cncoi^inoai I at laM 5 , 6 4 6 Of tko AMIt B arm of Obeolotfaak MANCHESTER - A O.TY OF VILLAGE (»AR M FOL. L V , NO. 205. AdverMsiag tm Page 14A HANCHESTEjR, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 28,1936. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE HARD m CK PLEA Proud Airliner Ruin After Fire SAVES OFFENDER CALL ON G-MEN DISPUTE OVER After Reading Note On Auto MAY REAPPEAR Policemen Have Not Heart TO LOOK INTO A S A i n M E N T To Punish Writer Further. BLA(X_LEGION MAY KEEP CONGRES Cambridge, Mass., May 28.— (AP)—Police respected a polite appeal and gave "Discourag­ BUSY INTO SUMM Robfflson Likely to Try to ed” a break here today. Michigan Officials Appeal to ' Two patrolmen about to put- ■t— a parking tag on a car noticed Attorney General to Take TtP FOR FIBEOCRMBN: Tie It, Also Florida Cana a note under the windshield TROUT LIKE UlOUfiTB Senators Go Ahead With wiper, which read: "D w officer, please do not Charge of Inyestigation of Washington, May 28.— (AP)— to Relief Bill; If So Bran- tag my car. My left rear tire Fred Oralngef, chief of the U. 8. tendon of Ignoring Plroill la flat, my spare tire is-dat, and Bureau o f Fiohtriaa Aquarium * • 4 lenberg Will Fight ft. my spark plugs are wet. the Hooded Order. here, suggests feeding 17-year "Dlscoutaged." locusts to flab. dent’s Demands On The patrolmen bUd a confer­ "Sunday afternoon," he said, ence, called fiergeont John King Detroit, May 28.— ( A P ) - The "I was trying to take a nap at Phases of Reyenne Mi Waahington, May 28— (AP) — on the telephone and asked him home, but the droning of loc'uau [#^lipute over the Passamaquoddy whether or not they should tag Black Legion, which guarded Its kept ma awake." tlde-hameealng' project In 'Maine the car. secrets with aoourge and pistol and ' Perturbed, Orainger want out sore; Some Consider Kft| and the Florida ahlp canal threat "Of course net," King re­ boasted that it would mobtllae mil: Into the yaid and gatharad a Uons'of armed men In 24 hours, fac­ ened to revive today aa the Senate plied, "he's bad trouble enough handful of locusts off the grast. ed the poscibillty of Federal aa weU nation *1n a Mess.” prepared to debate the (2,369,000 aU ready." — "The next day," be said, “I I state Inveetlgatlona today. took them down to the Aquarium OOO rellef-deflclency bill. The "mobilization’’. Prosecutor Congress thus far has turned _ and tried one out on a trout Tbe cold shoulder to moves to get funds' Duncan C. McCrea said members fish Jumped out of the water to Washington, Hay 28.—(AF> ' to continue the giant projects, which told him, was to be ordered In the snap the locust out of my hand. Amid rising dlasenclon Avar were started with money allotted b;‘ AWAIT BORAH’S This smouldering framework was an that remalnad of a luxurious transport plane which, a few minutes event of a Oomm\ini|t uprising. 1 knew 1 had something trout a'group of Senators drove ahead I before, took off from CAilcsigo inunicipal airport, then was swept by flames. Due. to heroism of the pilot in In Washington, Attorney General Uked." the President, But recently admin day with a noova to turn down 1 latratlon men obtained Senate Com landing the ahlp when It caught Are, he and the lone passenger suffered only minor burns. Homer B. Cummings indicated he ,---------------- ;-------------- ;.......... .......... ■» iherce Committee approval of i TALK ON AIR AS would decide today whether acts of Ident Roosevelt’s demand that resolution which would permit Mr terroriam attributed to the night revenue yield o f the proposed levtif Roosevelt to allocate (19,000,000 Smoking Out the C^andidatefl riders In more than a doaen atatea on cbipdratlM profits and dfvld more If engineers approved after Justified Intervention by the Federal PAYROLL OF $ 4 ,0 0 0 SHOWIN^INTENT ba boosted. study. SUBWAY SUYERS Bureau o f InvestlgaiUon. It was Indicated that Senator Before *Congresa was a resolution White House urgingn that Robinson (D., Ark.), might offer the Gridiron Star Steiwer Introduced by Rep. DIcksteIn (U., STOLEN BY BANDITS Senate finanes ootnmlttaa resolution as an amendment to the N. Y.) requesting a committee In­ tha-program It has tantativaly ( (2,869,000,000 bill carrying (1,425 Knox, G. 0 . P. Committee, CAUGHT IN BOSTON vestigation of the Black Legion, an lUrred such controversy 000,000 (or relief for next year, Not To Seek Candidacy auong other organisations. the committeeman that sohm. Vaodeaberg to Fight Assail Jlew Deal; CoagUin In . Detroit, the Wayne County In that case, Senator Vandenberg j . By FRAZIER HUNT Proyidonce Plait Looted scribed the aituatioa as ia • (R., Mlcb.lt prepared to light A Circuit Bench planned to decide by' ^ ------------------ Two Men Confess They mid-day whether to order the Grand aad ” hopriaaa." But others sbU(^ bitter opponent of the projects, he This is the fourth of a series Declares He Wonld Not that certain harassed Elder States­ Jury 'Investigation asked by Michi­ waa lljopefol” and prediotad ' sidd be would present a large of eight artidea, "Smoking Out Jolt After Police Guard aotlon on the legialatlon. amount of data against them. men get in a final huddle in a gan’s Attorney Genera] David H. the-..Candidate,’-’— -wrlttan-J>y Smoke-fined room St 4 o’clock 'some Strangled and Robbed ’ The dellcieiicy-rellef nieasure'was Snpport Landon If Named. Frazlef Hunt, world (amoua re­ Crowley of violent destha, floggings, Weary oommlttaamaa ga reported yesterday by the commit­ hectic morning in Clevdand, and If and firing of buildings in the metro­ Leayes the Place. today to vote on the queotloa wfa porter, (or NEA Service and these same B. S.’s decide in deapers' tee. Among the changes from the Tbe Herald, In which are pre­ Rogers Peet Co. OfficiaL politan area. , ar to approve the oommlttaet i House version was another possible tion tflat they must have a son f In Cleveland, police reopened tax plan, which ratalns only Washington, May 28.— (A P )— sented tbe answers of Republic­ the true weatem liloneera to carry bar to clear sailing on the door an presidential possibilities to their Investigations of two unaolv- Providence, R. L, May 28.—(AP) tlgos o f the new ayatam at . Final pre-convention stump activity the baaner, tbe lightning might gradu'ted taxes on undivided *njls was authorization for Secre­ the same ten queationa on the Boston, May 28.—(AP)—Police fd deaths after an anonymous tele­ —Within a minute after a ' poHce tary Ickes to use (300,000,000 for among Republican candidates for easily strike this giant from the tall phone caller bad blamed the Black '^ ra ta praflta which la being i vital Issues of the day. Umber of Oregon. For he certainly held for arraignment today"- two guard left a (4,559 payroll at the grants to local agencies to carry on the presidential nomination today Legion. , the administration. A i Public Works Administration pro Is a son o f the true pioneers. men, who I^tectlve Edward Shields New England Butt Ck>mpany, thraa the vote was offered by Senab held the attention of political ob­ The keynoter from Oregon look­ Ri Columbus, 0„ records of s' Jecta. When I asked him if he actually of New York, said confessed they leglalatlve inveatlgauon a year ago bandits looted the place this morn­ George (D h H a.), Some senators said this amend servers. ed ijns straight In the eye when I handed him the Hat o ften queationa was bom In (^egon hs answered me robbed and strangled Edward U discloaed an aUesatlon that tbe ing, co'wlng employes with guns. Ooaservatlvaa’ ment might be made subject to l Many believed tonight'a address with high pride. "Tes, I was bom The bandits escaped in an auto­ by Senator Borah of Idaho will give that I had been popping at all the Eckart, 55, an official o f the Rogers night riders wera raaponalbla for A powerful ’ group at Senab point of order which would require there; and my father and mother Peet Clothing Company of New mobile driven by a fourth member a two thirds vote (or adoption. further Indications of the course he Republican candidates for the Presi­ threats to kidnap Governor Martin generally known as "Oinaervatlv dential nomination. were bom there. In one way of an- York, on May 14. L. Davey'a daughter, Evangeline, of the gang, who had remained in Back-to-8tetes Vote will pursue during and after the other we’ve been around Oregon sought to have tfia committee at "ril answer them,” he told me, Shields sold Thomas West, alias among other acta of intimidation the machine, parked near the plan^ to its own plan, and report it to I - Republicans also prepared to offer Cleveland convention. Tbe speech, since 1843—that's six years before "If you’ll make It clear that I’m not Edward Veap, 21, of Bayonne, N. and violence. As soon as word 'waa flashed to Sonata floor wlthoat ebsnys an amendment by Vandenberg for to be broadcast (CBS) at 7:30 p. m., the California (Sold Ruab.” turning the whole relief administra­ eastern standard time, will be tbe seeking the nomination." ' J., and Philip Goldberger, 26, New In Pontiac, Mich., a oltisena’ com­ police headquartara, a description plan .Includes on 18 paf cent to. I promised that I would, and here­ Tork, confessed the New York crime mittee undertook on Investigation of of the getaway car was broadcast corporation net inooma, a 7 pw ( tion back to the states, with the lat­ veteran senator’s last before the Football Day* ter paying 18 per cent of the cost, delegates assemble In Cleveland.
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