t«V.|''V""' ^mmmmi tmmmmmi •Ml mmmmmmm Ml HH wmtm wmmm £!8£l Ttw E*gto Lak« H»«clllght — N«w» tor Southfn Colowdo County, T«x«» ThurKl«y./Uigut6.1992 Thursday, Auguat 6,1992 Tha Eagia Lak« Headlight — Nawa tor Southfn Cotorado County, Taxaa PagaS ADVERTISING AND NEWS DfAlU INP- 5 P.M. MONDAY THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT single Copy Price: 35^:entt Library's summer reading program ends (USPS 163-760) Second class postage paid ANNOUNCING P.O. Box 67 —220 East Main Produced By: at Eagle L^ke. Texas (409) 234-5521 Jeannine Fearing • Susie Jackson Colorado County (including Lissie and Egypt). $12.00 Last week was the final session of on top by somehow finding die time to Johnson. 32, and Trent Kucherfca, 16. Western Auto and Wikox Mininuo. CITY OF EAGLE LAKE, NEW ARRIVALS the David & Eula Wintermann Librar­ read 174! These awards were underwritten Thanks to diese kxal business, the TEXAS 77434-0067 Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton, Austin counties ,„...$13.50 -^ Shirley Luedecke • Marsha Cunningham Address Corrections y's summer reading program, "Dis­ Following Ms. Davklson's pres- by the support of Truly Properties, participants of die summer program Published Weekly Other Texas Residents ,.....$15.00 should be sent to P.O. Box 67, i«Mr«MaMit|MiiM(M^«dH,«r Evefy Thursday Velma Kutzer, Sheridan cover die New Work! of Reading". entatk)n, die children reading the most AJ. Struss Auto Supply, Johnny's have tangible proof of dieir excellence Outside c* Texas ,™.$16.50 Eagle Lake, Texas 77434-0067 Hillary Clare Mazac The ck)sing Wednesday session, books in dieir age group were pre­ Sport Shop, Eagle Lake Dairy Delite, and k>ve of reading. July 29, was centered around a visit sented awards. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Mazac of Columbus announce die birdi of dieir and presentadon from Shayla E. Receiving a coupon for a year's first child, a baby girl, bom on Thursday, July 23, 1992, at 11:48 a.m. at Davidson, an aerospace technology subscription to "Ranger Rick" maga­ Morales tries again on state redistricting Columbus Community Hospital. elecQxHiKS engineer widi NASA. She zine were: Areli Arellano, 6th grade, The baby was named Hillary Clare and weighed eight pounds and four is currendy assigned to the tracking 25 books; Maria Osomio, 5th grade, ounces. Attorney General Dan Morales port in the heated race. Reyes was the Super-CoUkler at the expense of year, the Legislature raised the tax on and communications division respon­ 55 books; Quentin Whidiel(^ 4di cies. Maternal grandparents are Joe P. and Kadierine Frybert of Eagle Lake. says the Democratk plan to redistrict backed by state Sen. Rodney Ellis, domestic programs: "Everybody bingo receipts from 4 to 7 percent. sible for the analysis of space-based grade, 68 books, and Eyan McClain, State Capitol The measure is being proposed by Paternal grandparents are Helen Hammack and die late William J. Mazac of the state Senate - the one passedlate by while Green was supported by state wants to see Jesus, but nobody wants The Texas Department of Hous­ communications and tracking sys­ 3nl grade, 174. U.S. Rep. Mike Andrews, D-Houston, Columbus. Great grandparent is Werner Kahlden of Columbus. the Texas Legislature - may yet come Rep. Ron Wilson. to die." ing and Community Affairs an­ tems. Awarded Discover the New Highlights as part of an urban aid bill. The modier is die former Suzanne M. Frybert lofruitwn. "You'd be surprised by the num­ •More than 100 angry charity nounced that $1 million is available Naturally, since Ms. Davidson's World of Reading t-shirts were: 2nd This year's elections are based on By Lyndell Williams Lawmaker Sues for Libel ber of parents who finally become bingo operators descended on the statewide for home improvement presentation had to do widi outer grade, Headier Torres, 82 books, and a plan drawn by a thiee-member fed­ exas Press Associatnn Sute Rep. Sylvester Turner filed a concerned about their child support Texas Akhohol Beverage Commis­ loans for eligible low income home­ Sarah Marie Navarro space, die children were endiralled. Sandra Osomio, 62 books; 1st grade, eral judge panel in Austin after the libel suit against Houston's Channel obligations once they realize they sion last week, seeking relief from a owners. The maximum loan amount is Summing up die summer's activi­ Hillary Torres, 83, and Michael Sosa, Texas Supreme Court tagged the Leg­ 13 for a mid-election broadcast which won't be able to finance the car, boat tax increase they say will soon put $15,000. For more information, call Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Navarro of Eagle Lake announce the birth of dieir ties and participation. Librarian 27; kindergarten, John R. Tones, 83, islature's plan as being unfair to mi­ new paity primary elections...and linked Turner to a $6.5 million fraud or home of their dreams because their many of them out of business. Last 800-729-1119. first child, a baby girl, bom on July 26,1992, at 10:54 p.m. at die Eagle Lake Wanda Center reports a total of 159 and John P. Morales, 75. norities. EXemocrats fear it and hate it. quickly. of nine insurance companies. deliquent child support case shows up Community Hospital. children took part this year. Of those, Discover die New WorM of Read­ Morales, a Democrat, has been Texas Republican Party director The broadcast reported the faked on dieir credit report,"Morales said. The baby was named Sarah Marie Navarro and weighed seven pounds and 104 received certificates for reading ing posters went to pre-kindergarten /^^ ^ fighting more than a year to substitute Karen Hugh^ said: "1 can't believe drowning death of fashion model Syl­ eight ounces and measured 20-1/2 inches long. The attending physician was Dr. 10 or more books with a total of 2937 and 4 year olds: Guillermo Lopez, 55 the court plan, even though it was that a federal judge is going to invali­ vester Foster a few days after Turner Citrus Juice Mislabeled? Let's Look Back... Russell Thomas. books read. Eyan McClain came out books; Michael Morales, 46; Kristi upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court date an election that has been ordered, drafted Foster's will. Foster was On another front. Morales accused \ Maternal grandparents are Pearl and Ted Manciaz of Nada. Paternal Last week. Morales persuaded a held and validated by the U.S. Su­ found alive and in prison in Spain on a large fruit juice company of "mug­ grandparents are Lydia and Atilano Cardenas of Eagle Lake. three-judge panel in Washington to preme Court." drug charges. ging our school children for their 24 & 48 YEARS AGO Great grandparents are Atilano and Lucky Cardenas and Ted and Emma approve the Legislature's state Senate The TV station reported that lunch money" by mislabeling thejuk^e ^ Manciaz. plan, and this week he is exploring Last Primary Over Turner, despite "fishy" circum­ it sells to school lunch programs. September 28,1967 message Wednesday morning diather implementing it for the November Primary elections are now con­ stances, began legal action to probate Morales sued Cal-Tex Citrus Juk:e son, Rkhard L. Eggers, F. 2-c, was elections. cluded in Texas, including a lingering the will. Inc. of Houston, alleging that it falsely Eagle Lake Community Hospital is nearing the completion of the first listed among die soiously wounded in Justine Leehan Velasquez That means finding a federal judge congressional runoff last week in Turner accused the station of mali­ claims on its juk:e carton labels that six-month period of operation under a the San Diego Hospital... Tops in reading program to invalkiate the electkni and order Houston which was as hot as the cious and false statements; many in the product is fortified widi vitamin C. Mrs. Lloyd Spalinger spent die Gilbert and Arlene Velasquez of Eagle Lake announce die birth 6f dieir summer temperatures. Turner's camp think the broadcast, A Cal-Tex spokesman denied the foundation program. Directors are child, a baby girl, bom on July 28, 1992, at 7:50 a.ni. at die Eagle Lake Michael Morales, JoAnna Lopez, Michael Sosa, Areli Arellano and Eyan Mrs. Earl H. Rodgers Jr., preskient past week-end at Camp Fannin, near There, state Sen. Gene Green de­ wired in the final days of his mayoral charges. Community Hospital. McClain proudly display the awards they received for being tops in their and chairman of die joint advisory Tyler, visiting with her husband Pvt feated former state Rep. Ben Reyes for campaign against Bob Lanier, was the Juice that was tested by the state The baby was named Justine Leehan Velasquez and weighed six pounds age group in this summer's reading program. Eyan read more books than committee; J.H. Clipson, vke presi­ Lloyd Spalinger... Chas. E. W.M. Thomas Jr. a congressional seat deliberately reason Turner lost the election. and found to be deficient in vitamin C and fourounces and measured 17-1/4 inches long. The attending physKian was anyone... 174! HeatBlght Photo by Jeannime Fearing dent and chairman of the trust com­ Walker, Radroman 3-c, sent home drawn for an Hispanic. was taken fix>m Ft. Worth, Dallas, San Dr. Russell Thomas. mittee; BJ. Ashby, secretary and this week Hawaiian Christmas Insurance Reyes called Green a "lackey" and Backs Child Support Law Antonio, El Paso, Lubbock and Long- The baby is welcomed home by sister, Jennifer Michelle, 8 years old. chairman of the public relations com­ cards... indicated he might endorse the Repub­ Morales endorsed federal legisla­ view school districts.
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