THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEKKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY «TJI YEAR—No. 21 Poit Office. WBitOeld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1959 PublUhed Every Th.lr«Jai 34 Pages—10 CenU Budget Session Set World Day of Prayer \rthuv Kammerman To MOUNTAINSIDE — Th. Scheduled For Feb. 13 Clement Attlee To Borough Council will intro. duce iti municipal budget at An Initial organizational meet- United Fund Board a special meeting Feb. 3 at ing of the committee preparing for 8:30 p.m. observation of the nnnual World Highlight Brotherhood Day of I'ruycr was hold last week Boro Lions Hold lit the linptist Church. The ob- fewjFjresident servance is scheduled for Friday, Week Observance Here Charter Night; New Tennis Court Feb. 13 at 1:80 p.m. in the Bap- 'Symphonetle' Plays tist Church with Dr. Jules Aycrs Iccced Approval Seen of Ihe Willies Bane, Pa., Presby MOUNTAINSIDE—The annual tcrian Church, as principal speak- Former British Baumer charter night of the Mountainside er, Lions Club was held in the Moun Civic Council Mrs. G. E, Howlnnd, chairman Prime Minister tainslde Inn Saturday. Lion pres- Outlines Project of the day, bus announced that she Artntlr C. K;in merman of 1 ident Harold Tulchin presided. will be assisted by a committee of in.Uy OT'tl-W!u ilected president 1 Following dinner, Mr. Tulchin the following: Mesdnmca Nelson To Speak Feb. 18 ,'<h« Bt»Vt »f I rustees of the MOUNTAINSIDE — Approval Aiken, M. W. Hill, Sylas Tobey Itod fta! (f Westfield at a presented various awards, for dis- by the Board of Education of the tinguished service to many of the Jr., Fred Ohio, A. Miller, Joseph |ctinf TB|il«di% night. Civic Council's tennis court proj- Lord Richard Clement Attlee, members, Bernard Seligman, chair- B. Napier, John Snyder, Charles prime minister of Great Britain He htl b*£h ,i< n e in the United ect is expected soon, John Keuler, man of the evening, introduced the council president, told members Lehman, Emil Singdnhlsen, R. Ma from 1045 to 1951, will speak in 'nd since'jt M* organized two Mountainside "Symphonette" in its Monday night. He said a letter this and Nelson Jacobun. the auditorium of the Westfield Hi tffo iOTti-pnsc to the wish OFFICERS of the Old Guard organisation of We.tficld to lerve premiere performance. The mem- from the school board's attorney, for the club year 1959, are ihown above ai followu Front row, Senior High School Wednesday, I of rwidtBts f> r all agencies bers of this group are Frank Swer- Charles Jerome, would confirm the Feb. 18, at 8 p.m., it was an- l,unitt^ in k'onv'e annual fund left to right, Harvey J. Brown,'treasurer; Shelby G. Fell, vice ?ky, conductor and piano; Red Ken- board's approval of the council's direclori Henry A. Fortmann, director; Anthony G. Henrich, hi Overpass Bids nounced by the Westfield Broth- ~ hi past year he nedy, bass; Samuel Seager, clari- plan to build two tennis courts be- erhood Committee, Freo tickets i:t president of the torian; back row, left to right, Gaorg* L. Schnable, putt directs net; James Holcombe, trumpet; hind Deerfield School property. Clifford Jackion, pait director; Robert Jamieion, immediate p» for the talk may be obtained at Mr. Tulchin, mandolin, and Bud The council at present has $2,- director; Alfred J. Platz, pait director. The Old Guard mee Seen by Summer local drug stores and newsstands, Bui icer, who retired McDonald, drums. 500 of the tentative $6,000 con- weekly at the Weitfield YMCA, with full club program! Thur — i the announcement said. *pic:sed his person- Later in the evening guest solo- struction bill, but Keuler said plans day morningi darting at 10 o'clock, and other recreational Ill V istflelders "who Lord Attlce's talk will be one ists on the piano were Paul White- to reduce the cost were being stud- meeting! throughout thet week. Borough Council of the highlights of Westfleld's I tl (. campaigns and ied. ndi vho have con scarver and Bob Ruff. They were Told of Progress celebration of Brotherhood Week, Hie fund to the accompanied on the drums by Lira How the balance will be collect- sponsored by the National Confer- i Jgencies and to rota Atalla, Evelyn Averick, Pat ed was not settled, nor was the MOUNTAINSIDE — The State CLEMENT ATTLEE ence of Christians and Jews, Feb, McDonald and Shirley Rhodes. (Into of completion, although Keu- Registration Still Open Highway Department plans to ask 15-22. Co-chairmen for the Wcst- ler said that it probably would for bids early in the summer for field committee include Dr. How- of United Funds not be before fall. construction of a pedestrinn over- ard P. Brock, Henry Townscnd, country," Baumer pass in Route 22, Councilman Ly- Board to Hire David Schinimel und Mayor H. jffhit tie second year Annual Y's Up No financial help, either for con- In Adult School Classes Emerson Thomas. The Kev. J. L, struction or maintenance, will be mnn Parrigln reported at Tuesday j| mos: difficult, and night's meeting of the Borough McCorison Jr., of the First Con- Ktrue in Westfield. forthcoming from the board, since Residents of the area turned out on opening night. The registra- Business Manager gregational Church, is consultant Coronation Set the plan is not a school project, Council. He said the surveyors |not completely meet in large numbers Monday eve- tions will be accepted in the order have completed their work. nnd presiding officer. and the board has qualified its ap- ning to register for the spring received until classes are filled. 958, I am connden Head of the British Labor Party Be of Westfield are proval in that during school hours term of the Westfield Adult Julius Zack, chairman of the The overpass probably will be Public Hearing Will Choose King, students are to have preference in School. It was the first opportun- built with a ramp rather than longer than any of his forerun- in favor of the instruction committee has an- ners, Mr. Attlee was Its leader Ind that it will con- Queen Of Hearts using the courts. ity for many to visit the new nounced that additional classes Btcps so that children may wheel Held on Budget Thomas Alva Edison Junior High their bicycles across, the council- from 1035 to X956, Under his lithe years to come.' Council members discussed a bor- have been arranged for the fol- premiership, the Labor Govern- Plans are underway for the an- School where classes will be held lowing courses: Ceramics, 7:30 man said. A business manager will be hired cvs elected were ough-wide spring clenn-up cam by the Board of Education next ment inaugurated a revolution in ey, first vice presi- nual Y's Up election and corona- paign recommended to the Borough in the future. The total enrollment p.m.; Beginning French,. 0 p.m.; Tho council voted to lease enough to date is 868, according to Gladys yenr, residents learned Tuesday the social and economic fabric of |D. Younghans, sec- tion of the King and Queen of Council as "successful in other Beginning Spanish, 9 p.m.; and a property to the Rescue Squad to Britain and changed the face of Hearts to be held at the Y Feb. communities." Fire hazards, in the Wewer Smith, registrar. new class in Rhythmic Slimnas- erect a headquarters and build a night at the Board of Education's dent; Nancy F. Rey- public hearing on its $3,815,345 tho Commonwealth, |y; and Richard C 7 from 8 p.m. to midnight. Music form of rubbish and potential scrap There Is still time to sign up tics, 9 p.m., will take the place of driveway. The property is west of will be by the Lancers, with mov- salvage, were cited as reasons for for many classes and applicants Modern Dance. the library at Route 22 and New budget for 1959-80. It was the Attlee government isurcr. which nationalized the b«sie in- ies, bowling and refreshments of- the drive. may register by mail or in person Classes which aro already filled Providence road. The budget was Increased by meeting ,of the fered during the evening. $2,550 to provide for an increase dustries; introduced the National Selected the follow- Plans for the pre-Easter egg are: Ballroom Dancing, Ceramics, Dimensions will bo determined Health Service; allowed India, The seven boys nominated by the 9 p.m., Beginning German, Golf, nfter consultation with the squad in social security payments no nbers to the board hunt in March were studied. Chil- tiiken Into account when It was Burma and Ceylon to determine f year terms: Laertes Y-Teen girls for king arc: Peter dren through the fifth grade will Guitar, Hors D'Oeuvres, Oil Paint- which lias completed collecting their own future; rose to the Rus- Vogt, Dan Pearce, Charles Eddy, Complete Program ing, Rhythmic Slimnatics, 8 p.m. funds to finance construction. ovlginally published, it was report- gh, Mis. jMncs 0 be eligible. Bags of candy eggs ed sian menace; joined in defeating bd Rex D. Rdgers. seniors; John Roediger and Chas. will bo hidden on the Eehobrook class, Sewing and the Spanish The lenae will be for 20 years at the Berlin blockade; introduced Hoppin, juniors; Lowell Higgins classes at 7:30 p.m. Four course3 Duties of the new office, wiilch standing commlt- School grounds. Prizes will be For Grant Dinner $10 a year. It will be terminated conscription fur the first time In and Bruce Price, sophomores, awarded to the winners of the have been dropped because of in- if the squad vacates the property.
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