April 3, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 4 5007 and incitement, whether committed by SENATE RESOLUTION 501—HON- (7) Specialist James L. Adair, Carthage, Palestinians or Israelis.’’ ORING THE SACRIFICE OF THE Texas; As Secretary of State Condoleezza MEMBERS OF THE UNITED (8) Captain James Francis Adamouski, Rice stated on October 15, 2007, in STATES ARMED FORCES WHO Springfield, Virginia; Ramallah, ‘‘If you’re going to have a (9) Private Algernon Adams, Aiken, South HAVE BEEN KILLED IN IRAQ Carolina; two-state solution, you have to accept AND AFGHANISTAN (10) Sergeant Brandon E. Adams, the right of the other party to exist. If Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania; you’re going to have a two-state solu- REID, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. (11) Sergeant First Class Brent A. Adams; tion that is born of negotiation, you’re KYLE, Mr.AKAKA, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. West View, Pennsylvania; going to have to renounce violence.’’ I (12) Sergeant Leonard W. Adams, Moores- ALLARD, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BAUCUS, urge President Abbas to take action, ville, North Carolina; Mr. BAYH, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. not only in words, but with deeds. (13) Sergeant Mark P. Adams, Morrisville, BINGAMAN, Mr. BOND, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. North Carolina; f BROWN, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. BUNNING, (14) First Lieutenant Michael R. Adams, SENATE RESOLUTION 500—HON- Mr. BURR, Mr. BYRD, Ms. CANTWELL, Seattle, Washington; ORING MILITARY CHILDREN Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. CASEY, (15) Private First Class Michael S. Adams, DURING ‘‘NATIONAL MONTH OF Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. Spartanburg, South Carolina; THE MILITARY CHILD’’ COBURN, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. COLEMAN, (16) Lieutenant Thomas Mullen Adams, La Mesa, California; Mr. KENNEDY (for himself and Mr. Ms. COLLINS, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. CORKER, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. (17) Sergeant Shawn G. Adams, Dixon, BAYH) submitted the following resolu- California; DEMINT, Mr. DODD, Mrs. DOLE, Mr. tion; which was referred to the Com- (18) Specialist Clarence Adams III, Rich- DOMENCI, Mr. DORGAN, Mr. ENSIGN, Mr. mittee on Armed Services: mond, Virginia; ENZI, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, S. RES. 500 (19) Captain Shane T. Adcock, Mechanics- Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. Whereas more than 2,000,000 men and ville, Virginia; GREGG, Mr. HAGEL, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. women are demonstrating their courage and (20) Specialist Jamaal Rashard Addison, commitment to freedom by serving in the HATCH, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. INHOFE, Roswell, Georgia; Armed Forces of the United States; Mr. INOUYE, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. JOHNSON, (21) Sergeant Dustin M. Adkins, Finger, Whereas 46 percent of members of the Mr. KERRY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. KOHL, Tennessee; Armed Forces, when deployed away from Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. (22) Lance Corporal Patrick R. Adle, their permanent duty stations, leave fami- LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mrs. Belair, Maryland; (23) Private First Class Christopher S. lies with children behind; LINCOLN, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. MARTINEZ, Whereas no one feels the effect of deploy- Adlesperger, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Mr. MCCAIN, Mrs. MCCASKILL, Mr. (24) Private First Class Daniel J. Agami, ments more than the children of deployed MENENDEZ, Ms. MIKULSKI, Ms. MUR- members of the Armed Forces; Coconut Creek, Florida; KOWSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. NELSON of Whereas, as of March 2007, approximately (25) Corporal Andres Aguilar, Jr., Victoria, 2,108 children had lost a parent serving in Florida, Mr. NELSON of Nebraska, Mr. Texas; Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation En- OBAMA, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. REED, Mr. ROB- (26) Lance Corporal Anthony Aguirre, during Freedom; ERTS, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. SALAZAR, Channelview, Texas; Whereas the daily struggles and personal Mr. SANDERS, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. SES- (27) Specialist Nathaniel A. Aguirre, sacrifices of children of members of the SIONS, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. SMITH, Ms. Carrollton, Texas; (28) Major James M. Ahearn, Concord, Cali- Armed Forces too often go unnoticed; SNOWE, Mr. SPECTER, Ms. STABENOW, fornia; Whereas the children of members of the Mr. STEVENS, Mr. SUNUNU, Mr. TESTER, Armed Forces are a source of pride and (29) Sergeant Clinton W. Ahlquist, Creede, Mr. THUNE, Mr. VITTER, Mr. VOINOVICH, honor to the people of the United States and Colorado; it is fitting that the Nation recognize their Mr. WARNER, Mr. WEBB, Mr. (30) Lance Corporal Jeramy A. Ailes, contributions and celebrate their spirit; WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WICKER, and Mr. Gilroy, California; Whereas the ‘‘National Month of the Mili- WYDEN) submitted the following reso- (31) Captain Tristan Neil Aitken, State tary Child’’, observed in April each year, rec- lution; which was considered and College, Pennsylvania; ognizes military children for their sacrifices agreed to: (32) Sergeant Spencer C. Akers, Traverse City, Michigan; and contributes to demonstrating the Na- S. RES. 501 tion’s unconditional support for members of (33) Sergeant James C. Akin, Albuquerque, the Armed Forces; Whereas 4,009 members of the United New Mexico; Whereas, in addition to Department of De- States Armed Forces have lost their lives in (34) Specialist Segun Frederick Akintade, fense programs to support military families support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and 487 Brooklyn, New York; and military children, various programs and members of the United States Armed Forces (35) Captain Paul C. Alaniz, Corpus Christi, campaigns have been established in the pri- have lost their lives in support of Operation Texas; vate sector to honor, support, and thank Enduring Freedom; (36) Staff Sergeant Ivan Vargas Alarcon, military children by fostering awareness and Whereas we honor the ultimate sacrifice Jerome, Idaho; appreciation for the sacrifices and the chal- that these men and women made for our (37) Sergeant First Class Jesse B. Albrecht, lenges they face; and country; Hager City, Wisconsin; Whereas a month-long salute to military Whereas the sacrifices of the fallen are in (38) Corporal Juan M. Alcantara, New children will encourage support for those or- keeping with the highest traditions of the York; ganizations and campaigns established to United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, (39) Private Christopher M. Alcozer, Villa provide direct support for military children Air Force, and Coast Guard; Park/DeKalb, Illinois; and families: Now, therefore, be it Whereas, as their families and loved ones (40) Seaman Zachary M. Alday, Resolved, That the Senate— have sacrificed as well, we honor them in Donalsonville, Georgia; (1) joins the Secretary of Defense in hon- commemorating the memory of those that (41) Lance Corporal Nickalous N. Aldrich, oring the children of members of the Armed lost their lives; Austin, Texas; Forces and recognizes that those children Whereas the following 4,009 members of the (42) Navy Hospitalman Geovani Padilla also share in the burden of protecting the United States Armed Forces have lost their Aleman, South Gate, California; Nation; lives in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom: (43) Staff Sergeant Eugene Alex, Bay City, (2) urges the people of the United States to (1) Corporal Roberto Abad, Los Angeles, Michigan; California; join with the military community in observ- (44) Corporal Matthew L. Alexander, Gret- (2) Commander Joseph Acevedo, Bronx, ing the ‘‘National Month of the Military na, Nebraska; New York; Child’’ with appropriate ceremonies and ac- (3) Sergeant First Class Ramon A. (45) Staff Sergeant George T. Alexander, tivities that honor, support, and thank mili- Acevedoaponte, Watertown, New York; Jr., Killeen, Texas; tary children; and (4) Sergeant Michael D. Acklin II, Louis- (46) Specialist Alexandre A. Alexeev, (3) recognizes with great appreciation the ville, Kentucky; Wilimington, California; contributions made by private-sector organi- (5) Specialist Genaro Acosta, Fair Oaks, (47) Second Lieutenant Tracy Lynn Alger, zations that provide resources and assistance California; New Auburn, Wisconsin; to military families and the communities (6) Private First Class Steven Acosta; (48) Private First Class Wilson A. Algrim, that support them. Calexico, California; Howell, Michigan; VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:12 Nov 05, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S03AP8.002 S03AP8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 5008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 4 April 3, 2008 (49) Specialist Azhar Ali, Flushing, New (92) Specialist Michael Andrade, Bristol, (134) Captain Matthew J. August, North York; Rhode Island; Kingstown, Rhode Island; (50) Corporal Jeremy D. Allbaugh, Luther, (93) Master Sergeant Joseph J. Andres, Jr., (135) Sergeant Corey J. Aultz, Port Or- Oklahoma; Seven Hills, Ohio; chard, Washington; (51) Private First Class Jacob H. Allcott, (94) Specialist Harley D. Andrews, Weimar, (136) Lance Corporal Aaron C. Austin, Caldwell, Idaho; California; Sunray, Texas; (52) Sergeant Chad M. Allen, Maple Lake, (95) Specialist Yoe M. Aneiros, Newark, (137) Private First Class Shane R. Austin, Minnesota; New Jersey; Edgerton, Kansas; (53) Sergeant Howard P. Allen, Mesa, Ari- (96) Lance Corporal Levi T. Angell, Clo- (138) First Lieutenant Garrison C. Avery, zona; quet, Minnesota; Lincoln, Nebraska; (54) Sergeant John E. Allen, Palmdale, (97) Specialist Edward John Anguiano, (139) Private First Class Jeffrey A. Avery, California; Brownsville, Texas; Colorado Springs, Colorado; (55) First Lieutenant Louis E. Allen, Mil- (98) Master Sergeant Brett E. Angus, St. (140) Lance Corporal Andrew Julian Aviles, ford, Pennsylvania; Paul, Minnesota; Tampa, Florida; (56) Army Staff Sergeant Charles D. Allen, (99) Private
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