20-11647-jlg Doc 205 Filed 09/30/20 Entered 09/30/20 13:16:46 Main Document Pg 1 of 105 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) LAKELAND TOURS, LLC, et al.,1 ) Case No. 20-11647 (JLG) ) Debtors. ) Jointly Administered ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, Julian A. Del Toro, depose and say that I am employed by Stretto, the claims and noticing agent for the Debtors in the above-captioned case. On September 25, 2020, at my direction and under my supervision, employees of Stretto caused the following document to be served via first-class mail on the service list attached hereto as Exhibit A, via electronic mail on the service list attached hereto as Exhibit B, and on three (3) confidential parties not listed herein: Notice of Filing Third Amended Plan Supplement (Docket No. 200) Notice of (I) Entry of Order (I) Approving the Disclosure Statement for and Confirming the Joint Prepackaged Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of Lakeland Tours, LLC and Its Debtor Affiliates and (II) Occurrence of the Effective Date to All (Docket No. 201) [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] ________________________________________ 1 A complete list of each of the Debtors in these chapter 11 cases may be obtained on the website of the Debtors’ proposed claims and noticing agent at https://cases.stretto.com/WorldStrides. The location of the Debtors’ service address in these chapter 11 cases is: 49 West 45th Street, New York, NY 10036. 20-11647-jlg Doc 205 Filed 09/30/20 Entered 09/30/20 13:16:46 Main Document Pg 2 of 105 20-11647-jlg Doc 205 Filed 09/30/20 Entered 09/30/20 13:16:46 Main Document Pg 3 of 105 Exhibit A 20-11647-jlg Doc 205 Filed 09/30/20 Entered 09/30/20 13:16:46 Main Document Pg 4 of 105 Exhibit A Served via First-Class Mail Name Attention Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 City State Zip Country Aaron Joseph Borenstein Trust Address Redacted Attn: Benjamin Mintz & Peta Gordon & Lucas B. Ad Hoc Equity Holder Group c/o Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP Barrett 250 W 55th Street New York NY 10019-9710 Ad Hoc Equity Holder Group c/o Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP Attn: Michael L. Bernstein 601 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington DC 20001-3743 Ad Hoc Group of Seller Notes c/o Togut Segal & Segal LLP Attn: Kyle Ortiz & Brian Moore & Jared Borriello One Penn Plaza Suite 3335 New York NY 10119 Attn: Scott J. Greenberg, Esq. & Steven A. Ad Hoc Term Lender Group c/o Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP Domanowski, Esq. & Jeremy D. Evans, Esq. 200 Park Ave New York NY 10166 Adam Hall Address Redacted Alabama Office of the Attorney General 501 Washington Ave Montgomery AL 36104 Alaska Office of the Attorney General 1031 W 4th Ave Suite 200 Anchorage AK 99501 Anish Rajparia Address Redacted Appletree Holdings LLC Address Redacted Arizona Office of the Attorney General 2005 N Central Ave Phoenix AZ 85004 Arkansa Soffice of the Attorney General 323 Center St Suite 200 Little Rock AR 72201 Asia Education Consulting, Ltd Address Redacted California Office of the Attorney General PO Box 944255 Sacramento CA 94244-2550 Cognizant Technology Solutions US Corp. Glenpointe Centre West 500 Frank West Burr Blvd Teaneck NJ 07666 Colorado Office of the Attorney General Ralph L. Carr Judicial Building 1300 Broadway 10th Floor Denver CO 80203 Connecticut Office of the Attorney General 55 Elm St Hartford CT 06106 Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP Attn: Paul H. Zumbro and George E. Zobitz 825 Eighth Avenue New York NY 10019 David Leneker Address Redacted Delaware Department Of Justice Carvel State Office Building 820 N French Street Wilmington DE 19801 Dennis Liberson Address Redacted Earl Martin Grossman Irrev Family Tr Address Redacted Elizabeth Follansbee Address Redacted Ethan William Borenstein Trust Address Redacted Eurazeo c/o Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP Attn: Paul H. Zumbro & George E. Zobitz 825 Eighth Avenue New York NY 10019 Francois Martin Address Redacted Frederick O'Connor Address Redacted Georgia Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol Sq SW Atlanta GA 30334 Scott J. Greenberg, Steven A. Domanowski Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP and Jeremy Evans 200 Park Avenue New York NY 10166 Globetrotter Co-Investment B LP Address Redacted Globetrotter Co-Investment B LP Address Redacted Globetrotter Co-Investment B LP Address Redacted Goldman Sachs Bank USA Atttn: Jacob Elder 200 West Street New York NY 10282-2198 Goldman Sachs Bank USA as prepetition Attn: Hugh Murtagh, Esq. & Christopher J. agent, Goldman Sachs Lending Partners LLC Kochman, Esq. & Adam J. Goldberg, Esq. & as DIP agent, and certain of their affiliates c/o Latham & Watkins LLP Victor V. Ludwig 885 Third Avenue New York NY 10022 Harris County c/o Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP Attn: John P. Dillman PO Box 3064 Houston TX 77253-3064 Hawaii Department of the Attorney General 425 Queen Street Honolulu HI 96813 Hunter Johnson Address Redacted Idaho Office of the Attorney General 700 W Jefferson St Suite 210 Boise ID 83720 Illinois Office of the Attorney General James R. Thompson Center 100 W Randolph St Chicago IL 60601 Indiana Attorney General's Office Indiana Government Center South 302 W Washington St 5th Floor Indianapolis IN 46204 InnerWorkings Inc Attn: Oren Azar 203 N La Salle Street Suite 1800 Chicago IL 60601 Internal Revenue Service PO Box 7346 Philadelphia PA 19101-7346 International Studies Abroad, Inc. Address Redacted Iowa Office of the Attorney General Hoover State Office Building 1305 E Walnut Street Room 109 Des Moines IA 50319 Jacob Mitchell Address Redacted Jacob Robert Borenstein Trust Address Redacted James Cigliano Address Redacted James Creighton Address Redacted James Gerber Address Redacted James Hall Address Redacted Jamie Cairns Address Redacted In re: Lakeland Tours, LLC, et al. Case No. 20-11647 (JLG) Page 1 of 3 20-11647-jlg Doc 205 Filed 09/30/20 Entered 09/30/20 13:16:46 Main Document Pg 5 of 105 Exhibit A Served via First-Class Mail Name Attention Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 City State Zip Country Kansas Office of the Attorney General 120 SW 10th Ave 2nd Floor Topeka KS 66612 Keith Johnson Address Redacted Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Capitol Building 700 Capitol Ave Suite 118 Frankfort KY 40601 Kirkland & Ellis LLP Benjamin Rhode 300 North La Salle Chicago IL 60654 Lakeland Tours, LLC Attn: Bob Gogel 218 W Water Street Suite 400 Charlottesville VA 22902 Lakeland Tours, LLC c/o Kirkland & Ellis LLP Attn: Whitney Fogelberg 300 North LaSalle Street Chicago IL 60654 Latham & Watkins LLP Attn: Adam J. Goldberg 885 Third Avenue New York NY 1022 Leandra Jenkins Address Redacted Louisiana Office of the Attorney General 1885 N Third St Baton Rouge LA 70802 Maine Office of the Attorney General 6 State House Station Augusta ME 04333 Maryland Office of the Attorney General 200 St. Paul Pl Baltimore MD 21202 Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General 1 Ashburton Place 20th Floor Boston MS 02108 Matthew Wertz Address Redacted Attn: Kyle J. Ortiz, Esq. & Brian F. Moore, Esq. Metalmark Capital Holdings LLC c/o Togut Segal & Segal LLP & Jared C. Borriello, Esq. One Penn Plaza Suite 3335 New York NY 10119 Michael Smith Address Redacted Michigan Department of the Attorney General G. Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa St 7th Floor Lansing MI 48933 Minnesota Office of the Attorney General 445 Minnesota St Suite 1400 St. Paul MN 55101 Mississippi Office of the Attorney General Walter Sillers Building 550 High St Suite 1200 Jackson MS 39201 Missouri Attorney General's Office Supreme Court Building 207 W High St Jefferson City MO 65101 Missouri Department of Revenue c/o Bankruptcy Unit Attn: Steven A. Ginther 301 W High St, Room 670 PO Box 475 Jefferson City MO 65105-0475 Montana Office of the Attorney General Justice Building 215 N Sanders 3rd Floor Helena MT 59601 Nancy Tirozzi, Beth Ramsay, Geoffrey Wilson, and Angela Moss, individually and on behalf of CityPlace Office Tower, all others similarly situated c/o McLaughlin & Stern PLLC Attn: Steven S. Newburgh 525 Okeechobee Blvd Suite 1700 West Palm Beach FL 33401 Nancy Tirozzi, Beth Ramsay, Geoffrey Wilson, and Angela Moss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated c/o McLaughlin & Stern, LLP Attn: Chester R. Ostrowski, Esq. 260 Madison Avenue New York NY 10016 Nebraska Office of the Attorney General 2115 State Capitol Lincoln NE 68509 Nevada Office of the Attorney General Old Supreme Court Building 100 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General Department Of Justice 33 Capitol St Concord NH 03301 New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex 25 Market St, West Wing 8th Floor Trenton NJ 08611 New Mexico Office of the Attorney General Villagra Building 408 Galisteo Street Santa Fe NM 87501 New York Office of the Attorney General The Capitol Albany NY 12224 North Carolina Attorney General's Office 114 W Edenton St Raleigh NC 27603 North Dakota Office of the Attorney General State Capitol 600 E Boulevard Ave Dept. 125 Bismarck ND 58505 OAP Holdings, Inc. Address Redacted Office of the Attorney General of the District Of Columbia 441 4th St NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001 Office of the United States Trustee for the Southern District of New York Attn: Benjamin J. Higgins U.S. Federal Office Building 201 Varick Street Room 1006 New York NY 10014 Ohio Attorney General's Office State Office Tower 30 E Broad St 14th Floor Columbus OH 43215 Oklahomaoffice of the Attorney General 313 NE 21st St Oklahoma City OK 73105 Olle Olsson Address Redacted Oregon Department Of Justice 1162 Court St NE Salem OR 97301 Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General Strawberry Square 16th Floor Harrisburg PA 17120 Primavera Capital Management Ltd.
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