THE HERALD. good job by not reading Herald want PAGES lve and moaedMl weely a p.".-~-MA&wFAeIRERS RECORD. SDeeeYh the Ugbeunf * the ws OMf of the Rtver. "A very No. 47 ALGIERS, WUISIANA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922. OLD REVABLE FIFTEETH WARD iANKS OFFElR CITY $300,tl The. Flowers That Bloom in the Spring, Tsra-La ! TO PURCHASE FERRY PROPERTY GOES AGAINST BEHRMAN p-omised Introduction Of Ordinance Good Old Days Of Leading The Sheep Havenave••w• Passedr Away "Aliers People Still Waiting I- the ferries for The primary election on Friday last Mr. Bowen received a signal vote in 1necessarynecees to purchase •iy~l--l ar betin made of the city. significant to the point that it AAlgiers. It showed that the Union SDjaidwin, which the bebenefit was At the last session of the Commis- old a story of changed political condi- nman and laboring man is no longer Sup at the Walnut Att Algiers delegation, ions. A change from results usually tiedti to a political boss or any clique Com- sionion Council the )btained by sheep driven voters to re- o Sthe Bio their attorney for the 11b of men. They are voting indepen- Behr- throngthrough, ults obtained by the independent peo- d .•Yte Martin terry committee. Mr. McOuirk was :I" dently and more votes of this cha- at Jackson ferry pie who are not controlled by any po- r to prepare an ordinance racter will finally result in a cleaner is running instrwinstructed litical party or group of men. a benchy which would embody the wishes of and better city and state administra- Distrlict terry in- which Martin Behrman lost his ward for It(tion. the Algiers people; namely, the crea- the first time in many years. His can- -place of the Behr- thetion Aof a ferry commission to oper- In summing the results of Friday's tion 0 didate. Mr. Seeley receiving only 852 primaryp one of our daily papers had S y paussuers are ate under Instructions of the coun- votes out of a total of 1740. This was anl nhicle atf- ate %" public util- he following to say: cil, the commissioner of a great surprise to the "Dyed in the WARD. street. With il, ta selected from BEHRMAN LOST OWN i Cana) Ities and five members, Mr.' Behrman lost his Pickles laid Alier was properly Wool" Regulars, some of whom al- The fact that Algiers. The ordinance ways vote The regular ticket "just be- cown ward was perhaps most signifi- re- prep presented to Commis- iitet point and prepared and cause". cant( of all. He was unable to secure Josie seoer action. 'o smatl terry sioner Maloney for further Mr. Williams' victory was not justt sa majority in the Fifteenth for Mr. uast d Seelye and had to be content with a depend main- Sincesince that time. however, a delega- a party victory, it was a victory won a bare plurality. The vote was: Seelye, wry A M. Haliday." tionLion ofo Algerines called on Commis. by independent voters both women a 8.2; Bowen, 646; Williams, 222; clipping stonersioner Maloney regarding the ord- and men who think for themselves Sa newspper by Com- d Shearer 14; Kinsella, 5 and Mabryl. which re- ianceSinance, and they were told and do not depend on some ward Sear dailies, .missionermii Maloney that he would not t h The combined vote against Seelye was sIart ferry service. I'~ S~~ healer handing them a ballot which introduce the ordinance unless hdhad fifteen days, introd tells them "How to Vote." | 888,888. to his 852. t or r the assrance of where money was beat has been oper- 51 -- TAT4 R4ERVICE COMR- -JUVENILE JUDGE- g~st ene boat upon comla,ncoming from to buy the ferry prop- - erty. The Algiers ferry committee, te waUge and auto. erty. and,d however,howe was prepared' for just such SCHOOL BELLS RmING t pnew Orleans METHODIST CHURH PersonalPerss Mention SCM isemergency, sand they offered to Mr. .............'FITEENTH 14 N Its 1 K3 K 1N N i emerg in the presence of two NO.5 SCHOOL. A Slysterthe Thirdlugger Dia- a. NalolMaloney McDONOGH at for which to News O SpMeP~. Some1 beakers,a $300,000.00 " DEDICATED And General On Friday, March 17,. McDonogh | n * 1 * n a 1 1ss * Mr. ar*aIn s * L, times itit purchasearcl the ferry property. No. 5 School had a penny party. yr n1O r o en-s. Maloneylo then said that he would MONU- SHORTSBSHORT FETMB OONaNING Cake, candy, lenmonade and other i M N I N 1 gaseoine SNEW DIFICE ANDS AS th . pa the ,take the matter up at once, sad t REV. C. C. WIER. t sold for Just a sad the oyster take a WENT TO WEST SID POPIL good things were Y. FIF ENT .............ol 1 64 125 1 42 8 48 I12 *Ms, would present the ordinance within had a very gooder 2 22 S S 11 4 16 142 2 the rivr. and with wal penny and every one a 44 1 57 1 i U * S IAARGE CONGREGATION d NT.MissFa 5 is 0 1.5 3 " 1 36 114 6 repairs can a the nexta few days. BSi weeks have Miss Faye Aycock is the guest of time. Sntr last conference, and A Grades past since this relatives at St. James, La. ,The,The Second A and Third the ordinance has not yet been pre- furnishfurnished the delightful program m1" S "* 2 1 1 10 22 * Mrs. W. P. Salathe, Jr, spent San- i testomer rJod that seated.the We again ask the question Last Sunday was a great day with which follows: 1t 46 2 41 1 6 5 47 61 2 idayday at Ba'Bay St. LouM 12 46 * a s2 11 5 " e 1 b enti the ovati sof theth Algiers people. "What are ouron Methodism. The Algiers Church 1. Welcome-Abble Smith. er r ompany y wew, going to do about it?" on dedicated d Miss MarthaMa McNeely spent the 2.2 St. Patrick's Day-Berniee Ce 1............7s6 s m 14 23 8s4 " 177 1 the Maloney on Opelousas Avenue was malnstou o * this At the conference with Mr. ceremonies. week-end ati Abita Springs with her Barton,Barton and Louis Aubert. was offered by withwi appropriate ti. only o when the $300,0OO.00 Miss Roberts arents.aparentls.. 3.. Song-Verna Lucas, Katherine CIUNY BISHOP C (pea Promptly at 4:30 a- Mrs. R. J. Allen was a visitor to Quarts tnDAIRYMAN I CONGRATULATES • -os a0m oe tha the twot beakers, there were present Mrs. R. Margaret Duffy. Lillian D1 IBISHOP Jr., Vice-. HafkesbringHi began the organ volun- seBay 8t. Louls, Sunday. Willis,Quartano, I Messrs. Adolph 8pitsfaden. l St. Lc Yvonne Kunts. Bernice Bar- r- PACES THIRD TRIAL. THE HERALD. ofPresident and Cashier of the Algiers ta and Bishop McMurry and the Bay awhile ton,Willis. it :ia:mistrats of Pr4 Stary m Miss Edith Ory is spending Its Mae Allingham. &Trust and 8svings ank; Jos. W. ministersml entered the auditorium Miss Edi ton,4. es W. J. Cuny, of McDonoghville. Methodist r. ihhere with her sister. 4. The Three Workers-Charles Methodist Episcopal Church, South, sLennox, director of the Interstate fi Pastor's study; Mispah here with 1 on a William F71 which Trust t from the )n Miss Ruth Rihner and May Man- North, Edward Ridge, George Hoff-!- wiwill face trial a third time William Fletcher McMurry, D. D., LL. a Aee, ehTrust and Savings Bank; Julius Ci entered from the parlor on Miss Ru s Choir returned home after man. chargecb of violating the milk adul- D., Bishop.Bislh Al- theth opposite side. The speelal musiclic sterman hhave ordinance. Dr. John Cal- yarw BodesarDodeager. Vice-President of the 1. e;visiting friends at Buras, La. 5. Birds-James Hibben, n*teteration March 13, 1922. istId hr the past 4rglers Trust sad Savings Bank. Frank wa and appropriate:; isiting tr 5. The i o eats their gers k was well rendered lan, superintendent of public health, Dr. C. V. IKraft, a orC. Davis and Aug. Schabel, directorss theth congregational songs were The friendsfrio of Mr. apd Mrs. F. L. MargueriteMargi Graham. Ia our eeimnslser C. DI 6. Recitation-Reid Lynch. ThursdayTI ordered an affidavit filed 500 Verret Street, adof the Algiers Trust and Savings familiarfa and were sung heartily. O'Neal (nee(n4 Carrie Kestler) gym- they ofered of tl s O'Neal their 7.7" The Old Woman Who Lived in atagainst Cupy, alleging that two Station A., wben de•Bnk. * The dedicatory service was according pathise wiiwith them in the loss of lietests of milk sold by him showed New Orlea funds Bak -to our rltual. The Old Testament lee- baby rl a Shoe-CeliaS. Anderson, Lillie to New Orleans, La. snlffldht to -baby girl, a Dear Burmaster, Cather-"- 11 and 9 per cent added whter re- My Dr. Kraft: Durkes, Emelda onspectively. MyI haveDear I ou was read by the Rev. J. G. Sal- Mrs. A. E. Hotard has returned Ineek Ni Thomas Fears, Clifton IALIIUWDALLm VTE&NN from a North, I have received a copy of the Al- ling, Presiding Elder of the DMstrict; from a visit to Florlds. Steib, Maggio, Charles North. Two charges already have been liers Hera A lesson was read frm a i Steib, Pascal giers Herald which contains a very alaGLAR3V. AR. tththe New Testament t,Mr. and Mrs. C. Morvant of 8.g. Bobby's Lesson-Leslie Sons, Rev. W. D. Kleiaschmldt, Mr. and guests of Mrs. Patric te.
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