Operating Systems And Resource Reservations Antonio Mancina ReTiS Lab Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa Ph.D. Thesis 03 April 2009 Tutor: Giuseppe Lipari ............................................... Supervisor: Tommaso Cucinotta ............................................... I would like to dedicate this thesis to several people. First of all, to my girlfriend, Monica, who (almost) always supports my decisions and helps me a lot, even with my work, if and when possible. Secondly, to my family which patiently put up with me in every situation (but I know it’s an easy task, I’m a wonderful son and a really nice brother!). Finally, to every single person belonging to the ReTiS Lab (and, recently, to the CEIIC building in general) thanks to which I’ve spent the most pleasant years of my life. Thank you all, folks! Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge several people, hoping not to forget any- one. First of all, my tutor, Giuseppe Lipari who, although being pressed by several obligations from his work, always found sufficient time to dedicate to me. Secondly, the ReTiS OS group, made by Luca Marzario, Michael Trimarchi, Tommaso Cucinotta, Fabio Checconi and, recently, Dario Faggioli that helped me a lot in every situation (not necessarily inherent to my research); due to his very recent ef- forts to be accepted (and even appreciated) by this group, I’ll list here Marko Bertogna, who recently got married: my best wishes, Marko and Lidia! Finally, the group of friends and special people I met during the years I spent here: Luigi Palopoli, Giorgio Buttazzo, Marco Di Natale, Paolo Ancilotti, Mara Gandolfo, Enrico Bini, Paolo Gai, Giacomo Guidi, Davide Pagnin, Paolo Valente, Michele Cirinei, Igor Barsanti, Gabriele Cecchetti, Annalina Ruscelli, Luca Santinelli, Mangesh Chitnis, Yifan Wu, Paolo Pagano, Claudio Scordino, Nicola Serreli. I met many other people during the last five years, and I can say, as a bullet-proof concept, that the Real-Time System Lab is one of the best work-places which I have ever been part of. Abstract Nowadays, an ever increasing interest from the industrial world in real-time scheduling capable operating systems is driving many de- velopment efforts in the context of general purpose operating systems towards the introduction of specific mechanisms able to provide the system user with some real-time capabilities. The recent literature de- scribes many different approaches and so lutions to this problam and this leads to a wide variety of mechanisms, each with its drawbacks and its advantages. In this work the existing state of the art inherent to the application of real-time experiences and principles within modern operating systems is going to be analyzed. Contributions of this thesis may be listed as follows: • an implementation of an Earliest Deadline First scheduler along with an algorithm for resource sharing in the context of a modern monolithic kernel based operating system; • an implementation of Resource Reservation algorithms within a modern microkernel based operating system; • the design and a possible implementation of a taxonomy to de- scribe the class of resource reservation algorithms and to help the researcher to conceive and implement new scheduling algorithms belonging to this class. In the author’s opinion the last point is a fundamental contribute to start enriching the current state of the art with a better and more unified way to face real-time issues in the context of general purpose operating systems. Contents Nomenclature viii 1 Introduction 1 2 Operating Systems and Real-Time 5 2.1TerminologyandgeneralOSconcepts................ 6 2.1.1 Process,threadsandtaskscheduling............ 6 2.1.2 Inter-ProcessCommunication................ 8 2.1.3 ResourcesSharing....................... 10 2.1.4 Interruptsandsystemcalls.................. 11 2.2Standardprogrammingandcommunicationinterfaces....... 13 2.2.1 ThePortableOperatingSystemInterface.......... 13 2.2.2 Osek/VDX.......................... 13 2.2.3 ARINC............................ 14 2.2.4 ITRON............................ 14 2.3Real-TimeScheduling......................... 14 2.3.1 ClassicTheory........................ 16 2.3.2 QualityofService....................... 18 2.4BriefanalysisofexistingOperatingSystems............ 20 2.4.1 Generalpurposeoperatingsystems............. 20 2.4.2 OSforembeddedplatforms................. 23 2.4.3 Real-timeoperatingsystems................. 24 2.5Conclusions.............................. 27 iv CONTENTS 3 Resource Reservations 28 3.1AbriefintroductiontoResourceReservations........... 28 3.1.1 Theneedfortemporalprotection.............. 29 3.1.2 Ageneraldefinition...................... 30 Generalproperties................. 31 3.1.3 OtherModels......................... 31 The α/Δmodel................... 32 TheVirtualTimemodel.............. 33 3.2RRESalgorithmssurvey....................... 34 3.2.1 TheConstantBandwidthServer............... 34 3.2.2 GreedyReclamationofUnusedBandwidth......... 35 3.2.3 TheIdle-timeReclaimingImprovedServer......... 37 3.2.4 TheCApacitySHaringServer................ 39 3.3Pickinguptherightalgorithm.................... 41 3.3.1 Sparebandwidth....................... 42 3.3.2 Applyingthemodels..................... 44 3.3.3 Drawingconclusions..................... 45 3.4Finalremarks............................. 46 4 Implementing Resource Reservations in modern Operating Sys- tems 47 4.1OSReal-Timecompliance...................... 47 4.1.1 Operatingsystemsconceptoftime............. 47 4.1.2 Real-timepriorities...................... 48 4.2Linux................................. 48 4.2.1 Linuxschedulingframework................. 49 ModularSchedulerFramework.......... 49 LinuxandGroupScheduling........... 50 4.2.2 AlgorithmDescription.................... 50 CriticalSections.................. 51 AdmissionControl................. 53 ExportedInterface................. 56 Implementationdetails............... 58 v CONTENTS 4.3Experimentalevaluations....................... 58 4.4 MINIX 3 ................................ 59 4.4.1 OSgeneraldescription.................... 61 4.4.2 ResourceReservations.................... 62 4.4.3 RelatedWork......................... 63 MonolithicOperatingSystemStructure..... 63 MultiserverOperatingSystemStructure..... 64 4.4.4 Designandimplementation................. 65 High-levelDesignOverview............ 65 ImplementationoftheRRESManager...... 66 KernelandSchedulerModifications........ 69 CPUTimeAccounting............... 71 4.4.5 RREScasestudy....................... 72 4.4.6 Experimentalevaluation................... 75 TimingMeasurements............... 75 ImpactonKernelandUser-SpaceCode..... 76 RRESTracerandSimulations........... 76 4.4.7 Conclusionsandfuturework................. 78 4.5Conclusions.............................. 79 5 The Generic Resource Reservation Framework 81 5.1StateDiagram............................. 81 5.1.1 MappingsinGRRF...................... 85 GRRF:CBS.................... 85 GRRF:IRIS.................... 87 GRRF:GRUB................... 88 GRRF:CASH................... 88 5.2IMPLEMENTATION......................... 89 5.2.1 MINIX 3 ............................ 89 5.3Conclusionsandfuturework..................... 93 6 Conclusions 95 References 102 vi List of Figures 1.1Typicalembedded-platformsdevelopmentcycle.......... 2 2.1Processstatesdiagram........................ 7 2.2Communicationthroughpipes.................... 8 2.3Communicationthroughsharedmemory.............. 9 2.4Interruptssystemimplementation.................. 12 2.5 A graphical representation of the important task parameters. 15 2.6Sampletasksetusedinthissection................. 16 2.7 The scheduling sequence obtained from a Rate Monotonic sched- uler .................................. 17 2.8 The scheduling sequence obtained from an Earliest Deadline First scheduler ............................... 18 2.9Monolithickernelstructure...................... 21 2.10Minix3architecture(microkernel-like)............... 22 3.1Sampletasksetusedinthissection................. 29 3.2 The so-called domino effect may happen in case of task overruns 30 3.3 A graphical representation of the Δk parameter.......... 32 3.4TheAlpha-Deltaservicecurve ................... 33 3.5 A misbehaving task is made harmless within a CBS scheduling environment.............................. 35 3.6Thedeadlineagingproblem..................... 37 3.7 The CBS might provide a different service then what expected . 37 3.8ThisishowIRISsolvesthedeadlineagingproblem........ 39 3.9IRISprovidesexactlytheservicerequested............. 39 vii LIST OF FIGURES 3.10ThemodifiedtasksetfortheCASHexample............ 40 3.11ThesetofVirtualResourcesservingtheprevioustaskset..... 40 3.12TheresultingCASHschedule.................... 41 3.13MainfeaturesofsomeimportantRRESalgorithms......... 43 4.1LightTasks,BigPeriodSpan..................... 59 4.2 hk SpanforLightTasks,BigPeriodSpan.............. 60 4.3 High-level architecture over the resource reservation framework. Messages exchanged between the RRES helper utilities, RRES managerandkernelareshown.................... 67 4.4MessagesexchangedwithintheRRESframework. ........ 68 4.5 RRES-enhanced MINIX 3 scheduling queue data structure. Two new queues at the two highest priority levels were added for the RRESmanagerandthecurrentreal-timetask............ 70 4.6 Schedule of the case study in milliseconds. ........... 74 4.7
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