1951 CENSUS HANDBOOI( MANDYA DISTRICT BANGALOllE: PRINTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PRINTING, STAT10NERY AND PUBLICATIONS AT THE GOVERNMENT PRESS 1956 REFE RENCES , , , o 76 15 ~s 77 0 77 IS My,sore Census 1951 BoundarillDillrit l& T, I~k _ __ ,_ , _.~ . Railwa/. " ... " '''' '' '' '' ~ RoadITrunk ,Metall,d,O(\,rl _ _ _ S!reaml.Tan k$ ",,, "" l ~@ I T,.'m Jaluk" ~ ,,,I , Hea d 0 I I _ Quarlers' I P,pellne, Pawer lm:"", I--r--I 0 13 Trig liQUoR, In l. Painl ' A3239 "3214 13 ' 0 H,IIs. ., . 0 M& IM petl ion Bungalow I) D,B, I,B,R ,H, T,e. Trm",rs bunga low.Ren Hcus1 "·"'r '''''1\ I~Q po...p ulal, en of10 ,000'co"~ &m ori ,I SO LU R Ol h e r 'If>l~!f!l! tm...L Nagar .,. \ MANDTA DISTRICT scale linch to 8 miles loMlLE1 J , ~5 30 45 __________L __.. _ _ -__ _ PREFACE '-rHI8 and the ,companion volumes in ~he District Cen~us H~,lHlhook . series, tal,:p the pletce ot 'what used to be publIshed at the p]'eYlotls Censl1sPs 11l :JI.\"bOre as " Part IY--Talnk Tables" and" Part Y--Village Table"." 2. rnlike the 'fclluk Tables of the patlt which used to present only a bridged versions of the more important tables of tIle All-India series, the tables included ill the::;e Handbooks cover the entire range ,,"ith the exception of the C seri('s, and offer taluk or tractwise details for the prescribed series of tahles published in P~rt If of the 1951 CensLLs Report. The age-wise tables of the C series are omitted in these Handbooks because the samples from wllich these tables have been constrllcted art' too small to be of any statistical sjgnificance at the tmct or tall1k level. 3. Of the tahles of the 195] vintage presented here, the A series consist of General Population Tables, the 13 series of all the Economic Tahles, the D series of nIl the Social and Cultural Tables produced this time and the solitan" table of the E series exhibits summar~' figures for talnks. 4. Of the four sorieR of tables presented m these Handbooks, talukwise dab, are offered in the first and the last namel~7 the A and E series. The intervening serie., exlJibit figures only for tracts. Tracts are units constituted pnrel~Y for tabulation con­ venience, by combining one or more areas, without reference either to their geogm­ phical contiguity or to administrative linkage. The rural areas of 011e or more talulG'I llave been combined to constitute a rural tract, while all the nrban areas of a district have been welded together to form a single DISTRICT URB_-\'X tract. The three princi­ pal ci.ties, namel~', Bangalore Corporation, l\Iysore and K. G. F. have, however, been constituted into Reparate tracts, Bangalore Corporation being split up into two tracts one comprising the Civil area and the other embracing the whole of the City area. ' 5. The village statistics which used to be published separately in the past as Part Y of the .Mysore series, now appear in the Handbookfl immediately after Table E, in cOnBiderably more amptified form than in the past. In addition to fnmishing the usual population and literacy figures for each village or town, detai!s are offered now for the first tinw, regarding occupied houses, households, inmates of institutioll';', houseless popnlation and distribution of population by li\'elihood classes and sex. 6. The ]951 crop of Tables show man." departure;:; from establi8hed practice. Easily the 11l08t notable of them is the shift in the basis of classification this time from religion to ecoHomic. In the past the population was diyidcd on thf~ basis of l'eligiOl! at tllC vcr.'" outset of sorting and this separation was maintalnccl thl'(}ughullt the sorting operatiolls in order that as many charactcl'tsti·;s as possible lllight be cross-tabubted by religiOl1. Blit this time, Hie basir, n·ljgiouf\ categorit's lJave been substituted by 11 livelihood dasses and these consequently 'pervade all the cross-tahulations CH rried out in 1951. According to this new scheme, the entire population has been diyided, in the first instance, into two broad livelihood categories, namelv, u2:l'icultmul and non-ngricultural, and filch category has been sub-divided into four li,~e]ihood . dasses. TJwse ei.~.rht e)ai;;ses !1re as foJIows:- CATEGOHY A--A_qricultural Classes I Cultinttion of land, wholly or mainly owned and their dependants II Cultivation of Jand, wholly or llIainly unowned and their dependants In Cultivating labourers and their dependants IY .xon-cultivating owners of ]81](1; agricultural Tellt receIvers and their dependants CATEGORY B-..Yon-Agricnltural Cla.sses Persons (including dependants) ,yho derive their pl'incipal means of livelihood :from :- Y Production (othH than cultivation) YI Commerce YII Transport YIn Other services and miseellaneolls sources 7. It \youlcl be a good pIa II to study the fly-leaves hefore dippwg Into the tables as they draw attention to specinl features and offer details of minor categories which might happen to 11a ve been omitted in the tables. 8. \Yhile the Talllk and Village Tables of the past were gifts of provincial dis- ·.... retioll, these District ('ensus Handbooks are being- published for the first time in their present form iu ac('orcimlCe witl] Central direction. G. ~A~JUNDIAH, Censtls Oommissioner fO;" Jlysol'e. TABLE OF CONTE~TS rAGES 1~16 J~.he'l, hOllSe;3 and population JI--Yariation ill popuintioJ1 during lifty yeal~ lll--·Towlls and villil~e~ da8sified hy popuhttion ~;- -10 IV --Towns da,,~ified hy l'opulation ",ith vlu'i:!tioHs since HIOI 11-- 11 V--Towils arranged territorially with populutioJl hy livelihood Cb~'l'~ '8--Eco:-; O}IH.: TABLES JI-'i'G I--l,i\'elihood cl;l~ses and snb-classcl; }:)-23 II --Secondary means of liyelihood IIl-l'~lllployel'R, employees alld independent workers in imlustries and "en-ices by di\-i"ion:s and ~uh­ rli visions H--li7 IlIt1cx of n()n-a~ricultufal occupati"n~ /j9- if] .0- SOCIAI_ A:\D CULTURAL TABLES iI-ll-1 I --- I~a ng uage 7U-·87 (i) l\fother-ton~ue iD-8:l (ii) Bilinguali'ml ~3-8i lI-Religion 1<9--90 J II--Sche,luleu Castes, Scheduled Tribe" al".l .\nglo-Imlians ~'1--·fJ2 IV---:'Uigrants ~J0-·99 Y--(i) Di,~place,l pert\olls by y,,;n of arrival ]II] .. _} 02 (ii) DisphceJ persons by li\'elihvod cla,,'c~ 103 VI .. -~on-In(liall Xatiollals J(),J-lOG VII-·Livelihood chsses lly e,lucatiumd stanuar-ds lOi --114 E--~lJ:\J}l.\RY FIGUr.E'S nY TALUKS Jr;-lJi' T'R1M.lRY CEX"U.'< '\nsTRAcT---(VILLAGE STATI,STK'S) 11Y· 201 1. "\Iandya District _\hBtlW't 2. "\Lmllya Tillnk J 2G ]35 :3. Srirangapatna 'raIu!': 13G-l1] 4. N3.gamanga\a'l\tluk 3. Krishnarajpere T,duk Hi\)-175 6. ..\Ialvalli Taluk liG --185 7. )1add Uf 'faIu!;: 18(j-193 8. Paudavapum Talnk IH4--201 A-General Population Tables A. I-Area, houses and population 1 The taluks in this Table are the same al; in 1041, except T bat Fa ndavapuTcl was formerly caned French-Rocki', :2. The area iigUft'S of talukr> werf' fUlllj"licd by All1ildnn; or Taluh .. ml differences in the area figures between 1941 and 19151 nrc to hE' attril'1I1('d pnrtl:" tn j'ransfer of villages llnd partl~T to improvement in the met hod of cornpui [ltiOll of a rea, nv ddillltioJ] "rm"Jls " ('onsist exclusiyelv.' of l\lunlcinajitie:-;, .,.. rL'; r:- ~ r:- CI:) co ~ lC ..... all 0> Jl .,.. 00 q 0> ...q q <'l. ""~ ", ..... <0 ..... It':> ..... ~ .... 4~ oN ~ le") Ie") l<"l co ~ '"rq r .... 0 eo IC r:- eo eo r:- 15 ... ! ..... 0 co ... !::: lGl c q 0 co .,.: u;... .,.: ",,' .; u; ..:'" lC lC ... 1 IC ;:; ... to '" '" 00 co 00 .... eo· ........ ..... .... 10 Q> "" "" ... '".... 00 ..... ~ '"10' "'. 00 ~i .... ~ ..... "" ::. '" r ~ .~ ,~ r:- C ... ... I c.I 00 00 0 j , 0 00 L" t- ~ ... ..... '"r:- ....'" q := ] C'} '" <:5 ""00 osS 0 ~ ..., ~ ~ t-" :....,. It, to ~ e<I le") ~l '" '" ~'"" I- 1 co 00 lC 00 r:- 0 ! ~ 10 00 ~ .., '"~ IC 10 0 .... r:- '3 .... '" "" .., ~ '"~ ~-5' I ..... Q .; .... 0-: "" lC M l ~ 18 eo co .... lC "" to to ..... l."- ao ... <C ... '" !:1 r:- lQ lC ... e:; <C .., ~ t-:. .... .... "" ,Q '"00' ..0 ,..,.::, I."- ..... 0 '"", '"~ .....~ P I."- "" .... ['" 0> .... >C ;;; 0> fB .... r:- «;,'"' t-:. t-:. ~."" O'l It:> '"..... q ..... Ol .., '" ..: co i ::!: ..... "'" l to S '""" S '" 00 lC If.) IN t- .... ..... Cl ~ l~ ~ !S '" <'l. IC L~ '"<C .... ...... '""" 0 '" l~ ~. .; .; 00 ... ;e' ,- "" '" c s ..... 00 "II< oj< l~ e:; e<I r:- co"" ..,'" 00 00 r:- "" t-:. ...'" t-."" ~ ...s ..: ....C\I .., .... ..:"" j ~, l(i oo :; r:- to '"t- ~ ~ "'"<>.J ~':> .... .... 00 00. '_:' "'. ] <:5 .,.: a> 0 ,.., ~l S g- "" o c': 0 o Cl l~ 00 r:- oo l~ ...'" lC ..... r:- 0 ~ C': .... '" 'to .; ~l ....'" '"..: :;:; ':'1 L '" ~ "" 0', Q... ':', C"I l~ CO ,..; r:- ...to .., r:- OO M 00"'~ ..... '"M IN .....'" ~ t- ~ "": 00 .... .... r:- '"OO ~l t~ 0 0 ~ '" :! "i' ~~ ""1";"1 "" "', "" <t: J! * ... ...J': .; "." cO tl' ';' ~ ... ~ <! :t ~{ cO .. >, OIl S is ::l .. '0 .§ .. '0 '0 ~ Of) .$ .. '0 " 1'1 .=... " .... ";e 1:1 !:!j" w z" ~ ~ ::.1'" ~" A. II-Variation in population during fifty years I. Figures of previous censuses have been adjusted on account of transfer of villages in the case of Srirangapatna, Krishnarajpete, Malvalli and Pandavapura Taluks as under :-- No. of Paplllalion transferred Ff'01" Po villages .'-----------" _ .. _-------., transferred 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 Srirangapatr a Par,davapurll 13 8,920 8166 8.l77 9,1l79 Kri.hnarajpete Do 24- 6,811 7,778 6,129 6,284 Mahalli Eankanhalli 7 3,362 2,864 2,456 2,240 (Banga1ore Dist,riot', PandaVRplll'<l Krish 1,fLfR jp€te 1$ 6,514 6.12.i 5,689 5,264- 5.022 A.
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