GLADSTONE CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS August 11, 2020 – 6:30 PM 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Per the Governor’s Executive Order 20-16, regarding compliance with Oregon’s public meeting laws, the City of Gladstone is abiding by social distancing requirements during the coronavirus pandemic. This public hearing will be conducted virtually using the ZOOM platform. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96973782185?pwd=ZnJYdmtmWGJDdWVJVXZ5NjFaVGdQZz09 Meeting ID: 969 7378 2185 Passcode: 581608 One tap mobile +13462487799,,96973782185#,,,,,,0#,,581608# US (Houston) +16699009128,,96973782185#,,,,,,0#,,581608# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 969 7378 2185 Passcode: 581608 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adSt91ecsp If members of the public would like to comment on an agenda item, please email your comments to [email protected] prior to 12:00 p.m. (noon) on August 11, 2020. The City Council will also have Business from the Audience at the end of the meeting. To speak during this time, please email [email protected] prior to 12:00 p.m. (noon) on August 11, 2020 with your topic of discussion. PRESENTATION: I-205 Tolling Project- Lucinda Broussard, Oregon Department of Transportation Program Director. (30 minutes). AGENDA ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Approval of July 14, 2020 Meeting Minutes 2. Approval of June Bank Balances 3. Budget Report for Period ending 06-30-2020 4. Approval of June Check Register 5. Legal Costs on Projects 6. Department Head Monthly Reports for July 2020 CORRESPONDENCE: None REGULAR AGENDA: 7. RESOLUTION 1182 - UPDATING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE. Consider approval of Resolution 1182, updating the Master Fee Schedule to include a fee for an eligible elector’s declaration of candidacy for City Council election. 8. PARKLET PILOT PROGRAM AND OUTDOOR DINING AND RETAIL IN PRIVATE PARKING LOTS PROGRAM. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, consider the approval of an alternative way to help increase patronage of local businesses effected by physical distancing requirements. 9. DISCUSS APPOINTMENT PROCESS TO CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS FOR JANUARY 2021. BUSINESS CARRIED FORWARD- Update on the Mutual Agreement and Order (MAO) between the City of Gladstone and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Visitors: This is an opportunity for members of the audience to bring to the Council’s attention any item not otherwise listed on the Agenda. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per person. Speakers may not yield their time to others and must fill out a speaker card available in the back of the room prior to making a comment. BUSINESS FROM THE COUNCIL - Council Monthly Activity Reports Preliminary City Council Agenda Planning Document ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION: ORS 192.660 (2)(f). To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection. The executive session will have a separate Zoom login. ADJOURN Upcoming Meeting Dates: August 25, 2020 - City Council/Planning Commission/Housing Advisory Committee work session on the draft Gladstone Housing Needs Analysis 5:30 pm. September 8, 2020 – City Council Regular Meeting 6:30 pm PRESENTATION Oregon Division 530 Center Street NE, Suite 420 Salem, Oregon 97301 August 3, 2020 503-399-5749 [email protected] In Reply Refer To: HDA – OR The Honorable Tammy Stempel Mayor of Gladstone 525 Portland Ave Gladstone, OR 97027 Subject: I-205 Toll Project Location: Clackamas County, Oregon Action: Preparation of an Environmental Assessment RE: Request for Participating Agency Designation Dear Mayor Stempel: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) as a joint lead agency, seeks to coordinate with agencies and Tribes in association with the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) consistent with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations for a proposed tolling project on Interstate 205 (I-205). ODOT sent FHWA a letter initiating the project on July 14, 2020. The purpose of the I-205 Toll Project (Project) is to manage congestion on I-205 between Stafford Road and Oregon Route 213 (OR 213) and raise revenue to fund congestion relief projects in compliance with House Bill 2017. The attached draft Purpose and Need Statement provides additional detail on why the Project is proposed. The Project is entering the environmental review phase. We will be requesting agency and Tribal review and input on the following: • Agency Coordination Plan • Purpose and Need Statement • Range of alternatives • Identification of the preferred alternative • Impact assessment methodologies related to your area(s) of jurisdiction • Potential environmental or socioeconomic impacts related to your area of jurisdiction • Environmental Assessment Agency, Tribal, and public input will help to finalize the range of alternatives and the areas of concern to be studied in the EA. Resources potentially affected during construction or operation include traffic, air quality, economics, energy, environmental justice populations, noise, social and community resources, visual quality, and others. Presentation - 1 2 With this letter, we extend an invitation to you to become a Participating Agency with the FHWA in the development of the EA. Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. Section 139, Participating Agencies are responsible for identifying, as early as practicable, any issues of concern regarding the Project's potential environmental, social, or economic impacts that could substantially delay or prevent an agency from granting a permit or other approval that is needed for the Project. The intent is to ensure that agencies are fully engaged in the development of the Project and that the decisions regarding alternatives are evaluated in detail in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. We suggest that your agency's role in the development of the Project should include the following as they relate to your area of expertise or environmental issues of concern to your jurisdiction: 1. Provide meaningful and early input on defining the purpose and need, determining the range of alternatives to be considered, and the methodologies and level of detail required in the alternatives analysis. 2. Participate in coordination meetings and joint field reviews as appropriate. 3. Provide timely review and comment on the pre-draft environmental documents to reflect the views and concerns of your agency on the adequacy of the document, alternatives considered, and the anticipated impacts and mitigation. We look forward to your response to this request and your agency's role as a Participating Agency on the Project. Although it does not appear that greater involvement as a Cooperating Agency will be needed on this project, if you feel your agency should have this larger role, please indicate this in your response along with an explanation of any special expertise or jurisdiction by law your agency may have over potential resource impacts. The FWHA respectfully requests that you respond to this invitation in writing by September 4, 2020. Your written response may be transmitted electronically to Emily Cline, FHWA Environmental Program Manager, at [email protected] or by mail to 530 Center Street NE, Suite 420, Salem, OR 97301. If your agency does not respond to this invitation by the date listed above, we will consider that you have declined to serve as a Participating Agency. Your agency may still review documents and submit comments during formal public comment periods. If you plan to serve as a participating agency or you wish to learn more about the Project, please join us for a virtual agency coordination meeting on August 12, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m (details below). At the meeting, we will provide an overview of the Project and an opportunity for questions, input, and discussion. The agency coordination meeting will be held via Zoom: I-205 Toll Project Participating Agency Coordination Meeting August 12, 2020, 2:00-4:00pm Zoom Meeting Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://wspusa.zoom.us/j/97684399594?pwd=ZWZyb2VCOXZoa0xNcUIzbnV0c1l2dz09 Password: 416183 Presentation - 2 3 Or Telephone: Dial: 404-469-0482 or 877-829-8910 (Toll Free) Conference code: 476552 As part of early public engagement for NEPA, we will also be hosting an online open house and a series of webinar public open houses on August 12, 18, and 20, 2020 (see www.OregonTolling.org for details). If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Project in more detail, please contact Lucinda Broussard, Toll Program Director, ODOT at (503) 979-5171, [email protected]; or contact Emily Cline, Environmental Program Manager, FHWA at (503) 316-2547, [email protected]. After all Participating Agencies have been identified, we will prepare and circulate a project schedule for the full NEPA process. A project website will also be maintained to facilitate information sharing with agencies and the public: www.OregonTolling.org. Thank you in advance for your interest and participation in the Project. Sincerely, Phillip A. Ditzler Division Administrator Enclosures: Draft Purpose and Need Statement, Draft Agency Coordination Plan, Draft Comparison of Screening Alternatives Report and Executive Summary cc: Lucinda Broussard, ODOT Toll Program Director Jacque Betz, City of Gladstone Presentation - 3 PURPOSE AND NEED STATEMENT Draft 7/15/2020 INTRODUCTION In 2016, the Governor’s Transportation
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