w The Clinton Independent, VOL. XXVII—NO. 8. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1892. WHOLE NO-1361. Buy your gold tilled watches of Krepps, —XXI November, ye Kynge ’s Maid ­ Common Council. Rupture Cured, or No Pny for Service*. The best of work at modest prices a DeWitt Sc Co., leading jewelers, and ens' day. DEMOCRACY WILL CELEBRATE Dr. Miller, the celebrated rupture the St. Jobns Steam Laundry. —Be sure and come November XXI, Rkgdlar Mkktino , Nov . 7, 1892. specialist from the O. E. Miller Rupture save money. Meeting called to order by Prooident Bun- TieatmentCo., 102 to 106 Michigan Ave., for ye Kynge ’s Maides need you. Saturday Evening, November A good, clean Bed for 25 cents at the homi Tmatters . day. Detroit, Mich., will be in Ionia, at the Central House. —In this issue we publish the official 19, 1892. Preaent, Trustee* DeWitt, Fowler, Hulae and Bailey House from Thursday morning, Wolcott. Corpata. Brovltl**. canvass of the votes cast in this county Nov. 24tb to Wednesday night, Nov. 30. ^/-Krepps, DeWitt Sc Co. defy compe­ At a meeting of enthusiastic demo ­ On motion, the Board adjourned to meet and in Owosso at the Wildennuth House The largest and best assorted stock of —Fiske Jubilee Singers next Satur­ crats held at the club-room last Monday November 9,1893. Dec. 1st to 7th inclusive. The Miller carpets in St. Johns is at Kendrick ’s. day evening. tition in fine engraving, finest in town. IntWITT H. HUNT. Co. is the largest organization in the —Morning and evening services will evening, over which Mr. John Hicks world devoted exclusively to the treat­ To th# Farmery. —Circuit court convened last Mouday Village Clerk. Are you going to build new fence be held in the re-constructed St. John’s presided, it was decided to celebrate ment of rupture. They nave oifices in with a good sized calendar before it. their great national victory in a befitting Adjourned Mkktino , Nov . 9,1892. 12 different States, with a combined this season f If so. be sure aud see the church, next Sunday. Keystone woven wire styles before you —Dart Hulse is making some sub­ manner, in the village of St. Johns, on Meeting called to order by President Bun- capital of $815,000. The doctor makes stantial improvements to hLs residence —Come to the social given by St. day. tins visit for the benefit of all ruptured complete your arrangements. Saturday evening, November 19. The ^ Wm. P. Schanck , Ag ’t., on Lansing street. John’s Guild, at the opening of the Preaent. Trustees DeWitt, Fowler. Hulse* persons, especially those unable to visit church house, to-night. exercises will consist of speaking at Kellogg and Wolcott. the Detroit offices, lie gives written I329*f St.Johns. —On Saturday evening last the demo­ Scriven ’s opera house, music, fireworks, The minutes of the meetings of October 3 guarantee to effect an absolute and per­ crats, of Ovid, celebrated the success of —Each gueste will be rewarded with manent cure in every case treated, (or . For the best watch repairing go to ye Kynge ’s Maidens ’ remembrance, wh. torchlights, etc. and November 7 were read and approved. receive no pay for services), without Krepps, DeWitt and Co. Every job their national ticket. It will be the aim of the management The following claims were presented and re­ warranted. ye can take home with you. ferred to the committee on fire, water and pain, operation, inconvenience or deten ­ —The real and personal property of and the party in general, to avoid per­ tion from business. Consultation and The largest and finest line of Carpeta the late Isaac Holton, was sold yester­ —Died, in Greenbush, Nov. 10, Mrs. lights: sonalities and such demonstrations as Mutual Gas Co .................................................9 79 33 examination free to all. If you cannot in St. Johns is at Kendrick's, at lowest Catherine Helms, aged 73 years. The call, write to headquarters for full infor day at administrator ’s sale. only belong to savages, and not to a St. Jobns Electric L. H. and P. Co ..........- 63 73 prices.___________ — At Marshall two weeks ago the funeral was held at the house Saturday, •nation, illustrated pamphlet and Mich Rev. G. S. Northrup officiating, civilized community. There are victor ­ Total .................................................-.....• 143 05 igan references —all free. The Mercantile Co. pay the farmeis Fiske Jubilee Singers had a crowded ies and there are defeats. For every more cash for Butter and Eggs than house and pleased every one. — In the semi-annual apportionment The following claims were presented and re­ any three concerns in Clinton county. of school money to the counties of this one who falls in battle some heart Drcumaking, —The work on Louis Vauconsant's ferred to the commute on claims: Our Dressmaking department will state, Clinton county is awarded $6,- mourns. Jas B. Henderson ........... ............................f 60 30 Don ’t forget that Kendrick keeps a new addition to his present place of give you elegant new and becoming complete line of stable groceries and 922.44 for 8,241 children of school age. PERSONAL. C- K. Vreedenburg ........................................ 40 00 styles at prices within reach of all. business is fast approaching completion. Jas. Begley ............................................ 40 00 sells them cheap. Butter and eggs —Alle goode men will please bring —Re-engagements at Detroit, Kala­ Respectfully, yours, wanted. Otis Fuller left here last evening for Little Jonathan Kellogg ................................. 4 80 J. T. Cole St Co their thimbles and ye goodley women mazoo, Cleveland and Chicago prove Lewis Hollenbeck .......................................... 7 50 the popularety of the Fiske Jubilee Rock. Arkansas, For a Good Square Meal your hammers and spend thd earlie part Mr. J. L. Ring and daughter Pearl are spend ­ Wm. Tick........................................................... 9 90 for 25 cents, go to the Central House, Singers. At Newton hall next Satur­ P. E. Walsworth............................................. 59 22 Our work was awarded first premium of the nighte. ing a couple of weeks In Ohio. at our county fair over competitors. St. Johns. day. V E. Aldrich is spending a season at his Wells Creek Coal Co ......................................... 52 38 You are invited to call and examine —Rev. A. P. McDonald, a powerful Standard Oil Co ......................................... 4 19 See Chapin & Co ’s, line of 50c Fall preacher, is holding a series of very —C. M. Stanton, employed on the fonmer home In Oaleshurg, this state. the work. H amilton , the Photo ­ Suitings. Mr. Willard Stocker, accompanied by hU Warner Sunday ......................................... 5 40 grapher. __ _______ profitable meetings at the Baptist church farm ot O. B. Swain, in this township, C. K Vanalckle............................................... 7 96 lias husked this fall 638 bushels of corn friend, Mr. Everett, of Ovid, visited friends In Spaulding Sc Co. are headquarters for in this village. St. Johns last Sunday. Wm. Crtch......................................................... 42 58 i pit guns and ammunition. —Mr. Loudin ’s bass solos are phenom­ in twelve days and a half. How is that John B. Chapin Is expected here this week. Fowler A Ball...................................................... 30 77 at our County fair are on exhibition at Spaulding A Co ....... ......................................... 23 07 Stage ’s Studio and are selling at 10c enal. He will sing at Newton hall next for husking V HU return at this time is occasioned by Mrs. For the very best 50c Storm Serges go each. 1361tf. to C hapin & Co ’s. Saturday evening with the Fiske —Work has been commenced at the Chapin’s poor health. Total recommended by B. of W.C.9 388 C« Jubilee singers. corner of State and Brush streets, upon Rev. W. C. Allen attended a meeting of the Underwear, A supply of Pianos on hand at the St. the foundations for a handsome resi­ state committee of the Congregational society, J, D. Henderson A Bro. .............................. 9 123 4* Underwear for ladies, gentlemen and Johns School of Music, —Owing to the fact that many of the at Lansing last Friday. A. O. Hunt ........................................................ 2 15 Call aud see dence to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. children. All qualities and prices. them and get terms. jury cases were not ready for trial, the Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks and their daughter, DeWitt H. Hunt ...._........................... *5 00 John Hicks . Judge dismissed the jury to return Mon ­ C. C. Vaughan. Mra. Rawson, will leave next Tuesday for their E. I. Parmenter, salary................................... 50 00 Have Tou Seen Them. day, November 28. —Come to the earlie candle lighte winter quarters In Florida E. I. Parmenter, pay roll ..................... 247 01 The Old Reliable star Bakery Mrs. G.— Have you seen those Ball- supper, given by ye Kynge ’s Daughters, George Huffman and wife.of Tyrone.LlvIngs- Warner Bunday .............................................. 4 61 Is where may be found all kinds of Bearing Relief Wringers at Spaulding —The jury in the case of Emma Boult ton county, visited over Sunday with his Bread and Calces, baked daily. XXI November. This supper will be L. A. Kellogg ................................................. 15 00 & Co ’8. vs. Fox Sc Simmons, charged with fur­ brother, Lafayette Huffman. J. Doollng ............................................................. 15 00 N. S. Kuhns . Mrs. P.—Yes, I took one on trial and served from five to seven o ’clock, at the Mrs C II. Eaton, of Harbor Springs, is would not part with it now for nishing her husband liquor, failed to Total ................ ....................................J 482 24 Fifty Cant* ---- One Dollar. room where the goodlie laydes do give spending a couple of weeks with her mother. twice the purchase price, as it makes agree in Justice Duncan ’s court, last The l>est Underwear for 50 cents. my washing one-half easier. Saturday. out bookes. Mrs.
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