T THE CULVER CITIZE 1 N LAKE MAXINKUCKEE V O L U M E V I. CULVER, INDIANA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. N U M B E R 277 of court house bonds offered by the Miami county treasurer. He paid 0 0 AROUND THE LAKE $50 premium and took the bonds UT FTHE ORDINARY at 3J per cent. Eva Davis went to South Bend Mesdames Dahlen and Weinstein Saturday on a visit. gave a bridge party to quite a num­ Items Concerning the Summer Residents Along Miss Josie Thompson of Argos Some Events of the Past Week in Culver Rang­ ber of their friends on Tuesday was a Sunday guest at Chas. Stahl’s. evening in honor of Mrs. FT P. Maxinkuckee’s Beautiful Shores. Mrs. Lavina Shilling of Knox is ing from Grave to Gay. Dahlen of Indianapolis. here visiting her son, S. C. Shil­ Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Albrecht ling. have closed their cottage and re­ Mrs. J. H. Srofe caught a 4.lb. turn to Indianapolis, Miss Heaton Mrs. Erza Koontz will leave this Barn Dance at “The Roost.” Excursions. turned to Terre Haute, and Miss salmon Sunday. accompanying them. week to join her husband at Par­ One of the most successful of The Dodge Manufacturing com- Agnes flolTingner. who was their Linloy Sutton ot’ Logansport is Miss Kdit.h Forbes of Brooklyn, sons. Kas. the many social functions in the pany’s excursion to Culver num­ guest, has returned to St. Louis, a guest of Carl Forguson. X. V., is a guest of the Bookwalters B. B. Ferris and family of K an­ Summer school’s chronicles was bered 1104 persons, tilling 20coach­ Mo. Mr. Daughn of Ottumwa, Iowa, for the remainder of the season. kakee, Til., make a house party at the barn dance given by Mr. and es. The forenoon was showery, but is a guest of the Fergusons. Miss Helen Railsbackof Logans­ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Duenweg A. B. H olt’s. Mrs. E. R. Culver to the cadets of the clouds cleared away at noon and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. Charles Stone of Chicago spent port is visiting Miss Margueritta Dr. Robert Rea of Chicago is in the institution on Saturday and and the day was. on tie whole, a Sample "‘ere called home to Terre Sunday with W. IT. Fulton. Patterson at tho Murdock cottage. town on a week’s vacation visit to Monday nights, under tin* chape-! satisfactory one. A long program Haute Saturday on account of Mrs YV. S. Duenweg is spend­ Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mullen,after the home folks. ronage of the faculty The lake of contests, both on land and water, the death of Mr. and Mrs. Dueu- ing the week at Terre Haute. a two weeks’ stay at the Bliss cot­ Prof. S. A. I). Harry of IIoopos visitors and outside frienrls and furnished all the diversion that Miss Cora Moon of Cleveland tage. returned to Salem, ()., Satur­ weg’s son Otto who died quite sud- toil) m , wa9 beru lu8t week look_ patrons of the academy were in­ could be reasonably desired, aside donly at Colorado Springs. ; i[)g .(f|or hu [ajm a is a guest of Mrs. W. W. Cates. day. cluded in the GOO invitations and from boatin*? and fishing. The A party of fourteen young men Mr and Mrs 0 () Tho(|)fM| of Kay Whitehead of Poseyvilie is Captain and Mrs. Armstrong the sailor lads were well provided academy gave an artillery drill for from Logansport, constituting SoQth Bend are lbe gl,egta ,his a guest at the Lockwood cottage. have gone back to Indianapolis af­ with partners. the special benefit of the visitors. Camp Rex, are occupying Col. j WU(,k a, () A G(lndy-8 Walter (J illott of Chicago is a ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Par­ Invitations and programs were in Between TOO and 800 people guest of 0. K. Plank at Two Oaks. sons. Farrar's cotta** for two weeks. Gworgc Miltenberger ami wife harmony with tho rural scheme of came in on a ten-car special marie -Miss Jean Griffith of Indianap­ Misses Gertrude and Edna They are: I . F. O'Connell. Cbas ' d Ed Kricke and wif(. w„rt, Su„. the entertainment, and it was in­ up at Logansport from a special olis is a guest of Miss Cora Bohlen. Sohnull of Indianapolis are guests .1. Beckor. W. J. Kihm. Will Leg. d , al C. y. KeplogleV tended to provide an orchestra of from Etfner and one from Rich- Dr. Fulton and wife were guests of Mrs. J. G. Mueller at Hilarity Ritt, Will Pickett, Will Hanley, ^ McGuire, godfather of country fiddlers, but only two of mond. Extra cars also brought in last week of Mrs. Stephen Edwards. mu. Dr. F. T. O'Leary, Balm, John _mr6 j (; Fisher, hasgoneto War the musicians appeared on the first! a considerable crowd from the Contractor Cline has Frank Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of kreuv.berger. Harry Lyons, F. J. den, Kas., on a three weeks visit. night and their combined elforts South at I i :28. Dobbs of Chicago, J. J. Campbell,, Mi88 Ho8(. MoS3 retuni8 to towI1 Rice's new cottage almost com- Tern- Haute are spending ji few fell short of the requirements of so The employes of the Pennsyl­ pie tod days at their cottage on the West Mel W hitehall, John W . Holland. S today to rcDlain The Mo88 fanii. large a gathering, and the school vania railroad will be here on their Miss Minnie Stone of Logans­ side. Commissioners' Doings. ! '-v 'vil1 remove to Culver this fall band was drafted into service. The annual excursion next week Wed- port spent Sunday with Mrs. J. E. rain on Saturday night drove the n *sday. Dr. A. C. Bartholomew and a State Auditor Billheimer repre- I Miss 1,1,1 Uoss ot Brt,mcn Barnes. party of other Logansport people dancers into the gymnasium, but seated that J4.55 acres of swamp!tho Sl,c8‘ of Mr‘ aml •'ir8- Pllili»> A Pine Fish. Miss Gertrude McMillen of In ­ are in the Heller cottage for ten on Monday night nothing inter­ lands in section 18. Union town-j M cLa" e 0,1 Wednesday of last One of the adult members of the dianapolis is visiting Mrs. J. If. days. fered with the complete and suc­ ship, had not been sold, and asked we°k- Indianapolis Episcopal clioir Milligan. Mrs. Charles Stevenson and cessful accomplishment of the al that appraisers be appointed. Ar- • J ' U ^ e a e r m a n left yesterday caught a *>|-pound small-mouth Miss Helen Secberger of Terre daughter Elizabeth of Indianapo­ fresco character of the entertain­ ley Bodey, Noble J. Goddard and j for Tllrm'r' N ‘ D " to vlslt 11 s<m black bass otf the academy pier Haute is visiting her uncle, Fred lis are guests of Mrs. A. J. M ur­ ment. John Barts were appointed apprais- ;,n(1 llu wi" bo abscnt Monday evening. Ho captured it Seeberger. dock . erg : four weeks. The dancing floor was provided on a cast with an artificial minnow. Mr. and Mrs. V. Foltz of Indian­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert McOuat of by stretching a canvas, 40x00 feet, " Martin A. Dilley was appointed! Hurley Di,vi* of Hillsilale has An academy captain comments apolis are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Indianapolis spent Sunday with on the grass in the rear of “The school fund appraiser to till the va- i k ‘onl!<H'n h l,ro o " a visit " f on the achievement as follows: A. F. Potts. Mr. McOuat’s mother at Bonnie cancy left by thc death of F raIlk. 'l;>ys to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roost.” This was surrounded by ‘‘Think of a man catching a prince Miss Simrnis, who has been a Doon. a wire fence which formed the sup­ lii* Florv. The board ordered that I ^ 't 0 ^*av*8' among game fish olf a pier where guest of the Scovells, left Monday Mr. and Mrs. Van Lew of Ches­ port for a solid rampart of green the appointment of O. T. Middle-! Mrs. John Buswell and daugh- hundreds of persons had been boat­ for Winona. terton spent the latter part of tho cornstalks. The enclosure was en­ ton as land appraiser be declared j ^ re « raoe »“ <• AJice have gone to ing and splashing all the afternoon Mrs. II. P. Dahlen of Indianap­ week with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Montezuma and Terre Haute on a tered through a large arch formed vacant and Noble J. Goddard be and a man who had been at the olis is visiting at the Dahlen-Wein­ F id ton. two weeks' visit. of the same material. Overhead, appointed in his stead. lake only two days at that, while 1 stein cottage. Mrs. Frank Keegan and daugh­ on the limbs of the surrounding The coal supply for the year was Frank \ anderbiit of Now Y ork have been fishing the same waters Mrs. A. Steinbrecher and daugh­ ter, who have been visiting her trees, all about “The Roost" and let to Ben Linkenhelt. He is to come to Culver on a two weeks for four years and have never even ter Elsa of J >etroit are visiting Mrs. at the boat landing in front hun­ mother, returned to Indianapolis get $3.50 a ton for cast iron splint vacation to join his family who seen as big a fish before.*’ dreds of Japanese lanterns glowed Joseph Schaf.
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