Hastings Online - Meeting Minutes - CABINET (03-03-08) Page 3 of5 119. ORE PLACE HISTORIC SITE The Borough Planning Officer submitted a report to consider the findings of a historic character appraisal of Ore Place historic site. It detailed the need for immediate action to protect the site's historic assets, and to :;ommence longer term negotiations with other site stakeholders for the co-ordinated future management of the site and its surroundings. RESOLVED - that: - (1) the area defined on the plan accompanying the report is designated as a Conservation Area under s69(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990; (2) draft Directions under Article 4(1) of the Town & Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 are authorised and submitted for approval to the Secretary of State, as detailed in the appendix attached to the report, in respect of : (a) Ore Place Farmhouse (including walled gardens), The Ridge (b) Ore Place Farm (including walled gardens), The Ridge (c) School House, 311 The Ridge (d) East Gatehouse, 350 Elphinstone Road (e) North Gatehouse, 309 The Ridge; (3) Directions under Article 4(2) of the Town & Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 are authorised and made, as detailed in the appendix attached to the report, in respect of : (a) 24 Ore Place (including Well House) (b) East Gatehouse, 350 Elphinstone Road (c) Ore Place Farmhouse (including walled gardens), The Ridge (d) North Gatehouse, 309 The Ridge; (4) Policies C1, C2, CB, C10, DG16, and DG22 of the Adopted Hastings local Plan 2004 (together with relevant supplementary guidance) are applied to the designated Ore Place Conservation Area for development control purposes, with effect from the date of designation; and (5) negotiations are entered into with English Heritage, St Helen's Ore PCC, Parchment Trust (Friary Gardeners), Sussex Heritage Trust, St Helen's Park Trust, local property owners and residents, and other relevant stakeholders, on future development, management, maintenance, access and funding proposals for the site. httrl"i/www n::J<;:tina<;:a()v llk/mp.p.tina."/mp.p.tina>: n()('>:/OR0101~(,::Jhinp.t~mim]tp',,~r:A RTNFT (()1-01-0R) 1fi/1 O/?OOR Public Notices ~ PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS & CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990 SECTION 69 OREPLACECONSERVATIONAREA NOTICEIS HERBYGIVENthat HastingsBoroughCouncil has determined that the area described inthe Schedule to this Notice isan area of special architectural or historic interest, and that it isdesirable to preselVeor enhance its character or appearance. In accordance with its duty under Section 69 of the Planning (ListedBuildings& ConselVation Areas) Act 1990 Act,the Council has designated the area as a ConselVation Area with immediate effect. The principal effects of this area being designated as a ConselVation Area are: 1.The Councilisunder a duty to prepare proposals for the preselVation or enhancement of the area. 2. Consent must be obtained from the Councilfor the demolition of any building inthe area. 3. Sixweek's notice must be given to the Council before works are carried out to any tree inthe area. 4. Special publicitymust be given by the Councilto planning applications for development inthe area. 5. In carrying out any functions under the Planning Acts (and, in particular. indetermining applications for planning permission and listed building consent), the Council is required to take into account the desirabilityof preselVingor enhancing the character or appearance of the area, and will apply current Government advice and adopted Hastings LocalPlan policiesaccordingly. 6. The Council may extend planning controls over some minor works which would otherwise be permitted development SCHEDULE OREPLACE:No 21 (driveway area only); No 22 (driveway area only); No 23 (driveway area only); No 24 (whole property includingwellhouse); Publicopen space, ruins of manor house, &woodland; Old St Helen's Church ruins &churchyard; Area of public highway; Area of open land south of public highway CENTURIONRISE:Areaof publichighway ELPHINSTONEROAD:No350 StMary'sLodge(whole property including gates) THERIDGE:Woodland west of driveway to Ore Place Farm; Drivewayto Ore Place Farm; Ore Place Farmhouse & walled gardens; Ore Place Farm,farmyard, former orchard, &walled gardens; No 309 (former gate lodge); St Helen's parish church; No 311 (church hall&former school house) A map showing the boundary of the Ore Place ConselVation Area may be inspected free of charge at the offices of Hastings Borough Councilat the address given below, during normal office opening hours. Forand on behalf of Hastings Borough Council Jayne Butters, Borough Solicitor Date Published: 3 March 2008 Further information regarding conselVation areas may be obtained from: ConselVation & Design Team, Regeneration &Planning Directorate, Hastings Borough Council,Century House, 100 Menzies Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN389BB Telephone: 01424-783272 [email protected] .. www.hastings.gov.uk J-I m REPRODUCED FROM THE ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPPING WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE CONTROLLER OF HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. «;)CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. UNAUTHORISED REPRODUCTION INFRINGES CROWN COPYRIGHT AND MAY LEAD TO ~ocm::~G~~ROUGHCOW~ Proposed Conservation Area ~ Proposed Conservation Area, Ore Place, Hastings. Borough Planning Officer: Tim Cookson BSc(Econ),CiM,DipTP,DipArchCons,IHBC,MRTPI. Century House, 100 Menzies Road, St.Leonards-on-Sea, ~fi4ItUlltr'I'J~[""1 East Sussex. TN389BB Tel:01424 783300 REGENERATION AND PLANNING Fax: 01424 783208 DEPARTMENT Date: February 2008 Scale: N.T.S. Application Nos: ..-.
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