Office of the Cantonment Board Cannaught Road, Deolali Cantonment - 422401 Nashik, Maharashtra Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence 0253-2491206, t^^RT : 0253-2492599, f-^teT : ceodeol-stats^nicinT hEMA HATMA "?T 4JW ^r ^ •arm" "HA R K AAM DESH K E NAAM" No: 58/A DM/E-1/ \Mo ftD ated: 27/04/2021 ORDER SUB: DECL A RATION OF MICRO CONTA INMENT ZONE IN DEOLA L I CANTONMENT A REA FOR CURBING THE SPREA D OF CORONA V IRUS. Reference: 1. Section 34, Sub section (c) & (m) of Disaster Management Act, 2005 2.Indian Epidemic Disease A ct, 1897. 3.District Collector Order No. K aksha / Corona V ishanu / 342 /2020 dated 24.06.2020. 4.Report from Medical Supdt., CGH, Deolali 2.I, Ajay K umar, Chief Executive Officer, Deolali Cantonment Board and INCIDENT COMMA NDER of Deolali Cantonment area, herewith intimate that considering the present COV ID positive patients in Deolali Cantonment area do hereby declare MICRO-CONTA INMENT ZONE as specified below for effective containment of Pandemic COV ID 19 in the Cantonment Area with immediate effect. 3.C OV ID positive patients have been detected at: 1.F adol Mala, Near Old Stationwadi, Deolali Camp 2.Near Panchratna Colony, Donwada Road 02, Deolali Camp 3.Sahyadri Nagar, L awrence Road, Deolali 4.Near Malhari Baba Temple, Barnes School Road, Deolali 5.A rkk Sty, V ijay Nagar, Deolali Camp. during the month of April, 2021. Taking into consideration the possibility of spread of virus, it is necessary to take control over it and implement preventive measures. In order to contain the spreading of virus, it is necessary to declare areas as shown in the enclosed map as Micro Containment zone (Map Enclosed). 4.It may be noted that all orders, instructions and guidelines issued by Government of India, Government of Maharashtra, District A uthorities, District Health Authorities, earlier orders of the Incident Commander shall remain in force till further orders of the Competent Authority (ies) issued from time to time for the lockdown and containment of pandemic Corona V irus COV ID- 19. 5.Shri RS Thakur, Health Supdt, (Mob No- 9403697460) will be responsible to supervise the aforesaid micro containment zones and will also take necessary action for implementation of containment orders. 6.F or Micro-Containment Zones at: 1.F adol Mala, Near Old Stationwadi, Deolali Camp 2.Near Panchratna Colony, Donwada Road 02, Deolali Camp 3.Sahyadri Nagar, L awrence Road, Deolali 4.Near Malhari Baba Temple, Barnes School Road, Deolali 5.A rkk Sty, V ijay Nagar, Deolali Camp. and the concerned health authorities shall strictly follow all guidelines and protocols issued by the concerned authorities in this regard. Deolali Cantonment has shall continue following activities in above mentioned Micro-Containment Zone:- Name of Officer Work to be carried out. Responsibilities of 1.L aboratory tests be carried out of the persons who have come in the Medical contact with detected positive patients. Supdt., CGH, 2.The surveillance team deputed for this purpose will carry out Medical Officer, house to house survey in order to find out the person who have UPHC, Shigwe come in contact with the COV ID lab confirmed case. Bahula / 3.The survey of the containment zone and the surrounding areas Paramedical staff/ will be carried out from morning 08.00 hours to 1200 hours every Surveillance Team day covering at least 50 houses . 4.Family members of infected persons and symptomatic cases / contact persons who have been in contact be made aware about various precautions to be taken. 5.A list should be prepared of all the private and Government hospitals in the Containment Zone. T he Private / Government Hospital should be informed in case of any positive cases, the same should be informed to the Medical Supdt.,CGH. 6.A list of persons who have been in contact with positive patients be prepared and follow up be done by the Medical Officers of UPHC, Shigwe Bahula, upto 28 days. 7.The Medical Officer / Surveying authority will prepare a list of all the contacted persons with their address and mobile no. as per the format and forward the same to the Office of the Collectorate / District A uthorities. 8.A fter receipt of list as per contact list, search may be carried out for the persons came in contact with diagnosed patients and suspected patient and list be prepared and Google mapping may be done. 9.Preparation of high risk and low risk of the contacts of positive patients be prepared, who may be place in Home Quarantine and public quarantine. 10.Swab Test of all ILI/SARI patients identified in the zone. 11.A ll the Government and Private Hospitals will send the list of suspected patients daily to Medical Supdt. CGH Control Room. 12.Control Rooms may be established in Cantonment Board Office, Deolali under the supervision of Shri U.V . Gorwadkar, A dmn. Officer & PRO, Cantt. Board Deolali. 13.Mohall Clinic be started with the help of private practitioners along with their supporting staff for whom space and other necessary guidance and PPE K it will be provided. 14.Medical Supdt.CGH will share the list of quarantined persons along with all details with Police authorities. Health Supdt, / The Health Supdt., and A sstt. Health Inspector, along with Health Inspectors concerned Mukadam will supervise and take precautionary & Health Staff. measures as under in the tnicro-containment zone. 1.Publicity and broadcasting regarding medical cleanliness, hand sanitization and social distancing may be done by the Squad. 2.E xcept for essential services, all the other services shall be closed in the micro containment zone. 3.To levy fines, to check the spread of virus- i. Non-wearing maskR s. 200/- ii. Spitting in public place Rs. 500/- iii. Non following social distancing- norms by shop keepersR s. 1,000/- for 1st offence. Rs. 2,000/- for 2nd offence. Rs. 3,000/- for 3rd offence. Forceful closure of shops - 4th offence iv. If any shop, excluding essential services, found open, fine will be imposed as under :- :'^R s. 1,000/- for 1st offence. Rs. 2,000/- for 2nd offence. Rs. 3,000/- for 3rd offence. Forceful closure of shops - 4th offence 4.T he Health Department to ensure that the public toilets are cleaned five time in a day with spraying of disinfectants in the containment zone. 5.T he Health Department to ensure that all the staff deputed for essential services in the micro containment zone shall take all the precautionary measures of wearing mask, gloves and adhering to the norms of social distancing etc. 6.Disinfection of sodium hypochloride 1% of vehicles passing through perimeter control may be carried out. 7.Displaying of banners, distribution of hand bills and public announcement informing all the precautionary and preventive measures for containing the spread of corona virus. 8.Publicity regarding infected patients and persons in contact with them may be given to the Control Room by the surveying authority after carrying door to door visit. 9.A ll necessary help may be provide to Police inspectors of the concerned Police station. Sr. Police To assist the Health Supdt, and officials of the Board for:- Inspector, 1.Barricading the boundaries of the declared containment zone. Deolali Camp, 2.Putting up of banners and other arrangements may be made in Police Station consultation with the Board. 3.To keep control on the movement of Public specifically in the containment zone. 4.Care should be taken for smooth functioning of traffic of essential services. 5.T he concerned police station be informed and shall depute sufficient police staff in this zone, to keep a track and to ensure that home quarantined patients / people do not leave their homes. The General Public is requested to note that if the Board of Containment Zone is removed by anyone, a fine of Rs. 5000/- will be imposed on him / her in accordance with the prevailing Rules and A cts. (AJ A Y K UMAR, IDES) Chief Executive Officer, and Incident Commander, Copy to: Cantonment Board Deolali 1. District Collector District Disaster Management A uthority .... for information please. Nashik 2. The Commissioner of Police, Nashik ... for issuing necessary orders please 3. The President, Cantt Board Deolali. .... for information please 4. Medical Supdt.,CGH,^ For strict implementation of above orders. 5. Medical Officer, UPHC, Shigwe Bahula 6. A ll Concerned t?>|c|crf| hRic^i ^TffcRTOffice of the Cantonment Board Cannaught Road, Deolali Cantonment-422401 Nashik, Maharashtra 3TR cT ^K ^^K , T8^ <H^I<?1^G ovt. of India, Ministry of Defence 0253-2491206, $^m : 0253-2492599, ^-JfcT : ceodeol-stats^Snic.in "F^ ^5W ^r ^ ^W" "HA R K AAM DESH K E NAAM" No: 58/A DM/E-1/ \ l\ cTfD ated: 26/04/2021 ORDER SUB: DECL A RA TION OF MICRO CONTAINMENT ZONE IN DEOL AL I CANTONMENT AREA FOR CURBING THE SPREA D OF CORONA V IRUS. Reference: 1. Section 34, Sub section (c) & (m) of Disaster Management A ct, 2005 2.Indian Epidemic Disease A ct, 1897. 3.District Collector Order No. K aksha / Corona V ishanu / 342/2020 dated 24.06.2020., ^ 4.Report from Medical Supdt., CGH, Deolali 2.I, Ajay K umar, Chief Executive Officer, Deolali Cantonment Board and INCIDENT COMMANDER of Deolali Cantonment area, herewith intimate that considering the present COV ID positive patients in Deolali Cantonment area do hereby declare MICRO-CONTA INMENT ZONE as specified below for effective containment of Pandemic COV ID 19 in the Cantonment Area with immediate effect. 3.C OV ID positive patients have been detected at: 1.Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Butchery Road, Deolali 2.Near A mbadwadi, Shigwe Bahula, Deolali 3.Dagad Chawl, Near Bhagur Bus Stop, Deolali 4.Hari Pushp Sty., RC Road, Deolali 5.R avi Sty, L am Road, Deolali .
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