O MEETING ` o f omen or amenorataiitra WOMB or r.amsronot • 0 0 "MEETING OF STATE LANDS COMMISSION SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA January 26, 1966 *****4! 5 PARTICIPANTS: 6 TIM STATE LANDS COMMISSION 0- , 7 - „lion. Houston I. Flournoy,. Conitoller, chairm0 o , 8 Hort. Robert H: Finch,-:Lieutenant Covernor 9 GordonT. -Smith, Director(lof Finance 10 11 Mr. F. J. ellortig Executive Officer 12 13 OFFICE„OF THE ATIGRNEY GENERAL Itr.Jay L. Shavelson, assistant Attorney General' 15 Mi. N. Grey Tayloreputy Attorney General 17 APPEkRANCES: (In the older of their appearance) 'Mr. Robert Kinzie Santa Cruz Yacht Club, Inc. 20 Mr. Kenneth K. Williams Deputy City Attorney, City of Long Beach lir. Richard Dombrink Ghieffof_ Real Estate Branch, 'Alameda= 23 `r'-%,9-7,ettnty Flood Control and Water Conaervatiow, Ms trict - 24. Mrs. Helen-Lyons Freeman 25 President, Alameda 'Conservation Assoziation 28 (continued)- IIIMP1C11111• assmarraxnvi POCKNOVINII. OUTS Of CALI MIMI - Mr. William'Siri President, Save the San Francisco, Bay Ass 6 Mr. LouisButler Save the San Francisco -Bay Association Harry ` jacksc— Secretary, Leslie Salt Co. me. W filter Cooper Resident, Focter City 0 ° O INDE (In accordance with calendar Summary) -ITEM ON PAGE OF PAGE OF ITEM CLASSIFICATION CALENDAR CALVIDAR ,TRANSCRIPT: i I. Cali to_order PERMITS, EASEMENTS, RIGHTS- AY, NO FEE: / 07(0 City of San Matio , 1 (b) Pacific Tel; & TeL Co. (c) South an Luis Obispo ,county Sanitation Dist. - (d) State of California, Dept. Public Works Div. of Highways (e) ,Trans'-Bay ConatrUctors 34 PERMITS, EASEMENTS LEASES, - '--- RIGHTS-OF-WAY, FEE: O (ix) Santa Cruz 'Yacht Club Inc. ° 32 - ii 0-- - (1),) 7'applicants as listed in Calendar Item 29 17 (6) Robert M._ EdWards 18 Paul F. Keen/4y, , Jr. 19 (e) Lake Tahoe Park Aas'ik. Timber Cove Inn, Inc. (B) Jack T. Campbell dba Campbell Const,& Equip.Co. (h) K. C. Wells, Jr.,Joyce 23 M. Wells, Casiano Land Livestock Co.Inc. 24 (1) Humble Oil & Refining Co_ (j) itobert 'W.McCune 4 & Wayne 26 Winther dba Bridge Marina 28 Yacht Club OlLasandard Oil Co. of Calif. 4 31 continued = Milrie4 oWAINSIIIMPIMATIV1IIPIKKIMPPIMINTAITOICativeltimoit (.1 E X (In accordance with Calendar Summa y) ITEM, ON PAGE OF PAGE O CALENDAR CALENDAR TRANSCRIPT ■MIIMMMIV■••■••110 4 4. OIL ,,& GAS AND MINERAL_ LEASES AND PERMITS (a)', Decon Corp-oration (b) The Bunker Hill C.6% (1) 7 (,c) Norris** & Weatherly Chemital Products 2. 9 (0)Signal Gas- Co. 10" 2 10 (e) Hnion',Oil CO. of Calif. 11 (f) tapitoL,Oil Corp. and -Bruce p. Brooks - -41 -14 ig) Standard Oil Co. of (1) 13 42 0 Calif.& Shell =Oil Co.(2) 43 2 14 L (h) Authorization re offering lease 2800Q acres T&S olanc;s Suisun Bay (i) Ditto, 140- acres T&S lands 17 Sacramento River, Solano & Sacramento counties (j) AUthorization re= offering 19 lease 208.88 acres of mineral, lease on Sherman -20 Island, SacramentO County 22 21, (k) Approval crude oil sales contract Carr & Wrath,Int. 22 and Shell, Oil Co.. CITY OF 'LONG° BEACH (a) ApproVal First Modif,A).1an ia- of:Developieht,Long Beach 25 Unit,THUMS Reque&t 26-67, ,23 53,, 28 continued ..vstativ awasmiressenva ploOessina. ?ATV OP CALIMINIA ______,-----7-6 3—..,X 4-ins'accordance with Calendar Summary) 2 ' -„, ITEM 02C,/ PAGE OF_ PAGE, OF , 3 ATM CLASSIFICATION CALENDAR CALENDAR TRANSCRIP 4 15. CITY OF LONG BEACH (continued)` (b) Approval. $5000 for sub- sidence studies Lateral GroUnd-Surface Motion (c)Approval expenditure $906,915 R.M.S. QUEEN MARY (d)Determination of subsidence 9 costs, Not.401,539,684 10 6. LAND SALES AND:,-,WITHDRAWALS 0 11 (a) Rejection of request of Dept. Fish & Game for with- 12 drawal Sec.16, T 12 N, R 15 E, and T 13 N, 15 E . PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS (a) Punta del Norte- Addition City of SanoBuenaventura 8. -INFORMATIVE - Litigation LAiD'EXCHANGE 16 (a) Leslie Salt Co. exchange 19 10. Authorization for Attorney General tiDfile amicus curiae 20 brief/s in cases affecting taxable valuation- interests 21 ariiing from drilling and, --,-_, operating = contracts, etc. 38 75 22 11. NEXT MEETING`' 23 24 25A 26 ■•••■•■•■•••AM/■•=1■1"..■•••• 1.11111.MIIM■ MOWS OP AINANNOMAVIVA 90111111COONOL !AMMONIA • ',2•5 1. INDEX 2 (In accordance with calendar items) 3 O ITEM ON PAGE DPI. PAGE OF ITEM ON PAGE OF PAGE OF 4 CALENDAR CALENDAR TRANSCRIPT CALENDAR CALENDAR TRANSCRIPT -- - _ 1 16 1 21 45 2 a 2 5 1 - 22 47 2 3 24 1 — 23 53 2 8. 4 31 1 24 60 2 9 5 - 51 fl 2 25 22 ____._ 10 6--' 28 1 26 27 11 7 40 2° 27 1.8 12 8 41 2 ' 28 30 1 13 9 44 2 ':' 29 12 1 14 10 39 2 30 20 i 1 15 11 1 1 31e,___-, 10 12 43 2 32 11 17 13 42 2 33 64 5 18 14 37 2 34 9 1 19 15 58 2 35 7 1 20 16 32 2 36 67 5 21 17 55 2 37 70 22 22 18 35 2 c 38 75 23 19 33 2 24 20 54 NEXT MEETING 69 26 28 *PPM 07 APOONIOTOOTIVI POK001/02, OTOTII OP COUP00,011 AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY,JANUARY 26, 1968 - 10:10A. 2 - , '3 MR.:'FLOURNOY: The meeting of the-Lands Commission, -4 will come to-order- 0 We have a rather extensive agenda. It is our under 8 standing, however, that there are only three items on which , 7 individuals are here who wish to be heard. Those relate to 8 the Santa Cruz Yacht Club; a matter concerning various suits 0 involving the Citrof,LongAleach, County of Los Angeles, and 10 County of Orange, andccertain other companies;= and theiMatter 11 of the propOsalconcerning the lands of the Leslie Salt-, . 12 :Company. Unless we are informed- to the contrary, w ill 13 proceedonothat assumption-. 14 Therefore, we will proceed to the-agenda and when we come to those items that are subject to discussidit, 15 , 18 we will take them at .a later time. , 17 The first item of business is permits. easements 18 and rights-of-way to be granted to public and other agencies 100 at no fee, pursuant to statutes; and there are -Ome five of 20 those matters. GOV. FINCH: Move approval. 21 IJ 22 MR.-SMITH: Second. 23 MR. FLOURNOY: Unless there is objection, they will )14 be approved as indicated. 25 Item 3 -- PerE,41ts, easements leases and rights-of- way issued pursuant to statutes and established rental WPM OP ASOISONMIAVIVI POOCIMPUOV. OM NI OP CAILIPORIVA policies of the Commission. With the exception of the 2 Santa Cruz Yacht Club, item (a), is there any discussion? 3 GOV. FINCH: Move approval. 4 MR. SMITH: Second. 5 MR. FLOURNOY: There being no objection, the items 0 indicated will be approved. Item 4 - Certain items of oil and:gas and mineral 8 leases and permits issued pursuant to statutes and establishe 9 policies.-Of- the Commission. Ii- there any discussionor objec 10 .tion to any of those items as indicated, (A)> down-through (k) GOV.! FINCH: Move approval. 12, MR. SMITH: Second. 13 MR. FLOURNOY: There being no objection, those 14, of teas„ will be apProved. o 15 Item 3,,with regard to the,City of Long BetiCh,c`-some O 10 four items, not including the one that,we referred to earlier 17 COL-FINCH: Move approval. 15L', MIR. SKIM Second. , 0 , 19 MR. FLOURNOY: Without objection, those items will 20 be approved: O 21 Item 6, having to do with,land sales and withdrawal - 0 22 one item. Is there any discussion on that matter? 23 GOV. FINCH: I'd like stome explanation from o Mr. Hortig on that, Please.. 25 MR. HORTIG: Yes: Governor Finch. 28 GOV., ... going to the question oUthe OPPlat ta. AsuinmsitiSairivg meesepowa..wtsE7 railjpemmia 0 relationship here between the State Lands Conmission and the Departaient-if fish, and Came. I want to understand the sequence and the recommendation. MR. HORTIC: The'State Lands Consiission!a rules and regulations --Jvide, with-3) respect to lands that are available, for -sale' from the remainder of,the vacatt State School Land Trust --- lands which were conveyed by he Congress to the State for education -- that ,such lands maybe withheld from 0 9 public sale on the) request of a_State or other California 10 agency; ,,governmental agency, for a_ period not to'exceed two 11 years, on an application of intention of such agency to pur -, 12 chase such land., within two yoors. 13 The Stnt.,e lands in this instance have beeh-previousl 14 withdrawn on the request of the Department of Fish and tame . is This application by the Department, of Fish and Gamy tad oflOt 16 been completed. Then there was an additional request, again Lir for a withdrawal, which it was reported to the Commission at 18 an earlier meeting was actually not aV requiat on the part of 1.9 the Dep4trtment of Fish and Came, but for the,-Zureau of Land 20 Management of the Department of Interior -- for which therec, 21st Is ono procedure for this type of operation, particularly, as 22 you will recall, you _raised the question with the representa- , 23, rives of the Bureau'of Land Management'how long it would' take 24, to accomplish such a t3ansaction, in view of the faCt that ir (25 hijve other applications by the State Lauds 8 ion that have been pending for eight to _ten years that probably should_ 0 MIMS MP 111111101111•111411111111 POOCOIMMIIR 01111U N, comeremilA rr Q 4 4 •1 creSolved4Wore we get' into a different trantactimi with 2 the Bureau ,of Land.
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