Chasubles Dalmatics Stoles Albs

Chasubles Dalmatics Stoles Albs

COLLECTION 2021-22 SPECIAL PROMOTIONS INSIDE PAGES 11 AND 36 download complete catalog: MIXED-LINEN FABRIC WITH EMBROIDERY IN FRONT AND BACK 36% Bamboo, 31% Linen, 33% Polyester Art. 560 36% Bamboo, 31% Linen, 33% Polyester 560 Chasuble, with embroidery front and back $ 248.00 2 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 ABRAMO FABRIC WITH EMBROIDERY IN FRONT AND BACK 35% Viscose, 65% Polyester Art. Art. 550 570 35% Viscose, 65% Polyester 550 Chasuble, square collar, 570 Chasuble, square collar, with embroidery front and back $ 248.00 with embroidery front and back $ 248.00 3 ABRAMO FABRIC ART. 519 | PAPALE LANA ORO FABRIC ART. 530 519 - 35% Viscose, 65% Polyester 530 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread Art. 519 Art. 530 519 - 35% Viscose, 65% Polyester 530 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 519 Chasuble in Abramo fabric 530 Chasuble, with embroidery panel Ideal for summertime, soft and light in front and back $ 287.00 $ 450.00 4 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 DAMASK FABRIC WITH BANDING IN FRONT AND BACK 100% Polyester Art. 520 Art. 528 100% Polyester 520 Chasuble in Damask fabric $ 320.00 528 Chasuble in Damask fabric $ 292.00 520 Overlay Stole $ 159.00 528 Overlay Stole $ 188.00 520 Deacon Stole $ 159.00 528 Deacon Stole $ 192.00 5 DAMASK FABRIC ART. 540 | LANA ORO BARRE FABRIC ART. 350 540 - Damask, 100% Polyester 350 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread Art. 350 Art. 540 540 - 100% Polyester 350 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 540 Chasuble in Damask $ 292.00 350 Chasuble in Lana Oro Barre 540 Overlay Stole $ 188.00 95% wool, 5% gold thread 540 Deacon Stole $ 192.00 $ 477.00 6 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 BETHANIA FABRIC 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread Art. 659 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 659 Chasuble in Bethania fabric 95% wool, 5% gold thread $ 496.00 7 MIXED-LINEN CHASUBLES IDEAL FOR SUMMERTIME SOFT AND LIGHT 36% Bamboo, 31% Linen, 33% Polyester 9771 0771/SP/06 Surplice Alb Art. 654 36% Bamboo, 31% Linen, 33% Polyester 654 Chasuble $ 137.00 654 Overlay Stole $ 82.00 0771/SP/06 Alb $ 130.00 654 Dalmatic $ 137.00 654 Deacon Stole $ 82.00 9771 Surplice $ 159.00 8 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 BETHANIA FABRIC 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 0435/060043535/ AAlb Art. 435 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 435 Chasuble 435 Overlay Stole $ 152.00 0435/06 Alb in Italian Mixed Linen $ 330.00 $ 150.00 435 Deacon Stole $ 152.00 9 FRANCESCO FABRIC ART. 498 | PAPALE LANA ORO ART. 547 498 - 63% Viscose, 35% Wool, 2% Gold Thread 547 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread with satin panel Art. 547 Art. 498 498 - 63% Viscose, 35% Wool, 2% Gold Thread 547 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread with satin panel 498 Chasuble in Francesco fabric 547 Chasuble in Papale Lana Oro 95% 63% Viscose, 35% Wool, 2% Gold Thread Wool, 5% Gold Thread with satin panel $ 496.00 $ 431.00 10 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 SPECIAL OFFER ONLY FOR ART. 513 AND 518 100% Polyester ART 513 and 518 IN PRIMAVERA FABRIC Art. 518 Art. 513 SPECIAL OFFER WHEN YOU BUY 4 CHASUBLES, SHIPPING IS FREE AND WE WILL SHIP DIRECTLY TO THE CHURCH OR FINAL DESTINATION FOR 4 CHASUBLES $ 504.00 $ 464.00 11 ASSISI FABRIC 33% Polyester, 10% Gold Thread Art. 633 33% Polyester, 10% Gold Thread 633 Chasuble $ 169.00 633 Deacon stole $ 74.00 633 Dalmatic $ 169.00 633 Overlay stole $ 74.00 12 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 PRIMAVERA FABRIC 100% Polyester Art. 652 652/PS Chasuble in GABRIELE FABRIC (90% silk, 10% pure wool) 100% Polyester 652 Chasuble, square collar, 652 Stole available in others colors $ 74.00 652 Deacon stole with embroidery and inside stole $ 114.00 652/PS Chasuble in Gabriele fabric available in others colors $ 74.00 652 Dalmatic plain neckline $ 114.00 (90% silk, 10% pure wool) $ 559.00 13 PRIMAVERA FABRIC 100% Polyester Art. 881 100% Polyester 881 Chasuble $ 97.00 881 Deacon stole $ 68.00 881 Dalmatic $ 97.00 881 Overlay stole $ 68.00 14 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 SPECIAL PROMOTION ART. 391 / 216 / 860 5 FOR THE PRICE OF 4! BUY 4 GET THE 5TH FREE Art. 391 Art. 860 Art. 216 Linea Style Fabric 95% Pure wool, 5% Gold thread Chasuble $ 424.00 Overlay stole $ 166.00 Cope $ 1,280.00 FIVE Chasubles $ 1,695.00 FIVE stoles $ 670.00 Dalmatic $ 424.00 Deacon stole $ 222.00 FIVE Dalmatics $ 1,695.00 FIVE Deacon stoles $ 890.00 15 SPECIAL PROMOTION ART. 220 5 FOR THE PRICE OF 4! BUY 4 GET THE 5TH FREE Art. 220 Primavera Fabric 100% Polyester Chasuble $ 168.00 Overlay stole $ 88.00 Cope $ 539.00 FIVE Chasubles $ 670.00 FIVE stoles $ 355.00 Dalmatic $ 168.00 Deacon stole $ 113.00 FIVE Dalmatics $ 670.00 FIVE Deacon stoles $ 450.00 16 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 ASSISI GOLD LAMÈ FABRIC 40% Polyester, 35% Wool, 25% Gold Thread, with banding on the front and back 823/A3 Art. 823 823/A2 40% Polyester, 35% Wool, 25% Gold Thread, with banding on the front and back 823/A2 Chasuble Square collar $ 289.00 823 Stole $ 92.00 823 Dalmatic Plain neckline $ 377.00 823/A3 Chasuble Square collar $ 289.00 823 Humeral Veil $ 142.00 823 Cope $ 647.00 823 Mitre $ 440.00 17 PRIMAVERA FABRIC 100% Polyester Art. Art.Art. 650 3513 100% Polyester 351 Chasuble $ 114.00 351 Stole $ 74.00 650 Chasuble $ 172.00 351 Dalmatic $ 114.00 351 Deacon Stole $ 74.00 650 Dalmatic $ 172.00 18 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 PRIMAVERA FABRIC 100% Polyester Art. 581 100% Polyester 581 Chasuble $ 114.00 581 Stole $ 74.00 581 Cope $ 539.00 581 Dalmatic $ 114.00 581 Deacon Stole $ 74.00 19 FAILLE FABRIC ART. 637 | MICRO MONASTICO FABRIC ART. 515 637 - 100% Viscose, 65% Polyester 515 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread Art. Art. 515 637 637 - 100% Wool - Very soft and light 515 - 45% Wool, 55% Polyester 637 Chasuble $ 287.00 515 Chasuble 637 Overlay Stole $ 139.00 With damask embroidered panel $ 397.00 20 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 MICRO MONASTICO FABRIC LIGHT WEIGHT AND SOFT FABRIC 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 0782/06 Alb Art. 825 100% Polyester 0782/06 Alb $ 164.00 825 Dalmatic $ 322.00 825 Overlay Stole $ 84.00 825 Chasuble $ 252.00 825 Deacon Stole $ 86.00 21 TASMANIA FABRIC 45% Pure Wool, 55% Polyester Art. 511 45% Pure Wool, 55% Polyester 511 Chasuble $ 252.00 511 Overlay stole $ 80.00 511 Dalmatic $ 252.00 511 Deacon stole $ 83.00 22 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 MONASTICO FABRIC 45% Wool, 55% Polyester Art. 863 45% Wool, 55% Polyester 863 Chasuble $ 260.00 863 Overlay Stole $ 80.00 863 Dalmatic $ 260.00 863 Deacon Stole $ 83.00 23 ABRAMO FABRIC IDEAL FOR SUMMERTIME SOFT AND LIGHT 35% Viscose, 65% Polyester 0778/08 Alb 632 Chasuble Art. 753 35% Viscose, 65% Polyester 753 Chasuble $ 248.00 753 Overlay Stole $ 80.00 0778/07 Alb in mixed-cotton fabric 753 Dalmatic $ 248.00 753 Deacon Stole $ 83.00 (40% cotton, 60% polyester) $ 164.00 632 Chasuble $ 276.00 24 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 LANA BARRE FABRIC 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread Art. 634 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 634 Chasuble $ 397.00 634 Overlay Stole $ 102.00 634 Dalmatic $ 397.00 634 Deacon Stole $ 102.00 25 MARIAN SET WITH BANDING 100% Polyester, PRIMAVERA FABRIC 513 MarianMar 513 Deacon ChasubleChasu Stole PRIMAVERAPRIMAVERA fabricfa PRIMAVERA withwith bandingban fabric with banding 0419/06 Alb POLY-COTTON fabric with banding Art. 513 513 Overlay Stole PRIMAVERA fabric with banding 100% Polyester 513 Chasuble $ 126.00 513 Deacon Stole $ 86.00 0419/06 Alb in poly-cotton fabric 513 Overlay Stole $ 84.00 (40% cotton, 60% polyester) $ 160.00 26 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 MARIAN SET WITH BANDING 100% Polyester, MICRO MONASTICO FABRIC 825 Deacon Stole MICRO MONASTICO fabric with banding 825825 MarianMarian CChasublehasu 0782/06 Alb MICROMICRO MONASTICOMONAST POLY-COTTON fabricfa fabric withwith bandingban with banding in frontfront aandnd bback Art. 825 825 Overlay Stole MICRO MONASTICO fabric with banding 100% Polyester 825 Chasuble with banding 825 Deacon Stole $ 86.00 0782/06 Alb in poly-cotton fabric in front and back $ 252.00 825 Overlay Stole $ 84.00 (40% cotton, 60% polyester) $ 164.00 27 BETHANIA FABRIC ART. 826 | LANA ORO BARRE FABRIC ART. 827 826 - 95% Viscose, 5% Gold Thread 827 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 826 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 827 - 95% Wool, 5% Gold Thread 826 Chasuble in Bethania fabric 827 Chasuble in Lana Oro Barre fabric With embroidery in front and back With embroidery in front and back $ 443.00 $ 443.00 28 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 SAINT JOSEPH PATRON 2021 ART. 644 PRIMAVERA FABRIC, 100% Polyester 644 644644 644644 Chasuble DalmaticDalmatic DeaconDeacon PRIMAVERA fabric StoleSStole 644 644644 Lecternectern CoCoverover OverlayOvO erlay StoleStS ole 100% Polyester 644 Chasuble $ 218.00 644 Dalmatic $ 218.00 644 Deacon Stole $ 148.00 644 Lectern Cover $ 98.00 644 Overlay Stole $ 113.00 29 MARIAN CHASUBLES AND STOLES DIVINE MERCY AND MARIAN IMAGES ARE PRINTED ON THE CHASUBLES 858/F Chasuble PRIMAVERA fabric 859/E Chasuble MIXED WOOL Various Fabrics 859/E Chasuble roll collar in MIXED 858/F Chasuble in PRIMAVERA fabric 859/E Dalmatic $ 530.00 WOOL, embroidered with Marian symbol, (100% polyester), roll collar, Marian symbol 859 Overlay Stole $ 148.00 with inside stole. $ 530.00 with inside stole $ 211.00 859D Deacon Stole $ 181.00 30 Fine Italian Vestments Since 1870 MARIAN CHASUBLES AND STOLES Various Fabrics 815 Chasuble LINEA STYLE fabric, roll collar with gold threads woven into the fabric, with inside stole 238 Mitre 320 Chasuble in PRIMAVERA fabric, with embroidered blue panel, with inside stole 345 Dalmatic 345 Chasuble Various Fabrics 815 Dalmatic roll collar $ 438.00 815 Chasuble in LINEA STYLE fabric, 345 Dalmatic (100% polyester) $ 116.00 815 Stole $ 142.00 roll collar with gold threads woven into the 345 Chasuble (100% polyester) $ 116.00 238 Mitre $ 772.00 fabric with inside stole $ 438.00 320 Chasuble in PRIMAVERA $ 265.00 31 MARIAN CHASUBLES AND STOLES PRIMAVERA FABRIC - DIVINE MERCY AND MARIAN IMAGES ARE PRINTED ON THE CHASUBLES Art.

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