Monday, June 13, 1977 Jyaistha 23, 1899 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES >LUMNS (»)—(x) (SIXTH SERIES) (xi) (xii) Vol. II 1—3 4— 14 [June ii to 22| I977 jyaistha 21 to Asadha i, 189) ^Saka)] 15— 19 20— 21 Second Session, 1977/1899 (Saka) (Vol. II contains Nos. 1-10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS No. 2, Monday, June 13, lyjjffyaistha 23, 1899 (Saka) C olumns O b itu a r y R e fe r e n c e ................................................................... 1 Oral Answers to Questions : •Starred Questions Nos. 1 to 5 . 2— 28 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 6 to 20 . 28— 46 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1 to 147 and 149 to 175 46— 230 Papers laid on the Table . 230— 3 ^ Assent to Bills ....................................................... 236— 37 ■Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported burning alive of Harijans in Belchi village of Bihar on 27th May, 1 9 7 7 ....................................................... 238— 44 Statement re. Reported death of some persons in Bihar as a result of poll clashes and police firing on 10th June 1977— Chaudhuri Charan Singh .... 245— 47 Railway Budget, 1977-78— General Discussion— Shri T.A. P a i ................................................................ 248— 58 Shri S. K u n d u ..................................... 268— 76 Shri M. Satyanarayan Rao . 276— 81 Dr. Bapu Kaldate ....... 281— 93 Shri Annasaheb P. Shinde .... 293— 301 Shri Samar Mukherjee .... 301— 11 Shri Jagdambi Prasad Yadav .... 311— 19 Shri George F ern an des.......................................................319— 33 Shri B. Rachaiah ................................................... 333— 39 Shri Dharama Vir Vasisht ...... 339— 44 Shri Hukam Chand Kachwai .....................................344— 50 Shri V.M . Sudheeran .................................................... 350— 56 Business Advisory Committee — First Report presented....... 356 •T h e sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question, was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. LOK SABH^Td EBATES i LOK SABHA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Proposal for Change In 10+2-J-3 Sys­ tem of Education Monday, June 15, 1977 /Jyaistha 23, .1899 ( Saka) & *1. SHRI G. M. BANATWALLA: SHRI NATHU SINGH: The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock Win the Minister of EDUCATION SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE [Mr. Spe a k e r in the Chair] be pleased to state: (a) whether there ig any proposal OBITUARY REFERENCE under consideration of Government to change l0_|_2-j-3 education system MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I throughout the country; have to inform the House of the sad demise of one of our former col­ (b) whether there ig also a propo­ leagues Shri K. K. Warior, who pass­ sal under consideration of Govern­ ed away at Trivandrum on the 12th ment to make some changes in the June, 1977 at the age of 69. education system from Primary to Graduation; and Shri Warior was a Member of the Second and Third Lok Sabha during (c) if so, the main features of the the years 1957—67. During the Third proposal and the time by which it Lok Sabha he represented Trichur will be effective? constituency of Kerala State. He THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, played a prominent role in the strug­ SOCIAL WELFARE AND CULTURE gle for independence and suffered im­ (DR. PRATAP CHANDRA CHUN- prisonment several times during the DER): (a) to (c). The 10 plus 2 plus British regime. A renowned social 3 pattern, which covers education worker and trade unionist, he always from primary to graduation, is under championed the cause of the down­ review. Discussions are being held trodden. He was also a Journalist with some Members of Parliament, and edited “Navjeevan”, a daily pub­ educationists, Vice-Chancellors, repre. lished from Trichur. He used to take sentatives of teachers’ Organisation, active part in the proceedings of the Educational Administrators, parents House and by his amiable nature, he and members of the public. It will had endeared himself to his col­ be necessary to consult the States also. leagues. The final picture as a result of the review is yet to emerge. We deeply mourn the loss of this friend and I am sure the House will SHRI G. M. BANATW ALLA; What join me in conveying our condolences are the tentative proposals for the to the beraved family. necessary changes? The House may stand in silence for DR. PRATAP CHANDRA CHUN- a short while to express its sorrow. DER: As I have replied, through you. The Members then stood in silence for Sir, to the hon. Member, the matter a short while. is being discussed and whatever deci­ 532 L.S.— 1 sion will be taken will be placed be­ 3 Oral Answers JUNE 13, 1977 Oral Answers 4 fore this august House. The last Na­ Hons, course may be recommended. tional Policy on Education was deter­ Now we find that in certain States mined in 1968 by both the Houses of this system of two years for both pass Parliament. So, whatever changes and honours course is there. The sug­ will be proposed will be brought be­ gestion is that we must leave it to the fore this House. But in brief, I might States to pursue their own line of ac­ indicate to the hon. Members that ge­ tion. In other words, if a particular nerally it is thought that the 10 stage university in a State.... should remain because that is, more or less, uniform throughout the coun­ (Interruptions) try. But the book load will have to MR. SPEAKER: The whole policy is be reduced because there is a univer­ being enunciated. It is question hour sal complaint that students are over­ where you ought to answer to the loaded with books and so they cannot point. You please go ahead and con­ manage all this in a proper manner. clude. There is a tendency to book-learning and crammin and the real personality DR. PR ATAP CHANDRA CHUN- o f the student is not developed. DER; I am only saying about the sug­ Secondly, at the plus 2 , stage, the gestions. The hon. Member wanted to National Policy on Education indicat­ know what was the line of discussion. ed that the location could be in school Unless I cover all the three stages, it or college or both according to local is not possible to make it understand. conditions. The tendency has been to Mr. Speaker, these are the sugges­ locate it in schools only. But- the up­ tions because he wanted this system grading of schools has not taken place to be clarified. So, in the plus three in a proper manner because of lack stage, it is also suggested that in some of funds. So, it is proposed that we States it may be two years period for should stick to the recommendation finishing both pass and honours course. contained in the National Policy on SHRI G. M. B AN ATW ALLA: Mr. Education that the location at least Speaker, Sir, several suggestions have for some time to come will be either been received. But has the Govern­ in school or in college or both ac­ ment been able to frame any propo­ cording to local conditions. sals of its own upto now? I would Then, at the plus 2 stage, the voca­ also like to know whether the opinion tional course and the academic course of the State Governments is also being are now biffurcated and there is a sought for making the pattern uniform complaint that there should be some throughout the country. jfliuidity or flexibility between the two. It has been said that those who DR. PR A TA P CHANDRA CHUN- take up vocational course cannot in DER: As I have already mentioned in the end come up in the academic the substantive answer, it will be sphere, that they will reach a dead­ necessary to consult States also and end, so to say and that it is not pos­ in many States, as you know, the sible for us to provide for job oppor­ States Governments are not there, the tunities to students who take up vo­ popular Governments are not there. cational courses. So, it is suggested So, we are waiting for the results of that there mav be some flexibility bet­ the elections, and after the results are ween the academic system and the known it w ill be taken up. vocational system. (Interruptions ) Lastly, with regard to plus 3 stage, DR. SUSHILA NAYAR: I would already, the Central Advisory Board on like to know from the hon. Minister Education has recommended some whether he is aware of the fact that change. It has been suggested that 2 in most of the schools the facilities for years for Pass course and 3 years for vocational training are very very in­ 5 Oral Answers JYA ISTH A 23, 1899 ( S A K A ) Oral Answers 6 adequate and this has been causing pattern have been taken and where deep concern to the parents all over implementation is in progress are India as -to what is going to be the Assam, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, fate of their children who are now to Tripura, West Bengal, Dadra & Nagar go into 10 plus 2 stage? Secondly, Haveli, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar the Minister has said in his reply that Islands, Arunachal Pradesh and Delhi, there are some States where two years Tamil Nadu, Chandigarh, Manipur, system or (plus 3 stage) is there for Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, both pass and honours course and Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Nagaland. that this may continue. If it is to con­ But in Madhya Pradesh, no decision tinue, then the whole purpose of 10 has been taken.
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