Inside: Preregistration PP 8&9 AHA Survey 14&15 BRYANT COLLEGE. SMITHFIELD, RHODE ISLAND pp FRIDAY, MARCH 29. 1974 VOLUME XXXIX NO. 21 Roy Little-A Business Legend Know Your Teachers Royal Little, founder of Textro n Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Amlel, And Courses Inc., spoke to the graduate Sludeot. In the Communicalions by Matt McManus for Management course: of the The Faculty·CourH deallne with attendance. M SA program at Bryant on Evaluallon has finally been The Evaluation results March 12. Dr. Burton Fischman, completed. It will be available to also broken down according AssocIate Professor of English students during Pre·registration cum groups so that students and coordinator of the event, week. Thf' evaluallon Is made up relate to each of their ",... ,""1 Introductd LitLle, who's topic of or nu meric data which the cum groups whi duclUllon wiU, "Communicating students will be able to analyze themSl'lves tall into. an d MoUVltlng Through the and draw their own conclusions probably help you in d."""",jolll Entrepreneurial Spirit." Also In about courses and instructono. how well you might do attendance were Mr. Larry The evaluation does not state course nut fall. Crumpler, Vice President or whether a course or Instructor is There Is much to bellent Amtel, and Or. Sol Lebovitz, good o r bad, bu t provides stude nt. if he takes the time Dean of the Graduate School at students with data to make their look through the many pages Bryant. decisions based on what they the Evaluation. The Evaluation Dr. Fischman's Introduction expect to gel rrom the course and wU\ be lVtliiable In the li brary all of Little was ont of praise and instructor they wish to register week and at pre.reglstl'1ltion . great respect. Relating IUs (or. It a ny student has "legenda r y accomplishments" It Is important that students problem, in with Textron. which he retired look dost'ly at the class totals for Evaluation, (eel from In 1962. Fischman stated each coune to nnd out how Matt McManus at that his departUft from Textron favorably and unfavorably Fred Leonard at "has not been retirement," rather students answered the questions stop by the Senate Ofnce ··the beginning of many on the evaluation last tall. Also, it there will be a copy available. activities." He noted Littlf's would beneCit students to This Evaluation has been remarkable bUsineSll iruiieht, Little instituted his Incentive and emploYefl makine tbem compquestlons which are ltiated, done tor you, so please use it bellowing him .. ith tllles as pro gram in 1953. It had a more attentive and careful in sur:h as questions 5e\'fn and 2 yOUl besllntertst.s. Originator, Motivator, and dt'fini&.t etfl'ct on Junior managf'n thl'i r worlr.. Commtlnlcator. Following hls InlrOduclion, Little rect'ived a warm welcome from the group Little also had a hand in the channels. H(' was asked how one Hot Ca r for Sale! which I neluded 17 graduate rt:!development of Nashua, New can encourag e open students. Hampsh i re , hel ping the commu nication throughout I Relaxed. yet co n fident, community through a change company. Little replied, " I don'l Little stated that he was very over from Textiles to Jndmtry. know," but did suggest to make Tinted Windows. interested In the use of Incentives Questio ned by a no ther jobs enJo)able and have a as a means for motivating student If he telt t.hat unrelated minimum of employ directors. Fully Air Cond itioned em ployees. 'Through the use of business ate more decentralized His advice to the students attractive incentives, which orfer than his counterparts, he replied was to get a piece of the action bon uses and extras to the attinnaUvely. He related that and to remember that it is best to em ployees, Little reels that there is only a smail staff at the get a position where you are part performa nce and output is home office. 'This 'tnables the owner. greatly enhanced. Little, who company to. cut down on costs Little, who recently returned explained his plan through the an d pour mo ney in t o its from a Safari In East Africa, told use of diagrams and graphs at the businesses. ot his great interest In the area. blackboard , feels that perhaps t he In reference to Company He has been working with local createst incentive an employee structures, Little states that only authorities to create na tional ca n be offered is monitary companies with great growth parks in game areas in an attempt bonuses. potential should be part of a to protect animals and promote Little, the genius behind l a rger com pan y . When tourism. 'Through his ettorts he Textron's success was as ked by a questioned, " How do you keep has stnt a boy through Harvard stu d ent why he though t communication li nes open to all who is a top medical student Friends, has Uncle Harry got a special for you this week. Uncle Harry's conglomerate in 1952. His reply companies," he reiterated that there. calling this one his " Horrendous Hots." It comes full equipped with was "I didn't." He explained that the best ways is through A man ot profound tinted shattered windoW's, slashed radials, solid static radio, dented he'd been in the textile business meetines. By discussing common understanding, Mr, Little Is still (enders, melted eneine, and a charcoal Interior. It runs like a bomb-l for 30 years, and for many years pro b lems a nd maintaining going strong at 79 years ot age, mean CHARM! So hurry down to Unde Hury's now, he's only got the textiles industry's return on personal contact memos and contributing his expertise to the one left! net worth was lower than any proposals are eliminated , which business world ot loday and dher industry. He said tbat the orten choke comm unlcatlon tomorrow. textile Industry was cyclica.l having a peak every two years. To remedy this he decided to build a company of unrelated. industries Fred Kenny Elected to delete low periods. Little was • laughed at when he presented his ideas in the '50's and was la beled to Executive Committee " Cnzy" and told by bankers that it WO Uldn't work . They could not see how one company could of CE EB successtully operate 30 unrelated businesses. After acquiring three Fred C. Kenney, Diredor of Kenney Co . b e fore h is companies , Little ran out of f'i nancial Aid at Bryant, has been appointment at Bryant. money. It was at this time that. elected to serve I two·year term HI.' Is a me mber of the Little acquired the American on t he Executive Committee of Eastern Association ot Student Woolen Company which was the the C o ll e g e Entr ance Financial Aid Administration and critical acquisition needed for his Examination Board. His duties the Na tional Association of continuance. T hro ugh the will be in the Financial Aid S tudent Fin a n c ia l Ai d uncovering o f forged stock Division or the New England Administration. He servl!d as certtncates in the company by Regional Asse mbly , I branch of secre tary o f Financial Aid Utt.!e bl'tore purchase or the the Examination Board. Otficers of Rhode Island in Company, he was permitted to A graduate of Bryant with 1972·78. merge with It by a court decision. the Bachelor ot Science In Mr. Kenney is married to the Woolen was purdwed Business Administration Dt>gree former Ann Mastriano o( acqUire its assets, but (8.5. in B.A.), Mr. Kenney was Providence. They res.dt' in I .'0'" to b@ the key to success Vice President of Chester D. Rivenoidewith their two children. lnmD&Dv. N ! [di!D/if/fly Zangari •.,. Says r- Speflking -'" Goodbye On page four of this week's ARCHWAY, we have printed an' article about this year's non-academic Dear Editor, commencement awards. The article was submitted by Dr. For some very good reasons, Gulski, the Acting Vice President of Academic Aff1'irs. This the o((lce of Special Events • Coordinator at Bryant College is year, it seems that nobody in the faculty or student bodies. being phased out. Since having knows anyone who is eligible for these awards. Therefore, been informed of that tact, and people who feel as if they are. eligible are requested to file the reasons (or it, 1 ha\'e aeeepted 11io.. ;a ... a applications "setting forth the attributes, activities, and an offer !')-om a mend of mine who operateli a small firm based • other relevant factors which he feels make him a candidate in Riverside, Rhode island. for the award" for which he is applying. Any students or Friday, March 29, Is my ltit faculty members who have someone in mind for a particular regular day as SEC. College Facilities award can nominate that person. Between now and the end of It's a shame that the awards have come to this. At a the year, the procedure which small college like Bryant, the faculty and students should be was establlshed for scheduling of For College Students e vents wi ll r emai n basically "C-. able to identify several qualified candidates for each award. unchanged, with Mr. Twomey It's 'surprising that they cannot find anyone. This dilemma and Liz Mangouni handling what doesn't say much for the faculty OR the students of Bryant.
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