CHICAGO daily press and tribune. 1859. NUMBER 194. VOLUME XII. CHICAGO, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, Chicago.—We Report City Arrival of the Overland Hall* Re- Tub IraLzas Oraaa ur wish to of Treasurer.. Hi «j Hrrrf Fays tbat" two or three CITY. Sr. Louis, Feb. 13—TheNew Mexican mail j £3~ Mayor Aldtrmen City Of Chi- = THE callthe attention of ourreaders to the adver- TcTo th* and of tJu TELEGRAPH, j < TKIBUNE. publican" voii-d with the majority" on tie cago, in Common Council auantfoi: BY with dates to the23dnit,reaches Independence I PRESS AND of ti"tisemeatof Strskosch'f Italian Opera Company, . to-nightto- ETBOTOLITAN' HALL. "Willi er The Republican Club the Tenth Wsrd please annua I jyj question of theu'lnmwou of Oregon. in our Amusement column. This companywill Gssn.su**—Herewith fled my TheCalifornia mail from Stoekton, was over- I M HOBSUro, will meet at Hoch's Hotel, corner of Blue Island Tew 1653. A. EiiV*r. ) -J TUESDAY ththat priut Iving easier tbon tellinjj the > even- Report for the TO THS PBES9 AND TBIBV5& dueda at SantaFe. The contractors were uneasy, and Brilliant Success I« svenoe street, this (Tuesday) opopen at McYicker s Thestre next Monday ftßcldeo, Treasurer .1713 53 GJoriois Triunpb who aod Eleventh Balance from 0. 1857-8... ni asS3 the mail party has to ran the gauntlet of the I A Final Word- *truth. Tbere were fifteen Republicans evening iing,Q and play for ten nights, producinga differ- idty Co Is dor S4SJ>3flfl ffl - MohaveMe villages, containing about eight thon- ossArniT OF at o'clock P. M. i • I r Oregon, or 7K J licenses... 6C«ior XKXTUit COSGRE3S—SECOSI) SESSION. was We shall not bandy words with the editor of v<voted for the admission of fivs All Republicansare invited to attend. Good ent operaon each evening. SireetTaxgu elector SLD. 3-?Ii2? aand Indians. The weather fine and the I FITHEH KEMP'S many as tbc Ttmis states. Had tliey Tbe opening opera in this city be Lucia Bp«i|l do, do 3 IS? il roads good. I of tbe Journal relative to the Leavitt claim, ti:times us speakers sddress themeetiogin both Eng- will Etreet Tax Collector W. D. 2.130 W Washixctok, 14th.—Sekatb—The Senate met < Hast BrlHlntUgit will N.D . St. Louis, Feb. 14.~The Overland California that actfed free from r< the bill it wouldbave been de* Schclsb, de Lammermoor, which Mad. Cora de Will- Do. do. at 11 o'clock Messrs. Seward and Peaeeo- I U&ving shown when be voted against lishjy and German. Max Bec'y. in Market Cl'rk S D..1 ,J®«- *S A-11. mail with dates to tbe 21st ult, has arrived. | Yet Intnl. OLD FOLKS CONCERT TROUPE, " - from tbe " « - Lucia; D. L7TSM respectively presented memorial any decidedly of opinion by majority. Timet for- hohorst appears in her great characterof Do.i do. W. delden are no throngh passengers, no news selfish bias, be was fe:feaied nineteen Tbe N. »«!« respecting the There and I C93 are glad to learn Da. do. rhclrieaof New Toric and Por-Und | x To a HaadXasn. ought € lull GeararriKO Result.—We Henryg, Squires, the eminent young tenor, in the I.G. Hooke.. IW7OTO £ ofOl interest three 3 7 that the claim to be allowed, aod that his ggets to »>tate tbe other iact that nineteen CierkPellceCoart. WCworking of the Reciprocity Treaty. Referred. J'GALLON taraloc on Friday evening for tbe Cemetery «6» r TheSan Franciscopapersof the 21st nit, are boon each day. laata _ candidacy for adrais- that tbe Festival last partpa of Edgardo; Siguo'rAmodio, thegreat bar- <.12145 Messrs. Ltne and Smith, Senators frcm Oieffoo, . ' I c ttESTLKMIfIf VOCALISTS, opposition to it« payment aod his blooded Democrats voted against the Wb*rto* Interest aedestitute of news. • THAKS MONrfi&jtlV- LADIESIA ASD benefit of the Cbnreb of the Ascension,yielded as Lord Siguor Nicola aa Ray- Dock>o Leases- W*yrttt sworn ia and took their seats. j j tog»lL,hte*a*lto efiat tbe born—we can very ( itone, Ashton; ••• Code had been libelled with ibeir TrustCbebip were twin aiotifij of Oregon into the Union. And there is Fire Dn>ar ment V2S& X Banter presented the credentials of Mr. The steamer Sam ( Caudles. When tbe Tofether themunificent sum ofSI,OOO, or thereabout. The parte performed by Pity Comptroller's sundries 12J80 51 • Mr. again $150,000. Lamp eafely leave him to theunreatraioed exercise of by mond. second will be oti 6i3 Toombs, elected ior another term from for j ttlnua- 03sOXIAIVD OHOBSSTHA, another fact: The bill passed tbe Senate and chorna and Pee*. 08 To who is The Los Angelos Star of tbe SSd says Col. are prompted by hispeculiar membersmi of. the company, tbe Personal Redemption. B.SJ J* Georgia. of appear the desires which voting for —The Circuit Court met yet- Gt ... AH whom clad !n 36 ayes to 16 noe» \ 11 Republicans CircuitCouet. Gecera) Expense 201E2 th* business, Hoffman'strJ escort of dragoons under Lieutenant ir an for tbe orchestra from.tbe Academy of Music In Iftw ui - After transaction of various other I Xt Satkt SatU. position. ia appbeant morning adjourned Health Depa-tmeot. is , Chapman been by That he Had the 11 Bepub* terdsytei and until Wednes- U the floor to express his views oa y had attacked the Mohave In- I Costumes of 100 Tears and 6 against York will of cobree add greatly to tbe perform- PoUcePo Decaxtoient ,47 MlMr. Honter took crossing the I prsGALL'S- 4?°* Trusteeship he doea not pretend to deny; but eome in Lake ........ diansdis near Beals's of Colorado, OIL at voted Ho, the bill would bave dtday, owing to unfinished business Satdries ..I®® tbithe tariff. SVEJEIQ. AT 9 O'CIOOX. more for his si* lican Senators . anance. Thesale of tickets for the whole seaaon Citycu Redeiantion. 11.074 u the present and the latter beaten off with the losa ot ten IHIB we would have much respect co iuj* » Mr. Banter beganby sayto? that 1 two Soit appears county. on one side, killed. The Mohaves have nnited with tbe u-Z- " " give their Second on we do, hadhe omittedall been defeated by majority. will commence at the Tremont House on Thnrs- Schoolg£] Department 7 00 issneiss is between taxation the Tho11,0 Old Folks will leuce thispoint than 8,091 Pinota* " and other tribes, and declare that no A 8A L E ont that Oregon owes at 0 on Bridevt4l Fees ree'dfrom Keeper, Si ooand moderate expenditure on the other. His per- I SSIGX££'S lriog purlins of the when the truth comes gy The fifth of the series of hops U the daday morning, o'clocV; and Friday, seats Impruvemeat....... 10000 military established in their coon- J\ arsicu.lE-rrioj. reference to "around the North Branch ®o'aonal connection with the Tariffof 1857 induced post shall be hoseHO cikcle ob 11 her admission into tbe Union to Republican jj| on Wednesday evening cacan bebought for tbe first, second and third Harbor Master. WOO try, but that the wbiten&ay pass through. Ot a Large Stock ot capitol" and feasting upon the drippings ot Briggs Honw comes ofi Paving Bandolph 5treet............ 6 00 himhii toreview the circumstances under which it j 25 » SanFrancisco. ADBXISSXOS CEST3. time vc as without them she would not have TtThe series thus far have been among tbe most nijnighta. Price for reserved seats $1.50. Ad- . 11.gg.466 reme into operation,and the principles on wbicb Col. HoSmannhadrttnrnedto ] unclean legislation." It is not the first votes, Coim-By fi 00 amount of City Orders daring • Secretary LieutenantLie Chapman was en route forFort St of season, mimission$1; tier 50 cents. <tit, was established. Guthrie had found- SHOES 10th, at a cue spoiled br proving too bebeen admitted notwithstanding that nearly brilliantbr andrecherche assemblies the upper monthsas follows: opinion expendi- Jol FIBFIRST QUALITY BOOTS 4 VrZDIISDtTi Feb. 3 O'clock. that has been ■ Ma-xhMi 21 ed his estimates on the that the to say what the twtwo thirds ol each branch of Congress Is April 80 . tnitures" for tbe preceding year, exclusive or pay- much. Without pretending Pittsburgh, > Swrcr. Saxxr Vausvtaa.—Yesterday, and to SMSJlttft -A.T WISWALL'S, GflJ.rß .V.ITI.YEE " Quick Tims.—The Fort Wayne Mayßt 49.045 IS *\i public neverrequired more Adjournment Legislature. -" «] things ments of tbe debt, had Ac of the Kansas feasting upon, or these the Times 33 .. editor of the Journal is "Democratic." All week ssnt freight continuecoi the preaeot week, occurred.the carni- JuJane »-,77««a 1 was re- 133 Lake Street 133 I *o*jO Jt LADIES. 30H00L3, AND CHILDBIX 41 and Chicago ggUppad, last July 31 60,0746* \1 thanttw $48,000,000. The tariff therefore Sr.j. Louis, Feb. 14.—The * pointing out the precise place where be lies," coconveniently forgot to mention. At I eeopare quail (on Ihlj ©ccialon) dine. this city tofrew York in theshort space of valva of young lovers, and as it has become of late Au*ust3l 7«36i S7 4 dadoced by the consent of all sections. Unfortun* onFriday. Among the 1R acta was The Stock wl'l favorably tu extent and I VM Chlldrea coe " from adjourned at Springfield, and that * Stptrmber 11....... 27,*33 24 ">« or operation,it encoun- I trwlthaajeverafferedlntUsdtr.aAdextraeftrtawlll we do know tbat heis time yeyears, the great festival of writers. The Septembers) ately, in the first year its theJjrJ of the General Amnesty Bill, grant* tywltl I c'2s (Lr days. We believe this is the quickest letter, euTWU 2 r" in passage he during the greaterpart ot tbe Octoocr* 21.84*64 h teitered thegreat financial depression; but this .
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