EDILON Level Crossing Systems (LC) Solutions that edilon)(sedra bv Nijverheidsweg 23 P.O.Box 1000 T +31 / (0)23 531 95 19 [email protected] NL-2031 CN Haarlem NL-2003 RZ Haarlem F +31 / (0)23 531 07 51 www.edilonsedra.com won’t shake the world... www.edilonsedra.com EDILON LC introduction the history For over 130 years tracks for mainline rail traffi c and In EDILON LC the use of mechanical fastening systems, such as clips, anchors and urban mass rapid transit systems were based almost exclusively on track panels and cross sleepers baseplates, for both the crossing as well as the rail are made completely redundant supported on stone ballast. During the 1960’s, increasing because of EDILON Corkelast® ERS. train loads, higher speeds and the demand for more By using EDILON Corkelast® ERS, the rails are connected to the EDILON LC concrete cost effective track installation methods, resulted in the development of ballastless track or slab track systems. slab in a fl exible yet extremely durable way. Continuous elastic rail support means that horizontal and vertical forces are Since the introduction of slab track systems edilon)(sedra evolved as a specialist in this fi eld. Based on 40 years of more evenly distributed. Furthermore, the chance of rail breaks compared to experience edilon)(sedra developed specially for road–rail traditional level crossing systems based on ballast track, is signifi cantly reduced intersections a range of EDILON Level Crossing Systems, and rail corrugation is effectively eliminated. called EDILON LC. EDILON Corkelast® ERS also offers maximum electrical insulation. EDILON LC have given assurance and comfort for more than 30 years, for both rail and road traffi c. The weight and stiffness of the EDILON LC enables a good distribution GENERAL ADVANTAGES of forces, which guarantees both a durable as well as a • Proven minimal costs-of-ownership settlement free system. In addition the EDILON Corkelast® • Durable long life structure Embedded Rail System (ERS) also provides signifi cant • Proven technology resulting in a range of technical noise and vibration reduction opportunities, more and approvals more important these days in densely populated areas. • One structural monolithic unit • Continuous elastic rail support The EDILON LC range consists of the following types: • Smooth transition between rail and road • EDILON LC-H, known as the Dutch “Harmelen” • EDILON LC track elasticity matches elasticity of level crossing, installed since 1976 adjacent track • EDILON LC-1, known as the German “Stelfundo” • Excellent electrical insulation of the track level crossing, installed since 1997 • EDILON LC-L installed since 2002 COST EFFECTIVENESS • Simple and fast installation • EDILON LC service life more than 30 years • Reduction of rail wear and rail corrugation • Maintenance free Naturally edilon)(sedra is ISO 9001 certifi ed. • Low lifecycle costs (LCC) 2 3 Application areas EDILON LC types where a road meets rails EDILON LC-H EDILON LC-1 and EDILON LC-L EDILON LC is applied in all possible kinds of intersections All EDILON LC systems meet the various requirements EDILON LC-H is especially designed for continuous EDILON LC-1 and EDILON LC-L are both EDILON LC where road meets rail. There are almost no restrictions. for heavy rail and high-speed rail. EDILON LC systems welded track where the high weight of the slabs is of systems that offer an optimized slab design which still EDILON LC offers a unique solution, which combines in all meet the requirements of UIC load model 71 as speci- major importance to prevent track movement. Because meets all rail and road requirements with a slab thickness an ideal way the track ballast bed, rail fastening and the fi ed in UIC code 702. The extremely durable longwearing of the thickness of the EDILON LC-H concrete slabs, the of 400 mm. paved road into one structural monolithic unit. surface meets the highest road load class standard of structural stiffness is high, which allows application in The installation of EDILON LC-L and EDILON LC-1 is By combining EDILON LC concrete slabs, level crossings load class 60. Certain EDILON LC systems are applicable areas with a subsoil with low foundation coeffi cient, ks = carried out with a “bottom-up” approach were the slabs from 6 to 50 meters length can be installed in a period in heavy loaded level crossings with train axle loads 20 MN/m³, which is equivalent to a subsoil modulus, Ev2 are placed on a smooth and levelled split bed with the of 8 hours, including the removal of the old crossing as up to 37 tons and heavy traffi c axle loads up to 90 tons = 35 MN/m². appropriate subsoil foundation stiffness. Application of well! The top surface of EDILON LC slabs can be prepared in The installation of EDILON LC-H is done with a “top-down” these slabs is possible in subsoil areas with a foundation Quality and installation speed are both very important. such a way that high skid resistance values (SRV) can be approach: the slabs are levelled at the proper Top of Rail coeffi cient, ks = 70 MN/m³, which is equivalent to a subsoil Depending on the condition of the subsoil and the obtained. SRV of more than 45 up to 70, are possible with position by using hydraulic jacks and an injection grout modulus, Ev2 = 120 MN/m². function of the level crossing in e.g. continuous welded special concrete mixtures of the top surface. is used to fi x the correct slab position. In this way the track a choice can be made between EDILON LC-H and forces of the slab are evenly distributed over the supporting Protection and strengthening of the rail channels is also EDILON LC-L or EDILON LC-1. subsoil. The rail channels are protected and strengthened possible. Depending on the channel design all vignole by strong steel edge profi les. and grooved rails are accommodated. The fi elds of application of EDILON LC • main roads with high density of traffi c Embedded Rail Characteristics • industrial areas with intensive heavy traffi c • rural routes All EDILON LC systems include the EDILON Corkelast® • in city track Embedded Rail System (ERS) and offer the following ERS • crossing with angles up to 0-180° characteristics: • S-shaped roads and horizontal turn movements • Continuous rail support • Track stiffness tunable following for instance UIC LM71 • Excellent electrical insulation • Top-down rail alignment and levelling 4 5 EDILON LC-H – type “Harmelen” Features edilon)(sedra obtained its Dutch product approval for EDILON LC-H concrete level crossing slabs type “Harmelen” in Approvals September 2007 but the principle of the heavy EDILON LC-H system was developed already in 1974 in close co-operation • Used in heavily loaded road-rail combinations ProRail Netherlands with Netherlands Railways NS. • Standard asphalt road approach Infrabel Belgium Since 1976, more than 1250 level crossings of this type have been installed. • Suitable for roads crossing at angles up to and even exceeding 45 degrees SNCF France • Suitable for curved track sections with super elevation The EDILON LC-H level crossing is available in two standard slab lengths. MAV Hungary • Intensive heavy road traffi c will not move nor damage Ontario Northland Canada Concrete Slab length Slab width Slab height Weight Radius Vmax EDILON LC-H slab type [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [m] [km/h] • Standard level crossing drainage solutions RENFE / ADIF Spain LC-H6 6.000 2.300 580 20.000 1000 200 REFER EP Portugal Slab characteristics LC-H9 9.000 2.300 580 30.000 1500 200 • Minimal slab settlement and optimal distribution of forces Depending on track curvature and rail type the EDILON LC-H slabs can be tapered or wider channels or curved channels can • Maintenance free be applied. • Ability to connect slabs to form longer crossings • Road surface is extremely durable (special dressings and treatments) EDILON LC-H track curvature slab range • Edges and channels protected with strong steel LC-H6 LC-H9 profi les • Rails fastened securely using EDILON Corkelast® Standard slab type R ≥ 1000m R ≥ 1500m ERS Tapered slab with straight channels 225m ≤ R ≤ 1000m 500m ≤ R ≤ 1500m • Reduced rail corrugation Tapered slab with curved channels R < 225m R < 500m • Optimized reinforcement design with C45/55 concrete • Seamless connection to the road surface • Rapid installation method maximizes the track EDILON LC-H system characteristics availability • Maximum train speed V 200 km/h • Motorbike, bicycle and wheelchair friendly • Rail traffi c load classes - 150, 250 and 270 kN • Road traffi c load class - Load class 60 • Maximum superelevation/track cant D 75 mm • Maximum cant defi ciency I 40 mm • Maximum cant excess E 40 mm • Rail inclination - 0 or 1:40 or 1:20 or as required • High skid resistance value SRV 70 (typical) • Stray current insulation and electrical insulation in compliance with EN 13146-5 / EN 50122-2 requirements 6 Prefab Embedded - Harmelen LC 7 EDILON LC-1 – type “Stelfundo” edilon)(sedra obtained its approval for EDILON LC-1 concrete level crossing slabs type EDILON LC-1 system characteristics “Stelfundo” from the German Federal Bureau of Railways already in September 2003. • Maximum train speed V 160 km/h EDILON LC-1 is a logical addition to EDILON LC-H. Developed in the mid 1980’s, these crossings have also enjoyed worldwide acceptance. Although of lower weight, the reinforcement, • Rail traffi c load classes - 150, 250 and 270 kN surface treatments and various colours make the slabs also suitable for a wide range of applications. • Road traffi c load class - Load class 60 • Rail inclination - 0 or 1:40 or 1:20 • High skid resistance value SRV 45 (typical) EDILON LC-1 slabs are installed on a layer of well compacted levelled grit.
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