J eReruv Roce ns The ontessa gs n Jeremy Rogers sparked a revolution in yacht I building, made and lost a fortune, and created two of the best small cruisingyachts ever. Peter Nielsen met E the maker of a legend F _g I n"*O Ifyou miss the sign, efficiencywith strength. How could you build more and I there is^ogersYachts. no indication that the box-like better boats in less time, with less labour, and at prices that would open the door to people who wouldn't have (rr:.î''iiff i#,ä*",ffi fl ,ïlålrsfi,* been able to aspire to awell-builtnewwoodenboat? outside L¡rmington, has anythingto dovyith The new-fangled combination of spun glass fìbres and boatbuilding - until you see tlle rack of masts down the poþsterresin looked as thoughitheld all the answers side. Therewas atimewhen thatnamewas on thewalls to the questions manybuilders hadn't evenbegun to offìve factories around Lymington, and its ownerwas ask. Rogers was one of the fìrst to see that the writing one of the biggestboatbuilders in the count4r. was on the bulkhead, Jeremy Rogers Yachts is a classic story, spanning four 'I had no doubts that GRPwas the future,'he says. decades - a revolution in boatbuilding, a fortune made 'I fìrst started using it to hold together the chines on and lost, and two of the best small cruisingyachts ever wooden OK dinghies . The potential was obvious . ' built, the Contessas 26 and 32. Soon he was building dinghies in GRP. The next step, Son of an RAF offìcer and keen sailor, Rogers always logically, would be automobile-style series production, ) knew where his future lay. He built his first boat at the something that could never be possible with wooden age of ten and served his time with caulking mallet and boats. The opportunit¡r arrived almost by chance. drawknife, apprenticing himself to a boatbuilder in 'I was building cold-moulded Folkboats during the Fareham in the late 1950s. When he set up on his own in early Sixties, alongside the dinghies,' recalls Rogers. 196O, he soon forsook the carvel-and-clinker techniques 'Theywere built to class rules witl. fractional rigs. One of in favour of more efficient - ie faster and more cost- my customers was David Sadle¿ who put a masthead rig effective - methods. on his. It performed so well that we thought Soon he had to move from his first'yard', a we would take it a step further.' shed behind his house in LSrmington, to a small In 1966 the first Contessa 26, designed factory built on an apple orchard. Before long by David Sadler, was launched; the hewas turning out cold-moulded boats phrase'overnight success' springs to by the dozen: Finn and OK dinghies mind. The boat ushered in what Jeremy's mostly, butFolkboats, too. He wife, Fiona, calls the'ma$calyears' of the rapidly acquired a reputation for late 196Os: a booming economy and the goodworkmanship. beginnings of afundamental shift Workingwithwoodinthe in social structure traditional ways might have sawmorepeople been good for the soul, but as takingto thewater aracer Rogers placed ahigh than everbefore. value on lightness as the Manyyards, the foundation ofspeed; as a Rogers operation boatbuilder he was always amongttrem, were looking for ways to combine hard pressed to J keepupwith leremy Rogers (rlght) discussesthe plan6 demand. The orders E of a Gontêgsa 32, currently under kept on coming in for g construclion, w¡th a sh¡pwrlght Contessa26s ('Manyof 40 YACHTING MONTHLY.JULY 2OOO ttlalãÍ Yaet2Cs 36 :.i t, \rt --\*- "Losing lf;*¡¡f"¡ o youf gfip?" The Gctutine ,FÈ The answer could be a new set of grab-rails; ffi.shorc Maftin Parker makes his litcltt 5,lil TF l¡¿¡rlrllir¡r,. own. With the ending of ('ltrrlsirr¡ ru'f tlrt:' l ir. \r'rr \lrrir'\ucllt: ìr' rs.l SA, we also rr¡trr griir -t jt measure iitsi .[ìri lr{r\\et lili al tìlsilt:t I itflti. ¡t\l Rt r, the accuracy of GPS - It lll\\rl'|rrl;llilìr,t \lt()tìg¡\ hLlllt a' and test the latest, ilsrri;rtr'Li itLrli. ìtìtr.1titi ( rl{ì' l\r|i -=+-:lb à :.rtLi iìriir :l.ri, i¡rri ,lct (. low-cost radars. 0r'l Ð Colin Buchanan . t. Æ SAI-E ilts: l.'liLiill| ìtìiü t(ìt \tlitc. passes on his & ì\ riii iìlil \iirrìriuìr il,rririrrrolt' a îit top trailer tips, IIOWI 1i¡¡r1¡1'i11i1¡1 I .tr'ir hirllt ls .'-lftr¡ rrrirr irirlriir lriinLl iruliirl lìrr ,x ( I while Colin Jones llr,[( ì\ , ¡, t¡r)! ,0ltrlìrl i .lltrl \ltir'l\ .li \!Ìi .ìlì(l [ì enjoys the Mediter- illiÌ{)U: ranean good life on the \litit,' tightest of budgets. With inside information ' itttiL't¡¡ it¡ i.ll¡i .le¡igt ,rllr'r: lrl¡i iìtotcrti0lr,llì(l.t.ts\ about the lsle of Man - and a seawife's t.rllrllrtil ìr ìrnlriiir:.rrrLl.lrolI private, unexpurgated thoughts about ì.ilÌrit(l ( lì\\ \ families afloat not to mention an extra - ' i rLr'0ttrriliri .lliltti.rtti 16-page section about choosing the right 'lì( .llia.ìtt0l) iìi. ltii .lsi, ()ì sail handling gear, it's too good to miss... ,'rrlll!rtli.' rit'ilìli¡ .\ IIEW lr- -, Hands-on t--l-, ii..-,l Information lo ì9 .-t2 d BR¡TAIN'S B¡GGEST.SELLING YACHTING MAGAZINE I ---J L ¡ >- --1 f- a J7 S.\I iI R\S VlARI\A It I 0ltr): 't)()08(i . l'(X )l l. tlll 1.1 x.lR T l \I i)ll(): rflql)': +l ì ô ò f Maln plc.trnlc: hr t977 Rogcr *lppqtd thc Conta¡¡a{8 Ílooaglrtnctn tlrc wlnnlng Brtürilr ln 197¡l Ont lon ìbar JeRevrv RocERS E o Above: the Milford-on-Sea factory where Rogers's own 26 (red hull) is being myold dinghycustomers refurb¡shed. Rightr the young builder with bought them when they an early GRP mould. Belowi the Contessa had families of their own'), 32 stole the show at Earl's Court ¡n 1972 butin theboatbuilding business, as in any other, to stand still is to risk falling behind and, as the decade ended, Rogers and David Sadlerwere kicking around an idea for a biggerboat. The Contessa 32 made its debut at Earl's Court inI97l andwasvoted the Boat of the Showthe following year. If the 26 had made the reputations of Rogers and Sadler - the tank designer turned yacht designer - the 32 would elevate them to cult status amongyachtsmen all overtheworld. .We couldn'tbuild enoughto keep upwith demand,' Rogers recalls. At the end of that first Boat Show, we had a two-year waiting list.' First one newfactory opened, then another. In 1978, eight 32s were being launched each month. By the end ofthe 197Os, the Rogers operation spanned five factories, occupying a goodly chunk of Ll.rnington's commercial real estate, and 200 employees, a not insignificant part of the town's workforce. Halcyon days, indeed. With the 26 and 32 underpinning this vast operation, therewas time and opportunityto diversifr- and to play. The collaboration between Rogers and Sadler ended in the early Seventies, but the Contessa name lived on. A committed and talented racing helmsman, Rogers linked up with young Doug Peterson - and the fruit of this union was a long line of fast racers and cruiser-racers. Rogers won the 1974 OneTon Cup in the Contessa 35 Gumboots, and an incidentwhere he abandoned one of the ocean races to rescue the crew ofa burning yacht led to his being named Yachtsman of theYear. ln 1977 , he skippered the Contessa 43 Moonshíne, the top-scoring boat in the wìnning British Admiral's Cup 42 YACHTING MONTHLY.JULY 2OOO wwv.yachtingmonthly. com weeks, Rogers and a couple of former employees had set up shop again in a farmyard outside Ll.rnington, still redolent ofits previous occupants, a herd ofpigs. The Contessa 26 and 32 moulds had been sold by ttre receivers, so his first projects were U-24s and firemen's helmets'. He moved on to building Etchells keelboats, which sold well, and in I 988 was able to move into his present factory in Milford,on-Sea. For afewyears hebuilt one-off racing and cmising boats alongside the Etchells, drawing on the rich pool of boatbuilding labour in the area as need dictated. He did the tooling for theWauquiez3T, and built the keels for the Whitbrea d yacht Kuaerner. Was he never tempted to go backinto series E production?'Notreally. It costs overÊ1OO,000 to tool up o for a big production boat a¡rd that's a big risk to take.' 6 Rogers does not miss the days of running one of È the biggestyards in the country. The factories might Above and r¡ght: thè be long gone, but the redesigned ¡nterior of Rogers,s memories ofbeingakey own refurbished Contessa 26 player in the bì ggest-ever ') boom time in British leisure team, and competed again boating are strong enough; twoyears laterin an event more to the point, they are - overshadowed by the tragic simply-enough. Fastnet race. His Contessa He knows that the best 39,Ðclþse finished that race days of boatbuilding in this in second place toTed countqr are long gone. 'These Turner's maxi, Tencicíotts, are notgood times to be a and the Contessa 32's maj or British boatbuilder,' reputationwas further he says emphatically. enhanced when Assent and In 1995 life moved almost heryoung crewwere the only full circle for Rogers when finishers below Class IIL heboughtbackthe One of Rogers's otherboats did not fare so well. The OOD (Offshore One Design) 34 fleet took the brunt of the storm and got hammered; there were knockdowns, capsizes -i!::-- and two boats lost, and the designwas criticised in the Fastnet Repori for its tendency to remain inverted.
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