Guide to Air Force Installations Worldwide ■ 2010 USAF Almanac Major Active Duty Installations Altus AFB, Okla. 73523-5000; 120 mi. SW of Okla- Chief of the Army Air Forces. Area: 39,081 acres. Housing: single family, officer, 159, enlisted, 869; homa City. Phone: 580-482-8100; DSN 866-1110. Runway: 6,000 ft. Altitude: 1,100 ft. Personnel: unaccompanied, 570; visiting, VOQ, 50, VAQ/VEQ, Majcom: AETC. Host: 97th Air Mobility Wing. Mis- permanent party military, 58; DOD civilians, 240. 125, TLF, 28. Clinic. sion: forging combat mobility forces and deploying Housing: single family, officer, 19, enlisted, 21; airman warriors. History: activated January 1943; visiting, 34. Medical aid station, VA clinic. Buckley AFB, Colo. 80011-9524; 8 mi. E of Denver. inactivated May 1945; reactivated January 1953. Phone: 720-847-9011 DSN 847-9011. Majcom: Area: 7,746 acres. Inside Runway: 13,440 ft. Aviano AB, Italy, APO AE 09604; adjacent to Aviano, AFSPC. Host: 460th Space Wing. Mission: provides Outside Runway: 9,000 ft. Assault Strip: 3,515 50 mi. N of Venice. Phone: (cmcl, from CONUS) global surveillance, space-based missile warning, ft. Altitude: 1,381 ft. Personnel: permanent party 011-39-0434-30-1110; DSN 314-632-1110. Maj- and space communications operations. Major ten- military, 1,332; DOD civilians, 1,286. Housing: single com: USAFE. Host: 31st Fighter Wing. Mission: ants: 140th Wing (ANG); Aerospace Data Facility; family, 797; visiting, VOQ/VAQ, 315, TLF, 30. Clinic. F-16 and control and surveillance operations. Navy/Marine Reserve Center; Army Aviation Support Maintains two F-16 squadrons (510th and 555th) Facility. History: activated April 1, 1942 as a gunnery Andersen AFB, Guam, APO AP 96543-5000; 2 and 603rd Air Control Sq. Major tenants: 724th Air training facility. Named for 1st Lt. John H. Buckley, mi. N of Yigo. Phone: (cmcl, from CONUS) 671- Mobility Sq. (AMC); 8th Air Support Operations Sq. a WWI flier, killed Sept. 17, 1918. ANG assumed 366-1110; DSN 315-366-1110. Majcom: PACAF. (USAFE). GSUs: 31st Aircraft Maintenance Sq., control from US Navy in 1959. Became active duty Host: 36th Wing. Mission: Pacific center for power Athens, Greece; 731st Munitions Sq., Livorno, Italy. Air Force base Oct. 2, 2000. Area: 3,832 acres. projection, regional cooperation, and multinational History: one of the oldest Italian air bases, dat- Runway: 11,000 ft. Altitude: 5,663 ft. Personnel: training; serves as a logistic support and staging ing to 1911. USAF began operations 1954. Area: permanent party military, 3,114; DOD civilians, 3,365. base for aircraft operating in the Pacific and Indian 1,331 acres. Runway: 8,596 ft. Altitude: 413 ft. Housing: single family, 351; unaccompanied, two Oceans. Major tenants: 44th Aerial Port Sq. (AFRC); Personnel: permanent party military, 3,700; DOD dorms. Clinic. 254th Air Base Gp. (ANG); 497th Combat Training civilians, 164. Housing: single family govt.-leased, Sq. (geographically separated unit in Singapore); officer, 63, enlisted, 553; unaccompanied, 799; Cannon AFB, N.M. 88103-5000; 7 mi. W of Clovis. 554th RED HORSE (PACAF); 724th Aeromedical visiting, VOQ, 70, DV, 6, TLF, 96. NATO hospital. Phone: 575-784-1110; DSN 681-1110. Majcom: Staging Flt. (AFRC); 734th Air Mobility Sq. (AMC); AFSOC. Host: 27th Special Operations Wing. Det. 5, 22nd Space Operations Sq. (AFSPC); Det. Barksdale AFB, La. 71110-5000; in Bossier City. Mission: MC-130W, AC-130H, MQ-1, and MQ-9 602, AFOSI; Helicopter Sea Combat Sq.-25 (USN). Phone: 318-456-1110; DSN 781-1110. Majcom: operations. History: activated August 1942. Named History: activated 1945. Named for Gen. James Roy AFGSC. Host: 2nd Bomb Wing. Mission: B-52H for Gen. John K. Cannon, WWII commander of all Andersen, who was chief of staff, Hq. AAF, Pacific operations and training. Major tenants: 8th Air Force Allied air forces in the Mediterranean Theater and Ocean Areas, and lost at sea in February 1945. Area: (AFGSC); Air Force Global Strike Command; 917th former commander, Tactical Air Command. Area: 18,987 acres. Runways: 11,182 ft. and 10,555 ft. Wing (AFRC), A-10, B-52H; 8th Air Force Museum. 3,789 acres, excluding range. Runways: 10,000 Altitude: 612 ft. Personnel: permanent party military, History: activated Feb. 2, 1933. Named for Lt. Eugene ft. and 8,200 ft. Altitude: 4,295 ft. Personnel: 1,762; DOD civilians, 1,561. Housing: single family, H. Barksdale, WWI airman killed in an August 1926 permanent party military, 3,126; DOD civilians, officer, 235, enlisted, 1,104; unaccompanied, UOQ, crash. Area: 22,000 acres (18,000 acres reserved 609. Housing: single family, officer, 175, enlisted, 74, UAQ/UEQ, 960; visiting, VOQ, 95, VAQ/VEQ, for recreation). Runway: 11,756 ft. Altitude: 166 ft. 878; unaccompanied, 578; visiting, VQ, 49, DV, 6, 234, TLF, 284. Clinic. Personnel: permanent party military, 5,303; DOD TLF, 42. Clinic. civilians, 1,801. Housing: single family, officer, 135, Arnold AFB, Tenn. 37389; approx. 7 mi. SE of enlisted, 574; unaccompanied, 996; visiting, VOQ, Columbus AFB, Miss. 39710-1000; 7.5 mi. NW of Manchester. Phone: 931-454-3000; DSN 340- 139, VAQ, 100, TLF, 24. Superclinic. Columbus. Phone: 662-434-7322; DSN 742-1110. 3000. Majcom: AFMC. Host: Arnold Engineering Majcom: AETC. Host: 14th Flying Training Wing. Development Center. Mission: provides a national Beale AFB, Calif. 95903-5000; 13 mi. E of Marysville. Mission: Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training aerospace ground test complex to conduct pre- Phone: 530-634-3000; DSN 368-1110. Majcom: (T-1, T-6, T-38). History: activated 1942 for pilot flight tests, engineering analyses, and technical ACC. Host: 9th Reconnaissance Wing. Mission: training. Area: 5,325 acres. Runways: 12,000 ft., evaluations for research, system development, and U-2 and Global Hawk operations. Major tenants: 8,000 ft., and 6,300 ft. Altitude: 219 ft. Personnel: operational programs of the Air Force and Depart- 940th Wing (AFRC); 7th Space Warning Sq. (AF- permanent party military, 1,409; DOD civilians, ment of Defense, other government agencies, SPC), Pave PAWS; 548th IRS Gp. (ACC). History: 585. Housing: single family, 517; unaccompanied, industry, and allied nations. AEDC tests propul- originally US Army’s Camp Beale; transferred to UOQ, 234, UAQ/UEQ, 94; visiting, VQ, 81, DV, 4, sion, aerodynamic, re-entry, transatmospheric, Air Force in 1948; became Air Force base in April TLF, 20. Clinic. hypersonic, and space systems in environments 1951. Named for Brig. Gen. E. F. Beale, Indian agent that simulate operational flight conditions. His- in California prior to Civil War. Area: 22,944 acres. Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. 85707-5000; within Tuc- tory: base dedicated June 25, 1951. Named for Runway: 12,000 ft. Altitude: 113 ft. Personnel: son. Phone: 520-228-1110; DSN 228-1110. Maj com: Gen. of the Army Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, wartime permanent party military, 3,742; DOD civilians, 718. ACC. Host: 355th FW. Mission: A-10 combat crew AIR FORCE Magazine / May 2010 113 training; HC-130 training and operations; EC-130H, F-15; 53rd Wing (ACC); 919th SOW (AFRC) at DOD civilians, 1,017. Housing: single family, 827; HH-60 Pave Hawk, and CSAR operations. Major Duke Field, MC-130; Air Force Armament Museum; visiting, TLF, 39. Clinic. tenants: 12th Air Force (ACC); 309th Aerospace Army 6th Ranger Training Battalion; Naval School Maintenance and Regeneration Gp. (AFMC), DOD’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal. History: activated Goodfellow AFB, Tex. 76908-4410; SE of San single location for regeneration, maintenance, parts 1935. Named for Lt. Col. Frederick I. Eglin, WWI Angelo. Phone: 325-654-1110; DSN 477-1110. reclamation, preservation, storage, and disposal of flier killed in aircraft accident Jan. 1, 1937. Area: Majcom: AETC. Host: 17th Training Wing. Mis- excess DOD and government aerospace vehicles; 463,452 acres. Eglin is the nation’s largest Air Force sion: trains intelligence, fire protection, and special 943rd Rescue Gp. (AFRC), HH-60; 55th ECG (ACC); base in terms of acreage, covering an area roughly instruments personnel for US military and DOD 563rd RQG (AFSOC); US Customs and Border two-thirds the size of Rhode Island. Runways: and international agencies. Major tenants: 344th Protection. History: activated 1927. Named for two 12,000 ft. and 10,000 ft. Altitude: 85 ft. Person- Military Intelligence Battalion (USA); Center for local aviators: 2nd Lt. Samuel H. Davis, killed Dec. nel: permanent party military, 7,854; DOD civilians, Information Dominance det. (USN); USMC det. 28, 1921, and 2nd Lt. Oscar Monthan, killed March 3,884 (excluding Hurlburt Field). Housing: single History: activated January 1941. Named for Lt. 27, 1924. Area: 10,633 acres. Runway: 13,643 ft. family, officer, 45, enlisted, 521; unaccompanied, John J. Goodfellow Jr., WWI observation airplane Altitude: 2,404 ft. Personnel: permanent party 160, UAQ/UEQ, 933; visiting, VOQ, 169, VAQ/VEQ, pilot killed in combat Sept. 14, 1918. Area: 1,136 military, 6,671; DOD civilians, 3,197. Housing: single 156, TLF, 24. Hospital. acres. Runway: none. Altitude: 1,900 ft. Person- family, officer, 87, enlisted, 842; visiting, VQ, 185, nel: permanent party military, 1,387; DOD civilians, VAQ, 61, TLF, 50. Clinic. Eielson AFB, Alaska 99702-5000; 26 mi. SE of 689. Housing: single family, officer, 42, enlisted, Fairbanks. Phone: 907-377-1110; DSN 317-377- 166; unaccompanied, UOQ, 101, UAQ/UEQ, 233; Dover AFB, Del. 19902-7209; 6 mi. SE of Dover. 1110. Majcom: PACAF. Host: 354th FW. Mission: visiting, VOQ, 149, VAQ/VEQ, 278, TLF, 31. Clinic. Phone: 302-677-3000; DSN 445-3000. Majcom: F-16C/D aggressor operations; oversees Pacific AMC. Host: 436th Airlift Wing. Mission: C-5 and Alaska Range Complex and Red Flag-Alaska. Grand Forks AFB, N.D. 58205-5000; 16 mi. W of C-17 operations; operates largest DOD aerial port Major tenants: Arctic Survival School (AETC); Grand Forks.
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