GREENBELT News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper VOL. 78, No. 23 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 APRIL 30, 2015 Theater Soft Opening Set by Rachel Kuipers The soft opening of the setbacks that included the discov- Greenbelt Theatre, located in the ery of asbestos. City Manager Roosevelt Center, is set for May Michael McLaughlin said the 1 with a grand opening planned harmful discovery was found “in for May 29. very limited amounts in some During the several weeks be- of the piping insulation near the INO H tween the soft and grand open- bathrooms,” but it was removed AC P ings, the theater will play a se- and the building is clean. L E A ries of films released over the Outdated bathrooms, plumb- Y 10 months it was closed. They ing, electrical systems and heat BY O dubbed the project, which will and air conditioning caused the T O H include two films per week, need for the renovations. The P What Did We Miss, said Green- system used to show films need- Council recognized three teachers from Eleanor Roosevelt High School (ERHS) who have recently belt Theatre Executive Director ed replacing, as it used old for- been certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, bringing the school’s total Caitlin McGrath. mats not suitable for digital mov- to 17. Board certification is a voluntary process of rigorous, performance-based assessment of skills After the grand opening, the ies. The lobby was restored to and content area knowledge. Front row, left to right: Yau-Jong Twu, Maya Yamada and Coit Hendley, theater will show movies from what it would have been in the III with ERHS Principal Reginald McNeill. Back row, left to right: Councilmembers Konrad Herling, around 1938, the time period it late 1930s, McGrath said. Leta Mach, Edward Putens; Mayor Emmett Jordan; Councilmembers Judith Davis, Silke Pope and was first opened, before return- The theater was built as part Rodney Roberts. ing to a more regular schedule. of the original historic commu- This is to celebrate the reopen- nity, said McLaughlin. It has ing by “looking back to when it also served as a performing arts first opened and showing some center, and has been an active of the films that were from that part of the community for much era or would have been shown at of the past 77 years. Council Seeks Access to Metro the theater when it opened origi- In 2002 the city purchased the nally,” McGrath said. building from the past owners The theater closed early last because they didn’t plan to re- By Shuttle Bus, Easement Path summer for renovations, and new the lease, McLaughlin said. remained closed longer than the by Kathleen Gallagher anticipated six months because of See THEATER page 8 The Greenbelt City Coun- Traffic on Greenhill assigned to meet with them about cil’s April 13 regular meeting Under the Petitions and Re- this problem, which they had pre- was something of a municipal quests section of the agenda, Su- viously reported to the city. Greenbelt Farmers Market government grab bag. Resident zanne Krofchik presented a re- The near-collision that gave requests ranged from speeding quest from the Lakewood Citizens rise to the request for council Opens Mother’s Day, May 10 to the minimum voting age to Association regarding speeding action was reported in an ar- the welfare of puppy dogs. In by school buses, as well as the ticle in the April 16 issue of by Cathie Meetre addition, council discussed a county’s TheBus and private ve- temporary shuttle bus and a con- hicles, on Greenhill Road. The See REQUESTS, page 6 servation easement at Greenbelt association specifically requested The first Greenbelt Farmers cream to shrimp gumbo, with Station. that an appropriate staff person be Market opened on Mother’s Day two organic vegetable vendors in 2008, buoyed with optimism and a third who is transitional What Goes On and fraught with anxiety after to organic. The cornucopia con- Saturday, May 2 two years of hard work by its tinues with vegan delicacies, New Energy Contract, Police 9 a.m. to noon, Shredding founding group. Seven success- local wines, plants and flowers, Day, Parking Lot behind the ful years later, the 2015 market salmon, desserts, meat and artisan Raid Vests Okayed by Council Credit Union also starts the season on Mother’s breads and pastries, as well as 7 p.m., Contra Dance, Youth Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., hav- personal consumables like soaps ing become an established and and lotions. by Kathleen Gallagher Center Gym (See city ad on page 5) beloved element in the commu- Because the market is well- nity – contributing to the well- attended and well-run, it is an Sunday, May 3 Residents who fired up their dinator for Green Ridge House, being of Roosevelt Center and attractive outlet for vendors. Or- various devices after 9:24 p.m. accepted the proclamation on 1 p.m., Greenbelt Farmers providing a casual and healthful ganizers this year were delighted on April 27 looking for the city behalf of the Greenbelt Assistance Market Volunteer Orientation, recreational and shopping oppor- to receive many more applica- council meeting might have feared in Living program, the Golden Community Center tunity for residents. tions than spaces were avail- it had been cancelled. Rather, the Age Club, the Senior Citizens 1 to 3 p.m., Artful Afternoon, Though the founders have able, though a vendor of dairy meeting had a short agenda that Advisory Committee and all older Community Center moved on, they still offer ad- products remains elusive. (Mary- was moved through at what passes residents of the city. Johnson said Monday, May 4 vice and encouragement to their land’s regulations offer many in a municipality as warp speed, the month will be packed with 7:30 p.m., Budget Work- successors who carry the torch barriers that dissuade dairy farm- sending everyone home early to special activities for seniors and session with Recreation, forward. Over time, the market ers from participating, and the rest up for the many city activities especially noted the construction Municipal Building, Live on has grown in strength and variety, market’s original vendor, Firefly coming up in May. of a new garden behind Green Verizon 21, Comcast 71 and now attracting several hundred Farms, has graduated to a larger Council action did include ap- Ridge House. visitors each Sunday and offer- scale of production.) Streaming at greenbeltmd. proving the purchase of new po- Recreation Director Julie ing a wide and eclectic variety Good Balance lice raid vests, renewing an energy McHale accepted a proclamation gov/municipaltv of products. Colorful permanent Vendors are selected anew supply contract at lower rates, for Kids to Parks Day on May 16, Tuesday, May 5 signs on Kenilworth Avenue and each year to create a good bal- reviewing a Greenbelt Theater sponsored by the National Park Free Carotid Artery and Greenbelt Road (courtesy of a ance of fresh and prepared foods request for reimbursement for a Trust. She announced that Bike- Peripheral Artery Disease Community Foundation grant) and to add interest and variety share of the cost of a new projec- to-Work Day will be Friday, May Screenings, Community Cen- alert drivers who might otherwise to the market, factoring in the tor and discussion of what Pepco 15 and that Celebration of Spring ter (See city ad on page 5) whizz by or not see the market’s popularity and success of prior- might do to trees marked with will be Saturday, May 16 from 7 p.m., Arts Advisory Board old Sunday-only temporary signs. year stalwarts. Over the years, blue paints. 2 until 6 p.m. at the Springhill Meeting, Community Center The 2015 market will see the market has also increased Since the coming of spring Lake Recreation Center, with live 7 p.m., Public Safety Ad- many old favorites back plus the number of occasional or al- heralds many city celebrations music, crafts, game tents, arts and visory Committee Meeting, some new and exciting vendors ternating vendors, allowing it to and events, several proclamations crafts and free treats. bringing an even wider variety provide a broader spectrum of Community Center were in order from Mayor Emmett Louisa Robles, the city’s sus- of products. Though the mar- goods and to motivate customers Jordan and the other members of tainability coordinator, received Wednesday, May 6 ket continues with its producer- to visit weekly. council, all of whom were pres- the proclamation for Public 7:30 p.m., Budget Work- only policy and its focus on fresh Vendors must be located in ent. May is recognized nationally Works Week, which will be session with Contribution foods and a varied and healthy Maryland or come from within as Older Americans Month and Groups, Community Center diet, the range of vendors runs Sharon Johnson, service coor- See COUNCIL, page 7 from pickles to honey, and ice- See MARKET, page 9 Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, April 30, 2015 cent on April 23 around 7:15 a.m. or so. News Review Seeks Web Designer As I headed south on Greenhill As the News Review continues to upgrade its electronic ca- a northbound TheBus stopped pabilities and presence, it requires outside assistance to upgrade in its lane behind a legally its website. Working with a $5,000 grant from the Community parked vehicle. The bus driver Foundation, the paper has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) had stopped so that a car several to local businesses for a relatively small scale but important lengths ahead of me could con- initial push to upgrade the website.
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