TlIey're Gravely Distressed, The Weather Today SANTA BABU.A, CALIF. (JP) - A casket faciory IeemID' ap alol\f1llde tbe main ramp at bUS1 Goleta Partly cloudy today and tomorrow. Not -"ort Is a deprulln, sl'h~ to OJen. much change in temperature. High today, A~ leut, the airport commls.ton 110 decided )'esterdar. It lDItracted Mana&'er Richard A. lIardlq &0 if)' io at OW(111 88; low, 65. Yesterday's high was 86; low; ~ed removal of tbe concern to a less conspicuous lpot. 63. Established 18GS-Vol. 80,No. 2G9-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Wednesday, Aug. 11. 1948-Five Cents Hooyer Says • We're 'Fuzzy' Call: 2·, Russ Citizens About America • Former President in Birthday Celebration I.n Spy Ring Hearlng During Homecoming If WHRT P. SCHMIDT Wf$r BRANCH-Herbert C. Hoover, native son of this Quaker CommiHee Proposes 'House Investigating (ommiHee See Record Crops, vi1Ia,e. accused Americans of "fuz­ ry-mlndedness" in their under­ standin, of what the word Ameri­ Transfer of Control Subpoenas Samarin and Wife Possi~le. Redu~tions CI meaDl yesterday in his home­ _III birthday address here. Of Guard to Army WA HI. T N (~Dt'fying Ru ia' bitter objections, the In Spiraling Pnces The ,ray-haired 'ormer presi­ (.4") hOll e un-American acth'itie c mmitte ye terday slapped wilne deDt celebrating his 74th birthday WASHINGTON -Congress WASHINGTON (JP) - Farmers should take the national guard ubpOl'na 00 two ovi t citiz ns for ils ommunist spy hearin o . are on B record-smashing food and 20th anniversary in the same away !rom the states and give it IIOIlth that he opened his camp­ A third I't'mained in the oviet consulate in N w York, but b­ production spree which may help to the army so It can get Inlo bring down the spiraling cost of IIID for the presidency In We~t je t to possible subp ua if he em rges. action quicker, a defense depart­ omwhere in th .. A ., committ ag ot living. ment committee said yesterday . !3-.vear-old mathematics teach- -----------­ An agriculture ~epllTtment re­ It proposed to,comblne the guard r, Mieha!'l I vanovitch amarin, whether he ever knew Miss Bent­ port on crop conditions as of Brench,• added that it I, those with the army'. orllanized re­ and his wife, who dropped out of ley. Aug. 1 predicted yesterday that "dIoral and spiritual qualities in serves; and the air national guard sight after he sought an interView total production this year will top tHe men which fulfill the mean- Repeals TesUmon:r with the air reserve of the air with the FBI Sunday. The commit­ Miss Bentley then look the wit­ any other year-includlni the bi.J 10, of the word American." force. tee hopes they can aid Its inquiry ness stand and repealed her charg­ war years-by 6 percent. Drew Lau,hter into stories or Communist In­ es against Lee. And it suggested that the states, ILecord Corn CrOll While he 9Pent the greater part in loeing their control of the guard trigue. She added testimony that he had of his speech on his boyhood and units, be allowed to organize local Commlltee Chairman J. Parnell told her "something super secret" In this astonishing volume is tt Quaker uPbringing in West military units lot Internal security, Thomas (R-NJ) said the subpoen­ was going on at Oak Ridge, Tenn. prospective record corn crop. This Branch, Hoover managed' to punc­ trained and equipped by the armed as were served but didn't say Re didn't know exactly what it means, officials said, that In Ume tuate his speech with clever ane­ forces. where. Soviet Ambassador Alex­ was, she said, She got this in­ there will probably be a down­ turn in prices of meats, dairy and ctdotes that prompted ripples of All um was dumped Into lhe ander S. Panyushkin has demanded formation during II talk outside laughter from the 20,000 specta­ lap of ,he Defense Secretary ot the state department that Sa­ his home in Washington, she test­ poultry products-now the chief Wed. tor. attendinll the picnic. The Forreatal by the so-called GaIa, marin be delivered to Soviet of­ worries of budget-pinched house­ speech was broadcast over the ficials tor return to Russia. The Lee'S testimoll/Y was lhat "r wives. board.. Forret!tal uld It would have never divulged classlred In­ Mutuat and Tall Corn network and be looked over by the seerew­ department has politely declined. A big assist was gIven by the ""eral other regional stations. formation to any unaulhorued per- weatherman. The department saId. let! or the army, navy and air Soviet Appeals son." The only llvinll former presi­ ferce before any recollllDenda­ In New York, the Soviet consutate unusually favorable weather in R presentatives .Mundt (R-SD) July-including "Ideal corn wea­ dent and only chief executive lien II made to con&'nllS. appealed to police to rind Samarin. and Hebert CD-La) joined in the tram west of the Mississippi de­ The board was set up last Nov­ But at the conSUlate, efforts of ther" In the mldwest.-boosted the demand that the" justice depart­ indica Led production slightly mora Uvered hla speech from an impro­ ember by Forrestal under Assist­ the same police to intervtew the ment !i,pd out which two of four vised speakers' platform only a ant Secretary of. the Anny Gor­ third Russian citizen in the case, than 4 percent 10ally Iowan Photo by Ray Ita.lman) opposing witne s had lied to the rlone's throw from the humbte FORMER PRESIDENT IIERBERT nOOVER and his birthday cake with 74 red eandles. lIoover was don Gray to recommend what Mrs. Oksana Stepanovna Kosen­ committee since Its spy hearings Other Good Foreeuta kina, met with failure. cottage where he was born. The very nonchalan~ about Lhe cake cuLLln, ~remony In West Branch yesterday and made sevllral slices should be done about all civiLian started last week. This 'Picture of future abundanca plfUorm was decked with corn­ in the pastry for Lhe benetlt of photo,raphers. An estimated 20,000 perliOM aLtended U;oover's blrtl)day reserve units of the armed forces. The state department Informed included forecasts of the second stalks and shocks of wheat. HOOVer part, and honored the former chief executive on his returll to his home town. One visitor, Mrs. WllIlam The committee took note I)f Thomas' commltle(l that it could largest wheat crop on record plus spoke into a cluster of I micro­ A. Smith of DubuQlle, brou,M Hoover another cake because, she said, "he was born In the same county what is called two obstacles to subpoena Mrs. Kosenkina if It can Cafes in Kentucky crops of soya beans, rice, peanuts phones tramed on either side by as I was." quick mobilization of the guard: reach her, but that it can't enter and pecans. the national banner and the Iowa 1. Inability or the I'overnment the consulate withouL-a warrant. state standard. to . use tbe guard for federal pur­ And a warrant could be issued only Join Meat 80ycoH Corn was the blr news of the Recall. Boyhood poses untll congress formaUy de­ it there were a suspicion that some report. Thil crop wu PUt at clares a national emergency. crime was committed In the con­ LOUISVILLE, KY. (JP'}-More 3,506,000,363 bushel_1PoD In­ Several comments reflecting his crease or 17'7,501,000 bushels Moscow Talks Reach Pa1!enl at ~. Ho~pi!al 2. Tlme-consumln&" re-trall8fer sulate. than 300 restaurantll here wlll co­ "l'IlIIIed individualism" crept into over a month I.rO, and a booIt hIa speech. Relating hIs humble of prOperty and equipment trom Teach r "Rel!(luec'" operate with a group of house­ e I the states to the federal govern­ wives who have instlluted meat or 256,050,363 over the pre­ trutll \Iflbrlnging and the joyS and 'G T. h Ph : .. Believed Tick Victim Mrs. Kosenkina, 52, and like vious record of 3,%(19,950,000 In boyco t, it was announced yester­ IOITOWS of his bOYhood, Hoover ment. Samarin a leacher of children ot The iuard and reserves "are not day by Carl B. Kaelin, vice-presi­ 1946. IIid his "social security had come I rim,' qug ase ca~~~~~V!~L~c!~~i~:,M!~~ Russian diplomats, sprang into the Corn is the major raw material fnIm tl)e famUy cellar, not fron;). now ca?abl_ of partiCIPating ef­ case last Saturday when she wes dent of the Louisville Restaurant taken to tJnivecslty bOlipltal at in produclnll meats, dairy and the let!ettl government," and the LONDON (JP)-Diplomatic sources reported last night that Iowa CitY' yesterday Buffering fectively In major combat operu­ "rescued" by the Russian consul asso ia tion. t10n on M-day," the report said. Kaelin saId the association met poultry products. The report indi­ crowd applauded mightily. the fateful east·west talks in Mosco,~ have reached tht' grim, lot1~h from an illness diagnosed 8S tick from White Russians (anti-Com­ on request of the housewives who cated this year's big crop will be AppmnUy Impressed by the bargaining sta"'e with each side set to wrest thp maximum ill ('on­ fever. munists) at a colony near New The adjutant general for Iowa have organized to combat the hJgjI supplemented by a large volwna JIIIIl1 IiftI and tributes paid him. cessions. York. The committee would like It was believed to be the second * * * price of meat.
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