246 Council, one by the East London Waterworks Company, and. than those of the sex which is inured to labour and one by the Metropolitan Water Companies. The titles of the : hardship. The following figures, supplied by Haberkantt bills are as follows :-1. "A Bill to authorise the , and quoted by Professor Tarnier in a lecture last summer, Construction of Aqueducts and Works for the Supply would certainly seem to afford primâ-facie evidence of of Water to London and neighbourhood; and for the exactitude of the proposition. In 117 cases of gastro- other purposes." The short title of this bill is enterotomy in the male there was a mortality equal "London Water (Aqueducts and Works)." 2. "A Bill to to 54 per cent., while in 96 similar cases in the authorise the Construction of Reservoirs and Works female it was only equal to 35 per cent., a difference in Wales for the Supply of Water to London and neighbour- of very nearly one-fifth. In pylorectomy the discrepancy hood and for other purposes." The short title of this Bill is was not quite so prominent, the mortality after 70 opera- "London Water (Welsh Reservoirs and Works)." These tions in the male and 140 in the female being at the two Bills are promoted by the London County Council. rate respectively of 64’3 and 52-8 per cent., an advantage.- 3. "A Bill to authorise the East London Waterworks Com- in favour of the latter of only 11-5 per cent. As may be pany to Construct Additional Storage Reservoirs and other supposed a great many theories have been advanced in Works and to raise further money and for other purposes." explanation of this sexual peculiarity. In the opinion of The short title of the Bill is "East London Water." 4. " A one profound observer who has actually been bold enough to Bill for Improving and Facilitating Intercommunication place his lucubration on record in print women suffer between the Mains and Works of the Metropolitan Water less than men after capital abdominal operations. Companies." The short title of the Bill is "Metropolitan because it is especially characteristic of this sex to- Water Companies." It is promoted by all the metropolitan enjoy this comparative immunity. As Professor Tarnier water companies. It will be seen that in each case the chief did not fail to remark, this intelligent explanation objects of the Bill are clearly stated in its title. The Metro- reminded him of the well-known character in Molière. politan Water Companies Bill came before the Examiner of who so strenuously maintained that opium caused Private Bills on was Monday, Jan. 23rd, and passed without somnolence because it was endowed with soporific pro-- opposition. The London Water (Aqueducts and Works) perties ! According to Dr. Marcel Baudouin, however, it is. and London Water (Reservoirs and Works) Bills have met not impossible to furnish reasons which at all events are- with considerable opposition at the Private Bills Office. plausible for the fact that females support operations better The Welsh Reservoirs Bill has been opposed by a memorial than males. In the first place, pregnancy makes the- presented by nearly a hundred signatories and five sittings abdominal parietes thin and flaccid, thus enormously have already been held by the Examiner of Private favouring examination and consequently helping to an, Bills to consider the technical bearing of the alle- accurate diagnosis. Secondly, women are more prone to, gations made against it. In some cases the Exa- complain than men, especially in connexion with anything miner found that notice had not been given to owners that concerns their reproductive systems. In this way their of property affected by the scheme. In one rather curious cases come under observation at an early stage when case a notice had been served on one John Jones who was surgical interference is less of apis aller. Thirdly, men as a, not the owner of the property with the possession of which rule hate confinement, whereas women are accustomed to an he was credited. He was by no means the only man of that indoor life. Fourthly, women do not smoke or drink and name in the district, and the estimated number of John nature consequently can exert her recuperative qualities. Joneses varied from three to five. In this case the Examiner more effectually. - thought the wrong gentleman had obtained the notice by misadventure and that the promoters of the Bill were not to UNFIT HOUSES. blame. Four memorials have been presented against the IT will be remembered that Mr. Gilbert’s Lord Chancellor- London Water (Aqueducts and Works) Bill; amongst the used to sing nightly, "The law is the true embodiment of memorialists are the Middlesex County Council. everything that’s excellent ; it has no single fault or flaw." Be this as it may, the law is constantly providing. the most eccentric situations, and one of these has just DO WOMEN BEAR ABDOMINAL OPERATIONS occurred in the Borough. In 1895 some cottages in, BETTER THAN MEN ? Red Cow-alley were closed by order of the magistrates and THIS is pre-eminently the age of statistics. Of late years were dismantled but not pulled down. Dr. Waldo (medical so much care, ingenuity, and industry have been devoted to officer of health for St. George-the-Martyr, Southwark) then, the compilation of tabular statements affecting pretty urged that the old buildings and drains were a source- nearly every subject under the sun that averages alone have of danger to public health and that the site ought to. come to be esteemed as worthy of notice, the salient be cleared. The vestry accordingly made an order for- instances by which public opinion used formerly to be in demolition under the Housing of the Working-classes Act, a great measure formed and guided being now regarded as of 1890. The owners of the property appealed and the case. no more value than any other of the similar but obscure items was heard at the South London Sessions on Jan. 13th. in the same category. It would be difficult to find a subject After a long hearing the court decided against the order- in either medicine or surgery which has not been exposed to but agreed to state a case for a higher court. The- the test of figures and especially is this the case with regard court held that the houses were uninhabited and conse-. to operations. Amongst other points all more or less note- quently not dwelling-houses within the meaning of the Act worthy the influence exercised on the results of surgical inter- of 1890. Counsel for the owners of the property said that a, ference by age, temperament, nationality, latitude, season, dwelling-house was defined as an inhabited building. Counsel the experience of the operator, &c., has been statistically re- for the vestry argued that the word "building" used in corded with much advantage, while incidentally these investi- Section 33 of the Act meant a closed dwelling-house.. gations have likewise been by no means barren, For some Therefore the position would seem to be as follows. To pull considerable time the supposition that grave surgical opera- down a house under the Housing of the Working-classes- tions were better supported by women than by men was Act it must first be closed. Unless somebody, owner or tenant, rather extensively entertained, but it was not until totals is enclosed too the building ceases to be a dwelling-house had been systematically tabulated that we were afforded because nobody dwells in it. Then it cannot be demolished reliable grounds for believing that members of the so-called under an order for dealing with dwelling-houses. Truly a. feebler sex could endure the knife with greater advantage fit motif for a Savoy opera. We shall await the decision of 247 the High Court with interest. Possibly, again to quote Mr. have a county medical officer, and as we have previously Gilbert’s Chancellor, the court will find that the insertion of said’ he must not only be specially qualified but be a " not" will meet all difficulties. If it were required that a granted a salary giving him the necessary status of a county house should not be a dwelling-house before it could be official. Otherwise he will either not be able to maintain the pulled down matters might come all right. position necessary to his proper influence or he will use his post as a mere stepping-stone to higher things. The appoint-. ment of a county medical officer in the enjoyment of A NEW PROTEID IN MILK. good salary and pccri passu debarred from private practice is most To the three proteids already known to exist in milk- valuable. He is not exposed to local jealousies, he can act albumin, globulin, and casein-a fourth must now be added without fear or favour, and his advice is often most valuable which has been named by its discoverer, A. Wroblewski, both to his own council and to the various district medical " opalisin" from the opalescent appearance of its solutions. officers of health who can and do seek his advice upon M. Wroblewski has given a description of it in Hoppe-Seyler’s matters connected with the sanitary administration of their Zeitschrift fiir Chemie. It exists in largest quantity in various districts knowing that his influence may very pro- human milk ; a similar if not identical substance is less bably further objects which they have greatly at heart but to, abundant in the milk of ,the mare ; and there is yet another carry out which they are practically helpless owing to the which, however, only exists in very small quantities, in the clashing of different interests and also because some of the milk of the cow.
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