1963 CONG-RESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 2455 Gale D. Taylor, A03123847. James A. Gabel, A03129758. R ichardS. Ueland, Jr., A03128917. Thomas L. Wolfie, A03114058. Robert J . Goldman, A03128254. Rene M. Vick~alr, Jr., A03128287. Joseph L. Vojir, A03128218. To be first lieutenants, USAF (Nurse) Charles E. Gordon II, A03122069. Gerald D. Gordon, A03129662. Fredrick A. Wagner, A03129293. Carol J . Bennett, AN3110392. Peter A. Gouette, A03128939. William J. Weiland, A03129284. · William M. Cooper, AN31i3008. Larry J. Graham, A03134478. David R. Welsh, A03128837. Mildred J. Cox, .AN3088476 •. Howard W. Green, A03128548. Bruce M. Westbrook, A03128515. Philip DiBlasi, AN3075900 . Thomas M. Hammons, A03128943. Harold E. Wigginton, A03129608. Darlene M. Dodd, AN3090185. James H . Handy, A03128474. J. Leon Wilson, A03128217. Betty J. Harper, ·AN3078156·. · David C. Harvey, A03134532. Thomas W. Wing, A03134436. Marlene J. Henson, AN3111629. Andrew L. Higgins, A03128747. Warren W. Wolff, A03129039. Dorothy M. Knight, A~3112097. Ronald H. Hilbert, A03128478. Thomas W. Young, A03129165. Barbara R. Lynch, AN3078259. Robert C. Hogrefe, A03129774. Distinguished Graduates, Air Force Reserve Dolores A. Malota, AN902288. JoAnn Holmes, AL3128731. omce~s· Training Corps Sarah J. McCann, AN3U0384. Robert L. Hosler, A03128317. Todd Bolen, A03130478. Pete Navarro, AN3044557. Richard H. Houtary, A03129292. Clarideth J. Plott, AN3091919. Robert E. Gallo, A03131054. Gary R. Jackson, A03128629. Gary K. Pritchard, A03133131. Paul C. Shalenko, AN902866. Robert M. Jacobs, A03128133. Willlam D. Sharadin, AN3112147. Darrel D. Thomssen, A03131193. Robert B. Jones, A03129496. Katherine C. Snuggs, AN3089079. Robert F. Kieser, A03134534. II Joseph D. Witmer, AN3076820. •• ... George S. King, A03129501. Faye Woodruff, AN2244290. Dorothy N., Zablocki, AN3045792;· James A. Kirsch, A03129311. Edward E. Klehr, A03128800. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To be second· lieutenants, USAF (Medical Elwood N. Laugen, A03129789. Service) James A. Lee, A03129393. MoNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1963 Charles J. Archibald, A03112103. Samuel R. Lehman, A03129790. Conrad L. Bush, A03113038. David E. Loberg, A03128488. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Raymond D. Christian, A03118995. Albert W. Long, Jr., A03129794. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, John E. Dexter, A03123611. Peter R. H. Luckenbach, A03128188. D.D., offered the following prayer: · James D. Edwards, A03111977. John G. Magee, Jr., A03129318. James V. Gordon, A03112836. Dean L. Mather, A03129800. I John 4: 21: This commandment have Karl L. Kilpatrick, A03114765. Robert C. McClain, A03129696. we trom Him, that he who loveth God Richard G. Micka, A03104784. Jack E. McCormick, A03129513. must love his brother also . Robert J. Perlstein,·A03112468. Nancy J . McDearman,.AL3128227. Almighty and ever-blessed God, grant Clarence J. Schumaker, Jr., A03111871. Patrick H. McHargue, A03128700. that in this Brotherhood Week we may Harry J. Simpson, A03112185. Hugh McPheeters, Jr., A03129801. have a clear vision of the high and help­ The following persons for appointment in Michael Monaco, A03129255. ful things which we may do together for the Regular Air Force, in the grades. in­ Donald D. Monkres, A03129803. the health and happiness of all mankind. dicated, under the prqvi.sions of section 8284, James R . .Murphy, A03129808. Ronald J. Nelson, A03128410. Make us humbly grateful for the many title 10, United Stat~s Code, with dates of Raymond P. O'Brien, A03129332. opportunities that are continually rank to be determined by the Seeretary of ·coming to us to speak a word of good the Air Force: Richard W. Ogden, A03134421. To be major Norman R. Otters, A03128897. cheer and to extend a hand of helpfulness Galen M. Ozawa, A03128123. to the needy members of the human Wilfred V. Gabel, A02074202. John K. Paige, A03128125. family. To be captain DonaldS. Palmer, A03128962. May we realize more fully that the Frank C. Kn~a-ck, A03036116. Ronald D. Parham, A03128577. Richard V. Parish, A03128272'. question "Am I my brother's keeper?", To be fi.rst lie"!-tenant Robert E. Patterson, A03128338. must be answered conclusively in the Lynn R. Wolfe, A03070007. Richard A. Peacock, A03129i47. affirmative. To be. second lieutenants Robert D. Penman, A03129149. Enable us to go in and out among our Otto W. Peucker, A03129150. Distinguished Aviation Cadet Graduates fellow men as the heralds of a new day Richard L. Picard, A03134505. when men and nations shall live as Gerald serina, A03122835. Louis A. Platterborze, A03129479. Richard E. Young, A03122&19. brothers on the high ~evels of peace and Thomas J. Pollard, A03129336. good will. Distinguished Officer Candidate Graduates Charles F. Power, A03128416. George E. Powers, A03128582. Help us to practice the Golden Rule Peter S. Coe, A03121663. and inspire us with those finer thoughts William E. Phillips, Jr., A03121560. Donald F. Prince, A03128705. Jeannette Pulver, AL3134399. and feelings that are the progenitors of Klaus H. Stuecklen, A03118366. c. Tom V. Purser, A03129811. achievement in the building of a nobler Distinguished Officer Training School Byron G. Quann, A03128271. civilization. Graduates David P. Reimuller, A03128822. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. Leroy P. Ache, A03128520. John B. Rich II, A03129154. Willlam E. Adams, A03129432. Lewis M. Roome, A03129815. Charles H. Bailey, A0312892S. John P. Rooney, Jr., A03129816. THE JOURNAL Joseph P. Bigelow, A03128368. Thomas E. Rowley, A03129527. The Journal of the proceedings of Frank J. Blattner, Jr.~ A03129858. Alan S. Rutherford, A03129819. Robert A. Bleau, A03128853. Edward J. Ryan, Jr., A03128424. Thursday, February 14, 1963, was read David C. Bray, A03128297. Robert J. Sanders, A03129842. and approved. Michael H. Catherall, A03129866. Charles A. Savage, Jr., A03129087. Ford F. Challls, A03122236. JackS. Scheimer, A03129088. READING OF WASHINGTON'S Herman E. Chelette, Jr., A03129642. Arnold L. Schwalb, A03128346. Wilbur R. Clopton, A03129451. Edward M. Seghers, Jr., A03129822. FAREWELL ADDRESS James M. Connolly, A03128243. Douglas E. Shamberger, A03128506. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Dale D. Conrad, A03129365. Raymond A. Shapek, A03129157. unanimous consent that on Thursday, Richard C. Corbin, A03129115. Walter R. Sharpe, Jr., A0318205. February 21, 1963, Washington's Fare­ Fred E. Croshaw, A0312B130. Howard F. Shenk, A03128665. James A. Curtis, Jr., A03129591. Bruce N. Smith, A03129340. well Address may be read by a Member Jerome B. Dague, A03128857. Robert M . Smith, A03128970. to be designated by the Speaker. Robert V. Daigle, A03129458. James Souhrada, A03129342. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Marshall E. Daniel, Jr., A03128246. Parker D. Sproul, A03129735. the request of the gentleman from Okla­ Ronald L. DeCosmo, A03128301. Warren L. Steininger, Jr., A03128972. homa? Richard A. Deinhammer, A03129595. William H. Strehle, Jr., A03128586. There was no objection. Theodore M. Duigon, Jr.,·A03128163. Edward L. Sutter, A03129739. Richard R. Eiles, A03128861. Harold K. Switzer II, A03134515. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the spe­ Robert J. Elliott, A03129598. Anthony J. Terlep, Jr., ,A03128717. cial order agreed to today, the Chair Warren G. Elliott, A031298S7. Donald L. Thompson, A03129832. designates the gentleman from Utah Francis L. Eubank, jr., A03l29373. Robert T. Thompson, Jr., A03128437. [Mr. BuRTON] to read Washington's La wrence J: Faessler, A03l28309. Victor R. Trouy, A03129348. Farewell Address immediately following William c. Fa~ey, A031284_66. William M. Turner, A03128350. the approval of the Journal on February Edmund H. Fording, Jr., A03129657. Ralph M. Tyson, A031282S6. 21, 1963. 2456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE Februa.ry 18 COMMI'ITEE ON BANKING AND the Soviet seizure of power in Lithuania. for my part, I pledge my every effort to CURRENCY It has never accepted the attempted hasten the· day when Castro will be de­ liquidation of the Republic. At the time feated and a truly free Cuba restored. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask when in their hearts there is a silent unanimous consent that the Committee celebration of their 1918 Independence on Banking and CUrrency may be per­ Day, it is proper for us to wish the people COMMUNIST THREATS TO THE mitted to sit during general debate to­ of Lithuania well, to assure them that SECURITY OF THIS HEMISPHERE day and also on February 19, 25, and they are not forgotten. Mr. MATTHEWS.. Mr. Speaker, I ask 26. unanimous consent to extend my remarks The SPEAKER. Is there objection to at this point in the RECORD. the request ·of the gentleman from Okla­ UNITED NATIONS FUNDS TO CUBA The SPEAKER. Is there objection homa? There was no objection. Mr. FUQUA. Mr. Speaker, I ask to the request of the gentleman from unanimous consent to address the House Florida? for 1 minute. There was no objection. Mr. PRICE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection Mr. MATTHEWS. Mr. Speaker, to­ imous consent to address the House for to the request of the gentleman from day the House Subcommittee on Inter­ lminute. Florida? American Mairs opens its hearings into The SPEAKER. Is there objection There was no objection. the vital matter of Communist threats to the request of the gentleman from Mr. FUQUA. Mr. Speaker, one of the to the security of this hemisphere. illinois? continuing international problems which In this regard, I wish to call the at­ There was no objection. faces the Congress and all of the Ameri­ tention of the House to an article by Mr. can people is that of Cuba. Here we find James Free, of the Washington
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