AIRAC AIP SUPPLEMENT INDIA TEL: 91-11-24632950 AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICE 203/2020 Extn: 2219/2233 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA AFS: VIDDYXAX RAJIV GANDHI BHAVAN FAX: 91-11-24615508 SAFDARJUNG AIRPORT Email: [email protected] 19 NOV 2020 NEW DELHI – 110003 File No. AAI/ATM/AIS/09-09/2020 Following supplement is issued for information, guidance and necessary action. sd/- हﴂ द सﴂ अरव ARVIND SINGH अ鵍यक्ष/CHAIRMAN भारतीय व मानपत्तन प्राधिकरण AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA [EFFECTIVE DATE: 31 DEC 2020] AERODROME DATA CHENNAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (VOMM) VOMM AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Aerodrome elevation and reference 3 54 FT / 38.0 DEG C temperature 7 Remarks Elevation in EGM08. Amend VOMM AD 2.2 e-AIP India accordingly. VOMM AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS/POSITIONS DATA Designation, surface and strength 1 Refer Parking and Docking Charts of aprons Designation, width, surface and 2 strength of taxiways Refer Parking and Docking Charts TWY F: 125908.07N 0800934.97E/ELEV 41 FT TWY J: 125940.00N 0801100.00E/ELEV 50 FT 4 Location of VOR checkpoints TWY K: 125902.09N 0800919.48E/ELEV42 FT TWY N: 130022.00N 0800920.92E/ELEV41 FT Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 203/2020 Page 1 of 44 6 Remarks 1. Coordinates of RWY Holding Position RWY Coordinates Elevation Holding (FT) Position (EGM08) 125938.17N I 47 0801044.47E 125942.31N II 50 0801055.49E 125942.57N III 46 0801044.45E 125931.99N TWY C 43 0801036.49E 125925.70N TWY D 43 0801019.78E 125908.10N TWY F 41 0800934.85E 125940.072N TWY J 50 0801100.07E 125902.12N TWY K 42 0800919.38E 125954.28N TWY L1 36 0801028.21E 125958.98N TWY L3 35 0801019.13E 125913.20N TWY M 43 0800947.57E 130022.09N TWY N 41 0800920.97E 125922.56N TWY P 42 0800952.13E 130004.13N TWY P1 44 0800954.37E 125932.31N TWY Q 42 0801018.89E 125950.88N TWY Q1 38 0801019.83E 125946.23N TWY T 42 0801044.23E 125944.56N TWY T1 48 0801051.51E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 203/2020 Page 2 of 44 2. Coordinates of RWY & Taxi Intersection TWY Coordinates Elevation (FT) 125934.77N C 44 0801035.40E 125928.50N D & Q 44 0801018.69E 125909.56N F 43 0800928.22E 125944.98N J 54 0801102.59E 125903.84N K 43 0800913.00E 125951.64N L1 38 0801026.80E 125956.31N L3 38 0801017.70E 125918.45N M & P 43 0800951.92E 125955.12N Q1 38 0801020.04E 125942.62N T 46 0801044.35E 130024.72N N 41 0800922.41E 130018.71N N1 43 0800934.11E 130008.19N P1 43 0800954.60E All elevations in EGM08. Amend VOMM AD 2.8 eAIP India accordingly. VOMM AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE & CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Use of aircraft stand Taxiing guidance signs at all intersections with identification signs, taxiway taxiway and runway and at all holding positions. guidelines and visual docking / Guidelines on Apron: 1 parking system at Aircraft Nose–in-guidance at parking stands (AVDGS/ stands Camera type) stand No.19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 & 36. Runway guard lights have been provided at the 4 Remarks function of runway and taxiway intersections (RHP) Amend VOMM AD 2.9 eAIP India accordingly. Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 203/2020 Page 3 of 44 VOMM AD 2.10 AERODORME OBSTACLES Elevation RWY/Area Obstacle Marking/ Coordinates (FT) Remarks affected type LGT (EGM08) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mobile Road Traffic APCH 07 125855.62N Other 56 FT - (Road Elev.+ Traffic TKOF 25 0800906.12E Height 12.2 + 5m) APCH 07 125903.17N Pole 63 FT - Electric Pole TKOF 25 0800859.84E APCH 07 125904.14N Pole 63 FT - Electric Pole TKOF 25 0800859.62E APCH 07 125855.11N Tree 77 FT - Tree TKOF 25 0800854.49E APCH 07 125903.01N Building 81 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800855.60E APCH 07 125903.35N Building 80 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800855.92E APCH 07 125902.97N Building 75 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800854.80E APCH 07 125902.67N Building 76 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800855.06E APCH 07 125903.19N Building 78 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800853.54E APCH 07 125903.49N Building 77 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800853.59E APCH 07 125903.44N Building 85 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800852.88E APCH 07 125901.98N Building 79 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800850.09E APCH 07 125859.12N Building 83 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800848.54E APCH 07 125858.49N Tree 84 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800848.47E APCH 07 125857.92N Tree 88 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800847.30E APCH 07 125858.78N Tree 91 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800847.11E APCH 07 125859.31N Tree 99 FT - Tree TKOF 25 0800842.61E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 203/2020 Page 4 of 44 APCH 07 125848.40N Tree 107 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800841.70E APCH 07 125900.20N Tree 104 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800838.74E APCH 07 125842.07N Tree 152 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800837.99E APCH 07 125858.73N Tree 110 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800833.67E Tree On APCH 07 125808.46N Natural 226 FT - Tree on Hill Top TKOF 25 0800727.25E Highpoint APCH 07 125814.44N Mast 219 FT LGT Cell Phone Mast TKOF 25 0800743.03E APCH 07 125900.30N Lightning Arrestor on Nav Aid 55 FT LGT TKOF 25 0800903.38E LOC Antenna APCH 07 125904.23N Building 69 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800901.64E Lightning Arrestor on APCH 07 125857.85N Building 61 FT LGT LOC Building TKOF 25 0800904.34E (Building Top-18.5) APCH 07 125857.99N Antenna 61 FT - Antenna TKOF 25 0800904.50E APCH 07 125902.59N Building 90 FT - Ladder on Building TKOF 25 0800854.89E APCH 07 125859.06N Building 84 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800847.84E APCH 07 125900.86N Building 78 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800850.39E APCH 07 125901.40N Building 86 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800847.56E APCH 07 125902.40N Building 79 FT - Building U/C TKOF 25 0800851.47E APCH 07 125902.33N Building 80 FT - Building U/C TKOF 25 0800852.44E APCH 07 125903.29N Building 85 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800852.89E APCH 07 125904.32N Building 72 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800900.62E APCH 07 125903.88N Building 63 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800859.97E APCH 07 125903.42N Building 63 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800900.04E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 203/2020 Page 5 of 44 APCH 07 125902.79N Building 64 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800857.27E APCH 07 125848.08N Building 94 FT - Building TKOF 25 0800849.63E APCH 07 Tank On 125850.43N Sintex Tank on 98 FT - TKOF 25 Building 0800844.83E Building Top APCH 07 Tank On 125849.60N Sintex Tank on 89 FT - TKOF 25 Building 0800849.05E Building Top APCH 07 125846.22N Tree 97 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800848.01E APCH 07 125848.10N Tree 106 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800844.15E APCH 07 125847.77N Tree 101 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800848.41E APCH 07 125851.89N Tree 78 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800854.65E APCH 07 125855.51N Mast 88 FT LGT Cell Phone Mast TKOF 25 0800847.09E APCH 07 Tank on 125857.45N Sintex Tank on 89 FT - TKOF 25 Building 0800845.87E Building Top APCH 07 125856.08N Tree 91 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800846.06E APCH 07 125856.89N Tree 96 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800845.86E APCH 07 125859.65N Tree 103 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 25 0800842.51E APCH 07 125838.49N Mast 158 FT LGT Cell Phone Mast TKOF 25 0800828.44E APCH 07 125838.42N Mast 168 FT LGT Cell Phone Mast TKOF 25 0800814.01E APCH 07 125850.88N Mast 179 FT LGT Cell Phone Mast TKOF 25 0800809.33E APCH 07 125905.49N Airport Boundary Wall Fence 52 FT - TKOF 25 0800902.44E with Fencing on Top Mobile Road Traffic APCH 07 125905.56N Other 67 FT - (Road Elev . + Traffic TKOF 25 0800902.74E Height 15.3 + 5m) APCH 25 125954.55N Pole 84 FT - Light Post TKOF 07 0801114.30E Mobile Metro Traffic APCH 25 125947.25N Other 90 FT - (Bridge Elev .+ Traffic TKOF 07 0801122.15E Height 19.7 + 7.6m) Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 203/2020 Page 6 of 44 APCH 25 125947.63N Other 96 FT - Hoarding TKOF 07 0801125.25E APCH 25 125954.85N Tree 107 FT - Tree TKOF 07 0801130.39E APCH 25 130000.89N Other 106 FT LGT Flood Light Mast TKOF 07 0801127.48E APCH 25 130001.44N Tree 109 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 07 0801126.46E APCH 25 130002.28N Tree 114 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 07 0801127.55E APCH 25 130001.50N Tree 106 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 07 0801127.75E APCH 25 130000.42N Tree 120 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 07 0801129.66E APCH 25 125959.97N Tree 117 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 07 0801129.88E APCH 25 125956.95N Tree 110 FT - Group of Trees TKOF 07 0801130.10E APCH 25 125957.55N Tree 125 FT - Tree TKOF 07 0801130.95E APCH 25 125958.06N Tree 120 FT - Group of Tree TKOF 07 0801131.39E Mobile Metro Traffic APCH 25 125957.60N Other 133 FT - (Bridge Elev.
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