SEPTEMBER 26, 1955 35c PER COPY gg8 Ie d sryL:_. BROAr .t:r yDOr ua:aL NG "%1j $t4 cyrT,Io suo=.Tsir¿. .T,, !3-T6.In ` F IL,IQ,1 Tun .rTf..aycn T E 1.e44 vihifria..... Complete Index Page 10 W110 IS IOWA'S FAVORITE RADIO STATION Wants " ore V's, Forget the U's FOR Page 27 FARM PROGRAMS! Advice on Spot Radio BBDO's Anderson Page 30 n l n- -1 I . v Has Saturated WHO WMT Wgl'i NAX WOW KMA KICD KGLO KSCJ KXEL 0% of City Homes `,. 44.6% 18.8 %A ° 4.3 % x,4.1 3.9 1.5% 1.3 1.3% 1.1% Page 32 o rnu 4o More Film Firms' Drop Tv Boycott THE data i_n 4 tre otre crt Oi Dr. Forest L. Whañ s owa Radi. evision Audience Survey -the of this famed study. Farming is big business in Iowa, and Iowans' overwhelming preference for WHO farm program is FEATURE SECTiON far from a freak. It's the result of heads -up planning Begins on Page 37 -in programming, personnel and research . in Public Service and audience promotion. BUY ALL of IOWA - Write direct or ask Free & Peters for your copy of the 1954 I.R.T.A. Survey. It will tell you more about Plus `Iowa Plus" -with radio and television in Iowa than you could glean from weeks of personal travel and study. WHO Des Moines . 50,000 Waits & PETERS, INC., Col. )}. J. Palmer, President National Representatives THE NEWSWEEKLY P. A. Loyet, Resident Manager OF RADIO AND TV "The South's First Television Station" ELE ISION ICHMOND RICHMOND, VA. DOES A MAN'S SIZE JOB YOU WOULDN'T CALL UPON A BOY TO DO A MAN'S 100,000 WATTS SIZE JOB. SIMILARLY WISE TIMEBUYERS CHOOSE NOTHING BETTER - WTVR "RICHMOND'S ONLY TELEVISION STATION," IT CAN'T EVEN IN PREFERENCE TO ATTEMPTING TO COVER THE BE EQUt LED MARKET FROM WITHOUT. WTVR IS COMPLETELY DOMINATING WITH- A solid schedule of great ABC and CBS programs. Wide area coverage from 1049 FEET. Maximum power on CHANNEL 6, one of the preferred channels in the lower end of the vhf band. Tcp showmanship and know -how accumulated over a seven year period guaranteeing every account ex- vv- traordinary skill, knowledge and ability which assures AN ALWAYS QUALITY JOB. FULL COVERAGE WITH OR WITHOUT AN AERIAL. 414444444444444444444t444444444444444444444444444, Yes, the Wise Timebuyer uses BIG WTVR to do A REAL MAN'S SIZE JOB s t44t44441ttt4tfttttttttitt4 For details call Blair TV Inc. National Sales Representative FOCUS YOUR EVES ON THESE (ACTS! VIBRE-TV's August 31, set count ... 265,000 ... 63,000 more than station B ... 20,000 more than station C. WBRE -TVs' Audience Leadership:p 25% more than station B , ... 100% more than station C, and leads all others by 500%. WBRE -TV leads in average weekly audience, quarter hour by quarter hour Mon. thru Fri. from 5 P.M. to Midnight. WBRE -TV Covers 17 counties of N. E. Penna. with a staff of 12 news and camera experts. Serving a population of over 2,000,000. WBRE -TV is the only station transmitting network COLOR, with a 10 hour weekly schedule this Fall and Winter. The above are authentic facts from the latest ARB surveys. Ask your Headley -Reed rep- resentative to prove them and lots more to you. Also ask him about "Little Rascals" ... a new big audience pro- ducing feature on WBRE -TV. The Nations First Million Watt Station WILKES -BARRE AN © = e BASIC BUY! 111311ET PENNSYLVANIA Now don't forget! It's a $5Yz billion market! WGAL-TV LANCASTER, PA. NBC and CBS Worth remembering when you plan Channel 8 Multi -City Market your advertising -WGAL -TV is the York Harrisburg Reading rich, one station that reaches the Hanover Lebanon Pottsville vast Channel 8 multi -city market Gettysburg Carlisle Hazleton -where 31 million people, with Chambersburg Sunbury Shamokin 912,950 TV sets, have $5Y2 bil- Waynesboro Lewistown Bloomsburg lion to spend annually. For sales Frederick Lock Haven Lewisburg results you'll not forget, advertise Westminster Hagerstown Martinsburg 316,000 watts on WGAL -TV. STEINMAN STATION Representatives: MEEKER TV, INC Clair McCollough, Pres. New York Los Angeles Chicago San Francisco Published every Monday, with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 54th issues) published in January and July by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933. at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. closed circuit® AUTO BUSINESS Automobile manu- casts at $15,000 for limited number of successfully forbade community tv opera- facturers don't appear to be using as much cities. tor from picking up station's signals. national spot tv this year as in 1954 (some BT BT have switched to spot radio) to promote STATION COMPENSATION Different PERTINENT observation made by chief new models. Reasons for trend away from scales of compensating affiliates are con- of one major research firm about current spot tv and toward radio are various but templated by NBC Radio and ABC Radio talk regarding need for more and better here are two big ones: Some motor makers in new nighttime program plans. NBC will radio -tv rating services: There'll never be think their network television shows give pay stations one -twelfth of their hourly radio rating research equiva lent to print them plenty of tv coverage; others are rate for each minute participation. ABC media's Audit Bureau of Circulation be- cool to spot tv because of lack of good will pay stations five -minute rate for seg- cause cost is way out of line with results. availabilities. ments in new "personal listening" pro- As to tv, with most of networks and sta- BT gramming. tions in important markets sold out in DE SOTO has cut back spot television BT prime time, there's no need for more or from last year, is now down to "first 25 SO ARDENT are some affiliates in opposi- better research. markets." Chevrolet Div. of General tion to NBC's Monitor sales concept that BT Motors Corp., which in 1954 utilized they say they'd willingly forego all com- SCREEN GEMS, TPA TALK High Co- heavy tv slate, has reversed field to radio pensation for carrying network commercial lumbia Pictures executive confirmed Friday [BT, Sept. 12] and will use no spot video. programs if they were sure network would that subsidiary television film company, Dodge has no national spot tv at all at maintain its rates and thereby, in their Screen Gems, was negotiating for purchase present after substantial tv -radio schedule opinion, not imperil national spot and local of Television Programs of America. What last year, had previously informed dealers rate structure. In other words what they Screen Gems wants is such TPA properties and representatives of spot radio plans want from network is not money so much as Private Secretary, Lassie and Halls of (for about 50 markets), but these report- as good programs to sell around-and as- Ivy. Outcome may be known this week. edly were abandoned past week. Possibil- surance that network won't, through de- BT ity is held out, however, for curtailed spot valuation of its own time, weaken all rates. radio "at later date." last BRITISH Broadcasting Corp. has lodged Cadillac, like BT year, is using radio only. Chrysler Div., protest with FCC Chairman George C. Chrysler Corp., has scheduled spot radio TIT FOR TAT Informed British sources McConnaughey over his remark, at Radio in about 90 markets and limited television, say Russians will insist-as price for pledge and Television Executives Society lunch in with budget about same as for 1954 to quit jamming Voice of America -that New York fortnight ago, that BBC was [CLOSED CIRCUIT, Sept. 19]. Oldsmobile U. S. close down Radio Free Europe and being forced to acquire new talent because will use top 30 tv markets and about 40 Radio Liberation, both privately financed. of new competition from commercial tv. radio markets. Spot tv also was conspicu- Soviet argument will be pegged on Copen- BT hagen treaty which allocated medium wave ous by its absence in radio -tv plans for NOT YET Prospects channels in Europe and will be made at appeared last week Buick Div. of General Motors Corp., and that FCC may postpone again its new Big Four ministers' conference in Geneva rule Mercury Div. of Ford Motor Co. [CLOSED permitting 1,250 -foot tower heights by 19, 12]. Nash Div. of next month, British believe. CIRCUIT, Sept. Zone I vhf stations beyond present Oct. 1 American Motors is placing radio spot BT postponement. It was learned that if FCC announcement campaign to promote new ABC RADIO, impressed by "Disney does decide to postpone measure, it will be model, effective Sept. 26 through 30, in Magic" that has bolstered ABC -TV, may because of air hazard considerations and about 75 markets. Geyer Inc., New York, hire Walt Disney to produce daytime, not because of protests by small market tv is agency. across -board radio show for network. outlets in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and BT BT Massachusetts (both vhf and uhf) that new TWO FOR THREE? While NARTB's 200 MORE V'S? One government engi- rule permits big city stations to get bigger regional meeting innovation survived first neer says 200 additional vhf stations could at smaller stations' expense. week without drawing major complaints, be allocated under drop -in plan proposed BT there were signs that three-day agenda may last week by FCC Comr.
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