The Oklahoma Departnent ofhrblic Safety Procurement Division 3600 N Martin Luther King Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 731l1 Phone 405-425-2172 Fax 405-425-2022 Select#:2401026 Bid Title: SMART TECHNOLOGIES BOARDS - SOLE BRAND Shipping Zip Codez 74403 E-Mail Address: [email protected] The DPS Susan Jerrim 405-425-2023 Time ITB/RFP Issue Date: l2n7/13 10:00 Questions Due by: 12t20113 AM All Amendments will be Posted bY: 12/23113 3:00 PM BIDS WILL BE OPENED ON: 0y02/14 l:30 PM I Signatory Form 1-4 Standard Terms and Conditions State of Oklahoma Vendor/PaYee 2 Responding Bidder Information Form * Ifform is included please retain until asked for. 3 Non-Collusion Certifi cation Other: ',| Supplier Contract Affidavit DPS Audits & Records Clause SUBMIT SEALED BID RESPONSE TO: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 6-8 Specifications/Job DescriPtion PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 3600N MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD CITY, OK 73I I 1 Other: OKLAHOMA left hand comer ofthe Th" *ntaining your Bid,/Proposal response is to be annotated on the outside front lower (FedEx, "-nu"lop"with the contri& bid number, closing date and time. If the Bid/Proposal is mailed by special courier ups,"nu"top" usps priority Mail) then the Bid/Proposil response must be enclosed in a separate appropriately marked envelope bid not being within the courieris packaging. Failure to provide this information on the envelope may result in the considered. Do not submit bids by fax or electronically. Sealed bids are required. The Invitation to Bid is subject to change. There may be one or more amendments to this Invitation to Bid. ll B/RFP Package Version 2.6 - Updaled 07.21.10 MB OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY REQUEST FOR BID/PROPOSAL FORM _ PACKEI # I * SIGNATORY FoR: sMARr TECHNOLOGIES BOARDS - SOLE SOLICITATION #t 240 | 026 il il BRAND To 0KLAHOMA STATUTES, REGULATIONS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS, BIDS/PROPOSALS WHICH c FU[SUA].'T FAIL TO CONFORM WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED: r) MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE X'OLLOWING LOCATION: DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY, PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT, 3600 N MARTIN LUTHER KING, OKC, OK 73I I I QUESTIONS-BIDS/PROPOSALS AND CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE EMAILED TO: [email protected]'okus (via 2\ It is the bidder's responsibility to insure that proposals are received by DPS's Procuement Office delivery directly to the DpS i,rocurement Dept) on or before the posted bid./proposal closing date and time. Under no circumstances will DpS be responsible for vendors', U. S. Mail's or speciai courier's failure to make timely delivery ofthe bid response. Official time/date sLmp within the DPS Procurement office is the Oflicial Time ofthe bid's delivery and DPS'S r€ceipt thereof. 3) The envelope i.ntaining yolll Bid/hoposal rcspons€ is to be annobled on thc orbide Aont lowcr left hand oorncr of the envelope with tho.comact bid nunbcr, clositrg date and time. 4) The bidder must sign the Bid/hoposal. 5) The Bid/proposal iust include ali price information, Bid/Proposal prices shall include delivery/freight charges of all items, F.0.8. destination. Price quotes must be firm though issuance ofcontract' 6) Bidder,s response may not be withdrawn for a period ofthirty (30) days after th€ Bid/Proposal closing date. unless 7) Bids/proposals for Services: Work is to commence within ten (10) days after the receipt ofa Purchase Order performed within notified; the contrary either in the DPS's bid or specifications or written authorization from DPS, and fully the time fi'ame set out in the ITB or RFP. award' unless 8) Bids/proposals for products: Products will be delivered within ten(10) days after notification ofthe notified to the contrary in DPS',s bid form, specifications or written authorization from DPS. e) All Bid/Proposal prices must be Bp€d or written in ink. alteration, r0) All corrections, white-outs, erasures, restriking of qpe, or other forms of alteration, or the appearance of to unit and/or total prices must be initialed in ink by the bidder' for CompetitiYe Bid l t) The bidder must complete and submit the attached Responding Bidder Information form, Certification sheets/ or form, professional Services Contract form, Audits and Records form along with any and all specification/pricing miscellaneous forms deemed necessary as indicated on the ffont cover sheet ofthe bid announcement' and Signatory Page. tosuccessful bidder on fZ) SuUseiuent Wrii'en Contract: At the election ofDPS, a contract may not be awarded ' a of subsequendy negotiated determination or notice of successful bidder, and may be awarded only after acceptance by DPS right to enter into such a written written contract. Ifthe parties are unable to reach suih a written agreement, DPS reserves the projecvrequest. contract with the next successful bidder, or reject all bids and/or rebid the 13) The Department ofPublic Safety reserves th€ right to leject- any and all bids and responses. r .\ r.rl^ D:,r,{^- ,l^ao n^r har,. an rirt"r'^-.--::::::::::::-:::-- Sales Tat nermit it mav obtain a oermit online at http://www.lax.ok.gov/ Jrnls sncuoN To BE coMPLETED BY BIDDER " I ior"tprcrB oELtvERy oF ALL GooDS AND FULL PERFORMANCE oF ALL sERvtcES cAN BE ACCoMPLISHED DAVS OR WEEKS AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE ORDER. sIcNeTunToFTHEBIDDERATTESTSTHATI.HBBIDDEKHASKEAIJ,UNUDKJTANL,D'Al coNprrtoNs, AND SPEqIFISATI6NS SET F6RTH IN THE INyITATI9N To BID oR REQUEST FoR iei*s, THAT THE ITB PRoPOiAL, INCLUDINC ALL ADDENDA, FURTHERMORE, SIGNATURE BY THE BIDDER SIGNIFIES on:nrp coNsrlrurEs A coNTRAcr IMMEDIATELY upoN NorlcE oF AWARD oF THE BID/PRoPoSAL BY THE LENGTH OF TIME INDICATED IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE ITEMS BID, AND FOR THE INDICATED IN THE ITB OR RFP' OR Ng ON NTP. TNILURE TO ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD EITHER THE ITB OR iellung To HoLD PRICES oR MEET ANY oTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS DEFINED IN ifp on ounn'lc THE TERM oF THE coNTRAcT, sHALL coNSTITUTE A BREAcH AND MAY RESULT IN CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO BE SUSPE]\ISION OR DEBARMENT FROM FURTHER STATE BIDDING. A DEFAULTING rHE oprroN oF THE srATE, FoR THE DTFFERENcE BETwEEN TgE coNTRAcr PRICE AND THE iilsie,-er TO OTHER REMEDIES PNrcP STO BY AN ALTERNATE VENDOR OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES IN ADDITION AVAILABLE. JonrcrNAL SIGNATLIRE oF aIDDER FINAMEOFFIRM PRTNTIYPE NAME AND TITLE DATE G I HI I Signatory Form State of Oklahoma Responding Bidder Information Department of Public Safety Solicitation #22401026 ! NO - Exempt pusuant to Oklahoma Laws or Rules with the Oklahoma Secretary of State: NO - prior to the contract award, the successful bidder will be required to register with the Secretary of is clai must attach a signed statement that provides specific details supporting the exemption the supplier or 405-521-3911 *t Co-p.nsation Insurance Coverage: (DO NOT FILL OUT if ""r' with ilder is required to provide with the bid a certificate of insurance showing proof of compliance Workers' Compensation Act. fl YEs - include a certificate of insurance with the bid you claiming from NO - attach a signed statement that provides specific details supporting the exemption are n-e from 85 Workers' Comfensation Act (t lote: Pursuani to Attomey General Opinion #07-8, the exemption persons' such as sole proprietors, and does not apply .S. 2001, $ 2.6 applies only to employers who are natural partnerships and limi *ho ar^e entities created by law, including but not limited to corporations, ",,'ptoy"rr with the Department of Centrat Services3: YES - Vendor Identification Number: to reBister. competitively bid acquisitions issued fy sgsnsies under the autloriW of Title 74 require the bidder Gffiatona raxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007: -for are rn submitting a bid services, the bidder certifies that they, and any proposed subcontractors, System. The Status Verification System pliance wlth 25 O.S. $1313 and participate in the Status Verification free Employment Verification Program is defrned in 25 O.S. $13 D and includes but is not limited to the -Verifv) available at www.dhs' Authorized Signature Printed Name Tirle I For frequently asked questions conceming Oklahoma Sales Tax Permil see http:/AYNw.tax.ok'qov/fa:q1lafbussalcs.h:t1l odf t foi fr"quently ,st"a qucstions conceming workem' compensation in5urange, s€c hnp://rvrvw.ok.sor/oi(VdocumentyWorkersComD html 2 , roI. frequ"ntty questions concemin! DCS registration, see http://www.ok.gov/DcS/Central-Purchasing^y'cndor-Registralion/index ^teo State of Oklahoma Certification for Competitive Department of Central Services Bid and/or Contract Central Purchasing Division (Non-Collusion Certifi cation) NOTE: A cettification shall be included with any competitive bid and/or contract exceeding $5,000.00 subnifted to the State tor goods or servrbes. Solicitation or Purchase Order #: Supplier Legal Name: sEcTroN I pa o.s. $ 85.221: A. For purposes of competitive bid, 1. I am the duly authorized agent ofthe above named bidder submitting the competitive bid herewith, for the purpose of ceriifying the facts pertaining to the existence of collusion among bidders and between bidders and state offcials or employels, as well as facts pertaining to the giving or offering oflhings of value to govemment personnel in relum for special consideration in the letting of any contract pursuant to said bid; 2. I am fully aware of the facls and circumstances sunounding the making of the bid to which this statement is attached and have been personally and direclly involved in the proceedings leading to the submission of such bid; and 3. Neither the bidder nor anyone subjecl to the bidde/s ditec{ion or control has been a party: a. to any collusion among bidders in reslraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid al a fixed price or to refrain ftom bidding, b.
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