Science of Computer Programming ELSEVIER Science of Computer Programming 32 (1998) 73-107 Constraints to stop deforestation H. Seidl”,*, M.H. Sm-ensenb aFB IV - Informatik. Universitiit Trier, D-54286 Trier, Germany bDepartment of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken I, DK-2IOO Copenhagen 0. Denmark Abstract Wadler’s deforestation algorithm eliminates intermediate data structures from functional pro- grams. To be suitable for inclusion in a compiler, deforestation must terminate on all programs. Several techniques exist to ensure termination of deforestation on all first-order programs, but general techniques for higher-order programs were introduced only recently first by Hamilton and then by Marlow. We present a new technique for ensuring termination of deforestation on all higher-order pro- grams that allows useful transformation steps prohibited in Hamilton’s and Marlow’s techniques. The technique uses a constraint-based higher-order control-flow analysis. We also relate our technique to previous approaches to termination of first- and higher-order deforestation in some detail. @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Deforestation; Intermediate data structures; Higher-order functional programs; Termination detection; Constraint-based program analysis; Integer constraints 1. Introduction Lazy, higher-order, functional programming languages lend themselves to an elegant style of programming which uses intermediate data structures [31]. However, this style also leads to inefficient programs. Example 1. Consider the following program: letrec a=Axs,ys. case xs of [I-ys; (t:ts)-+t:a tsys in Aus,us, ws. a (a us us) ws Program syntax is introduced officially in Section 2; here we introduce some terminol- ogy useful for the informal introduction in the present section. The term Aus, us, WV. a (a US US) ws is the main term, and a=. is a dejnition with right-hand side * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 0167~6423/98/$19.00 @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: SO167-6423(97)00031-Z 14 H. Seidl, M.H. ScxensenI Science of’ Computer Programming 32 (1998) 73-107 Axs, ys. case xs of [ ] -+ ys; (t : 0) -+ t : a ts ys. In this case-expression, xs is the selector, and ys and t: a ts ys are the branches. In the call a ts ys, ts and ys are arguments. We assume that the reader is familiar with the notions of free and bound variables, and the usual conventions to distinguish free and bound (as well as distinct bound) variables. A variable which occurs bound more than once in the main term, or in the right-hand side of a definition, is non-linear (in a case-expression we count only the occurrences in the branch with the most occurrences). Although the program contains A-abstractions, it is a first-order program: abstractions are only used for the formal parameters of a, and all calls to a have exactly two arguments. The term LUS, US,ws. a (a us US) ws appends the three lists us, vs, and ws. Appending US and us results in an intermediate list to which ws is appended. Allocation and deallocation of the intermediate list at run-time is expensive. Sacrificing clarity for efficiency, we would prefer a program like the following. letrec da = Axs, ys, zs. case xs of [] + a ys zs; (t : ts) -+ t : da ts ys zs a=Iys,zs. case ys of []--+zs; (t: ts)-+t:a tszs in ?,us, vs, MS. da us vs ws In Mark Jones’ Gofer, the first program uses approximately 13 percent more time and 7 percent more space to append three constant lists of equal length. Ideally we should enjoy the benefits of both elegance and efficiency by writing the first version and have it translated to the second automatically, e.g., by our compiler. Some early techniques for this are due to Burstall and Darlington [6], Manna and Waldinger [35], Darlington [ 141, Kierburtz and Schultis 1321, Feather [15], Turchin [62], Bird [3], Wadler [63365], and Scherlis [48]. This paper is about Wadler’s deforestation [17,66,68], an algorithm eliminating intermediate data structures from first-order functional programs in which (i) no definition contains an argument which is not a variable; (ii) no definition contains a selector which is not a variable; (iii) no definition nor the main term contains a non-linear variable. We call a program treeless if it satisfies (i)-(ii), and linear if it satisfies (iii). In a treeless program the right-hand sides do not construct intermediate data structures; this property guarantees termination of deforestation. In a linear program no duplica- tion occurs; this ensures that the new program is at least as efficient as the original. For instance, the first program in Example 1 is treeless and linear, and can be translated to the second automatically by deforestation. Wadler also introduced blazed deforestation, a variant where the input program’s main term and right-hand sides have certain marks, and where the algorithm skips over marked subterms. The act of putting such marks on a program is blazing. The problem remains to blaze each program so that (i) blazed deforestation of the blazed program terminates; (ii) the resulting program is no less efficient than the original one. H. Seidl, hf. H. SsrensenlScience of Computer Programming 32 (1998) 73-107 75 A technique for blazing is termination-safe and ejiciency-safe if it satisfies (i) and (ii), respectively, for all programs, and safe if it satisfies both (i) and (ii) for all programs. Since transformation skips over marked subterms, intermediate data structures produced by such subterms will not be removed. Thus, as few subterms as possible should receive marks, but enough subtenns should receive marks to ensure safety. Wadler blazes programs on the basis of types. For instance, a subterm of integer type does not produce as a result a data structure, so nothing is lost by marking the subterm. The type-based blazing is not generally safe (and was not meant to be). Chin [7,8, 10, 1 l] safely blazes all first-order programs by, roughly, marking all subterms violating the linear, treeless syntax: (i) for every definition, all arguments that are not variables; (ii) for every definition, all selectors that are not variables; (iii) for every definition and the main term, all non-linear variables. Here (i)-(ii) and (iii) account for termination-safety and efficiency-safety, respectively. Chin also presents many extensions of this blazing scheme. For instance, he refines (i) by not requiring that arguments of a non-recursive function be marked. He also notes that the syntactic non-linearity condition (iii) might be replaced by a semantic condition, stating that all terms evaluated more than once should be marked. More extensions were devised by Chin and Khoo [ 131. Hamilton and Jones [25,26] use static analyses to blaze first-order programs, but in some cases blazed deforestation loops indefinitely on the blazed program. Later, Hamilton [22] describes a safe blazing scheme similar to Chin’s (i)-(iii). In his the- sis [21] he gives another safe blazing scheme, replacing (ii), (iii) by similar semantic conditions, roughly: (ii) all terms appearing as a case-selector after a number of evaluation steps; (iii) all terms that will be evaluated more than once. Both (ii) and (iii) are approximated by a usage counting analysis. The safe blazing schemes by Chin and Hamilton are - at least partly - syntactic: they mark parts of the program that violate some version of the linear, treeless syntax, thereby failing to improve such subterms. In contrast, Sorensen and Seidl [59,50] com- pute a constraint-based control-flow analysis which approximates whether deforestation of a given program terminates. This information is used to blaze in a termination-safe way. The technique is conservative over Wadler’s technique (and the core of Chin’s and Hamilton’s syntactic techniques) in the sense that for any treeless program the technique discovers that no marks are required. Moreover, for some non-treeless pro- grams, it discovers that no marks are necessary. What has been said so far concerns jut-order programs. However, languages like Haskell and Miranda include higher-order functions which should be transformed too. Along with the above mentioned techniques to ensure termination of first-order defor- estation came some attempts to reduce the problem of ensuring termination of higher- order deforestation to the first-order case. Wadler [68] considers programs with higher-order macros. Any such program ty- pable in the Hindley-Milner [29,38] type system can be expanded out to a first-order 76 H. Seidl, A4.H. SwensenlScience of Computer Programming 32 (1998) 73-107 program, and transformed with first-order deforestation. These programs include appli- cations of the fold and map functions, but exclude useful constructions, e.g., lists of functions. Chin [7,8, 10, 1 l] starts out with a higher-order program and uses higher-order re- moval [7,9, 121 to eliminate some higher-order parts, resulting in a program in a re- stricted higher-order form. He then adopts a version of deforestation applicable to blazed programs in the restricted higher-order form, and marks remaining higher-order parts, as well as first-order parts violating the treeless syntax. While deforesting such a program, higher-order subterms may reappear, and these are removed by the higher- order removal algorithm along the way. The whole process terminates if the program is typable in the Hindley-Milner type system, but a more efficient and transparent approach is desirable. The first formulation of deforestation applicable directly to higher-order programs is due to Marlow and Wadler [36], who leave open the question of guaranteeing termi- nation.
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