Saturday, June 6, is the 76th anniversary of D-Day, the day of the 1944 Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. OKLAHOMA PRESS ASSOCIATION BETTER NEWSPAPER CONTEST AWARD WINNER IndianThe Eufaula Journal 2017 OKLAHOMA’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER, EST. 1876 EUFAULAINDIANJOURNAL.COM VOL 141, ISSUE 23 (usPs 261-620) – TWo secTions, 16 Pages –june 4, 2020 $1.00 Free music Farm to Families events at Xtreme Food Box program Xtreme RV Resort will host two free musical events this weekend, June rolls into town 5-6. The Friday event is a 6 First Assembly of God the distribution point p.m. pool party featuring local entertainer Janiece JERRY FINK It was drizzling rain as Vest. MANAGING EDITOR a host of volunteers be- For folks who just want The semi-truck loaded gan unloading the trailer to listen to the music, ad- with boxes of fresh pro- filled with food destined mission is free. But if you duce and dairy products for folks who have hit want to swim, you must rolled into the parking lot upon hard times during pay $10 for a day pass. of the Eufaula First As- this period of uncertainty The Saturday event is sembly of God Church created by the new coro- a free concert by Livin STAFF | INDIAN JOURNAL on west SH 9 shortly be- navirus. Country Band at the Eufaula First Assembly of God Church Pastor Jeff Willis hands boxes of fresh produce to volunteers fore noon on Wednesday, Xtreme Amphitheatre. helping to unload a semi-truck full of food. May 27. See FOOD, page A3 Music starts at 8 p.m. There is plenty of room for social distancing at the amphitheater, so mu- sic fans should bring their LPN instructor saves the day with traveling pinning ceremony blankets or folding chairs and come one down to The Cove. Teacher is a lifelong Eufaula resident JERRY FINK dents be denied the thrill tion.” MANAGING EDITOR of the moment that they The idea LEA to host Golden Graduation is a special would carry with them was to have event, as everyone knows, for a lifetime. individual Eagle Poker Run but this year the COV- May’s ceremony had pinning cer- and Free Fun Day ID-19 pandemic threat- been cancelled. emonies for ened to diminish the ex- The ceremony for each of her citement for many who graduating licensed Chappell nine stu- To enter the Poker worked hard for years to practical nurses includes Chiles dents. Run by phone, call obtain their degrees. walking onto the stage, Initially, 918-689-7751. Schools throughout being pinned and given she wanted to surprise the state, closed due to a traditional Florence them by showing up at Lake Eufaula Associa- the virus, have gone to Nightingale Lamp. the door of their home tion is set to host its an- special lengths to make Chiles, born and raised unexpectedly. But, after nual Golden Eagle Poker sure the joy of the occa- in Eufaula and still a resi- meeting with co-workers, Run on Saturday, June 13. sion is not entirely lost. dent, pondered the pre- she decided that would Along with the event is a COURTESY Some have had parades dicament. not be practical. Free Family Fun Day, Fri- for graduates, others have LPN student Shaleccia McJunkins, left, is pinned by Chappell “Then I got this idea See PINNING, page A3 day, June 12. Chiles. held virtual graduation from watching TV during “2020 has been quite a ceremonies. our (virus) down time,” year so far,” said executive Chappell Chiles, a li- Chiles said. “The Pub- Morris woman director Connie Morris. UPS driver calling it quits censed practical nurse in- lishers Clearing House “It was a big decision to structor at Green Coun- ad came on and I came charged decide to move forward try Technology Center in up with what I thought with this event. The LEA after 2.1 million miles Okmulgee, was not going would be something ex- with negligent Board of Directors be- to let her graduating stu- citing to do for gradua- See POKER RUN, page A2 JERRY FINK to Divide, Colorado for a homicides MANAGING EDITOR summer of fly fishing. So, what does a UPS Almost 100 fans at- The McIntosh County Simple Simon’s driver who has driven tended the retirement Vernon story disputed District Attorney’s of- 2.1 million miles dur- festivity. fice last week charged Pizza to open ing a career that spans “One of the best parts JERRY FINK were never notified of the a 28-year-old Morris almost 35 years do when about this job is meeting MANAGING EDITOR meeting. Baccus said. woman with two counts in Eufaula he retires? people,” said the popular Clarence Baccus says At issue, is who runs of negligent homicide as “Travel,” D.C. Calvin, a recent story headlined the town. the result of a fatal car ac- Simple Simon’s Pizza driver whose route in- 55, said as he arrived at a cluded Eufaula, Checo- “Factions fight it out over Opposing sides have cident on March 30. will open at the former retirement party thrown who runs Vernon” was filed injunctions against Courtney Stanton was Northside Liquors store, tah, Okmulgee and other for him Friday, May communities in the area. misleading. each other in the case. driving a 2016 Chevro- 600 N. Main St., by Au- 29, by the Eufaula Area “This article gives a lot “There is no civil hear- let Equinox on U.S. 266 gust, according to J&H One of his favorite, he Chamber of Commerce said, was Daphanie Hut- of misinformation. There ing at this time,” Associ- two miles east of Hitchita Foods, parent company at the Xtreme RV Resort are no factions in Ver- ated District Judge Bren- when she went left of cen- of the food chain. ton, receptionist for the clubhouse. Eufaula Indian Journal. non,” Baccus said. “There don Bridges said at the ter and struck head-on a Brandon and Chrystal Calvin and his wife are the legal residents of meeting. “We are here to 2006 Volkswagen Jetta, Speir also have a Simple D.C. figures he drove Christy were going to 120 miles a day to and Vernon –vs- outsiders at- set a structure for litiga- according to the Oklaho- Simon’s in Okemah. The Florida in their RV when tempting to take over the tion.” ma Highway Patrol. Eufaula restaurant will be from work and about 200 the party ended. miles a day during work, town.” The judge set a pre- Killed in the accident their second operation. And from Florida the The story stemmed trial hearing date for 8:30 were the Jetta’s driver Er- “We are so pleased couple planned to head See RETIRING, page A3 from a May 14 meet- a.m., June 24. win Christensen and his to continue the growth ing in McIntosh County According to Baccus a wife Janet, both 62. See PIZZA, page A3 District Court. Baccus special election was held The Bristow residents and other elected officials See VERNON, page A3 See STANTON, page A2 Barrow Berry Farm to open City approves wholesale/retail fireworks business Bob Barrow, owner of JERRY FINK fireworks. open (at the new loca- the Barrow Berry Farm MANAGING EDITOR Patrick Notoro and Re- tion) by Christmas,” she north of Eufaula, says he The Eufaula City gina Blair, who also own said. tentatively will be open Council Monday evening Flavors Grill on the same According to City for business around June approved a request by lot as their fireworks Manager Jacob Foos all 11 – maybe a little earlier the owners of a fireworks stand, intend to put their property owners within or a little later. stand on the north side new fireworks operation a 300-foot radius of the To confirm the exact of town for a specific use in the former Sears build- Sears building were no- date go to their Facebook, permit that will allow the ing at 617 S. Main St. tified by mail in a letter barrowberries. couple to own and oper- Blair said the building dated March 9 and as of Berries will be avail- ate a retail and wholesale will not be ready in time May 26 no property own- able for picking through fireworks business that for this July 4 holiday, and ers had contacted the mid-July. will be open year round. so they will continue to City. The farm is closed The permit will allow operate the stand-alone Also, according to Tuesdays and Wednes- STAFF | INDIAN JOURNAL for the commercial dis- stand. Foos, the Planning and See FARM, page A3 Retiring UPS driver D.C. Calvin and wife Christy. tribution and storage of “Hopefully, we will be See COUNCIL, page A3 PAGE A2 • THE INDIAN JOURNAL • Thursday, June 4, 2020 PINNING from page 1 and they needed to be at and told what time to be She wanted the stu- home. ready. dents to be dressed in Because of that, the Joining Chiles on the their nurses’ uniforms, students were contacted more than 100-mile journey to Tulsa, Bro- ken Arrow, Coweta, Dustin and Okmulgee were Nursing Transi- tions Instructor Ana Richardson; Nursing Director Darlene Baker and Communications and Marketing Director Julie Roberds,. “Of course it rained that day,” Chiles said. At each stop, Chil- STAFF | INDIAN JOURNAL es met the students in The remains of a boat that caught fire in the Eu- Ashley Jansson, 36, of Halstead, Kansas were in- their front yards, pinned faula Cove Saturday, May 23, was pulled from jured.
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