rifttoootr Ninth Year, No. 46 GANGES, British Columbia Thursday, November 14, 1968 $3 per year. Copy 10<J: Remembrance Day l°NpARADEil SPEAKER CAUGHT NO DEER NEED FOR TRAINING — BIG ATTENDANCE PATTERN FOR MARKSMEN The Remembrance Day Ser vice was held at the cenotaph. Not even an official of the come to this province from Al- Centennial Park, Ganges, Fish and Wildlife branch of the ,berta, reported Mr. Blood. November 11. In spite of provincial government could B.C. will follow the Alberta cloudy skies a large number find a deer on Salt Spring Is- pattern in its firearms program of people turned out to take land last week. he explained. part in the impressive service. Don Blood, animal biologist The program of training in The veterans and members with the branch, /came to the 'the handling of weapons is on a of the Royal Canadian Legion, island as the guest of the Salt voluntary basis at present but Branch 92, headed by Presid- Spring Island Rod and Gun Club will possibly become compulsor ent Peter Bingham, fell in at last week. at a later date, he suggested. the Legion Hall at 10:30 am. Addressing the annual dinner It is as important to have a Leading the procession to meeting of the club, he report- proper training and testing pro- the Cenotaph were the Royal ed that Tie had been out in the gram for guns as it is for cars he Canadian Mounted Police in woods with Bernie Reynolds, but urged. their scarlet uniforms followed they had seen not a deer. Mr. Blood expressed concern by the bugler, Bert Drysdale Mr. Blood commended Bern- at the extent to which garbage from Victoria, a pipe and ie Reynolds on his careful coll- is dumped in the countryside on ection of jaw samples from deer the island. It is as important to drummer from the Canadian avoid pollution on land as it is Scottish Regiment, Victoria; taken on the island. Mr. Rey- Laying their wreath during service at Ganges. nolds has collected jaws from in the water, he told his listen- and an island Air Cadet. Also ers. in the procession were mem- local deer on behalf of the gov- ernment. The jaws are inspect- bers of the Auxiliary to Royal ISLAND MOURNS Canadian Legion, IODE, Sea ed and listed in order to show Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides, the characteristics of animals and Brownies. killed here. The department RACE Clergy of all Island denom- DEATH OF BILL EVANS can compile a chart of the size inations conducted the service. children to look at their ailing and age of animals here as well Salt Spring Island this week as the incidence. WITH Approximately 90 veterans of mourns Bill Evans. pets. two World Wars sat down to a Mr. Evans lived here for 56 The speaker referred to matt- William Perret Evans passed ers which the rod and gun clubs delicious dinner cooked and away in St. Joseph's Hospital, years. He knew the pedigree of served by the L.A. at the Leg- might be interested ' DEATH Victoria, on November 10, at every animal on the island and "There are many problems ion Hall that evening. the age of 77. there were few parts of the is- Pattern of emergency meas- Grace was said by the Chap- land he didn't know. with which other organizations ures failed to save the life of Particularly notable for his are not concerned',' ne observed lain of the Royal Canadian work with sheep dogs, Bill Ev- In addition to his long ex- James Hugh, Engineer aboard Legion Branch 92, Archdeacon perience as a farmer, he was a Among these, he listed pollut- the Secheit Queen last week ans was the unofficial veterin- ion, of land and water, the est- G. H. Holmes. arian on Salt Spring. For many notable water diviner. iwhen he succumbed to a heart Winner of the lamb donatec He used to relate that only ablishment of parks and the pro- attack. years he had offered advice and tection of parks and the protect- by Wilbur Deacon of Mayne help in the day-to-day treat- two wells he had witched had The Secheit Queen left Island was Mac Mouat; winner failed to "come in". Even ion of habitat. Long Harbour at 4:40 pm on ment of sick animals and was Rod and gun clubs could well of the Cornish hen dinner don- an accepted authority. those, he was convinced, Wednesday. She returned at ated by Terry Byron was Geo- would have produced water had look to firearms training, sugg- speed within the hour to bring rge Heinekey. Up to the time of his death ested the speaker. her engineer to shore. he was constantly called on by the owners gone deeper. He discovered his ability to The department has a full- The victim of a heart att- divine water shortly after he time firearms specialist who has ack was pronounced dead on arrived on Salt Spring Island in arrival at Lady Monto Hospital. 1912. The ship turned back at First 20 years of his life were Otter Bay and called Swartz spent in his native England and BOER Bay ferry terminal by radio when he moved he came with the request for an ambul- straight to Salt Spring Island to ance. work for the late H.W. Bullock. WAR Mr. Hugh had been with the Few Island men have enjoyed ferry service since August. He . a warmer esteem in the comm- had been sailing with the coast unity than did Bill Evans. VETERA N guard vessels in the area prev- He leaves his wife, Nellie, Only one veteran of the Boer iously. Earlier he had been at home; one daughter, Mrs. E. War was present at the Veterans' engineer aboard the Mayne H. (Daisy) Gear, at Fulford; Queen. two grandchildren, Mrs. Pat dinner in the Legion Hall on Monday evening. He leaves his wife, Milli-, Lee and Alan Gear; one great- Albert Davis, of Fulford, was cent, and their three children grandchild; a sister, Mrs. A. among the soldiers who took at home in Fulford. Rushmore, in Windsor, Ont. part in the South African cam- Last rites were observed on and nephews and nieces in Eng- paigns nearly 70 years ago. Saturday afternoon at Royal land. Among the veterans at dinnei Oak crematorium. St. George's Anglican was H.A. Robinson, of Vesuv- church was filled on Wednes- ius, a charter member. Only Bill Evans with his last dogs. day, Nov. 13, when last rites other surviving charter member BACK HOME AGAIN were observed by Archdeacon of the branch on Salt Spring Is- R.B. Horsefield. Arrangements Frank Schwagly is back in land, T.P. Speed, was unable Ganges after a recent period in were by Goodman Funeral home to attend. St. Joseph's Hospital in Victoria Ed Stephenson, Ganges Hill He is convalescing after a ser- POUND DISTRICT OUT boasts 43 years of continuous ious illness and hopes to make service with the Royal Canadian his home on the island again There is no pound district in of residents in the area concer- PETITION Legion. permenantly. South Salt Spring Island. ned. Plans to establish such a dis- Two hunting petitions are trict in the S9uthern area of the Pound district makes it the now current on Salt Spring Is- island met with opposition par- responsibility of the farmer or land. 3ALIANO AND SAFETY ticularly from farmers who run owner to keep animals within First petition which has been stock on large unfenced areas the property. Otherwise it is in circulation for several weeks Tom Carolan of Galiano cerned with teaching safety in of land. the responsibility of others to has gained the support of sev- nearly got into the trophy pict- the handling of guns. Recommendation was made • protect themselves against ure last week when Salt Spring Youngsters are not associat- eral hundred people. It calls ed with guns enough to learn to the provincial government straying animals. for the abolition of the rifle in Island Rod and Gun Club pres- for a pound district covering The regulation which would ented awards at its annual ban- the rules of safety while pursuit of game on the islands growing up, he explained. merely the area along the Ful- • protect the travelling public in token of the building popul- quet. ford Ganges Road. from stray animals would also Mr. Carolan was invited to "There is a very urgent 'ation. need to educate youngsters in- The government rejected the govern the erection and maint- Second petition takes the receive the inter-island trophy enance of fences and other only to learn that it had air to the dangers as '.veil as the proposal as unworkable and view that safety in the woods pleasure of handling a gun, " threw out the plea. matters. controlled by education and ready been presented. Under a pound law the cost 1 he warned the diners. Only means of controlling training and not by legislation The Galiano club represent- In place of accepting a animals roaming on the high- of building a fence is sharable on types of gun. between the parties owning the ative explained that at Gal- trophy he shook hands with way is a signed petition bear- The first petition has gained iano the club is primarilly con- Jack Reynolds. ing the names of the majority property on each side. a keen following on Galiano, Page Two Gulf Islands DRIFTWOOD Thursday, November 14, 1968 SUSAN FELLOWS SALT SPRING'S FAMILY OF MARKSMEN WEDS IN VANCOUVER A wedding of interest took Ganges place Saturday, November 11 at BY DOREEN MORRIS Mrs.
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