Public Document Pack Gravesham Joint Transportation Board Members of the Gravesham Joint Transportation Board are summoned to attend a meeting to be held at the Civic Centre, Gravesend, Kent on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 at 7.00 pm when the business specified in the following agenda is proposed to be transacted. S Kilkie Assistant Director (Communities) Agenda Part A Items likely to be considered in Public 1. Apologies 2. To sign the minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 5 - 14) 3. To declare any interests members may have in the items contained on this agenda. When declaring an interest members should state what their interest is. 4. To consider whether any items in Part A of the agenda should be considered in private or those (if any) in Part B in public 5. Petition - London Road, Northfleet, Kent - report herewith. (Pages 15 - 20) 6. Petition - The Ridgeway, Shorne, Kent - report herewith. (Pages 21 - 24) 7. Waiting Restrictions Consultation Responses - report herewith. (Pages 25 - 38) 8. Highway and Transportation Schemes Progress Report - report herewith. (Pages 39 - 44) 9. Local Transport Plan 3 - report herewith. (Pages 45 - 62) 10.Cross Lane East (No Entry), Gravesend, Kent - report herewith. (Pages 63 - 66) Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend Kent DA12 1AU 11.Speed Cameras in light of government changes - verbal report. 12.Streets included in the verge parking ban and the call for more nominations - verbal report. 13.Reports from Kent County Council's Policy Overview Scrutiny Committee (Pages 67 - for information - copies herewith. 114) 1. Winter Service Consultation 2010 2. Repairs to Weather Damaged Roads 3. Interim Guidance Note 3: Residential Parking 3.1 Interim Guidance Note 3: Residential Parking (Appendix 1) 4. Financial Monitoring 2010/11 4.1 2010/11 LTP schemes to be retained (Appendix 1) 4.2 2010/11 LTP schemes not to be funded this year (Appendix 2) 14.Any Other Business 15.Exclusion To move, if required, that pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from any items included in Part B of the agenda because it is likely in view of the nature of the business to be transacted that if members of the public are present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Part B Items likely to be considered in Private None. Members County Councillor Michael Snelling (Chair) Cllr William Dyke (Vice-Chair) Councillors: Lesley Boycott Colin Caller Jane Cribbon Sara Langdale Leslie Christie (KCC) Harold Craske (KCC) John Cubitt (KCC) Bryan Sweetland (KCC) Page 3 Agenda Item 2 Gravesham Joint Transportation Board Wednesday, 16 June 2010 7.00pm Present: County Councillor Michael Snelling (Chairman) Cllr William Dyke (Vice-Chairman) Cllrs: Lesley Boycott Colin Caller Jane Cribbon Sara Langdale Leslie Christie (KCC) Harold Craske (KCC) John Cubitt (KCC) Bryan Sweetland (KCC) Also in Attendance Mr W Fisher, Meopham parish Council Mrs L Hornby, Shore Parish Council Paul Gibbons Service Manager (Parking & Amenities) Rob Bright Senior Engineer (Development) Ray Dines Transportation & Development Manager (KCC) David Aspinall Operations Manager (KCC) Andrew Burton Highway & Schemes Manager (KCC) Kerry Prescott Transportation Engineer(KCC) Penny Roper Street Lighting Engineer (KCC) Carlie Plowman Committee & Scrutiny Assistant 67. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 March 2010 were signed by the Chairman. 68. Declarations of Interest No declarations were made. 69. Street Lighting The Board was advised that clarification on street lighting performance in Gravesham was requested following the publication of the street lighting performance results in February’s edition of KHS news. The report detailed the work that has been carried out in Gravesham over the last 12 months along with the proposed works for 2010/11. These works will not only reduce the need for 1 Page 4 Gravesham Joint Transportation Board 16.06.2010 reactive maintenance over the coming year but will reduce energy consumption and the number of enquiries made to Kent Highway Services. Members were introduced to Penny Roper who was appointed the Street Lighting Engineer for Gravesham and Dartford in January 2010. Resolved that the report be noted. 70. Winter Service Consultation The Board was informed that at the meeting of Kent County Council’s (KCC) Environment Highways & Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee it was agreed that a consultation process on the winter service for 2009/10 would take place in April 2010. The results of the consultation will be used to inform and improve the winter service policy and plan for 2010/11. Members were invited to submit the winter service questionnaire or any comments to the Committee Section or David Aspinall for inclusion in the final report and recommendations that will be presented to KCC’s Environment Highways & Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July 2010. Members requested that Kent Highway Services consider the views received from the residents who attended the Neighbourhood Forum meetings. KHS confirmed that the minutes received for these forums have already been fed into the consultation process. Several residents informed Members that they would be willing to grit paths, alleyways and road junctions if additional salt bins or a larger supply of grit was distributed locally. Members also suggested that consideration be given to sheltered accommodation and the liaison with Borough and District Councils be improved. The Board thanked Maria Baker for her assistance over the winter period. Resolved that the comments made by the Board are collated and submitted to Kent Highway Services for inclusion in the report and recommendations to Kent County Council’s Environment Highways & Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July 2010. 71. Proposed Waiting Restrictions The Board considered the following locations within Gravesham that have been the subject of complaints or identified by the public, officers or local councillors for the introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO). Each proposal is for double yellow lines to be implemented on the grounds of safety:- Northfleet: • Brook Road junction with Brook Road • St Mark’s Avenue • First Avenue junction with Park Avenue • Foxwood Grove junction with Park Avenue • First Avenue junction with Preston Road 2 Page 5 Gravesham Joint Transportation Board 16.06.2010 • Preston Road junction with Vale Road • Waterdales junction with Vale Road Gravesend: • Hillside Avenue junction with Valley Drive • Thomas Drive junction with Valley Drive Chalk: • Lapis Close junction with Orlick Road • Lower Higham Road junction with Chalk Park access Members were advised that the proposed locations will need to be advertised and any objections or comments will be submitted to a future meeting of the Board. Resolved that the proposed locations be endorsed. 72. Works at Echo Square, Gravesend, Kent Further to Minute 52 (24.03.2010), Members received a verbal update on the situation regarding the works at Echo Square. The gas main replacement and resurfacing works at the Echo Square roundabout have now been completed and the works that are taking place in Sun Lane are due to be completed by the end of September 2010. Kent Highway Services are currently firming up the design work, implementation of the proposed scheme and cost estimate. Members were advised that the concrete bollards at Echo Square will be removed no later than October 2010. It was noted that Gravesham Borough Council will be responsible for the grassed area of the Echo Square roundabout. The horse trough and the old sign post will be refurbished. The Board requested that the area is improved as soon as practicable. Resolved that the information given be noted. 73. Footway and Verge Parking - Hall Road, Springhead Road and Old Road East Further to Minute 56 (24.03.2010), Members were updated on the work undertaken to consider alternative schemes to a total ban on footway and verge parking in Springhead Road, Old Road East and Hall Road. The report detailed the findings and Members considered the following:- • Springhead Road (this relates to the section between St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and its northern end) - Residents were consulted in March 2010 on a combination of all day parking restrictions along much of this section, combined with three designated parking bays which residents could access without obstruction to 3 Page 6 Gravesham Joint Transportation Board 16.06.2010 moving traffic or to pedestrians. Of the responses received seven residents were in favour of the proposal, 20 were against and five were undecided. Many of the respondents suggested having a permanent one way traffic order along this section as a way of maximising the space available for parking in the road. Members were informed that this proposal was introduced as a temporary basis in order to facilitate the gas main replacement works. Kent Highway Services expressed concern regarding this proposal as such a change will have effects on the local highway network (including Dover Road) which would need to be modelled and would disadvantage local businesses. Members expressed disappointment at the recommendation for Springhead Road and it was suggested that Gravesham Borough Council (GBC) officers liaise with the local Members to investigate an alternative solution for this road. • Old Road East - A scheme has been prepared for consultation to ban parking on the south side except for (a) the footway fronting No’s 180 to 210 which is relatively wide and (b) a new road bay which would front No’s 218 to 234. This is considered an acceptable compromise to preserve as much parking as possible for the benefit of residents but limiting it to areas where the safety of pedestrians and moving traffic will not be adversely affected. • Hall Road - The parking issue in Hall Road relates to the manner in which residents parking overspills from driveways onto the linkages across the public verge.
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