The original documents are located in Box 8, folder “12/19/75 - White House Press Corps Christmas Party” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 8 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON CHRlSTMAS PARTY for - MEMBERS OF THE PRESS CORPS December 19, 1975 7:00 p. m. - 9:00 p. m. Dress: Business Suit ••• long dresses for the ladies Schedule of Events: 7:00 p.m. Your guests will arrive through the Diplomatic Reception Room and the East Wing and will be· escorted to the State Floor. Carolers from the Howard University Choir will be singing Christmas carols outside the entrance to the Diplomati.'.! Reception Room as your guests arrive. A second group, the Cathedral Choir Boys, will be singing in the East Wing Hall for your guests who will arrive through the East Gate. 7:25 p. m. The carolers will be invited into the west end of the Ground Floor Hall which will be partitioned from the remainder of the Ground Floor Hall. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served. 7:30 p. m. You, Mrs. Ford, and Susan will b~ escorted via elevator to the west end of the Ground Floor Hall and greet the two groups. The Howard University Choir will number 38 persons. The 26 Cathedral Choir Boys range in age from 9 to 15 years old. 7:35 p.m. You, Mrs. Ford, and Susan will bid farewell to I the groups and will be escorted to the State Floor via elevator. I You, Mrs. Ford, and Susan will proceed into the East Room. to the dance band whe,i:.e ,l\ , I • Date Issued 12/12/75 By L. Baker Revised FACT SHEET Mrs. Ford's Office Event Christmas Party Group Members of the Press Corps and their Spouses DATE/TIME Friday, December 19, 1975 7:00 p. m. Contact Linda Baker Phone 2927 Number of guests: Total approx. 1000 Women_X_____ Men X Children----- -- Place State Floor Principals involved The President and Mrs. Ford Participation by Principal yes - mingle informally (Receiving line) no Rcm arks required es ------------------- ~'---------------------------------~ Background The President and Mrs. Ford are hosting a Christmas Party for the Members of the Press Corps and their spouses.; REQlllREMF.NTS Social: Guest list yes - Ron Nessen and Sheila Weidenfeld to the Social Entertainm.ents Invitations yes Programs ----no Menus------ no Office R c freshmen ts yes - Buffet, champagne, mixed drinks Entertainment Dancing - The Howard Devron Orchestra _,__ Decorations/flowers yes____________________________ _ Music yes _..._ Social Aicics es_________________________________ __ Dress Business Suit Coat check yes Other --------------------------------------------- Press: Reporters TO BE RESOLVED Photographers_________________________________ _ TV Crews ----------------------------------------------~ \\'hite Honse Photographers --=--------yes Color yes Mono.·-------- Other-------------------------------------------------- Teclmical Support: :Microphones_y~e__ s ______________ _ Recording es / l.ights._.:...?'-"------'-------------------------------'-';__ _______________________________________ ...___ ...:.____ Transportation cars -- through the Southwest Gate Parking South Drive and East Executive Avenue (closed off) Housing__________________________________ _ Other (Risrrs,stage,platforms)_..._ yes___________ _ • Project Co-ordinator Linda Baker Phone 2927 ----------------------------------~ Site diagrams should be attached if technical support is heavy. f-'1.-11 . ...,:.,. ( 71"..r:., /11 (/I fn.,_t/..[i,-..J !,(.,,;"..:; 'h.-··· Regarding the party for the press Dec. 19: Invitations have gone out to press and their spouses or dates. There have been some questions as to whether or not this party includes children. Because of the space problems, it does not. But members of the press who would like their families to see the White House decorations may bring them for a tour Saturday, Dec. 21 from 1: 30 - 3 p. m. Just bring your family to the East Gate and show your White House press pass. If you are on the access list but do not have a pass, call Sheila Weidenfeld 1 s office (2164) for clearance. Don Shirley -­ Post Joy Billington - Star 'Karen Peterson -- Features Dana Little -­ New York Times Harriet Garber CBS M~ MePfterson ~i· ~ssey- ~P hP ~ ~ Susan Bluttman -- People Mag Henry Brandon- M ELG] Ba . ]• ..iJli. 2 k - .W 5 1 91; to Andy Glass - ..., o ~ 6 o, l~~s;l i" 1 Margie Hunter - of' Y1 N'fV'v Pl s ca+ , / ,X Sue Watters - m ~n .f •,... Walter Oates -- Star Photog. ;!:I( Cody Shearer -- Parade t L..-Ji:red Ward -- Black Star Anne Wexler -- Rolling Stone alters )<. Bonnie Angelo - ~~ . .)(Tis:k Avery -l S/J.w.o,"/ JvttW/ ~ y... Betty B~ale - ~ Lesley Stahl - - &S Jane Whitmore - Jessie Stearns ~ofl~1 1 Marlene · Cimons -.;<'.A.T~ Sally. Steele "'I h ,,._ m "- \> ... f ~ ~s y Clare Crawford . t± 2 , P~ ffl<.l"\ • Malvina Stephenson .... T ..... 1r (A. l.v ~ r- ( cJ Kr r il!f B b!i!C •i .lli 3 7 1 iy ~elen Thomas PL. Gra~in~ E. Krivickas -fJU..<.'r'""" Mary Tuthill ('booth), Wauhillau LaHay ~f" - jJeu.io-~ j. Fay Wells - "o ~..- L ~ Fran Lewine (\- P )<.Ann Wood }Ir· 0 (~ -..,. Dorothy. Mccardle Po.St Jeanette Sm:jth o ·t '-" Sarah Mcclendon ttPo.oo T~ 1 Garnett ~tackelberg fre..<- l..."-he!! e., Winzola 1McLendon F .l\..u.- ~ ~ Marya McLaughlin -t!i'l>..S Julie Moon I\~ " n ~wS ~Naomi Nover I\ 1.1' ~e,...\.1•€..~ "?- Donnie Rcldcliffe P0 .st y Isabelle Shel ton '3-l"'-i-' EAST SIDE PRESS C ORPS ~ ~ A~l\JEW , Patricia Newhouse News Service 3411 'T:,!Jrner Lane -'1740 Pennsylvania Ave .. N. Vf. Chevy Cila-s.c, 1v1aryland 20015 Washington , D. C. 20004: 657-1978 298-7080 ~ .. ~ .L~RSO.N'. Helen San Antonio Light 2500 Vi~a Ave., N. W. Apt. 1010 Washington~~ 20037 965-2530 ANGELO Bonnie .- Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tim~ Magazine 5401 Edge1noor Lane Levy 888 - 16th Street f Bethesda, Maryland 20014 \~ashington, D. C. 20006 652-3599 293-4300 Y.')( AVERY, Patricia A. - Tish U.S. Nev,:s & World Report JI 2500 Q Stxeet, N. W .. #649 2300 N Street, N. W. -r-1' Washington, D. C. 20007 Washington, D. C. 20037 333-0827 333-7400 BEALE Betty - Ivir. & Mrs. George The Evening Star & The Nei.vs 2926 Garfield Street Graeber 225 Vil'ginia Ave. , S. E. Washington, D. C 20008 Washington, D. C. 20003 232-3525 ~ GAMFJ!:ft Diane Newsweek ~'?< ::r~ ~:l-:Ji~0~~-~~ l/tv 1570 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W. I(') ~....,_ '2.C>Odl Vvashington, D. C. 20006 633 lQH IJ? i'/ 298-7880 96S-J2.I Los Angeles TiJnes 1700 Penn sy lvaniC1. Ave. , N. W. Washingtoll, D. C. 20006 296-1440 ., ....... The Evening Sta1 & illt WRC-TV NBC 362-400 0 484-4351 I - 2· - D /·or'r, Yn1elda - Mrs. G e orge The Even1ng Star & The News 2. ~ "~ S P Str e<=-~ t.. N. W . 225 Virgini A ~ . , S. E . "\V e shington. D. C. 20007 Washington, D. C . 20003 231-8997 484-4350 £:1..LIOT ,, Karen The Dallas Morning News 2109IT idekoper Place, N. W. 637 National Press •Building D. C. 20007 Washington, D. C. 20004 628-5030 FELDMAN, Trude Coastline Publications, The Mayflower Hotel (Mail) Van Nuys News, Sun Presses (Ohio) .. Washington, D. C . 20036 Today, San .Tuan Star., Etc. 737-3586 (Same as home address) GA Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon Voice of Amei·ica 1011 Ar . rr ton Blvd.. Gates 330 Independence Ave. , S. W. Washington, D. C . 20547 755- 4607 ,,,.-. ~ de Gli"TGRAS. Angele ABC RacHo 316 North Carolina Ave., S. E. (Same as hon1e address) Washington, D. C . 543-1109 -i;-GLASER. Vera - Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Knight Newspapers, Wash. Bnreau 5000 Cathedral Aye . N . W. Glaser 1195 National Press Building ~ ·washington. D. C. 20016 Washington, D. C. 20004 24'1- -8787 638-2844 GRANTON, Fannie &. Maurice Sorrell Johnson Public ations 1623 Lanier Place, N. Vv . 1750 P l~n,1 sylvania Ave. N. W. Washington .. D . C 20009 Roorn 1301 583-3744 Washington, D . C. 20006 298-7836 GHEEN. Janet ( Fe.trutU.S an North Ncbo'1 St:n-et 2716 .:De.cor•l.tn1J a1'h.f"'-A.r1 J-.c.). l\ i Ji11gton, Virginia 22207 703-S,~7 087') - 3 - .JOIG'{SON, Mal - Mrs. Cox Bro,H..lc:ai:;ting Corporation \\' atergatc Son th, Apt. 714 Washington ~ l!W S 0 ffi<. 700 New Harnpshire Ave., N. W. 173SDeSale Street, N.W. Washington. D. C. 20037 Washington, D C. 2003(> 333-9468 737-0277 2 KELLY Virginia - m. & Mrs. Thomas Virginia W eldo11 Kelly New·s Service 3930 Con ectic ve., N. W. Kelly (Saine as hon1.e <tddress) \Vashingt o . C. 20008 966-5334 362-3965 KRIVICKAS. Grazina E. - Mr. & Mrs. Lithuanian World '\Viele Daily - 5808 King Arthur Way Domas Krivickas Draugas Glenn Dale Marylancl 20769 (San1e as home address) 262-7164 ~ LaHA Y, Wanhillau Sc.ripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance 1070 - 30th Street, N. W. 777 - 14th Street, N. W. ~- \Vashington, D. C. 20007 Room 1200 333-5869 Washington, D. C. 20005 347-7750 JJ/r-'JJ. LEWINE. Frances A ssodatcd Press 1'102 - 37th Street, N. W. 1300 Connecticut Ave. , N. W. - Washington, D. C. 20007 Wci.shington, D. C. 20()13 333-1745 833-5300, WH 833-5397 PO 833-5360 -#4' Mc CARDLE.
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