Sulprizio accepts student body reins student and meet his economic spring's· student body president hy M.I,. HARRISON demands. election. As it was, Farrell was SB When he announced to Dean president" because the elected SB Villl'C farrcll announced this Becker 'and Fran CulJen that he president had decided not to '''l'l'k that due to pressing obliga­ ~ ould qe-·(esigning, the question attend Columbia and Farrell had tions he would no longer be able .of who· would rep lace him ,came­ beeri the second runner up. Now to maintain the office of CJC's up. After much thought, it was due. to Farrell's resignation, the Student Body President. His decided that the most practical .third runner up Susan Sulprizio, resignation is due to the fact that way to replace him, would be to will . assume the duties of SB he cannot remain a full time select the next runner up of last president. THB tH)LlJMBIA .1v•1ea :eeu.B•• .CUNTAIN IMES Feb. 2, 1977 Columbia, California Vol. VIB, No. 8 range of students taking her art Alice Hauser: cou_rses, she said, "the students ranged from dropped out profes­ ·sional urban artists with tremen-. Artist and humanist dous experience to beginning put it out to the world. She also Columbia Junior College has artists. The students are open, hopes to help demystify art and to several new instructors on camp­ enthusiastic, talented, hard work­ create a supportive environment us this year. One such instructor ing, imaginativ«e, supportive and where students can express what­ is Alice Hauser. Ms. Hauser's mellow. " ever they ·want to express. specialty is art and she holds an When I asked her how she When asked what are the M.A . from U.C. Berkeley. felt about Columbia, .,she smilea Ms. Hauser came to Colum­ broadly and said, "Columbia is Susan Sulprizi~, new student body president bia after she decided to live and marvelous. I think that Columbia teach in the country, She had has the potential to be an art heard of a small college in the center. There is .a tremendous foothills that was looking for an amount of psychic energy here Deadline nears art instructor and she decided to and 1 hope in way own way to ~e ! try for the position. She was catalyst for that energy in accepted and came to Columbia artistic way. I feel that Columbia for March election ·on Sept. 1st. When asked, "what is the best kept secret in the, her desires for teaching at a ·small world". SONORA - Those who wish Warren Schultz who is running college in the country were?" she I also asked her how she to vote ip the March elections are for reelection. said, "I wanted to teach at a ,views art apd life. She responded reminded that Feb .. 7 is _the Running· for seats on the school where a humanist attitude ·with, "I can't really separ~te the deadline for registration. All board are: Richard Call. Chris towards the individual is more two.'My paintings come from my those who voted in the November Gookin, Sandy Brundgess. David important than the current style of daily life and they express my election retain their registration Wynne, Michael White, David art." Columbia proved to be the inner self. I feel that the closer unless they have changed their Slicton, Marcella Maguire and small college-she was looking for. one comes to expressing who they address. ' Darryl Pief. She expressed that she hopes are, then the more universal the However, the county clerk' s The election will be held on to open students to their own communication _will be. I think office would like each voter to March 8, polls open at 7 AM and · specific a~istic expression; to that every artist expresses a • register on the new post card close at 8 PM. There will be 25 tune in to their inner self and to connection between theirselves forms for the sake of uniformity. precincts polling for tbis election, Alice Hamer Art lnatractor and their world in their art. 'i KQA Campground including Shawsflat. Columbia Coed dies The upcoming elections have Elementary, Columbia Junior col­ A 20-year-old Colum­ a special 1nterest to voters lege, Rawhide and Pinecrest. bia Junior college coed, Columbia J.C. 's effect because the Harold Clement's Candidate night Amy Jane Sanders, died of KOA campground proposal is on The Columbia Auxiliary of a heart attack Wednesday the ballot. The'r.eferendum would Parents and Staff have set Feb. 10 morning while skiing with on T.u.olumne county deny Clement the right to con­ as Candidates Night at Columbia friends. BY Jaak Wassmuth struct a campground and trailer Elementary school. AU of the Her companions, Mike park next to Sierra Village. board of trustee· .candidates ha~e Fitzpatrick and Kim Maur­ Student generated money Board of Trustees promised to be on · hand for a er, tried unsuccessfully to I will slrow only one phase of the money that comes into this Columbia Union School Dis­ question and answer sessi8n with revive her.· · community through OC in this article. I :am saving the be~. or trict members will be electing parents and interested members A first-quarter student most. for la-st which is plaries. of the employees o.f the school, three members to their board of of the community. Each candidate at the college, Sanders was from the a-dministration to maintenance. This article. the second trustees. The three seats were wm present a short introduction living in Dorrington and in a series. is only eoneemed with the money th~ stude~ts ·get held by Ray Turnes and Grant and then questions will be carrying 12 units. She was a t.hrol! gh ,federal funds. , - Kern, who are leaving office and accepted from the ·floor. The graduate of Rancho Ala­ · The information I have includes all the money students get not running for reelection and meeting begins at 7:30 PM. mitos High school ip Gar­ through the federal governn:ient such as loans with deferred den Grove and had previc payme.nts or payments that start -after a student has completei;I ously attended the Univer­ schoot vereran.s· grants. the B_asic Educational Opponunity s·ity of California at San grants and an yother moneys that come to students. , 1 Dam on the brink? Diego and Orange Coast Without the addition of the money th·at comes into this f Recent findings by seismolo­ Panicularly damaging to the college: cou.my for veterans, stui;Ients receive .. $208.297 a year which i.s gists have cast a shadow on- the dam's prospec;ts is the suspicion spent in this co.unty. A conservative estimate of the added New Melones Dam project. These that the construc.tion of the State begins income fr9m v1eteran~ grants brings this figure ro well over findings indicate that earth­ Oroville dam caused an earth­ $300,000. quakes have occurred near -26 quake which measured 6.1 on the new CCC This ronservative estim~te shows the amounts ·of money sJknt in this county by smdents livtng he~. This is not percent oLal1 dams :worldwide Ridner scale in 1975 on a long­ The State of Ca_lifornia. has figure representative of the amounts of money that ~ome lO students , which measu.re between 150 and inacti,·e fault. set up a new program to combat 250 meter.s' hi.gh. The Melones project is very unemployment in the 18-20 age here through sta~e scholarships. It does not i.ndude the money that comes fr.om parents. similar to the one in Oroville. both bracket. It's called the California Th~ New Melones would in size and in conformation of Conservation. Corps, (CCC) and The college not only is a place for the people to learn, it is measure'.~90 meters. , terrain. Con't on page 5 · also a source of money. producer of jobs and a cultural center. Page 2 ·1111-: MOllNTAIN TIMES Feb. 2. 1977 The "acts" were monoton­ JOHN: "No. He had basic ·ous and drawn out as though the ·patches set up, but he ·didn't do Speaker stresses Review: big moment was coming, but it anything with them. The laser by Scott RIiey never did. The man seemed aloof -light show was an artificial and uninterested in his own show. creation of sound waves, and not In order to gain an insight actually related to the sounds. I honesty, patience Three weeki; ago, oil Satur- into the show and hopefully expected more polyphony ·from dav . .Ian. IS. the college and the discover what I had missed, I CJC - Bruno Bcttclhcim, Bt·ttclhl'im stn·sst•d IJH' several synthesizers, rather than m;11111unity were taken for an obtained · a brief interview with one." world-renowned authority on c..·hild's need for support from the. $I ISO dcdronic force by Ron John Cellucci, cli icf audio tcch-ni­ ·1 he purpose or tms anicte as child rearing and child psycholo­ parent during such lTIJ>CS 11-:. l'dkgrino. He prescnkd a show cian and instructor of electronic not · so much to evaluate the gy. gave a brief talk here last nightmares. [lad grades ar~d th.it w,1s boring, unimaginitive, synthesizer at Columbia Junior Pellegrino concert, but to stimu­ Tuesday night. Fcj~ction by his playmates. Chrl, and insulting to the spectacular c;,llege. _ A capacity audience at the late an awareness in our commun­ drL'n aTC very ~,11.lrl. Ii!-' r~pcntcd world of det'lronic music.
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