January 2012 CONTENTS Vol. 52 • no 6 VOICES of LIGHT Southern Division ACDA Winston-Salem, NC February 29 - March 3, 2012 9 0031 57 INSIDE 2 From the Executive Director 4 From the Industry Associate Rep. 6 From the Editor 158 Career Moves 83 10300 160 Advertisers’ Index The Choral Journal is the official publication of The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). ACDA is a nonprofit professional organization of choral directors from schools, colleges, and universities; community, church, and professional choral ensembles; and in- dustry and institutional organizations. Choral Journal circulation: 19,000. 119 13900 Annual dues (includes subscription to the Choral Journal): Active $95, Industry $135, Institutional $110, Retired $45, and Student $35. One-year membership begins on date of 9 North Central Division Conference Preview Editor’s note: dues acceptance. Library annual subscription February 8–11, 2012 in Madison, WI Material for this issue rates: U.S. $45; Canada $50; Foreign $85. was submitted by the Single Copy $3; Back Issues $4. 31 Eastern Division Conference Preview participants or their February 15–18, 2012 in Providence, RI representatives and was Permission is granted to all ACDA members to edited for length and clarity. reproduce articles from the Choral Journal for 57 Southern Division Conference Preview The editors have made noncommercial, educational purposes only. February 29– March 3, 2012 in Winston-Salem, NC every effort to ensure Nonmembers wishing to reproduce articles factual accuracy; however, may request permission by writing to ACDA. 83 Southwestern Division Conference Preview 545 Couch Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma since conference events February 29– March 3, 2012 in Dallas, TX 73102. Telephone: 405/232-8161. All rights mentioned in this issue are reserved. 103 Western Division Conference Preview subject to change, please February 29– March 3, 2012 in Reno, NV consult your program book The Choral Journal (US ISSN 0009-5028) is for up-to-date information. issued monthly except for July. Printed in the 119 Central Division Conference Preview United States of America. Periodicals post- March 7– 10, 2012 in Fort Wayne, IN age paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Cover art by Efrain Guerrero, additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send 139 Northwestern Division Conference Preview graphic artist, Austin, Texas. address changes to Choral Journal, 545 Couch March 15– 18, 2012 in Seattle, WA Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102. National Officers This year, 2012 will be an exciting President FROM THE year of goal setting and prioritizing for Jo-Michael Scheibe University of Southern California the American Choral Directors Asso- [email protected] EXECUTIVE ciation. Our strategic planning process Vice-president Jerry McCoy hits the ground running in the new year University of North Texas DIRECTOR 940-369-8389 (voice) as our National ACDA Board and Stra- [email protected] tegic Planning Committee ask all of our members to President-elect Karen Fulmer participate in ACDA’s fi rst-ever membership survey. 253-927-6814 (VOICE) This Strategic Planning Survey is online now at [email protected] www.acda.org, and will only take fi ve minutes to NATIONAL TREASURER Jo Ann Miller complete, but those fi ve minutes will be very valuable North Dakota State University [email protected] to us, as we look ahead to the coming three to five Executive Director Tim Sharp years in the life of our association. Tim Sharp 405-232-8161(voice) The following goals were identifi ed by the Na- [email protected] tional Board, as having signifi cant importance to ACDA, and the online Central Division President Tom Merrill Strategic Planning Survey asks you to indicate your level of agreement and Xavier University prioritization of these goals. 513-745-3135 (voice) [email protected] The suggested goals for ACDA for the next three to fi ve years, as identi- Eastern Division President fi ed by our National Board, are: Bob Eaton [email protected] North Central Division President Excellence in Choral Performance Aimee Beckmann-Collier Drake University (Foster and promote the fi nest examples of choral music 515-271-2841 (voice) [email protected] production, interpretation, and musicianship) Northwestern Division President Solveig Holmquist Western Oregon University Excellence in Choral Repertoire 503-838-8437 (voice) [email protected] (Foster and promote quality repertoire through performances, Southern Division President print, online resources, and commissions) Tom Shelton First Presbyterian Church 336-478-4713 (voice) [email protected] International Communities Southwestern Division President Margie Camp (Foster and promote collaborations, exchanges, and programs Young Voices of Colorado 303-797-7464 (voice) that build international opportunities to share choral music) [email protected] Western Division President Kathryn Smith Lifelong Opportunities to Sing Cosumnes River College 916-687-0545 (Foster and promote programs that create opportunities for [email protected] people of all ages to participate in choral music) Industry Associate Representative Alec Harris GIA Publications Inc. 708-496-3800 (voice) Mentorship Chair, Past Presidents’ Council Hilary Apfelstadt (Foster and promote coaching programs to support new and University of Toronto emerging conductors and train leadership in ACDA) 416-978-0827 (voice) [email protected] National Past Presidents Outreach to Society † Archie Jones Maurice T. Casey † Elwood Keister † Hugh Sanders † Warner Imig David O. Thorsen (Foster and promote opportunities for choral music perfor- † J. Clark Rhodes Diana J. Leland † Harold A. Decker William B. Hatcher mances to partner with, or extend into the life of local and † Theron Kirk John B. Haberlen † Charles C. Hirt † Lynn Whitten national communities) † Morris D. Hayes James A. Moore Russell Mathis Milburn Price † Walter S. Collins David Stutzenberger H. Royce Saltzman Mitzi Groom † Colleen Kirk Michele Holt Executive Director's The 12 Purposes Log Professional Institutes and of ACDA What's on Initiatives Tim's daytimer? (Foster and promote • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote cchoralhoral programs to introduce ssinginginging whichwhich willwill provideprovide artistic,artistic, January 14 - 15 Children's Choir Leadership Retreat and establish professional ccultural,ultural, andand spiritualspiritual experiencesexperiences forfor Denver, CO development tthehe pparticipants.articipants. January 18 Oklahoma Music Educators opportunities that facilitate Conference excellence in choral music) • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote tthehe ffinestinest Tulsa, OK ttypesypes ofof choralchoral musicmusic toto makemake thesethese January 25 - 28 Missouri All-State Choir Research and eexperiencesxperiences possible.possible. Lake of the Ozarks, MO Pedagogy • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote tthehe oorgani-rgani- February 8 - 9 North Central ACDA Conference Madison, WI (Foster and promote zzationation andand developmentdevelopment ofof choralchoral scholarly research to de- ggroupsroups ofof allall typestypes inin schoolsschools andand February 10 -11 Kentucky Music Educators velop a resource of knowl- Conferenceand 80 ccolleges.olleges. Louisville, KY edge and refi ne the art of instruction) • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote tthehe ddevelop-evelop- mmentent ooff choralchoral musicmusic inin thethe churchchurch What's on Tim's Ipad? Technology aandnd synagogue.synagogue. Resources Made to Stick Chip and Dan Heath • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote tthehe oorgani-rgani- Development zzationation andand developmentdevelopment ofof choralchoral Relevance Harrison Coerver and Mary Byers (Foster, promote, and ssocietiesocieties inin citiescities andand communities.communities. implement technology What's on tools that provide • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote tthehe uun-n- Tim's ipod ? resources and facilitate dderstandingerstanding ofof choralchoral musicmusic asas anan ease in consumer usability) iimportantmportant mediummedium ofof contemporarycontemporary Kick in the Pants Just4Kicks vocal jazz quartet aartisticrtistic expression.expression. American Voices St. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys Please help us be the very best • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote ssignificantignificant stewards of the resources of the rresearchesearch inin thethe fieldfield ofof choralchoral music.music. American Choral Directors Associa- tion by participating in this signifi cant • TToo ffosteroster aandnd eencouragencourage cchoralhoral World Choir Initiatives membership survey. The higher the ccompositionomposition ofof superiorsuperior quality.quality. The World Youth Choir had the privilege percentage of participation, the more to perform three times at the Nobel Peace • TToo ffosteroster aandnd ppromoteromote IInterna-nterna- confi dent we will be that we are Prize program in Oslo in December 9-11, continuing to be the association our ttionalional exchangeexchange programsprograms involvinginvolving 2011. Following an opening solo concert in pperformingerforming ggroups,roups, cconductors,onductors, aandnd members want us to be. Oslo University, the choir closed the offi cial ccomposers.omposers. ceremony in Oslo City Hall the next day (you can listen to the performance at http://www. • TToo ffosteroster aandnd eencouragencourage rrehearsalehearsal youtube.com/watch?v=sJPGK3nrKws). pproceduresrocedures conduciveconducive toto attainingattaining Lastly, the choir opened the Nobel
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