Res. Asst. DENİZ MERCAN Personal Information WEmeabi:l :h dttkpasr:/a/ EDodcutocraatteio, Ens kIinsefhoir mOsamtainognazi University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fen Bil.Enst.Md.Lüğü, Turkey 2014 - 2020 UPonsdtegrrgardaudautaet, eE, sKkaisreahdiern Oizs mTeacnhgnaizcia Ul nUinvievresristyit,y F, eFne nB iFliamklüelrtei sEin, Bstiiytüosloüj,i ,h Tidurrokbeyiy 2o0lo0ji5, T- u2r0k1e0y 2011 - 2014 DPoisstsgerardtuaattieo, nTüsrkiye’nin Bazı Tatlısu Göllerinde Yayılış Gösteren Ponto-Caspien Kökenli Potamothrix hammoniensis’in (YCl)it e(lTlaetzali)) ,F 2il0o1co4ğrafyası ve Coğrafik Genetik Analizi, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji RHyedsreoabrioclhog Ay, rLeifaes Sciences, Natural Sciences Academic Titles / Tasks Research Assistant, POhrDdu, E Usnkiisveehrsirit Oy,s Fmeann-Egadzeib Uiynaivt eFraskitüyl,t eFsein, B Eiydoelboijyi aBt öFlaükmüült,e 2s0i, 1B1iy -o 2lo0j1i 1Bölümü, 2011 - Continues Articles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI Indexes I. tDhies tIrniblauntdio Wn oatfe trhse o Pfo Tnutrok-Ceyaspian Species Pontogammarus robustoides (Sars, 1894) (Amphipoda) in AcRtSaL ZAoNo lNo.g, iÇcam Buurlg-Ealriipceak, vBo.,l .M72E, RnCoA.4N, pDp..525-530, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded) II. tThhee PNoonnto-i-nCdaisgpeinaonu Csl iatnedll aPtoa nStpoe-Cciaessp iina nt hGea Lstarkoepoda Fauna of Lake Sapanca (Turkey), with Notes on ACRTSALA ZNO ONL., OAGkIkCaAn -BKUoLkGcuA RCI.,C MAE, pRpC.A93N- 9D8.,, O2D01A7B A(JŞoIu Dr.n Aa.l Indexed in SCI) III. iTnh Ke uucsuek o Mf eBnMdWerPe sa nRdiv AeSr P(TT uinrdkeicye)s for evaluation of water quality according to macroinvertebrates BAIROSLLOAGNI AN, .v, SoAl.7L1U,R n oA..1, K, paply.4o9n-c5u7 H, 2., 0M1E6R (CJoAuNr nDa.,l BInadriesxike dB .i,n O SDCAI)BAŞI D. A. Articles Published in Other Journals I. oTfh efr aeqshuwataicte orl iagnoncehlaideste k fnaouwnna toof oLcackuer Ç iınld tıhre, Acroduanhtaryn-Kars, Turkey, including an updated checklist ZAoRoSsLyAmNp Nos., iMa, E2R0C2A0N ( RDe.fereed Journals of Other Institutions) II. 2L0o1n8g-)term Macrobenthic Community Structure Changes in the Upper Sakarya River System (1995- ZAoRoSsLyAmNp Nos., iMa, E2R0C2A0N ( RDe.fereed Journals of Other Institutions) III. iAnsvseerstsembreantteosf awnadt ebri oqtuica liintyd iicne sthree sub-basins of Susurluk River (Northwest Anatolia) according to BAiRoSDLiACoNn N, v., oUl.L1U1K, nÜoT.Ü3,K p Sp..,1 M-8E, R2C0A1N8 (DR.efereed Journals of Other Institutions) IV. aAnndte tnhneair a rnedle mvaonucteh pwairtth dheafbeictta itn c hCahriraocnteormisutisc s(Camptochironomus) tentans larvae (Chironomidae) BAiRoSDLiACoNn N, v., oMl.1E1R,C nAoN.2 D, p., pa.k1k8a0n-1 k8ö9k,ç 2ü0 c1.,8 A (RRSeLfAerNe eMd. JSo. uTr.nals of Other Institutions) V. EAsRkSiLşAeNh iNr .,İ lMi ESRuCcAuNl O Dm.urgasız Çeşitliliği ve Eskişehir Yüzey Sularından Yeni Kayıtlar VI. ABiny oIlnodjii Bgeilinmoluersi SApaşetcıriemsa, Derregiisssi,e 2n0a1 8p o(Rlyemfeorerepdh aJo (uPrnaalllas so,f 1O7th7e1r) I n(sMtiotulltuiosncsa), Bivalvia), as an Invader in LAaRkSeL ABNü Nyü., kA RAAkSg öS.l, MERCAN D. VII. STirlaennsty lwvaitnniaens sR eovfi ewwa toef rS ypsotellmuatitoicna l Bainodi nEdcoicloagtoicra lf Rresehawrcaht,e 2r0 i1n8v e(Rrteefebrreaetde sJournals of Other Institutions) JAoRuSrLnAalN o Nf A., cMaEdRemCAicN D Do.c, uOmDAenBtAs ŞfIo Dr .F Ais.heries and Aquaculture, vol.1, no.3, pp.131-135, 2014 (Other Refereed VIII. ANqatuioantiacl JOoluigrnoaclhs)aeta Annelida of Dam Lakes Çatören and Kunduzlar Turkey ZAoRoSsLyAmNp Nos., iMa, EvRoCl.9A,N p pD.7., 0C-a7n6s,e 2v0 A1.4 K (. R, RefÜeZreGeAdR J oMu.rnals of Other Institutions) RIe. feAre perde lCimoinngarye ssstu /d iSeys mofp Cohsiiruomno mPuidbalei cpaottiaomnosf ianu nPar onc etehde iEnagsstern Black Sea Region BAiRoSTLeAchNB Nio.,C MhEemRC2A0N20 D, .T, uabrkeedy m, 1. 6k .- a 1.8 December 2020 II. DEviraeluctaitvieo nw oitfh e mcoalcorgoiicnavl eqruteablirtya toefs Lakes İznik, Manyas and Eber by using Water Framework BAiRoSTLeAchNB Nio.,C MhEemRC, A16N -D 1.,8 P DİLeAcTemİNb Se.r 2020 III. 2L0o1n5g-)term macrobenthic community structure changes in the Upper Sakarya River System (1995- 1A4rsthla Inn Nte.r, nMaetriocnanal DS.ymposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (ISAO), Hirosaki, Japan, 9 - 14 September 2018, vol.17, IV. Tpph.e8 9a-q1u01atic oligochaete fauna of Lake Cildir, Ardahan-Kars, Turkey, including an updated checklist oAfR SfrLeAsNh wN.a, MteErR aCnAnNe Dlid.s known to occur in the country p1p4.t5h3 I-n7t6ernational Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (ISAO), Hirosaki, Japan, 9 - 14 September 2018, vol.17, V. Levels of some trace elements (cadmium, lead, mercury and chromium) in water and planktonic oArTgICaIn Tis., mARs SiLnA ANb Na.n, Mt LERakCeA N(, Turkey) VI. PInrtelrinmaitnıoanrayl BRıeosdeıvaerrcshıtey sE coonlo Tgayr Sdciıgenracedsa S Fymaupnoası uomf MPreoşceeleikd ıCngasm (pBuIOsE (CEOs2k0iş1e9h),i r2,6 T -u 2r8k Seeyp)tember 2019 IAnRteSrLnAaNtı oNn.,a kl aBrıaohdaıvsearns aıt.y, MEcEoRlCoAgyN S Dcı.ences Symposıum Proceedıngs (BIOECO2019), 26 - 28 September 2019 VII. wDiastterribs uotfi oTnu rokfe tyhe invasive amphipod species Pontogammarusrobustoides (Sars, 1894) in the inland JAoRinStL EASNE NI.,A ESL aİPnEdK D BIA., SMSEciReCnAtifNic D C.onference and9th ESENIAS Workshop, 3 - 06 September 2019 VIII. GARasStLrAoNp oNd., aM, EORlCigAoNc hDa.eta and Chironomidae Fauna of Gala Lake (Edirne) 20n1d9 International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2019), 28 - 29 June IX. (AA Cfyaosen kSatruadhyi sfaorr) D aentde rCmeirnnaetkio (nS aomf Gsuanst)r, oTpuordkae,y Oligochaeta and Chironomidae Fauna of Lakes Eber 2AnRdS LInAtNer Nn.a, tMioEnRaCl AEuNr Das.ian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2019), 28 - 29 June X. E20v1a9luation of water quality in Turkey lakes with some environmental parameters andbiotic indices: AR cSaLsAeN s Ntu.,d MyE iRnC LAaNk Des., PMİLoAgTaİnN aSn.d Sapanca XI. W1sat tInetre rQnuaatiloitnya lA Ssysmepssomsiuemnt o onf BOiordhiavneresliit ya nRdes Eeamrecht , R2i v- e0r4 May 2019 1A3RtShL IAnNte Nrn.,a MtioEnRaClA SNy mDp., oUsLiuUmKÜ oTnÜ FKi sSh.eries and Aquatic Sciences, 21 - 23 November 2018 XII. VZoano,b Teunrthkiecy Community Structure and Ephemeroptera-Chironomidae Fauna of Closed-Basin Lake 1A3RtShL IAnNte Nrn.,a EtiRoTnOaRl SUyNm Np.o, sMiuEmRC oAnN F Dis.h, beraireısş ıakn Bd., ADqeumaitric T S.ciences, 21 - 23 November 2018 XIII. aWcacoterrd aQnucaeli twyi tDhe Wtearmteirn Fatriaomn eowf oTrhke D Liarkeectsi vMeogan and Cernek (Turkey) by using Macroinvertebrates UANRSITLEACNH N20., 1M8E, R1C6A - N1 7D N.ovember 2018 XIV. DAReSteLrAmNi Nna., tRioÜnZG aAnRd M D.,i sAtKrBibUuLtUioTn Ns. , oMfE MRCaAcrNo Din.,v OeDrAteBbArŞaIt De . PAo.tamofauna of Delice River(Kızılırmak) XV. DSEeAteBr 2m0i1n8a, t3io - n0 6o fJu Elyc o2l0o1g8ical Quality of Lakes Sapanca and Mogan according to Water Framework DARirSeLcAtNiv eN .u, MsiEnRgC BAeNn Dth., iPcİ LMAaTcİNro Si.nvertebrates XVI. DSEeAteBr, m3 -i n0a6t iJoulny o20f 1W8ater Quality and Diversity of Macroinvetebrates: A Case Study in Asi River Basin SAERASBL2A0N1 N7,. , 5M -E 0R8C JAuNly D 2.0, P1İ7LATİN S. XVII. GARasStLrAoNp oNd., aM, EORlCigAoNc hDa., ebtaar ıaşnıkd b C., hOiDrAoBnAoŞmI iDd.a Ae. Limnofauna of Van Lake Basin, Turkey XVIII. NSEoAnB-2in0d1i7g, e5n -o 0u8s Jaunlyd 2 P01o7nto-Caspian limnofauna (Gastropoda and Clitellata) of Lake Sapanca, Turkey 7AtRhS ELSAENN NIA.,S a, kSkoafnya k, öBkuçlüg acr.,i aM, E2R8 C- A3N0 DM.a, OrcDhA 2B0A1Ş7I D. A. XIX. An indigenous species, Dreissena polymorpha, in Lake Büyük Akgöl as an invader 7AtRhS ELSAENN NIA.,S A, R28A S- 3S.0, MMEaRrcChA N20 D1.7 XX. gEörgre nDee Hğearvlzeansdı inriılnm Eeksoilojik Durumunun Su Çerve Direktifi Doğrultusu nda Makroomurgasızlara UAlRuSsLaAl uNy Ngu., lMamEaRlCı ABNiy oDlo., jTikO BKiAliTmLlIe rC .K, KoÖngSrEe Esi., Turkey, 26 - 29 December 2016 XXI. GErögreen Dee Hğaevrlzeansdı'inrıinlm Eeksoilojik Durumunun Su Çerçeve Direktifi Doğrultusunda Makroomurgasızlara UAlRuSsLaAl UNy Ngu., lMamERalCı ABNiy oDl.o, jTikO KBAiliTmLlIe Cr .K, KoÖnSgEre Es.i, Turkey, 26 - 29 December 2016 XXII. fMreosrhpwhoaltoegr iicnavl earntdeb mraotlescular taxonomy in determination of species delimination an example for UANRSITLEACNH N20., 1M6E, R1C8A - N1 9D N.ovember 2016 XXIII. ETCHOEL AOPGPILCIACLA STTIOANT UOSFB ZAOSEODB EONNT HWIFCD INDICATORS IN AKARÇAY RIVER FOR DETERMINE ITS FAARBSLAA2N01 N6.,, 3M -E 0R5C ANNo vDe.mber 2016 XXIV. SEtcuodloygical Status Assessment Based on Zoobenthic Community Diversity The Kızılırmak Rİver Case FAARBSLAA2N01 N6.,, 3M -E 0R5C ANNo vDe.m, KbAeLr Y2O0N1C6U H., SALUR A. XXV. MTHAEC RUOSIEN OVF BMWP AND ASPT INDICES FOR EVALUATION OF WATER QUALITY ACCORDING TO FSALBUAR2 0A1.,6 A, R3 S-L 0A5N N No.v, eKmALbYerO N20C1U6 H., MERCAN D. XXVI. EACROSLLAONG NIC.,A MLE SRTCANTU DS., AKASSLEYOSSNMCUE NHT., SBAALSUERD A .on ZOOBENTHIC COMMUNITY DIVERSITY TH XXVII. TFAHBEA U2S0E16 O, 3F -B 0M5 WNoPv AemNbDe rA 2S0P1T6 INDICES FOR EVALUATION OF WATER QUALITY ACCORDING TO MSAALCURRO AI.N, AVRESRLTAENB NR.,A KTAELSY OTNHCEU E HU.,P MHERRACTAENS D A.ND TIGRIS RIVERS TURK XXVIII. CFALBITAE2L0L1A6,T 3A - L0I5M NNoOveFmAbUeNr A2 0O1F6 SOME FRESHWATER LAKES MOGAN CERNEK AND NEMRUT IN TURKEY FAARBSLAA2N01 N6.,, 3M -E 0R5C ANNo vDe.mber 2016 XXIX. eHxoawm cpalen owfe F eırvaatl uDaitcele e Bcoalsoing iTcaulr skteaytus of a river basin depend on Water Framework Directive An 3SArdL UERco Alo.,g AyR aSnLdA ENv Nol.u, KtiAonLaYrOyN BCiUo lHog., yM SEyRmCpAoNs iDum., 31 August

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