A^VBlbU^DAILX COUJDLATIOM . ^ ttoMi «f aiAKh. UM " 5,444 Member of tlM Audit Bnreun of Otrooluttea*. VOL.Lin^Nt 170. (CSaaeifled Adveciletuf <w Page IX.). MANCHESTER, CONN., THIHISDAY, APRIL !•, 1984. (FOURTSEN PAGES) A 104-Mile-An-Hour Train—And Ten Men PRICES OF GOLD ROBBERY AS MOTIVE Pull It! ^ SHARES DROP ON IN NORWALK MURDER TORONTO MART BY LATEST JAP NOTE Imprint of Woman’s Shoe THREE SUSPEaED Wild Bnrst of Selling Fol­ Fonnd Near Where Body IN HI-JACK-CASE lows Annonneement That Dillinger Gangsters Was Discovered; Toxicol­ 10 Per Cent Tax W ill Be Threaten Gov, White ogist’s Report Not Ready. Woman and Two Men Are Placed on Output — Washington Thinks m Held in Connection With Columbus, O., April 19.— (A P)— ^ Governor White said he was not Norwalk, April 19.— (A P )— State A threat on the life of Governor Edsumied by the threat I Btm Toronto, April 19— (AP) — Gold have a few months to before Toxicologist H. T. Leavenworth of George White apparently emanat­ Message May Hake F ^ share prices broke wide open at the July 18.” Bridg-eport and Dr. WUliam H. Me* the $25,000 Theft. ing from Dillinger gangsters Is un­ opening of the Toronto Mining E x ­ ’The governor's name and address Mahon, local medical examiner, der investigation of postal authori­ was crudely printed on the envelope change today as a result of the new Eastern ProUen Mor^ went Into' a conference at noon In ties, the governor i^vesded today. but the latter, written in longhand, New Haven, April 19.— (A P)—^A 10 per cent gold tax armounced in the Norwalk hospital, discussing the ’The threat was made in a letter was evidently disguised. Governor woman and two men were arrested the Ottawa Dominion budget yes­ mailed in Chicago and signed by White said. Complicated — U. S. An^ toxicologist’s reports on the viscera in connection with 225,000 Adley terday. “friends" of Hanry Plerpont and Governor White said there would of Arthur Todd, drowned mysteri­ Dome dropped $8.60 to $80 on Charles Makley, DilUnget, gangsters be no Increase of the guard at the ously at Bell Island last week. Express Company hijacking and openirrg sales; HolUnger dropped nnder sentence of death in the elec­ executive mansion at this time. The planes Inyohed in Con­ The contents of Todd’s stomach their cases were continued today- $2.10 to $16; Lake shore $5 to $48; tric pbalr for riaylng Sheriff Jeff guard was posted several weeks were given to the toxicologist by for a week when they were arraign­ McIntyre $3 to $45.50; Teckhugbes Barber at Lima. ago by Adjutant GeneriU Frank D. the states attorney’s office after an troversy. ed before Judge Raymond J. Devlin 1.20 to 6.40; and Wright, Hargraves, Governor White disclosed the let­ Henderson, when the Dillinger autopsy had been performed by Dr. In City Court. 70 cents to $8.90. ter said that if be did not pardon gangsters were removed from the McMahon. Leavenworth has not yet Bralome and Pioneer, two Brit­ They described themselves to po- “Harry and Charley” before the ex­ Lima Jail to the Ohio penitentiary. said whether or not poison or drugs ish Columbia gold leaders, fell about London, April 19.— (A P ) — The Uce as Miss Ruth Brown, 85, alias ecution date, July IS, be would not PierpontyUd Makley are to be were found. $1 each. British government today received Patty MiUer and Patty Lumbusto, Uve out his term In office. electrocuted for slaying the sheriff Following the conference at the Anthony Solimlno, 24, and Matbew Dome soon recovered to $36. ‘1 turned the letter over to Post- when they raided the Allen county Em informative cable from its om> hospital. Dr. McMahon said today Sullivan, 27. All reside in N ew The indusmal section of the Tor­ moister Nate McCoy of Columbus Jail and Uberated John Dillinger; bsmsador to Tokyo concerning /that he would turn the final report Haven. onto Stock Exchange was steady. and be submitted it to postal in­ their chieftain, who was held eis a Japan’s wEumlng to other countries over to ^roner John J. Phelan. Big Bosh to Sell spectors,” the governor said. robbery suspect on Oct. 12. agEiinst projects for the assistance A t the conclusion of the confer­ Judge Devlin set bonds for the men at 110,000 each and for the MilUons of doUars were quickly The letter was received a week RusaeU C lu k , also a member of of Chlneu ^ ence, Dr. McMahon said; woman at $1,000. written off the face value of the ago ’Tuesday. It was written on the the gang, is now serving a life term Contents of the messEige were not “Mr. Leavenworth merely came Although the arrests were made stocks of leading gold producers. stationery of a St. Louia hotel. for his part in the crime. disclosed except that it eonflnned here to discuss some technicalities yesterday, police did not disclose Brokerage houses were Jammed the gist of press reports of tte v/hich have arisen. There Is nothing them until the trio was ready for to the doors by excited throngs and JapEmese declaration.. definite to be gfiven out yet and the arraignment. the galleriec of the Mining E x ­ The unusuEd form in whlob report will not be completed until change in Toronto and of the Mont­ declaration was made and thO/ft^ Deny Charges. tomorrow or Saturday.” real Stock and Curb M.. .*kets were that JEq>Em reserves tite sole rtgM.to Meanwhile the police are working PoUce said the woman and the packed as the opening gong rarjg. KOMONEN IS VICTORIOUS decide whether projects on the possibility that Todd was two men, charged with technical ’The wild burst of selling imder China are peaceful or otherwise, robbed after he either accidentally Idleness, denied any knowledge of the accumulated overnight orders is understood, is moet disturbing to was pushed or toppled from the re the crime when questioned by New later steadied, however, and recov­ the British govertunent. Haven detectives and state poUce- ery set in before noon. A new chapter in the history of rail transportation was recorded In IN BOSTON’S MARATHON British oMcial circles said t i i ^ taining wall beneath which his body Philadelphia when the Zephyr. Aipeiica’s first Diesel-powered streamline was found last Saturday. Todd men. regarded as unwarranted alleged stainless steel train, sped at a rate of 104 miles an hour in its first might have become ill In the house The truck, laden with textiles and JapEmese fears that tiie United trial run. So Ught thtit 10 mcn^can pull it (as shown in the teat above), States, Great Brltodn, or other pow­ and went for a walk with a woman. paper, was hijacked fir New Hkven the three-car train, which can accommodate 72 passengers, is shown ers would seize upon q ^ a l influ­ The imprint of a woman’s shoe early op the mon sag, at April 13. Rmoer from SbA ot;, On­ FLORIDA REPORTS It was later reo^ ,^red in We«t New W AR IS BREWING below after its high specri test run. It was built for the Chicago, Burling­ ence in ChhuL. near the retaining wall bears out ton Sc Quincy Railroad. Would Violate Treaty part of this theory. York, N. J., but. trace htls been found of the cargur tario, Wv» R »n g Chstic A Japanese ban on international It ia'aaeumed that the woman had A BUSOiSS BOOM aid to (jhina, it was hold, wouM be a managed to get Todd’s wallet before Michael Adley, an official of the IN Um CITY NOW truckliig company, estimated hie direct violation of Uie nine-c the drowning and when she found — FaTorites of Other conq;>any has lost $85,000 in six treaty and other agreementa te no money in it she threw it away. months as a result of hijackers and which JapEm has iMhered. It was folmd near the path which MANACLED MAN IN CAR; The Nine-power treaty, It offered $1,000 reward after the lat­ would have ^o be taken from the Years D rop OnL MiDioii and Half Tosrists pointed out, allows the “to est crime. He also has appealed Voiiva Calling Himself a bouse to the retaining waU. Retiun- provide the fullest oppofqmlty # to Attorney General H om «f S. Cuip- ing to the house the woman rejoin- Cailna to devOk^) luranTT" diwr ^ mingp, R^reaentatiTe T- Viaitod StMe— Best Sea- Twa Gno^lbi JVepares 3 toe feelr .lofltattice fo r •■agtiiiti<$ppa| - Moieney sstd 0. 8. Sena^^nSl)'* ’ ' uvo men, a h a u e y succeeded in un­ the Uttle mtntng for .commerce” In but tine Lcmergah for a^Fl^dkAl in Komoneo from earthing the money/in a roll bound town of Su4bui^ Ontario, won the ara Since 1926. bars them from sosfetog'^oay ipeqial tigation of hijacking in Ck>rmecticut. for Bitter Battle. privilege^. with an elastic band. The police As a result of a tip that another 38th annusu Boston Athletic Asso­ fo\md such an elastic band on a Officer FigKU Pistol Duel It was also pointed out ^lat hij8u:klng was planned, state and RIOTS A IS FEARED ciation MEuatbon today. table in the house. JiCaml, -Fla., April 19 — (A P) • JapEm agreed to collaborate In an^ city poUce fumished addltiohal pro­ fflon City, m., April 19.— (A P )— Pawson, Henlgan EUid Whltey flnEmclng in with Great Britain, the tection last night to Interstate Wilbur Glenn Vollva, proclaiming But Wounded Men Are Michelaen, favorites or former win­ Tourists turned depre^on ’s tide in United States and France under the HIGHLIOHTS IN CASE truck shipments.
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