bridge, Ohio, senior, was •to University ol. Cincinnati Tim-s­ ters at Antioch Collep, Whit­ points they have that we do not •rm plannina a completely gain information for our com­ day were Miss Boatman. L.Ynn tenburg College, and OhioState waoL• unique approach at Marshall mittee to use in our final plans Duncan, South Cbarlest.onfreab­ Universit;y. She also said she observed concernin, the stud~ center for our union.• Members met man, Emil Ralbusky Wheeling 1n contrasting the plans for items in other unions that are to stop it's beine a• tease' also planned for the MU center collep. My concept is some­ in spite of our Univ~it;y's size. thing &Ollll on every weekend Student Center Planning 1n the union, If not eYery night,• Committee is responsible for he added. coordinating all prop'ams con­ The committee was to meet Yugoslavian to visit cerning the new center and to Tueeday to discuss what each plan for all facilities to be in­ ll'(lUP found out during their By LARRY McNEELY cluded 1n the new building. trips and to combine these Teachers College joumallst According to· Cbairman John ideas with the MU Student Cen­ Short, H1.llltiapon sophomore, ter plans. Dr. Peter Mandie, Marshall Universit;y's scbolar-in­ residence, will be on campus Jan. 7-14, according to Dr. Francis Aldred, associate prdess« ol. history. Dr. Mandie, who arrived in the United States Sept. 15, Recall senators? is coming to Marshall through the Regional Council for International Education's Scholar-in-Residence program By JACK SEAMONJ:6 ten per cent of the qualified which. accordin, to Dr, Harvey Saunders, assistant deanol. State reporter wters ol. that comtituency. the Collese ol. Arts and Sciences, was responsible for bring­ 1n other words. under the ing Father Jorge Enrique Betancan ol. the Universit;y ol. •Boy, that senator ol. ours consitution, as a · wtins mem­ Bol<>ta, Colombia, to Marshall last year. is really a louse. He hasn't ber ol. a constituency you ban He is professor ol. education at the Universit;y ol. Sara­ been to a SeQl.te meetinc for the power to recall a senator two jevo, YU&Oslavia. Fluent in English and Russian, be bolds months.• representl.n, you in the Student a doctorate in philoaophy from the UniYersit;y ol. Belgrade •Yeah, and be hasn't asked Senate. If this is the case, and plus post-doctoral study at the Universit;y ol. Leicester, our opinion on any ol. the issues other members ol. the constit­ England. Dr. Mandie is author d. numerous articles and affeetin, us. But what can we uency aaree, you must obtain five books dealing with education. do about it?• the sliD&turea ol. at l•st ten Dr. Mandie will present a series ol. le1:tures both to What you, as a student, can per cent ol. the voten. in your individual classes and groups based on topics dealing do about a senator misrepre­ (Coatlnued on pep 4) with YU&Oslavia and education. Prol.easors interested in senting your constituency is having Dr. Mandie speak to their classes should cootact use your power ol. recall; Under Dr. Aldred in Stewart Harold Smith Hall, Room 773, article VI, section 1 of the Uni­ or Dr. Saunders. versit;y student Government Weather-cold While on campus, he will have an amce in the Honors coastitution, any constituency Tri-State Weather Bu­ Seminar Room, Room 209 ol. Northcott Hall, during which shall have the power to recall reau forecast for today is time students may visit him. any ol.ft.cer elected by the con­ mostly fair and a little Dr. Mandie will speak at 7 p.m. Jan. 13 in Smith Hall stU:ueocy for the Senate. warmer. The hich will be DR. PETER MANIXC 154, at a proeram sponsored by the Honors Seminar. If the comtitueney is campua­ ttom 38-42 with a zero Scholar-In-Residence Hia topic will be • A Contrastive Interpretation ol. Education wide, the recall petitiM shall chance ol. precipitation. in Yugoslavia, Czecboslavakia, the Soviet Unioo, Great be presented to the chief )ls­ The outlook for Thursday Britain and the United States.• tice of the Student Court and la increasinalY cloudy and shall not be valid until be de­ somewhat warmer. termines that it contains at least PAGE TWO THE PAtTHENON DECEMBER 17, 1969 An editorial FRANICLYSPEAKING ilvPhilFtank Senate changes may be needed Joe Drummond, Veterans Club president, said that his The results of Thursday's Senate meeting seem to indicate club had many varied opinions that some changes are going to have to be made if this body is on the war and therefore could to operate as -an efficient branch of Student Government. not take a stand. At a time when the very basis '1 Senate membership has been Sorry, Joe, you fibbed, be­ abolished and new constituency bases from Student Court must cause oo Oct. 13 the Veterans be followed, attendance was_ so low at this past meeting during . ciub put up many posters say­ voting that three dissenting votes were sufficient to defeat ooe ing "Support Our Men In Viet­ important amendment. nam-Attend Class Oct. 15•-a Even after Senate Rules Committee spent long hours drawing direct stand against the mora­ up a list of proposed amendments complying with the Court's torium. orders, almost half of the senators were not present to debate In an interview with the Par­ these issues and approve a workable solution to be added to the thenon concerning the Marshall Student Government Constitution. The spring election fs not in Veteran Mobilization Commit­ the too far distant future and these changes must be made soon tee To End the War, Drum­ if general chaos concerning the newly ordered procedures is to mond said the Veterans Club, be a voided at the polls. in effect, represented all vet­ It was senate that requested a ,review of its membership clause erans on campus, without in the Constitution--it is Senate that is totally effected by the further clarification. Student Court's decisions--and it is Senate's duty to change Well Joe, you did it again. the Constitution. You can only represent some­ It was also the senators that approved the.9:15 p.m. Thursday one if they join your club, and meeting time. 'Foll9wing long debate earlier ·this semester over I and many other Marshall vet,­ when to meet, this time was finally approved as the ooe-that erans have not. .would most adequately accommodate the 40 Students that make Besides, you did not say _up this body. And these meetings do get involved and complicated •Mother May L •··aut if ·yoo and do not always end after an ·hour or so as some plan for. would really like to represent It looks as if Senate will have to try to assemble again some­ me, you can start by paying time in sufficient numbers to ·vote oo a new time when everyooe my fraternity bills each month is supposedly free to attend the weekly meeting. sA'i WHEN! and my tuition• in February. And it looks as if the attitudes ol. some members are going to •~ -...n Then I still don't know if I'll have to change regarding priority of Senate meetings over other -m,-. •1.-1 join your club. I ·quit playing affairs, regardless IX whether major legislation or routine affairs army in grade scJiool. are being coosidered.
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