Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,963,745 Collins Et Al

Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,963,745 Collins Et Al

US005963745A Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,963,745 Collins et al. [45] Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 1999 [54] APAP I/O PROGRAMMABLE ROUTER 0208497 6/1986 European Pat. Off. 208457A2 6/1986 European Pat. Off. [75] Inventors: Clive Allan Collins, Poughkeepsie; _ _ Michael Charles Dapp, EndWell; (L1St Con?rmed 0“ next Page) James Warren Die?'enderfer; David Christopher Kuchinski, both of OTHER PUBLICATIONS OYVegO; Bllly Jack KHOWIEQ KlPgstons CK. Baru and S.Y.W. Su, “The Architecture of SM3: A Rlchard Eelward Nler> Apalachm> an Dynamically Partitionable Multicomputer System”, IEEE (éf biY$PEni{Et‘)lgetn; gi?iiFlivagen Transactions on Computers, vol. C—35, No. 9, pp. 790—802, en er, a.; 0 er els 1c ar son, Sep 1986 gisrtlil’ qigizgrllil?rilg?nlzgg‘zrgest S.P. Booth et al., “An Evaluation of the Meiko Computing EndWZ’H ’ Surface for HEP Fortran Farming’i”, Computer Physics ’ ' ' Communications 57, pp. 486—491, 1989. [73] Assignee: 22:;2333321glgggeljsglxichines (List continued on next page.) Primary Examiner—Meng-Ai T. An [21] Appl' N05 08/430,114 Assistant Examiner—John Follansbee [22] Filed. Apt 27’ 1995 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Lynn Augspurger; Morgan & Finnegan, L.L.P. [63] (fntcilnuatcilonRelated °hf_ agRlication U-S. Application N9 07/887,258, Data Mfay 221s 1992, Aparallel array processor for massively parallel applications 112110077211 f?“‘i%‘é%“°§rl§li§’§ii§ shore: s sssss with lsw sswss @405 with DRAM .sssssssss continuation-in-part of application No. 07/798,788, Nov. 27, W_h11e meorporatmg proeessmg elemenFs on a _S1ng1e ch11?‘ 1991, abandoned, Eight processor memory elements on a single chip have their 6 oWn associated processing element, signi?cant memory, and [51] Int. Cl. .................................................... .. ~G061?‘ 15/16 I/O and are interconnected With a hypercube based, but [52] US. Cl. ................................ .. 395/80013, 395/8001, modi?ed, topology‘ These nodes are then interconnected, _ 395/800'12’ 395/800'14 either by a hypercube, modi?ed hypercube, or ring, or ring [58] Fleld of Search ................................... .. 395/800, 820, Within ring network topology The architecture uses an the 395/800~1> 800~12> 800~13> 800~14> 200~68> pins for networking. Each chip has eight 16 bit processors, ZOO-73> ZOO-79> 80011; 364/DIG- 1s BIG 2 and eight respective 32K memories. I/O has three internal _ ports and one external port shared by the plural processors [56] References Clted on the chip. Signi?cant software ?exibility is provided to Us PATENT DOCUMENTS enable quick implementation of existing programs Written in common languages. The scalable chip has internal and 3,537,074 10/1970 Stokes et a1. ......................... .. 340/172 external Connections for broadcast and asynchronous SIMD, FEW}; 6‘ a1- - MIMD and SIMIMD (SIMD/MIMD) With dynamic switch 4’1O1’96O 72978 5:22;: ' 36/4060 ing of modes. A fully distributed programmable router is ’ ’ ' """"""""""""" " provided by the processing memory elements that form a (List continued on next page.) node. There is program compatibility for the fully scalable s stem. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS y 0132926 2/1985 European Pat. 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