I tfNIVERSr: .· , :· •' I JAN2 01959 3 F ~RK , OCL~WARt eak, + l-65· ' ·o . Also ttll¢W n. ur -------------------------------------------------------- er January 16, 1959 Newark, Dclayvarc No. 1-t tie le, ii, Ell gineel-i~tg ~s . Jack Ramsey, School Gets Dean to a full court unable to defense as FroIn Purdue eight straight Dr~ Comings 1a floor With Andres Segovia Will Play ty of 38-30. ve back early in S·uceeecls Dean W. Hagerty_ and narrowed 48-44. At this h­ Hawk shoot. In Mitchell Hall. Feb. 16 Edward w. Co mings, head of h ­ t consistency Andres Segovia, one · of the the school of chemical and met· :1; with a 16· most _distinguished of living a llurgical engineering at _Pur· n· musicians, will present a <;_on­ due University since 1951, IS to te cert on Feb. 16, in Mitchell Hali be the dean of the _scho?l of en · at 8:15 p. m. gineering at the umverstty, Pres· ident John A. Perkins i1as an· Ig The world famous Spanish ~e g uitarist is currently celebrating : nounced. of Lhe 30th anniversary of hiG U. S. Dr. Comings is to succeed Dean tO ~l ebut. His recital, the third reg­ William W. Hagerty who left on !d "' lar prO ! .n in the current Art­ August 31. e. ists Series, is one of nearly 100 "Dr. Comings' educatton, ex· co ncerts lt e presents annually, perience in research and teach· under the direction of Impres-· ing, and in the development an_d td ario S. Hurok , in South America, administration of a large engt· )11 Europe, and the United !::tates. l neering department qua li fy him 11· Included on his program itS admirably to assume the overall music by J. S. Bach, Mendels­ leadership of our eng ineering o:; oh n, and Scarl atti. In addition, i school," Dr. Perkins sa i~ . "A~ a he w i II play "Piezas Caracteris­ time w11en so many engtneenng ticas," which was dedicated ·w , schools a re seeking outstand· him by M. Torroba. ing deans, we are most fortu· Largely self-taught, Mr. Se. 1 nate to have 'secured this dis· ~o via 's "unique artistry h a 5 tinguished man for the Un iver· brought about a world-wide DR. EDWARD W. COMINGS s ity of Delaware." a•wakening of interetSt in the Born in Phillipsburg, N. J., Dr. classical g uitar." He has been Comings received his bachelor known LO hold hi s large a udi­ of science degree from the Uni· ence so sile nt that the "winding Benny Snyder versity of Illinois in . 1930. In at a wrisL-watch co uld be heard - 'fo Piay rfonight 1934 he obtained his doctor of for rows around." scie nce degree from the Massa• Tickets may be secured at a t A jazz concert - dance will chusetts Insttu te of Technology._ rhe university book.store, now be held tonight in the Dover Both degrees are in the field of \nr.'l terl in the ba>:ement of the Room of the Student Center chemical engineering. Student Center. Th ~ price for from 8-12 p. m. CKE'M. iENG. PROFESSOR stude nts is $1.20; for adults, Benny Snyder and his Dixie- He was a profec;sor of chem• la nd Band will play from 8 p. ical engineering at the Univer· ANDRES SEGOVIA $2.40. ------------- ------------- m. to 9:30 p. m. The Be nny Sny· sity of Illinois from 1936 to 1951 . Off c h der Band has played at many and then joi ned the Purdue fac· 'li: Tcees New Schedule of the large eastern colleges, ulty, a l' er as and has a standing engagement In addition to having exper· J .. ' F J T t at the Hotel DuPont and the Du· ience in industry, education and 'M D I ~ or une es s Pont Co unry Club. administration, Dr. Comings ha,s • ss e aware . I From 10:30 to 12, King Twigg had an active part in the Amer· F. Or . 1 · A new procedure for sc~edul- a nd his rock'n roll band will ican Chemical Society. He also ing ~inal examinations Will be perform. Between 9:30 and 10:30 has m a ny research interests •nati• ODS put 111to effect next semester.. I both bands will play alternate- which include properties of gas· _ NOilll ~hi s semester, students r.egts· ly. es at high pressures. and the Pageant tenng for a course also regi~ter - 1 The• price is $.90 per person study of jets, fluid flow, drying Thr \\' ilm in g ton Junior Cham- ~ make several nominations, with eel f~r t~ e pre-scheduled fl11 a l 1a nd the snack bar will be open and liquid extraction. ber o Cnmmerce wi ll offer cash the cash prize awarded for each examl11atwn. for the convenience of those at- Dr. Comings was also em· . • • • However, when students regiS· tending (Continued on Page 16) a11a rc1.~ to. campus organtzattons I g irl that is accepted. Nom111ees ter for a course next semester, -------·------------------------------------------------- }ha nom inate Delaware coeds need not be residents of the the fina l examination will not or t.w1 :\ Its Delaware Pageant, 1I t · cl' t d Th · fon acrorrli ll" to James w Mackie state as long as they are s U· be 111 tea .e . e exat;~ma 1_ r-fhomas Richard Jones . Is ) a . " ·h· ·. , · 'Idents at the university. I schedule for June 1959 wtll be IS· ! a"r<tnl c.: el i I man. sued separately someti'me later In an r> ffort to stimulate m ore Each nomtnee a~d her par- in the semester. int errst 'l ll the campus in the ents will be int~rvtewed by a 1 The new schedule will have "fO]J Ran.king Among Frosl1 annual ,cholarship pageant, $25 1 husband_ and wtf~ team from examinations condensed to a wil l h(• offered to every campus j the. entnes commtttee and ~n seven day period with three giv- 1 _Thomas Richard Jones, a chemical engineering major from Clif· organimt ion \\" hose candidate is a udttton da te set up ea~ly 111 en daily instead !Jf two as in the ton Heig hts, Pa., has been designated the highest ra nking student sel ertPrl for participation in the January. A c hap e r~ne Will be nast. Three times per day will be 1 in the freshman class. pa c: r 1nl 11 xt May. An addition- ~ provided for each gtrl accepted. B a.m. to 11 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to A g raduate of Upper Dar~y Htgh Scho_ol and son of.Mr. a~d Mr~. a! S:21 \\ il l he awarded to the Some $1,500 in scholarships 2:30 p.m., a nd 3 p.m. to 6 p. m. j E lmPr B. Jon e~, Mr: J o~es ~ s one of mne students,. mclud111g sue grou l' \\"hose candidate is one wi ll be awarded to Miss DeJa-- I The purpose of the new sche· DelawatreTahns ftomt dsixtdl~eeient schools, who comprtse the top one of th t I · M" · h l d h b percen · ese s u en s re se· ElVES AWARD . <' . or t 1_ree wtnners, tss 1 ware contestants plus an opp?r· , dule, whtc a rea y as een l ected on the basis of high REC Del \\ tt(' or ftrst or second run - tunity to vie for a $10,000 Mtss adopte.d by ~eve r a l Eastern col- school record a nd the scorcs l Bach student received a $50 ne r - u ~J. I America scholarship. leges, ~ ~ to gtve faculty members made on schol astic aptitude and m e ~it aw~ r_d in recognition of su· A :tlntla r offer has been made more ttme to grade the exa~s achievement tests. penor a btltty and a congratula. h ft"'\1 ·m it ies the past two and to allow the Records tory letter from dean of students 1 Of~1~e \ YP ar .. ·:1irl ;\'Iack ie. This year, J kSOll Ta}l(S more time to process grade nopft· M . l L"b John E. Hocutt. "With r easo nabl~ h CJ\\('\"1'!". tl1C' offer is extended I ac cations and rec?rds. R~bert Ge - crnorta I rary determination a'1 rl effort on your to ali c·;tm pus g roups. whether 1 c bardtshauer, asststant dtrector of pa rt you will achieve a clisting· t he~ t l['. fra ternities, clubs or On omp_uters admis~ion~ . and . re... c ords sta~e~ l Faces Alteratjons uished record at ~he University cl ()rmttones. .• \ . that hts office wtll ~·o everythtn - of Delaware," predicted the dean. SEE K COEDS 1 . J k . possible to prevent a student Du rt't1 g tl1 Christmas holidays "lenry G. Law and Robert E. Tlw . Dr. Robert F. · ac son, pro having three exams scheduled . e r . · · d . p,tgc,u lt committee is fessor of m ath will speak to the . 1 the Memorial Library has been Lumpk111 , Jr. 111 the second an serl •n ' r· nllc> ne tude ts to par · · ' In one cay. th" d ·r 1 I · 1 t',. : . <"> s n .. Math Club about the digital undergoing a face lifting, and Ir_ po ~ l tons, a re a so c 1emtca ICI!Jnlr In the pageant, whom com uter on February 19 in 208 • • • . 1eng m eenng students. ~ ~,~ ~ lepJ ha\·c a definite aclvan· Eva~s Hall.
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