ENERGY SAVING AND RIG DEVELOPMENT FOR ARTISANAL FISHING BOATS E.W.H. Gifford and C. Palmer Gi fford and Partners Carlton House, Ringvood Road Woodlands, Southampton S04 2 HT 1. INTRODUCTION Over the last 20 years consi derabl e progress has been made in mechanis ngi artisana 1 fi shing boatsby f it ti ng diesel engines or outboardmtors. This hasincreased their fi shingcapacity, reduced labour and improvedsafety. Unfortunatelythe va1ue of manyof theseimprovement s has nowbeen overtakenby the increasedprice of oil, whichmay sometimes represent halfof thetotal costof thefishing operation, Already in manyareas fishing boatscannot afford to go to seaunless they can be assuredof an unusually goodcatch. This prablem wi 1 1increase in severity, particularly in thosecountries without their ownoil resources. Arti sanalfi shermencontribute approximately one hal f of the world' s catch,with larger proportions being common in tropical areas, and they are potentiallyhighly economic.It is thereforevitally importantthat the energyefficiency of artisanal boatsshould be increased. Nearlyal 1 artisana 1 boats were at onet imesai 1 propel1 edand many still are. Generally,however, the rigs used gave a performancegreatly inferiorto thatachieved with mechani sation, so until fuel oil prices increased,they declined in use. At best, however,most tradi tional rigs areusually laborious and relatively inefficient though they are, in the main, capableof improvement. In responseto these changes Giffords have been involved for manyyears in the developmentof low cost, fuel efficient boats for beach fisheries.During this timemany different rig andpropulsion engine configurationshave been evaluated, culminating in a yearlong study undertakenfor the Comaissionfor the EuropeanConInunitfes CEC! entitled "Feasibility Studyfor EnergySaving in Arti sanalFisheries". Thiswork involved an experimental investigation of the performanceof the hull appendagesneeded for goodsai ling performance,careful measurementsof the thrust and fuel consumptionof a rangeof propulsion systemsand a direct comparisonof the performanceof four different sailing rigs. Thefirst stagewas completed by August1983. In parallelwith this CECwork two practical projects were undertaken on artisanal fishing boats in South India and Sri Lanka. 2'~ EARLYRIG EXPERIENCE In a series of dif ferentart i sana1 boat devel opment projects Gi f fords havefitted or specified a wide variety of differentrigs on both single doublehul led craft. Theparticular choice of rig wasgeneral ly 458 made taking into account the existing focal rigs and availability of materials. In no case was it possible to obtain much of a measure of the absolut e performance of the ri gs, nor even the i r performa nce relative to other rigs. Since performance is very far from being the only parameter by which the suitability of a rig should be judged, this limit&ion has not been too important though there was a growing feeling that somedirect measureof rig performance would be a valuable aid to the selection process.' The various rig configurationstried included the Lug Fig 1!, Oru Fig 2!, Sprit Fig 3!, Lateen Fig 4! and a form of Lateen/Gunter hybrid based on the traditional South Indian Kattumaran rig Fig 5!. Each of these rios had its own particular practical advantages and disadvantages and with experienceit has provedincreasingly possible to specify the rig most appropriate for a particular boat. Howeverthe lack of knowledge of the actual performanceof each rig remaineda problem, so whenthe opportunity arose to maketrue comparative trials for the CECstudy, it was a major step in rig development. 3. EXPERIMENTALRESULTS FROM THE CEC STUDY The overall aim of the CECfunded work was to work towar ds a standard methodologyby which the fue'i use of a particular operation could be predicted andthe potential for savingsassessed. The results discussedin this paper are the experimentalstudi'es of propulsion systemsand sailing rigs, which were carried out to provide basic input data for the method. These results are the foundations of a data base which can be used to performthe following tasks related to the analysis of fuel effici ency. guantify the effects of changesin hull form and weight guantify the effects of changesin operating speed quantify the effects of using different types of propulsion system Selection of the most appropriate rig for sail power or sail assistance * Selection of the most appropriate appendageto give the r equired sailing performance The combination of these results allows predictions to be madeabout the potential for fuel saving in existing craft and the potential for improvementsthrough design changesto hulls and propulsionsystems. As they stand the methodsare suitable for use by experiencedpeople trained in boat design or naval architecture. However,with further refinement they will be presented in a form accessible and useful to non- specialists. 459 SUMHARY OF ENGINE PROPELLER COMBINATIONS ANALYSIS OF ENGINE EFFICIENCY * This propeller did not absorb fu11 powerat maximumengine speedunde the conditiontested. Hith moreload from greater hul1 resistance! would ha ve maintai ned the samespeed, resulting in better trans por efficiency anda higher transmissioneffici ency. + This figure i s calculated as the rati o of measuredthrust horsepowe to the manufacturersquoted engine power. 461 Figure 7 Speed IVIISec ure 8 At maximum speed the fuel ef fi ci ency vari es considerably. the best diesel conf1guratfon being over four times more fuel eff1cient than the 25 hp outboard. The small outboards fall between the two. Note also how the overall efficiency of the outboards is significantly 1 ess than the di esel, and how the rat1o of overal 1 to propel 'ler efficiency 1s rich better for the diesel. This ratfo is an indicatfon of the reliability of the manufacturer's rated power figures and also of the transmi ssion efficiency. For the outboards the mean figure is approximately 75% and for the diesel in excess of 9. This difference most likely reflects the greater reliability of the power rating of the d1esel engine, rather than great differences fn transmfssion losses. The variation of speed between the different engfnes somewhat confuses the compari son of fuel efficiency. At constant speed the relat1ve ranking becomes more apparent: The marked superiority of the diesel is obvious from these figures, as 1s the very poor performance of the 25 hp outboard. The 5 hp outboard gives good fuel efficfency at low powersettings, but deteriorates rapidly as full power is approached. Figure S shows how the idling tick over! fuel flow varies between the engines. In thi s case the diesel i s not the best, but ranks second after the small outboard; On a specific basfs, i.e. fuel flow per horse power, the diesel comesout best by a considerable margin. Figure 9 shows the thrust and fuel consumption for full power settings in the bollard pull conditi ons. The diesel and the 25 hp outboard produce comparablelevels of thrust, with the 3:I reduction ratio giving the diesel overall superiority. The fuel consumptionpicture is rather different. The 25 hp outboard uses almost three times as much fuel as the diesel. Thus for a given amountof fuel the outboard will only produce one third of the thrust produced by the di esel . Thi s i s illustrated in Figure 10, wherethe vertical axis is thrust/fuel flow, i.e. the thrust produced per unit of fuel consumed. This showshow the large outboard is out performed by both the smaller outboards and the di esel . A wayof approachingthis result is to combine1t with the top chart in Figure 9. This showsthat the total thrust. producedby the 25 hp outboard is three times greater than the smaller outboard. However,the thrust fuel efficiency as shownin Figure 10 is muchpoorer for the 25 hp motor, hence for the samethrust it would be more fuel efficient to use three 5 hp motorsthan one25 hp motor. 463 SOLLARO PULL COHDITlbhl Figure lO Figure ll BOLLARO PULL 104 2 5HP 0/B E 8HP 0/B j 5HP 0/B l2.5HP DIESEL 464 Also of relevance is the specific thrust, or thrust per unit of rated power. This is equivalent to propulsive effic1ency in the free running case. Figure 11 showsthe result for the four eng1nes. Thediesel at least with 2;1 and 3:1 reduction! comes out best, followed by the 5hp outboard. The 25 hp outboard again turns fn the poorest performance. 3-2 Trials Under Sail Twodistinctly different types of sailing trials were conducted, one to establ i sh the absolute sai 1 ing performance of a parti cular boat/ri g combination and the other the relative performance of two di fferent I lgs ~ For the tri al s two i denti cal boats were provi ded. Both were 6m Sandhopperdouble hull boats, ballasted to the samedisplacement of 0.76 tonnes. The boats were kept ashore betweentrials to minimise variation due to water uptake and marine growth. The double-hulled form was chosen partly becauseof the convenienceof deck space and stability but also to eliminate the heeling componentfor simplicity of comparisonof resul t s. One boat was permanently fi tted with a Bermudian ri g. The geometry chosen was r epresentat1ve of the type that might be most suited to working sailing boats. Its aspect ratio was moderate and a minimumof control lines were provided. The other boat was fitted with three different rigs, all of the same total area as the Bernedian8.6m2! ~ The four rigs are illustrated in Figure 12. They were representative of types that are used on artisanal boats in different parts of the world, namely:- Lateen Rig Spritsail Rig Gaff Rig The absolute sailing performance of the boat with the Bermudian rig was determ1ned first. This proved to be a very t1me consuming exercise, which even so only produced rather scattered results- This difficulty of obtaining good absolute performance resul ts accords wel 1 wi th the reports of other workers. F1gure 13 shows the polar performance curve plotted as a ratio of boat speed to wind speed.
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