Mineral Reserves and Resources विििण 2.01 : खननज भंडाि एिं संसाधन

Mineral Reserves and Resources विििण 2.01 : खननज भंडाि एिं संसाधन

Statement 2.01 : Mineral Reserves and Resources विििण 2.01 : खननज भडं ाि एिं ससं ाधन As on 01.04.2005 As on 01.04.2010 As on 01.04.2015 S.No. Remaining Total Remaining Total Remaining Total Minerals/Metal Unit /यनू नट Reserve Reserve Reserve खननज/धातु क्र. सं. Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources रिजर्व़ रिजर्व़ रिजर्व़ शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन 1 Andalusite '000 tonnes - 18,450 18,450 - 18,450 18,450 - 28,201 28,201 ऐडं ालसु ाइट 2 Antimony एन्टटमनी Ore tonne - 10,588 10,588 - 10,588 10,588 - 10,588 10,588 अयस्क Metal tonne - 174 174 - 174 174 - 174 174 धातु 3 Apatite tonne 6,145,575 20,719,133 26,864,708 2,090,216 22,138,530 24,228,746 29,395 24,016,082 24,045,477 ऐपटाइट 4 Asbestos tonne 6,040,544 15,695,817 21,736,361 2,510,841 19,655,762 22,166,603 24,633 22,922,751 22,947,384 ऐस्बस्े टॉस 5 Ball clay tonne 32,529,793 46,761,403 79,291,196 16,777,842 66,615,662 83,393,504 49,493,621 85,249,716 134,743,337 सघु 絍य मन्ृ ‍त का 6 Barytes tonne 34,312,780 39,890,567 74,203,347 31,584,128 41,149,746 72,733,874 51,346,825 35,323,825 86,670,650 बाराइटी焼 7 Bauxite '000 tonnes 899,384 2,390,432 3,289,817 592,938 2,886,682 3,479,620 656,422 3,240,442 3,896,864 बॉ啍साइट 8 Bentonite tonne 25,060,508 505,512,898 530,573,406 25,060,508 543,306,838 568,367,346 14,585,633 568,302,781 582,888,414 बᴂटोनाइट 9 Borax tonne - 74,204 74,204 - 74,204 74,204 - 74,204 74,204 बोरे啍स 10 Calcite tonne 6,742,030 15,831,937 22,573,967 2,664,338 18,281,110 20,945,448 3,448,867 19,555,082 23,003,949 कै 쥍तसाइट 11 Chalk '000 tonnes 4,332 585 4,917 5,064 1,687 6,751 खडड या 12 China clay '000 tonnes 222,121 2,373,540 2,595,661 177,158 2,528,049 2,705,207 229,469 2,711,777 2,941,247 चीनी मम絍टी 13 Chromite '000 tonnes 66,128 146,935 213,063 53,970 149,376 203,346 102,210 241,806 344,016 क्रोमाइट 14 Cobalt (Ore) ( ) million tonnes - 45 45 - 45 45 - 45 45 कोबा쥍तट अयस्तक 15 Copper तांबा Ore '000 tonnes 369,493 1,024,934 1,394,427 394,372 1,164,086 1,558,458 207,767 1,303,730 1,511,498 अयस्तक Metal '000 tonnes 4,384 7,034 11,418 4,768 7,518 12,287 2,735 9,424 12,158 धातु 16 Corundum tonne 605 83,190 83,795 597 740,194 740,792 200 293,497 293,697 कोरंडम 17 Diamond carats 1,205,577 3,376,336 4,581,913 1,045,318 30,876,432 31,921,750 959,659 30,876,432 31,836,091 हीरा 18 Diaspore tonne 3,125,032 2,212,361 5,337,393 2,859,674 3,125,144 5,984,818 7,882,434 2,310,817 10,193,251 प्रकीर्शण 19 Diatomite '000 tonnes 634 2,251 2,885 - 2,885 2,885 - 2,885 2,885 डायटोमाइट 20 Dolomite '000 tonnes 985,156 6,547,952 7,533,108 738,185 6,992,372 7,730,557 677,884 7,737,007 8,414,891 डोलोमाइट 21 Dunite '000 tonnes 128,074 39,855 167,929 17,137 168,232 185,369 12,768 175,049 187,818 डूनाइट 22 Emerald kilogram N. E. N. E. N. E. - 55,869 55,869 पटना 23 Feldspar tonne 38,049,836 52,731,827 90,781,663 44,503,240 87,832,212 132,335,452 319,841,612 313,725,831 633,567,443 फे 쥍सपार 24 Fire clay '000 tonnes 59,301 645,462 704,763 30,104 683,415 713,519 27,037 695,791 722,829 अन्ननसह मन्ृ ‍त का Statement 2.01 : Mineral Reserves and Resources विििण 2.01 : खननज भडं ाि एिं ससं ाधन As on 01.04.2005 As on 01.04.2010 As on 01.04.2015 S.No. Remaining Total Remaining Total Remaining Total Minerals/Metal Unit /यनू नट Reserve Reserve Reserve खननज/धातु क्र. सं. Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources रिजर्व़ रिजर्व़ रिजर्व़ शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन 25 Fluorite tonne 9,213,831 10,951,838 20,165,669 4,712,316 13,501,588 18,213,904 288,684 17,893,423 18,182,107 फ्लोराइट 26 Fuller’s Earth tonne 58,200 256,593,879 256,652,079 58,200 256,593,879 256,652,079 3,941,000 257,437,959 261,378,959 फु लसण अर्ण 27 Garnet tonne 20,975,605 36,680,028 57,655,633 19,324,793 37,638,032 56,962,824 12,783,856 43,377,166 56,161,022 तामडा 28 Gold सोना Ore (Primary) ( ) tonne 19,253,951 371,035,286 390,289,237 24,124,537 469,570,375 493,694,912 17,228,174 484,611,458 501,839,632 अयस्क प्रार्ममक Metal (Primary) ( ) tonne 85 406 491 111 549 660 70 585 655 धातु प्रार्ममक Ore (Placer) ( ) tonne - 26,121,000 26,121,000 - 26,121,000 26,121,000 - 26,121,000 26,121,000 अयस्क प्लेसर Metal (Placer) ( ) tonne - 6 6 - 6 6 - 6 6 धातु प्लेसर 29 Granite (Dimen. 000 cubic meter 1,130,024 36,295,977 37,426,001 263,692 45,966,608 46,230,300 263,692 46,056,098 46,319,790 ग्रेनाइट (डायमᴂशन स्तटोन) stone) 30 Graphite tonne 10,749,908 158,025,030 168,774,939 8,031,864 166,817,781 174,849,645 7,960,793 186,925,987 194,886,779 ग्रेफाइट 31 Gypsum '000 tonnes 68,658 1,168,218 1,236,876 39,096 1,247,402 1,286,498 36,621 1,292,892 1,329,513 न्िप्सम 32 Iron Ore (Haematite) '000 tonnes ( ) 7,004,168 7,626,219 14,630,387 8,093,546 9,788,551 17,882,097 5,421,751 17,065,214 22,486,965 लौह अयस्तक हेमाटाइट 33 Iron Ore (Magnetite) '000 tonnes ( ) 58,503 10,560,978 10,619,481 21,755 10,622,305 10,644,060 52,699 10,736,455 10,789,155 लौह अयस्तक मनै नटे ाइट 34 Kyanite tonne 1,374,191 101,239,031 102,613,222 1,574,853 101,670,767 103,245,620 688,079 104,293,480 104,981,559 कायनाइट 35 Laterite '000 tonnes 24,714 446,119 470,833 124,733 581,819 706,552 लेटराइट 36 Lead-Zinc सीसा-焼स्ता Ore '000 tonnes 125,754 396,826 522,580 108,980 576,615 685,595 106,116 643,343 749,459 अयस्तक Lead Metal '000 tonnes 2,591 4,617 7,207 2,245 9,304 11,549 2,482 10,521 13,004 सीसा धातु Zinc Metal '000 tonnes 11,093 13,167 24,260 12,453 24,212 36,665 10,000 26,363 36,363 焼स्ता धातु Lead + Zinc Metal '000 tonnes - 118 118 - 118 118 - 143 143 सीसा + 焼स्ता धातु 37 Limestone '000 tonnes 12,715,317 162,629,584 175,344,901 14,926,392 170,008,720 184,935,112 16,335,753 186,888,998 203,224,752 चनू ा प‍र्र 38 Magnesite '000 tonnes 76,133 261,749 337,882 41,950 293,222 335,172 82,276 311,711 393,988 मनै नसे ाइट 39 Manganese Ore '000 tonnes 138,151 240,418 378,569 141,977 288,003 429,980 93,475 402,399 495,874 मगℂ नीि अयस्क 40 Marble '000 tonnes 4,700 1,787,938 1,792,638 276,495 1,654,968 1,931,463 4,551 1,941,341 1,945,891 माबलण 41 Marl tonne 139,976,150 11,704,870 151,681,020 123,855,856 11,704,870 135,560,726 मालण 42 Mica kilogram 68,569,843 325,285,576 393,855,419 190,741,448 341,495,531 532,236,979 114,432,777 520,869,364 635,302,141 अभ्रक 43 Molybdenum मॉलब्डने म Ore tonne 1,500,000 17,786,732 19,286,732 - 19,286,732 19,286,732 - 19,371,698 19,371,698 अयस्तक Statement 2.01 : Mineral Reserves and Resources विििण 2.01 : खननज भडं ाि एिं ससं ाधन As on 01.04.2005 As on 01.04.2010 As on 01.04.2015 S.No. Remaining Total Remaining Total Remaining Total Minerals/Metal Unit /यनू नट Reserve Reserve Reserve खननज/धातु क्र. सं. Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources रिजर्व़ रिजर्व़ रिजर्व़ शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन शषे ससं ाधन कु ल ससं ाधन Contained MoS MoS 2 tonne 1,050 11,590 12,640 - 12,640 12,640 - 12,668 12,668 2 य啍ु त 44 Nickel Ore million tonnes - 189 189 - 189 189 - 189 189 ननके ल अयस्तक 45 Ochre tonne 47,867,858 45,573,436 93,441,294 54,942,176 89,319,089 144,261,265 36,933,805 130,859,201 167,793,006 गरै रक 46 Perlite '000 tonnes 504 1,385 1,889 428 1,978 2,406 - 2,406 2,406 पलाणइट 47 Platinum gp.

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