UWM Union's familiar face Ray Ertl speaks News/ Page 2 he Film students speak out on struggles By Paul Freitag En tertainmen t Editor Tom Koch was a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student for over two years, studying primarily in the film and video department This past semester, he transferred from UWM to Columbia College in Chicago, noted as one of the best film school in the nation. While comparisons wouldn'tbe fair, and Columbia's tuition is about 8 times as expensive as UWM's, Koch has other reasons of the change. "I've never really been satisfied with [the UWM Film Department]," he explained, "I've gone two full years, freshman and sophomore, and part-time junior year, and then I didn'tpass portfolio. I don'tknowwhy. Apparendy I wasn't good enough." UWM film students are required to pass a portfolio, consisting primarily of a film and video project, in order to get into the upper-level undergraduate courses. Emerson Thome (not his real name) is another film student whose portfolio was recendy rejected, and shares Koch's sentiments about the film department "Technical isn't really what counts," Thorne said, "They want to see whatyou say. They like personal things, so if it's not a personal film, they frown upon that That's why we didn'tpass. That's not the reason we're not hip with the school, we were unhappy with the school before portfolio." . The film department has recendy come under fire by a number of students disillusioned with the focus of the curriculum. Professor Dick Blau, the head of the department explains the area's intentions. 'We come out of the independent tradition of film and video. We're interested in having people look as deeply as they can within themselves and as hard as they can at the world and saying something meaningful aboutboth. 'We're interested in all kinds of film and video, all genres. You'll find people doing experimental work here, abstract work, advanced narra­ tive, documentary.... Our orientation is kind of resolutely non-commer­ cial. We like being at a university. We like people who know things other than film and video in order to find out how to express themselves in those mediums." The non-commercial emphasis of the department has taken some freshman students by surprise. Among those expecting something different is Harris Allsworth (again, not a real name). "There's no real skills being taught" Allsworth claims, 'just random stuff. I was expectingsomethingabitmore useful. Instead, atleastfor the first two semesters, allwe've been doingiswatchingshort, 10-minute films and writing about them. I just don't see any useful techniques or skills being learned in the near future." Blau feels that the department does adequately prepare one for a career in film. "Some people have been very successful," he explains, "One of the people who studied in film is the chief animator in Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Anotherpersongota bigsound creditin Nixon. Ryan Plato and Peter Batchelder work on their latest project. Some UWM film So, yes, it is possible for people to [become successful]." students are concerned about the direction the program is headed. Post photo "I want to stress that we look at filmmaking in a different way," he by Steve Taylor continues, "The comparison would be that if you were to take the art Film CONTINUED ON 7 • "The voice of the campus" February 6, 1997 News Well-known Union occupant a "student of life" NEWS By Angela McManaman fcfc other Gasthaus patrons. and Dave Nelsen "Ray would start arguments a Ray Ertl speaks his mind P-2 lot," Raiten said. "The former Anyone who has spent time in • I'm a student of life. That's manager was always telling him November elections null and void p.3 the University of Wisconsin-Mil­ how I describe what I do here. he had to calm down." waukee Student Union has prob­ In the spring of 19*95, Erd was ably seen Ray Erd at some point. Follette's Textbook Exchange closes p.3 -Ray Ertl asked to leave the Gasthaus per- He is easily identified by his yel­ manently. Hamann cited two ma­ low knit cap and long, gray beard. jor factors in that decision. ENTERTAINMENT Since the late 1960s, Erdhas been » "The situation was that there coming to the Union and Golda Social Distortion rolls on with the Union, and with the were other instances that began Meir Library on an almost daily Gasthaus in particular. Accord­ to occur outside of the Gasthaus, P.5 basis. Erd, who is currendy unem­ ing to the Jay Raiten, assistant atwhich pointwe decided to with­ ployed, spent much ofhis time at manager of the Gasthaus, Erd has draw the privilege of presence in Purple Onion Productions to give film another UWM conducting personal re­ not been served alcohol there in the Gasthaus. And while in the search. shot P-6 over two years. Gasthaus, he would sometimes "I'm a student of student life," "We can make the decision to try and solicitotherpeopletobuy he said. "That's how I describe cut someone off for the night, if alcohol for him," Hamann said. Union Cinema off­ what I do here." they've had one too many," Erd was expelled from the beat .p.6 This past November, Erd's re­ Raiten said. "But the decision to Union in November because search came to an abrupt end cut someone off on a somewhat "other instances," all of which Campus and community events p.7 when he was kicked out of the permanentbasis mustcome from were behavior-related, occured Union indefinitely. Union administration." with increased frequency over the "They (Union security) told The Union's director of Aux­ past year. The University also re­ EDITORIALS me I had to leave," he said. iliary Services, Elmer Hamann, ceived complaints of Erd's "dis­ Yeteven before his November explained why Ertl's drinking ruptive, behavior" from students A lovely, lovely lie P-10 eviction, Ertl sensed things were privileges were suspended. and faculty. Still, the decision to changing in the Union. "If a person's behavior, as re­ expel Ertl from the Union was "They were getting persnick­ lated to alcohol consumption, is not a hasty one. Deans do the hustle P-10 ety," he said. "For years I'd been such thatproblems occur, we have "You have incidences, you collecting old newspapers that I the responsibility, as charged to have warning discussions. We Perspective Page P-11 would find around the Union. us by the University, to make sure went through a progression of Suddenly, I was told I couldn't do such problems don't reoccur. things with Mr. Erd. There comes SPORTS that anymore. And sometimes, I The University isn't anxious to apointwhenyou've used up your would crash outon'the third floor sell alcohol if it might create a slack. You can'tgo back to square Three players suspended p.16 chairs. Is that such a crime?" he problem," he said. one after that," Hamann ex- asked. The problems, in Erd's case, Erd does have a long history were his frequentarguments with Ray CONTINUED ON 4 • UWM a giant killer? P-16 "Celebrating 24 Years" Volleyball update P-13 The Armchair Quarterback P-13 JE-2__L tfctiis ^asitjhaugF8' 11 Mils \yvf(_.(_.!& __- D)|p(_.(_:Mll Thursday.... Dungon Red Taps $1.25 4-close The UWM Post ,WlJ»J.ll,iMJlJ:U^F^__PJIfc^!:l^_L^I Established 1956 4-close Guinness and Anchoi Steam 2200 East Kenwood Blvd. Saturday. II 16oz Tap Specials PO Box 413, Union Box 88 11-close Milwaukee, Wi 53201 I By The JfiUWM times Ml Phone: 229-4578 Fax: 229-4579. Sunday. Bloodymarys & Screwdrivers Email: [email protected] |2/21/94 JO 1_5£ $1.5012-close Editor in Chief Matt Michaelis Office Manager Kevin Triggs Managing Editors Jana Schmeling News Editor Angela McManamam and Matt Johnson Entertainment Editor Paul Freitag Monday.. Miller & Bud Taps $1.25 4-close Advertising Managers Eric Endicott Sports Editor Rick Klauer and Scott Redmond Copy Editor Tom Williams Tuesday. , Rail Drinks $1.50 Editorial Editor Gary Grass Photo Editor Steve Taylor # 4-close Staff Writers, photographers and artists: Ami Blachowiak, Roy Normington, Krista Kinnius, Tim Gregoire,, Pete Menting, Steve Koenig, LaCrecia Barnes, Kristie Recknagel, Rebecca Koscinski, Kim Bakke, Tad Gospodarek, Darcie Maurer, Matthew Otero, Aaron jpVednesday Micro-Madness laps $1.50 4-close Branski, Meghan O'Donnell, Steve Zimmerman, Sarah Brooks, and Brian Huber. One copy free, additional copies are $.75 each. The UWM Post Inc., is an independent non-profit corporation. All submissions become the property of The UWM Post, Inc. Published Thursdays during the school year, Gasthaus Garb: T-shirts $13.95 Sweatshirts $18.95 except for holidays and exam periods. FROM THE UNIVERSITYThe UWM Post is written and published by the students of the UWM. They are solely responsible for its editorial policy content. UWM is not liable for ion — _F_ri debts incurred by the publisher. The UWM Post is not an official publication of the UWM. > lOpm lO J_>_rxTL •IMU t tm-n. * t-i-i t n fn-n-nu. i i ^f^^'IK " £? > .:.:•-— February 6, 1997 "The voice of the campus" News November elections ruled null and Follette's closes its doors By Matt Wild void by University Student Court Staff Writer Follett's Textbook Exchange, or FIX, officially closed its doors to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students on January 31. By Kris ta Kinnius a learning process for them, and important to them, and neither Located at 3139 N.
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