TRy-COUNTY CHRONICLEI0 VOL. 8. CASS CITY, MIGH., FI~IDAY, ?lAY ~9, ~9o5. NO. ~. ******************--***--*****--*********** t tt|fitl SCRO0[ I[AM VICIO[~S $CRIPIURDIRJNT NUPHMS. Burton L. Hunt and Miss Anha YOU CA T HATCH : oo+ s+o, .+o+ ooo Scripture were quietly married a~ ~he @ ~ Kingston. home of the bride's mother early Wednesday morning, Rev. IL N. Mul- "~'~'~""..... Tim Elkton l~igh school team, chain- holland officiating. The happy couple o DOOR[ KNOBN pions of Huron county, received quite left on the morning ~rain for Detroi~ There was once an old hen a se~ back on Friday last wl~en they where riley will make t,heir home, Mr+ Hung having aposition in that who sat on a china door knob were defeated by t,l?e local high school team by the see+re of 11 ~o 4, It was a city. Mrs. liunt's departure from for six weeks expecting to get well played and fast. game of ball but this city is regretted as she will a famiiy. The only thing she it, was quite e~+ident from the first be greatly missed in the Sunday i did get was experience. t,hat ti~e local team would add an+~tl~er school work and Epworbh League Perhaps you are just get- victory totheir list, Pitcher Dun- circles at the M. E. church wllere she was actively engaged. The Chronicle ting experience in +buying canson was in his usual good form and was ably supported by the whole joins with their many friends in ex- i Shoes and Clothing. There team. The locals started tl~e scoring tending congratulations. is many a china door knob in in the first innings and wound up the .~+++~l-b+++q-l++++++++~.~.+.M-I.+4,~, o merchandise out oi which no ~ game with four runs in the eighth. Are yo. aware of the fact man but the maker ever Eikt,m got, their lirst run on an error. o that we are setlin~ goods for less money than ever before, hatched a doltar of profit.. allowing the runner to get+ to first, He meatb a lbarve t quality considered. We can f~lrnish your bill from cellar o li, was advanced to second on a put out ÷-l~-~b+++++++++++++÷+~-+++++ o to garret with the exception of brick and hardware. o Our ~Shoes and Clothing *~ from where t~e scored on a hit. They got busy again in thee' seventh innings The sudden death of Mrs. Mary are new. and scored t,hree runs on some clean Burr while visiting at the lmme of l~cr Our sfock of Cement and Lime o t~itting, but that proved to be the They are madewear. to fit and ~ daughter, Mrs+ Tee~s, a~ Luzerne, was is strictly fresh and consists of the following: only innings in whicl~ they looked announced last week. Mrs. Burg was at a~l dangerous. The features of the @ taken ill Monday evening and died Alpha Portland~+a genuine rock cement manufac- game were the hard hitting of the o early Wednesday mornin~ from apo- tured in Atpha. N. J. @ S e¢ia[ Man's Suit i locals and the base running of Free- @ plexy. She was consei~ms until about Aetna Port[and~the good Michigan Portland+ @ man. A. Duneanson go~ the first an hour before lmr demise. She was @ [or $[0 O0 -" home run that was made on tl~e home Marb|e Mead Lime--the very best. born at Harlinaen, New Jersey, in @ o grounds in Lhe seventl~ innings of the There's over big value in September 1836. In September 1856 Just received a carload of Lath @ game. It was a line drive over the @ this certain smt on which we slm was united in marriage to Henry @ right fielder's t~ead and although it No. I Hemlock at .... $1.75 per thousand Burr and in 1868 ~hey came to Green. @, have marked $10.00 instead of was quickly fielded the runner l~ad No. 1 White Pine at. 2.00 per thousand @ leaf, banilac eonnty where they re- $12.00 about the best suit that one X ever owned. Big plenty of time to complete t+t~e cir- sided on a farm. Mr. Burr died five ~ Le~ US ~igure yOU~ Iail|. ~ cuit. The Etkton battery did tim shoulders cut so clevm:ly that the collar sets tike wax. The +, years ago and for the past two years best+ work for tlleir team and several front is like seasoned timber--warp proof. The coats are Mrs. Burr has made her home in (.?ass times the pitcher had our boys chop~ cut in newest style. ¢ City. Twenty-rout years ago she was ping aL his higb fast ball converted and. united with the Be- gass ity Lumberand goal go, Lid, tnnin~s .... t 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 9 1{ li E Worth investigating. Ready when you are. liever's church at Wickware. Her re- Batteries+Cuss City, I)uncanson Itl+d Grah- mains were brougl~t home from Lu- am. Elkto~h Doe and Aekerman. Rase on zerne g~I hursday evening and tlm funer- J. D, CROSBY & SON, i, ~+~ N + , ; + + +; ; +'+ al services were held in tt~e Baptist ehurclf+Saturday afternoon, gev. E. WINDOW 5HADES CURTAIN POLE5 Cass City's Shoe and Clothing fden. gushUrook of Port, Huron officiating. Tl~e High School boys followed by There was a large attendance of about thirty-five rooters, went to friendg from Wickware and vicinity * WALL PAPER * Kingston on the afternoo~t train on where tl~e deceased was held in high Monday. Tl~ey expected to play the esteem. The interment took place in We have some rare bargains. We invite your inspection. hardest game they have played this Elkhmd cemetery. By Mrs+ Burt's year but it proved to be no harder death Cass City has lost one nf its i Examine our Remnant Table. than any of ttm others as the final most highly respected and l~onored We want your eggs. Cass C ty ; oller score or 14 to 4 will show. The hard ladies. hitting and daring base running of + - L. I WOOD & GO.l: our boys was very much in evidence. Mrs. Christina Buerk nee Reinert Is *he place *o + your Yakes at short played a star game and died at tim lmme of l~er son, Fred attl~ough t,l~is is his first year of play- Buerk, on Thursday, May 11, after an ing we consider l~im now the best illness of several months. St~e was Buckwhea Grinding Done l~igh school stmr~ stop in ghe timmb. born in Walthausen, Wurtenberg, The whole team played a fast, game Oerma:py on Jan+ 4, 1817, where in 1835 and slmwed tt{at tile} l{ave+l+o{S of St)e W~S nnited ill -~marrlage ~u+auht~ We are better prepared to take care of you than ever. ability as bail players. Tlmy are will- Buerk+ To tl~is union came live ing go mee~ any high school team in children, rout sons and one daugt> We grind every day in the week. j~ the stage ford game and although bet. Two of tile sons. Charles of Caro g ag tlmy d(~ no~ claim riley can beat them and Fred of tl~is place survive. Mr. WHITE L|L¥ all they woutd like to tlave a trial. Buerk died in Germany in 1866 and in Ask }'our grocer ~g Intiil~gs ........ l o 3 1873 Mrs. Buerk and hey children ........ ' + ;I e # ,+ '+ came to America, settling on a f+~rm +o,+ CE ESOTA and l(inestoh ....... 0 {+ 2 6 0 + ~ 0+4 [} littlest market price pai |{ItLLtq'ieS+- CiI~N,~ (JiLy~ JJlll/CitllSO |1 ltlld (} FIt|l + in Etkland township, northeast of itIIt; l(il|gSLOt~, Nt,/~lt~ ;+Aid l(illg+ StrllCk O/Yt, by iJt/tleALnSOll 10; by Noble 5+ Base Otl bailS, this village. She was converted dur+ @ FANCHON by DUtlCa, llson I; by Noble 9+ S~oh++l+i bases by ing a series of meetings conducted by Cass City ti; 1}y t{tl~bCstoli l. Rev. W.. Berge during his former These are the best flours on the market. ministry here and Ires since lived -SCHOOL NOTES. a cl~ristian life. At~ that time there We have a nice line Contrlbuted by Irene ThJdale. was no Evan~,elicali'~ tr churcli organized Prompt attention to alI kinds of Custom in this vicinity. For several years Olive Young visited blue ltigh room pas~ she has made her home will? her ~e ~Vork ~g Wednesday. : of Cement I son, Fred. Besides her ~wo remain- Free delivery to any part of the city. Ca11 Phone No. 1. e~ KatieDeming visited the grammar I ing sons slm leaves live grandchildren room Tuesday. and fifteen great grandchildren. The C. ~o HELLER, Prop. The seventl~ grade is toiting in funeral services were held in ~he g g partial payments. Evangelical cimrcl~ Sunday afternoon, Also a cui+ line Seeds Miss Campbell of Ellington visited conducted by l{ev. W. Berge and lmr ~he high room Tuesday. remains laid to rest in Elktand cem- There wilt be a monthly test in etery. b~t|k-keeping on Friday. A wave of sadness again passed ()vet" 1~ has become necessary |or tl~e the ,+ommunity on r++]hutsday, ++ , May 11 + +++++ [[++r Class Day girls to lmve tA~ree rehears- when it became known that the death als a week. angel had entered our midst, and taken Curd Dingman, a pupil of the sixth away tl?e beloved husband and fa~her TELEPHONE r~IO.
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