Bullet in 253 December, t 931 flAX ROIJU[TION I ARGENTINA by H.L.BoLLEY BOLIVI A .~ t-... ~ v - Whel'e FLAX is 2rown Q Q AGRICULTU RAL EXPERIMENT STATION N'ORTH DAKOTA AGRlCULTURAL COL.LEGE FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA T able of Content Flax Production in Argentina ................... _..........................._....... ........ 3 Arg Htina ... ..........._ ............................................._...................... ......... ... ........... _..... ..... __..... -i Area £ flax production ........ ..........._....... .. ... .......... ......... .. ..................._...... _...... 5 'l'hc il ...... ......._......................... ... .. ............... ..._... ...................... _............. ........... ... Ii 'Ii Hl.tc .. _........__............_._...................................................................._....._....._.. .. 7 T mperatures ................................................ .......... _..................... ................--......... ....­ Ruin Ca.ll ........._....._.._.._............_ ...................__ ....._.._.........._.......... ..................­ ative and introduced plants index of . oil quality and . iDlflt' ........ .. _. 10 Long pI nting and har e t eason ....................._ ...................._.................... 11 'eed thlle • nd harvesting .._......_ ................._...._ ...._........._............_................ 12 Growth ea ons, usually favorable ......................................................... .. _ 15 F;~ar;::~ ~~r~l:g~.~~~~ .. =~ ~ : ~~ : ~:: : : ::~ :: : : :: ::::= : ::: ::::::=: : ~: ~~ ~ : :~:::: : : : ::=: :: :: : :: ::.::::::-:_~ ~ Crop rotation .._................_..... .................. _................................ ......... ... ..... _.............. 1 Flax in relation to major crops ........................_...._ ............. ................ .... ............_.... 20 rn production in Argentina .............................._..................................... _.......... :!tI Corn and wheat production-comparative Etatistics ..,... _.... _...._...................... _4 Wheat ._....._....._._ _ ......_._.._..............__......._...._ ....._ .............._... ..__ .. ......_.......... ~4 \ h at diseases _......_.._....................._.........._....._.................... _........................... __ ... 2' Cattle ........ ............._ ...._................ __ ......................._.........._......... -_ ..........-..... _.. -- .....-.. :! , Pa tut e and -orage ..._.. _ ...._........._ ...................._ ..................._......._................ ~ Alfalfa ...._....._.._........._._..__._._......._.............. _....___............_..._.............. __ ..... 29 .~; i ::I !~~i c~~:a~onta~~~_ . :~ ~~~~:~~~~~ ~ :~~=: :~~=:~~~ ~ =:== :: : :: ~ : ~:~: ~ :::::::~ : : : ~ : : : :: : : :: : : : :::: : : ~~ General statistica ._.._ _ ..... _ ............._ ............ _...__._............... _... .._ ........... _..._. .. 33 Nunlb r of animals __............._..__._.........................._.........................._._....._.. _ 34 ~:!er,u!~:~se~uft~~~~o~-~~~=~:~~~~~~::~~~~~=~~=~.-=:.-=.-==~::==: == :: ::=:~ ~:=: : : ~~-= ::3 5 i~ T u~~e~oi i~~O ~~C!~~~pi~ g.. ;·;~~;-==~~~ ::::::~: ~~:= · ==:= :=: :: ::::: ~::::~: ::::~: : :: =:: ::: :~~: ~~ Exportation, wheat, corn, and flaxseed ............_...._ ........_.....- .........._.... __ .. -; D ". elupm nt of flax cropping in Argentin - 0 sible expal1,ion ......._ ...... 37 F I 1X ced production by years and pr( vmces ................._ ._........_................._ 39 M t h ds of culture with flax ..........._ ..........._._.._........._............................. 41 Gr pping for flax. fiber production ....... ........_................_................... __........... 44 Fiber f rom flax fled varieties .............._.........................._... _.........._................___. ; Flax varieties •__..._ ........._.._................_.._............__...._._ ................................. 46 Arf,eutine flaxes of short form ............._ .._................_._.__..........................._. 48 F lax Disea es, insect and weed pest ........_.................... ._._.................... _..... 48 Insect pests .. _......_...__.............._.......___................_....._._...__.._._......_.._._......... 50 R 81 tant 'al'ieties in Argentina _...._............_ ... __ ...... _........_................._...... 50 North Dakota seed in rgcntina ...._.. _......_................_...... _... _........... _........_... _.. 51 FIr xseeu from other southern coun rie _.......... .............._ ........_.........__... 53 Grain han 'ng and transportation ................ ......_....._....._ ............_........_...... 53 Railways ......._...._ ...._ .........._.................._........_._.._.._........._................... .............55 tacking of grain ............._................ _.................._............................._.... ___........_...... -0 bort haul ...................._............................_...... _....._....._............._.._........... .. _........ 56 Eleva or construction and bulk hundling ....._...................._........................ _...... 58 Tr aCl relation _._....._.........._......... ............_............................................................ 00 Argentine fl ax eed sample un r te t at orth Dakota E q> rim nt t at i on ....._........._..............._ ......_........... ....._ ............._._............._ ........._._.......... .. 6i Wei ht of e d, quantity and quali of oil in Argentine flax ecd ............._... 72 h mi al ana Iy . es of Arg ntine grown f IL 8 ed ..................... ........................ 73 un1mal'y .._.... ....................__.._ ......._.........._._......._ ._.....__..................._........._..._ ._.... 81 A Im owle gm I t ........._._......_._..._.._.............__..................~ ........._ ._IDf:id ha rk CO Y r 5 Flax Production in Argentina l- By H N R Y L. BaLLEY Staeks imilar to these a I" found thmont the flax Listric-t . Grain M) stacked iH nearly as safe a if it woro t roa in the ]0 ,:tl war 'r oom .. not apt to w igh care' lly the very great comv'ti.tion that so distan a country m ay be able to Ie lop. The aV.rao·c farm wi hUl the In the past snch small holdinos have heen mad to snpp I uca e compa.ratively large fami.lies. In the lmmediat pa t our f armer", a compared to thos· of ntJlCr natjo ' . hav' had far111 impl'mel1ts and ma"hinery '::;sential1y suited to snch farms. Only lut J. have th small American farms come into direct competiti.on with larger areas of land in other countriesworkec1 by efficient farm In a 'hinery npon mass base.s. 1\pparcntly, "'c have not fared as well in th .In t as might be wi heel '1"'h futnre is not reassuring uTIle, we en readjust methods of cornp tition wjthin and without the nation. omp t·ition 'With 1)UJ,SS jwrmiu[I n11CZ r high-grade mach1"n 1'Y and e/Ji i ~t, b'ld cheap living labm', a-pparently Mes in the i'mmecUat [1 tur . Our people, particularly the farmillg' p ....1bl i , ar n mistic and elltllllsjnstic. Thev seem to think that in rJl) nit State3 ther e>. are such , olJckrflll la"w.ls and nlimatic fa t 1'8 t1 at th·y may d pend upon a 1roadly cclncatcd fanning popnlation and high busines~ inibative to carry thl'11 , 0 as to compete in ~mall grain farmiuo'­ wheat, corn, fhLX, etc.-if need be, OV(,11 in r j~'n markets. Farn ing, however, in all cOllntric, is hein o' rapidly specialized and, i whatever crop, snec ,, ~ fo1Jo\\'8 on]~r after carefnl bu"in s foresio·ht. It is, th r ­ fore, of extreme jmportan e that car ful att ution be Q'iv n to the conditio} s of flax farmin o' and marketing of the crop in other coun' tries and parti nlarly to the possibilities of further ~ pan, .i n and de­ velopment of fl ax crop production in Argentina. Just now aOTicnltul'al r:conoll1ists in all count"i are givinO' ITlUch 4 NORTII DAKOTA BULL1':TIN 253 farminO' acn in The (',l g ' f)f nn 0 .'t u~j\ · , fl. x fi 1 in . ou t h I'll Bu 110 Ai r<" pr Rr T rt.., ~ Army . ~ ot i' th heigh II co 1p arc (1 t o the Pn n:lmn k it . Argentina b t,,· 'u he r Cl U haw;}) rta­ li'LAX PROD Tl IN AR ENTINA 5 ling of th frei h t in ma . PUt s eel p1'od'twtion in A }'Y ntina i ad­ antagcously locat d as to 1·ail-roar.l ancl oc an fr ighting. 6 .cORTH KO,}' B LLETIN 253 p urate a hOW ll by must y arly r cords. Evell ill th Llorthern, more near1 sub-h' p ic'l -'eebons, h at oes not come as 111t011se as in our North\y stern (1 1'. land plain. , the atmosphere there being temper d by more humid cundition.:;. Even in the outhea 'tern portions of the province of BueLlo ' Air~s, ill coldest waath'r, th.r is not suff1 i:>nt frost to injure reasonabl hardy plant. '1'11'is tempering of the cli­ matic infinen s i. l1ndoubt('cU T due to the l' gulating intlncn of th Atlalltic Ocean Hnd the OTeat c. tnary of the Parana and UnlO'nay Rivers. The Soil: The lands or soil of these prO\ ' jne ~ s constitut a gl' :> at flat plain lying on tIl east essentially level \vith the ocean and with the great expanse of the Parana and Trll~)'ua'y R,ivers and til i1' border .swamI-> lauds. '1'he lands rise gradually to the we'twarcl tu what may be spoken of as higher, dryer pJains, abllllt in lill' with the cities of N c,(/u,ticc U}J n /" , ' . 1. 1J ulu'c,iluCIl08 ,Iin:s Nor thern ,:anta. }i ! . Noti e; l[lwlity of 'uil IWIng tUI'Jlt'11. Cordoba and Bahia Blanca. '1'bi8 gr ,<'1t low-lying pIa ill, a type of delta formation, is the result of the filling up of extensive swamp lands by silt and
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