•&---· MCNDAY - SEPI'EMBER 24 Clubs and Organizations Day Clubs and organizations on campus will have representatives in the breezeway at the entranCE to the University, where information on their organization's activities may be ootained. Video Tape ShCMings "Reefer Madness" and "Rock 01', en Q) Library I.Dtmge, oontinuous shCMings ·;·~ from 9:00 to 2:00 ·~ (.) Coffee and Refreslmalts ...,ca Building 003 - First Floor c: Q) "C ...,:::1 TUESDAY - SEPrEMBER 25 en 't­o Movie c: 0 "Edgar Allen Poe S~cial" ·;; ·; Roam 1351, 12:00-1:30 :0 Video Tape Showings Q) 1 .r:...., 'l€efer Madness" and "Rock 01.'' Library I.Dtmge, continuous shCMings > .c from 9:00 to 2:00 > ::;: WEINESDAY - SEPI'EMBER 26 As the University of North ; Florida begins its second academic :.c All-campus Picnic i year we welcarE sare three thousand .r:. Boat House, 12:00-2:00 new and returning students to the :c.~ Folksinging carrpus. We also weloorre a nunber :::1 Boat House, 12:00-2:00 Q. of new faculty and staff members Video Tape Showings 'Who have just joined us. OUr can­ 1 ''I€efer Madness" and "Rock On ' mtmity, or University "family" as Library I.Dtmge, continuous showings sortE call it, has increased signif­ f~ 9:00 to 2:00 icantly since last fall, just as we had hoped. THUR)DAY - SEPI'EMBER 2 7 'Ihis should be a good year for us all. It should be challenging Movie and rewarding--and better than last "Them" year for we are growing in both ex­ Room 1351, 12:00-1:30 perience and resources. We have Video Tape Showings new facilities completed or nearing "Reefer Madness" and "Rock On'" canpletion all aroliD.d us. We have Library I.DliD.ge, continuous shCMings new programs, new organizations, from 9:00 to 2:00 and new ideas tmderway. We are im­ proving constantly but we carmot FRIDAY - SEPI'EMBER 2 8 actually becorre an outstanding in­ stitutian tmti 1 everyo.11e becarres Movie involved in the proCEss. .I urge "M*A*S*H" you, as ITErrbers of this oomn'LID.ity, Librcu:y I.Dtmge, 7: 45 P.M. to seek ways to participate-­ Video Tape ShCMings through the General Asserrbly, "Reefer t-1adness" and "Rock 01.'' 1 through organizations, or any other Library I.Dtmge, oontinuous shCMings rreans--and help make UNF a source from 9:00 to 2:00 of pride for us all. A FIRST FOR UNF: Dr. Richard Bizot of the Literature I::epartrrent conducted a telephone interview with Jerzy Kosinski, author of the National Book Award winning novel, Steps. Mr. Kosinski was in his New York home and students of Dr. Bizot's Literature classes 485 and 969 were in a ccnferenCE rcx:m of the University. Questions for the interview were submitted by the students as a class assignment. Mr. Kosinski began with the statement, ''When I speak nav, I speak not as the author of the 1:xx>k -as then- but I am the reader new, The UNF students, faculty and not the author, and I perceive the staff welcare Dr. Darwin 0. Ct:Jy as r book just as others perCEive it. the new ~an of Students. Dean Ct:Jy So go ahead with your questions. " served as Associate Dean of Students The questicns dealt with the dlar­ at Milliken University Decatur, acters, settings and events of the Illinois. He is a graduate of Wayne book as well as Mr. Kozinski's o­ State University with a B.S. and pinion on :recent SuprE!Ye Court rul­ M.S. degree and earned his Ph. D. ings on local control of pomo­ fran the University of 01icago. grai;hic or oosrene literature. In a rerent interview, Dr. Coy In regard to rensorship, Mr. expressed his desire to get to know Kosinski feels that the reader must all the students. He hopes that make the judgerrent, not only in re­ they will feel free to visit with gard to rensorship but also must him as well as exchange ideas which decide whether to cxntinue reading will benefit both the students and the l:xx>k. He feels that the author University. creates the situation; the judge­ Dr. CcJy would like to encourage Irent of this situation must be rna.de identificatirn of the student with by the reader. A novel should in­ the University and thus create a volve the reader, not like a news feeling of pride and ownership which article which is a report of an is saretines lacking in a a:mnuter event, thus separate fran the college. He feels that the individ­ reader's life. He went on to say, ual departrrents might create this "The only way to be hunan is to feeling of pride through clubs and welcx:rre awareness, to be conscious organizations within each depart­ of oneself, thus achieving m.:mt. Clubs that involve students self-definition. The book ~teps interested in similar ideas and pro­ oould be the steps of life, levels jects can be a beginning. to be taken or avoided, but as al­ Students who participate in ways the reader must decide which General Assenbly and other activ­ to take or avoid. OnCE the stair­ ities on and off canpus also nurish case is waJked, then it is too awareness of University problems as late - eve.ry step is needed. " well as enjoyments. Hopefully, the Mr. Kosinski proved an inter­ entire student bcxiy ~uld be able to esting speaker as well as author, find sare club, project, or event and the event was an unusual learn­ that would allCM them to becare an ing experienCE. Dr. Gary Hamon, integral part of UNF as a student Olairman of the Literature and later as a proud ahmnus of the I:epart::Itent hopes that this confer­ University. OnCE again, we welcorre enCE interview will be the first of Dr. Coy as our new ~an of Students. many for UNF. UNF art students are having a The UNF Health Servia= is for display of their paintings during the ill student, preventive rredi­ the m:mth of Septerrber in the cine and health education. Library foyer. Ten paintings which The Health Offire is located range in style fran hard-edge and in Roan 2421, Building 003. Regis­ soft-edge abstractions to primi­ tered nurses are available during tive, lyrical and illusionary real­ class hours. A canplete referral ism, by seven UNF art students, are servire is available for students on exhibit. who are new to the area and wish to The paintings were selected find a physician or dentist conven­ and cited for awards by the paint­ ient to their residenCE or carrpus. ing instructor Olarles Olarles, Health cotm.Seling is available Associate Professor of Art in the on any health problem you may en­ ~partrrent of Fine Arts, acoording coilllter. Rest areas are provided to Fine Arts Olainnan, Dr. Gerson for ill students. Non prescription Yes sin. rredication is given and arrange­ The first prize of $100 was a­ ments can be made if a student re­ warded to George Goff of quires certain prescription medica­ Jacksonville Beach for his 4-ft. tion. square canvas, "Untitled" . The The health servire f1.mctions second prize of $75 was awarded to -& as an information resourCE center Dick Caton of Jacksonville for his for camn.mi ty health and health re­ 3 x 4 ft. painting, "Tree Gravth. " lated agencies. A third prize of $50 was shared by A We are anxious to rreet all new Ralph Kline who is in the graduate students so please visit the school of education and is a sec­ office. Ibn' t wait until you are ondary art teacher in Macclenny for ll1l ill! his "Six Fares" painted on m­ stretched canvas and by Randy Taylor, JacRsonville, for his super tl realistic 2 x J -- -ft. painting, Reminder to Financial Aid Students "Clock-Light". All works are for II Failure to have your regis­ sale and offer the public an origi­ tration fee card validated at the nal and tmique painting at a rrodest cashier's window prior to Monday, pria= ranging fran $15 to $150, ac­ Octd::>er 1, 1973, will result in oording to juror Olarles. your being assessed the $25 late Other students included in the fee. exhibition are Kim Dowell, Financial Aid Ftmds will not Englewood High School art teadler, be available for distribution 1.mtil Ron I..arrb, Jacksonville, and J.):bbie after the close of the add/drop Applcwhite, Fernandina Beadl. period. Vehicle Registration Re-registration for academic year 7 3-7 4, is current!y tmde:rway. All UNF personnel are encouraged to d::>tain your new decal as soon as possible. Courtesy tickets will be Late Fee Reminder issued to all personnel without a For all students registering current decal OOittTencing MJnday, for Fall Quarter Saturday, Septerrber 2 4, 19 73. lliF citations September 29, 1973, is the last day will be issued to all personnel to pay registration fees without without a current decal CCll'llEilcing assessment of the $25 late fee Monday, October 1, 1973. charge. PARADES Dorothy Chace, David Doyle, Brad Sullivan Color; Rated R, Rated A-3; 95 minutes Cinerama Releasing, directed by Robert Siegel PARADES is a sometimes tough, well per formed and controversia l drama that serves as a social comment about Army l ife. The sett1ng is inside an army stockade at Fort Nix where the viewer sees the dehumanizing treatment dished out to soldiers who have b 1u t;cn Army regulations and are thus felt to need discipline.
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