-«w TMfl TOMANCI HMAID JULY 13, 1961 I RELY ON THE LEADER - ONLY THE HERALD PROVIDES AUDITED CIRCULATION COVERAGE Automotive • Automotive • RenteU __ Automotivere ' \utor • Automotive ^motive UlNtf HOUSIS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMO AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES For $•!• 190 For SiU 90 For Sa MO For Sale 190 For SiU 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 nJid«h. Avnllihl* July Clillilr«n ok. 1H444 Ajhlfy DODGE — DART — LANCER — DODGEE — DART01\RT T(irr»nc». O»H OL 6-I1J13 w o <Uy«. O BEAUTIFUL, really «|>*clou> o Nothing But Clean Car corner hom 3 lovdy bed­ O room* plus d»n (urni m DOLLAR-WISEDi BUYERS bM«m*nt. 3 balhi., (ImoUi-r. fenced play yard (or children. Bonus Can Save the Safe-T Way Ktfll^jKfealty^OS 5-3S07. _ 1 ' ypt 0 ith '57 Buick........ $849 ar Blow- ««lt>y Relit) , OS S-3I 3 STOP HERE FIRST Special 2-door Hardtop, automoiic, ra­ |8&-Ch»rmlnr »p»rlou« 6 dio, heater. $10 OFF honnt, nrar excellent sc Up 1 and shops Kfolfv Reiltv No money down ........ $44.00 per monlh WffH THIS AD. ___ os r.-s9ff>. _ J 3 Bsdroom 'Apti. large corner h Ev*n though '551 it'i offer the '57 Plymouth..... $849 a '55 Dodge..$495 '54 Ford.... $295 4-cloor Belvedere Hardtop, automatic Taw? fourth of Ji'ly- * BKDKOOM. Extra large firing 4-door Sedan. Radio, heater, 4-door, radio, heater, automa­ transmission. rooin, fireplace. Near Torrano" thingi ar« itil No money * Hawtlioinf Blvd. Adults l down ... .... $44.00 per month 5ROOM' APT. ~Prlv«(e p only. Broker^FA 8-4S7S._ poppln' around o automatic transmission power tic, power steering, (LWZ 125) T-Un M>. .)»« Nou-n 8-4JMT. _ _ "Xp\V 3~BEDROOM" HOMS~~ htr*. o Rodondo Roach W o steering, (KEU 594) Here's a All this. '55 Chevrolet.... $849 DI»po«»I.' loti of doae KR 1-6181 mo V-8, stick, 2-door, hardtop, Bel Air, ra­ I thila .<*. Ova*" 135 N<-»rly naw 3 Iw.lroom. We're great one. t«r_:p»i<r Mj. Di t-ai«ar Built-in.-. Wall to wall car- dio, heater. pttlni. Garage. Fenced yard, Giving A i No money down .... $44.00 per month " IMrooi'rt «j>T vvtf wati-r. trash paid. 3 children. o . So prti«. «»e at 26107 Foljoa ««tite at 5WS7 '55 Mercury $545 '55 Ford........ $599 lav-N>W om duplex. $500 BONUS f '55 Dodge .. $495 Monterey Sport Coupe. Radio, Convertible V-8, automatic transmission, tpet, drmw*. b'.llll* hlldren For Any Reasonably Clean Cat radio, heater, p'ower steering. )IW ffltate Mttlo?0 ('"amort/ Custom Royal. Radio, heater, heater, automatic, (GEJ 082) No money down .. ..... $31.00 pf:i month iii(K"like lU'irtg i 11 yotfr ovh You Trade In For A New hofi>». 3i4o6 ii'_t .<8.' Lomtu Bullt-lns. Laundt-y area large kitchen. Private bale DODGE-DART or LANCER automatic transmission, (JUS ~Di«f- Pool. »9N.6u. 1431 \V__337t (W*'r» giving more '56 Ford......... $749 r~BEi>ROOM if the car it really <horp) 577) Special this weekend. ,._._.. ntr month. 1737V, W. .Station Wagon 4-door, V-8, auiow.itir 212nd St.. 6oi.,lta. Inquire 3435 ¥Tp ]Vt?t?*i Your far — '55 Olds.... $495 transmission, radio, heater. W.JJ3UI.Joriisinre^DA 6-7287. No money down .. $39.00 per month 'BEDROOM "Deluxe with Ka­ rate. Bullt-lns. Privacy. See So Com« In Today! 4-door "88" Radio, heater, au­ to appreciate. 1930 Martin*. Torrance, '52 Ford..... $125 tomatic tiansmission, power '59 Chevrolet... $1949 "iBt'DROoifS Complete!. Newcastle Dodge Impala 2-door Hardtop, radio, heater. Station Wagon. steering. (rom v.li.jols. Clone to phop- Sal** Service - Parti for all Chrysler Products automatic transmission. ping. -19IK Martina. Torinnee. No money down . .. $84.00 per rnonll'- >iii iionio. 505 PACIFIC COAST HWY. FR 3-3477 fin-place. the Couty Store Owned and Operated by 4 '53 Chevrolet.,..$399 only. Nb P''t». Water, train Bob and Richard Greenwald! 100% Bel Air, 2-door Hardtop, stick, radio, paid. 160. 5544 W. 147th. Ix.- Financing nilta. DODGE — DART — LANCER — DODGE — DAR heater. No money down $21.00 per month r»n ok. Rental reference*, Available On Approved Credit' fc Vermont. Torrance. PL 8-3090. • Mcrchondit* • Merchandise Foj; SoU______ _For Sale______ '55 Oldsmobile .. $799 "88'' 2-door, hardtop, radio, healer, au­ FURNITURE ajt.jo *M1 Wvtt. ZMiooaa PURNlTUM tomatic transmission. i nu.i.liKliided. N«Ar Jum And Appliance* 15 bedroom duplex. Yard. And Appllaneti 1! No money down ........ $41.00 per month Quiet fmj*hb.,rhootl. Utilities fr etn N •Cc KENNETH JUtorJJ p.m. SACRIFICE Hurry and See These Cars at I bought $97I> o( good nmpl J40 -SmiilY" l~b« HUB TORRANCE furniture. B rooms In all IN 2307 Border Av. NO DOWN PAYMENT CLUDINO APPLIANCES SAFE-T-WAY KARS hnvo over half paid In. All brand new I Ueturnod fron have never taken deliver) 825 Pacific Coast Hwy. model hDine. 4 rooms crtin HAS NEVER BKEN t'SED Ooy*rrd )letc. Include* llvlni? room this entire Hermosa Beach 3 «tr ( edroom, dinette, family all balance I o\ Chevrolet paid. efrigerate & I aj which is $48B arrange See Whitey FR 9-2950 ____ PA 3-3180 YOUR C REDIT your own terms no money at down. Consists of 11 pie ttft a Bedroom hnuM. (Jarba HUB all muple living room, 10 ple> Small f master bedroom suite. 14 pie. 'GOOD VALUE CARS" complete bunk bed croup, OPH1N ByB piece drop-leaf maple dlnett complete set of dishes, glim 3 BBDKOOM: HOUSBf or ijY ireml autunmtlo ware, pots and pans, vacuu 534 N. HAWTHORNE BLVD. month. (Bepulvpda an er In t^-xl cundltion. S3 cleaner. All brand now. Stove arc«.) TH 5-1293 ana refrigerator included. Sea Here Are Some FA 8-M all this at FRIENDLY FUHN HAWTHORNE * * OS 9-2388 BBDROOM hoime ALL -NAUGAHYDE ITURB. 2067 TORKANCF Mlnud. II JO vl Ih Llvlnc room group. Couch BLVD.. TOHRANCK. Open 1413 W Iltth 9t. chair. 3 plastic top atep U week days. 9-9. Tuesday am call Tt! 2-87S7 after 6 p.m ble». cocktail table. 3 decor Saturday. 8-6. Sunday. 1: ator lampa and ilmdci. cliolc noon to 5. Adults. $56 of colors. 1961 Dodge Lancer 4-Door Sedan Outstanding Values 364th Ilkrbor Cit FULL PRICE FA 8-0930 $88 BURLESONS AUCTION ttlQTQ Full Price P' us Tax and License NBW 3' BBDROOM DrPLES FRIBNDLT FURNITUHB. 3067 Every Satuwtay at 9:30 a.n JMO/O Serial No. 7115-110687 Omraire. $90. TQRRANMI BLVD.. TOR- 28036 S. FIGUEKOA aohool liilB RANCH Open week ilaya 9-» W« buy or sell on commission DURING OUR PVCT. _ _ __^ p.m., Tuesday and Saturday, » a.m.-« p.m.. Bundaya U TOOLS. FURNITURE & MI6O ROOMS, Furnithtd tt.m-5 p.m. Open Monday thru HCA WHJHLiPOOL - jfaa dryer Satuix ALL STAR VALUE DAYS |10 HOME AW AT FROM HOM 1981 deluxo model. Used CALL FA 8-0305 FOR EMPLOYED PERSON woejo!, can't tell from ne» ___ _ , FR 1-UlO__ __ You can have for balinc GAS REFRIGERATOR '55 Cadillac...... $1299 IT WBUk UP - "Downtown bank. J187.84 i>r take over FOH SALE AT 62 Attractive. Cle»n. Rt^rlrera ment M.60 month. My eault 1830 SANTA FE Convertible. Full power. A beautiful auto- fr>>e and no caah needed. NOROE GAS RANGE 30". 1 yea mobiJe. 14118 S. Vermont DA 4-829 old. Automatic controllci burner. (100. 2348 233rd, Tor TOM ROADY-DODGE PRIVATB ROOM and ranee. DA 6-3133. Nice hom«. Outnlde aut BEAUTIFUL Upright Grain '57 Cadillac .... G«rafe. Gcntlomwt r'cfarrex Piano with antique aplndl . $1999 HUB TORRANCE back stool $300. Bendlx wash '62' 4 door. Immaculate throughout. An­ NO DOWN PAYMENT er, 08 la, $10. Ensv electric dry Re.posac.ssod 4 rooms. er^JSO. DA 6-5769 other Ronald E. Moran SpeciaL eludes range, family slzo frlRerator. 6 piece dinett SMALL :hlld's maple roll to] llvln. p'le lean and swivel cht Ir. Chin; PLAZA Hotel, dally maid Mrv edr Mn. tables, plc- loset. Old hall tree chair. pillows, dlahes, i n d DA 6-2735. '58 Chevrolet..... $1499 MAHOGANY ronaolu radio am V-8 Brookwood 4-door Station Wagon 9-pas- , .60 Per w record player, excellent con NO OHEDIT PROBLEMS dltlon, $50. Beautiful mapl senger. Local 1 owner car and showroom fresh. HUB 21" Sllvertone TV, need* «mol TlAILIRS for R«nt 33S58 Hawthorne Blvd. at tubes, $100. Walnut cedar llnei Pacific Const Hwy.. Torranc* chlfforobe, $25. 24617 Pennsyl 13' VACATION TRAILER, ilco OPEN EVES 'TIL 9 vanla Ave., Lomita. '55 Buick.......... $649 4. }30 week, ADMIRAL Uprlgtit freei ADMIRAL Deluxe Refrlgerato Prtvato pany. DA 6-3481. holds 426 Ibs. frozen tot with bottom freezer. Studl Riviera 2 door Hardtop. Automatic transmis-' Can't tell from now-still 1. typo piano. FR 1-1341. TRAILER guarantee. You can have I sion, radio, heater, power steering, power PARK! balance. IO bank. $178.64 And 5p«e»» take over payment $9 i MISCELLANEOUS 158 brakes. / ^^.-W^^V»>^s ill. Nothing for my eqult LANCER 4 DOOR only. '55 Oldsmobile .... $699 DA 5-ai07. SOLID ROCK MAPLE PER MONTH ~Lar SAVE! $1878 FULL PRICE Super "88" Holiday Coupe, Radio, heater au­ Kr/iMrc-ovorcd RECHKATI Cancellation forces sale Value tomatic transmission, power steering, power AllBA. Storua 1 block. C sacrifice. Thla brand new . Buys on DODGE POLARA DODGE DART DODGE LANCER and rental atnioftphnru. FA 8-SI9JO room croup of QUALITY ON DODGE DART PICK-UPS brakes, 2-tone blue.
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