P'V ■ ■ : r : BATDRfiAT, OCTOBER 21, l#4f ler Evening Herald Average Daily arcnlatlon For Mw MonUi of Septemhes, 1944 The Weetber Foreeaat ot U. Urutbrr Barimi) with Sister in Englaml With Company 8,908 About Towii ' y • • . Heard Aloitg, Main Street SAVE tVEL! Member of the Aodlt Fair and not m cold tonight; AND ENJOY GREATER COMF($ItT Tueada.v muic cloudlncs., other- For 25 Years Borean af -OIrcalatlona nine fair weather ami ntoderatr ffift 0Might*rk of iMbefla Anncr And on Some oJ^lanchett(pr*$ Side Streets, Too __ ___________ i: : temperature. ' ta^lgM at the Amorican Legion RUSCO 3-WAY COMBDiATION WINDOWS Manchester— City of Village Charm haoM, wMkh w ill precede entertain^ It is, hard ^ m e otgaretW - know where we were but some John F. Moriarty Com- EXFERTLT DfSTAl-LED C TC E I C B A I mant and dancing atarting at t to acoeoT other . time during the dark hours we WITH THE EXCLUSIVE 9 I EEl> S E M I* , r O L , LXIV., NO. 19 (ClaaalSed AdveilMag aa Page Id) another pletes QuBrtei: Century o'eioek. will be aerved at 7 o’clock, ?h»w their uau^ brands. But those must have passed into MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) It waa announced today. who previotwy could not accept state. A t any rate In rushed With Travelers. 1. No Draft! Mo Bala Vaatflattaal PRICE THREE CENTS iinder anv conald- crew f railroaders. They herded Check . 2. Ckaaga Scraan to S to m Saak la Mla- Member! of the Army A Kavy anoth nd^ ^d^^ thm a-snd all the colored people from our nta From CNSIDE Toar Homa! eratldii, now coa'*h -old men and women, moth- John F. Moriarty, underwriter In club are requeated to meet tomor* have to like it. I. No Balky WhidowB to Store la Oallart Explosion Levels Cleveland Homes int • ifval ers Witt babies and put them In a These East Prussia Road TOW morning at •:f5 at the Con­ A woman went the accident department of The No Faso — No Laddera — Uttia Ttma! cordia Lutheran ehurch, Winter ride. Travelers Insurance Company to­ 4. Paya for Itself In Fuel Saved! and Oardaa afraata. whara thay artll' she had a comeback for the..cleik day completed twenty-five years' Features attend in a body the memorial we three white soldiers occupied 5. No Dowa Payment—M Months To Pny! when she asked for her favorite that whole coach alone.” service with the organisation. aervlea for Henry Benache. / brand. He told her thsCe actually Center Captured; He entered the company'x em­ Let Us Show Ton a Ruseo S-Way Combination Window! was no difference In the type or F. H. A. FINANCED — S6 MONTHS TO PAT. Luoiiw Foater o f Acadehny etreet, quality of the tobaccos in cigar­ We continue to hear complaints ploy October 22, 1910, in the acci­ about the youths who crowd the \J ahaliaian o f Center Church Eccle- ettes and intimated that it was ticket line at the local theaters dent department, following dis­ aiaaUcal Society. wlM be the epeak- just i matter of personal taste. BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. Defense Band; getting ■ their friends well up to­ charge from the Navy where he ar at the meeting o f C3T> Club The Customer' demurred at this Widen Offensive wards the box office to buy their served as a pharmacist's mate. lOS WOODBINE STREET HARTFORD (6 ) at the church tdmorrow evening at statement'and as an illustration TE LE PH O N E X-1280 • o’clock. Kenneth Falrweather tickets for them. It holds up the A native of Manchester, son of told the clerk that the knew of a rest of the line in back of them Evenlnga and Saadaya — Hartford — S-5S91 and Albert Kottky will lead the dc- neighbor’s goat that would eat Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moriarty, Germans Admit Loss of Totiona and really is unfair to those who of 422 East Qenter street he at­ only two brands of cigarettes, have been atandfng much longer S. Hergt. C. Victor Davies Chats with Sister In England Goldap, 18 Miles In­ Robot Bomb Pressure ----- / tended public school here and was Unceasing namely, two populap brands, and waiting to buy tickets. graduated from St. John's Pre­ The Ber-Scott Club will meet would refuae, after smelling, any Staff Sergt. C. Victor Davies, , getting slong well with the French side Reich; Soviets Both local theater managers paratory School in Danvers, Mas­ Monday evening at 7:30 at the one of several other kinds given watch the lines and try to stop the son of Mr. snd Mrs. Colin Davies, people. The language hasn’t been D ud P a rts borne i t Miaa Jeanette and Miaa sachusetts. A t the time of enlist­ In Norway Within him to eat. youngsters from doing it. But they o ' Manchester Gardens. St. James , too difficult to pick up. but he says Rain of Blows from Lola Buchanan, 175 Woodland Perhaps it would be a good idea ment in the Navy he was attending TRY A DELICIOUS HOT MEAL Large Aegean can’t possibly catch them all. They street, who is with the Ninth Air that the Americana have a way of Striking Distance of French Set atreet. A Hallowe’en aocial will for the owner of that goat Ui train Force Financial Detachment, and , getting the French to learn their Johns Hopkins University in Balti­ do their beat to discourage the more. Give Model Holland to Switaier* follow the buatneaa aeaaion. him to eat but ONE brand. What practice but it continues. who has been ataUoned In England, language flrajt. Thus far he has had Harbor of Kirkents. a plug for Smellco cigarettes that However, in most Instances the la now In France, his parents have an opportunity to visit one of the Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty. who live A t the Island Freed Out to Get land Not Yet Grand at 382 Bast Center street, Man­ Group f o f the Memorial Hoa- would be! young folks are blamed. The other been informed. While sUtioned In ' towns adjacent to his camp and he Ford Motor Producing pltal Women'! Auxiliary, Mrs. night, we saw several elderly folks England he had several opportuni­ enjoyed hlmaelf. He hopes for time chester, have two sons: John C., a London, Oct, 23.— (iiP)— Coordinated O ffe n ­ iraiiam Knofskle,.leader, will meet The following came in answer to do the same stunt. They should ties to visit with his sister, Peggy, to get to Paris before long. He lieutenant in the Arm y now over­ Russian troops have captured Jet Impulse Engines Of Germans At Traitors sive, But Intended to Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at an article In the column ^ast Sat­ have gone to the end of the line— who lives in England. Her place of aaya that some frienda who have seas in the European theater, and Hartford Road Tavern the East Prussian highway been there since the liberation re­ *For Further Experi­ the hoapltal. Oroiip 2 o f which urday: and it waa a long one, too. But residence was not far from the Eugene, a student. Mr. Moriarty is 378 Hartford Road Telephone 3813 center of Goldap, 18 miles in­ Hammer Line Thinner Mra. Gqorge W, «House u leader “ Editor. The Herald: they went almost up to the box o f­ Ninth Air Force Command-Sta­ port it to be in fine condition and a member of the executive commit­ will Join them. A drawing on the tion and they had frequent chancea all set to make the Americana tee of the American Legion Post In side Germany, and have ments* on Buzz Bombs Kbalkis, Chief City First of Series of Trials And Mark Timing and “ I note that the Along Main fice spotted a fellow they knew and FULL COURSE MEALS cameo will take place at this meet­ Street editor couldn’t decide what asked him to buy four tickets for to meet week-ends. happy. Manchester. broadened their oiflfensive 't* J W____ a * 'VWR .. - sw ^ B ^ Since leaving the States, Ser- Evvoia, Siirreiiderg To Deal Out Justice Place of Main Attack. ing. the word "register" means in my them. Others waiting in line spoke Sergeant Davies writes that he Wo Also Cater To Banquets and Parties. along the entire eastern boun­ Dayton, O., Oct. 23—(/P)—Amer­ right up and let them know their finds the French countryside quite gesnt Davies hasn't had an oppor­ classified ad. Let him look at the ican engineers duplicated German Combined Force To More Than 100,- similar to England. HS also says tunity to meet any Manchester dary of the province, the Ger­ forms that are given to votera-to- objectiona but that didn't phase ALICB OOFKAN London, Oct. 23.—^iP)— the spongers. * that the Americana seem to be boys. man communique said today. robot bombs at W right field here British, Greek Patriots 000 Opens Today, be-made and note that the form (Kaowa As <)aeaa AUca) Six Allied Armies pounded says, ‘‘Fill out this form before go­ The pay-off came when they "Deep penetrations" in Nazi lines 60 days after receiving parts from SPHUTDAL MEDIUM the tight-drawn Nazi defense ing before the Board of Reglstra- gave the fellow who bought their hou.ses Indicates a trend, but we between Goldap and Suwalkl were duds which fell on England. Rome, Oct. 23—(g’)-The large CARD on their way down town. The vio­ iSaventb Daughter of a Bavaotb Boa acknowledged.
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