Wqt JJcto Hampshire VOLUME NO. 45 ISSUE 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. DURHAM, N. H. — February 3, 1955 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Carnival Notes 1. All men’s snow sculptures should be Carnival Jazz Concert planned with a suitable spot for the Queen’s installation in mind. 2. The closing date for the teams of all outdoor event entries is February 8. Features Four Groups 3. The official UNH Winter Carnival by Judy Kirkpatrick posters are on sale at both the Wildcat and the Bookstore. The annual Winter Carnival Jazz Concert, to be held February 4. The Carnival Queen was chosen at 10, 9 p.m. at New Hampshire Hall, will feature the Dartmouth In- a tea held at ATO this afternoon and junaires, the A1 Kaufman Quintet from Harvard University, Walt will be announced over WMUR-TV, Channel 9, at 6 p.m., Friday at the close Jackson and his Blues in Rhythm Kings, and the N. H. Wildcats. of the Harmony Concert. Announcement The Injunaires, the vocal group who nearly stopped the show at will also be made over WMDR, Mike and last year’s concert, have made numerous coast to coast tours with Dial radio. the Dartmouth Glee Club, several TV appearances, and their latest Gerald Goodchild, center, of Derry, a junior in the College of Liberal Arts, 5. The president of a winning house album, “Music from the Big Green.” The has been elected President of the Student Union at the University of New should be prepared to receive the trophies group uses original arrangements with a Hampshire. for snow sculpture at the Jazz Concert, widely varied repetoire, ranging from Other officers elected at a Board of Governors meeting last week include: Thursday night, and for Outdoor Events Winter Carnival standard ballads in a modernistic style to Guy Harriman, Lisbon, vice-president; Judith Leavitt, Elwood, Mass., secre­ at the Carnival Play on Saturday. the comedy numbers for which they are tary; Paul Jutras, Concord, treasurer; and Josephine Cournoyer, also of Derry, so well-known. corresponding secretary. 6. Tickets for the Carnival Ball are Ball To Feature Goodchild, a gaduate of Pinkerton Academy, is a Business Administration available at both the Wildcat and the Harvard Quintet major and Chairman of the 1954 Campus Chest drive. He is also a member ot Bookstore. The A1 Kaufman Quintet, a jazz group Newman Club and former treasurer of Student Union. He is the son of Mr. and Ed Drew’s Band from Harvard University, will feature Mrs. Louis T. Goodchild, 36 Crystal Ave., Derry.___________________________ _ Mike Payson on drums. Payson is re­ Ed Drew and his orchestra have been membered for his dynamic drum work 6:30 Friday Night Dorm Rents engaged to provide the music for the 1955 with the Dartmouth Sultans at last year’s Room rents for University dormitories annual Winter Carnival Ball, the Carni­ contest. The group, since its insemination are being increased by ten dollars per val Committee has announced. The or­ last year, has been featured at several Boston Skating Club Starring year per occupant, the University’s Board chestra has appeared on the Ed Drew Boston night spots and made numerous of Trustees recently announced. radio show on CBS, Drew being musical appearances throughout New England. The action was explained by Mr. Ed­ director of station WPRO for some time. Although the group is very active in ward D. Eddy Jr., administrative officer The orchestra has also played for musical Boston jazz circles, the members are full­ In Carnival’s New Ice Show of the University, as necessary in order comedy shows including “South Pacific,” time law students at Harvard. They pre­ One of the highlights planned for the 1955 Winter Carnival is that the pooled income from all dormi­ “Oklahoma,” and others in the Provi­ sent their jazz in an original idiom, al­ the presentation of an ice show scheduled for Friday evening, Feb. tories may be sufficient to provide funds dence, R. I. district. though their efforts are closely allied to 11 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The show will be presented by talent from to build and operate a proposed new “Guys and Dolls” was their latest those of Dave Brubeck and Gerry Mulli­ the Boston Skating Club and the Junctioneers Skating Club. This dormitory for women planned for 1956 appearance in this line after which a 10- gan as pioneers in the field of jazz. on a self-maintaining, self-liquidating day engagement was played for the Pro­ Walt Jackson and his Blues in Rhythm show is sanctioned by the United States Amateur Skating Associ­ basis. The construction of the new build­ vidence appearance of the “Ice-Capades”. Kings, already well-known on the UNH ation. ing is part of the long-range expansion College appearances by the band have campus and many New England colleges, Featured in the show are to be solo plan drawn up recently by University included many institutions in the New will come hack with their “wailin’- and group numbers. All acts are to be officials to cover the needs of the school England area including Brown, the Uni­ stompin’,” brand of jazz. Jackson has costumed, many of the costumes coming over the next fifteen years. versity of Rhode Island and the Universi­ appeared with Lionel Hampton and his House Visits Begin from Sonja Heinie’s ice show. One num­ Starting in September 1955 rentals for ty of Connecticut. For the dancable music orchestra, as well as at the High Hat ber is produced under special fluorescent men will range from $105 to $180 and they provide, they have been asked many in Boston. Ray LaCouture, a junior busi­ lighting. for women $120 to $180. times to return. ness major at "UNH, will be starred on Fraternity Rushing The ice show has been scheduled for The newest increase in costs of the Featured vocalists for the group in­ tenor sax. Friday . evening at the newly-opened University follows the recently announced clude Carol Vann and Bob Lachance, Wildcats House calls to men’s dormitories Batchelder Rink behind New Hampshire increase of tuitional rates of $50 a year both in duets and solo numbers. Miss last Monday evening began officially Hall. The time has been set early in for in-state students and $100 a year for Vann has appeared with the band for The Wildcats, led by Buzz Emerson, the annual fraternity rushing period on order that there be time for preparing for out-of-state students. This rate change several seasons and has recently passed have made several TV appearances this campus which will continue for five the Carnival Ball which follows the same raises tuition rates to $300 a year for three auditions for the Arthur Godfrey fall, among them a benefit show for the weeks. _ evening in New Hampshire Hall. New Hampshire students and $600 a year Talent Show. Mr. Lachance is known for Cerebral Palsy Fund, co-starring Jack A convocation held on I uesday One of the featured skaters to be seen for other students. his singing at radio station WHIM and Smith and Bobby Wayne. At the present served to acquaint the freshmen with in the show will be Bradley Lord, U. S. his work with dance orchestras. the group is touring the state in a concert- rushing rules and procedures. This was Eastern Amateur Champion. Also appear­ lecture series, aiming at a better public sponsored by the Inter-Fraternity ing will be Sylvia Tilly, acrobatic skater, Among the talented members of the under stand jng of jazz. They will give Council, joint governing body of the and Frank Muckian, junior champion Close Harmony band, the pianist, George Johnson, is a TV concert-lecture on the Portland campus fraternities. skater. George Lundhow and Sherline The first intercollegiate sing ever to composer of several popular singing com­ channel sometime in February. They will Last night, and each Wednesday Barry will present duo number, and come to the UNH campus is scheduled mercials. also appear at Storyville in Boston, in night for six weeks, the 14 campus fra­ Dorothy Ditlion a solo. There are others for tomorrow night at 8 p.m. at New Mr. Drew is musical director for the conjunction with a public airing of New ternities played host to visiting fresh­ scheduled for appearances with groups Hampshire Hall. The Senior Skulls of Grace Lines and has under his manage­ England college jazz. The group is now men who were introduced to fraternity and in solo selections. 1955 are presenting the event, which will ment several ship orchestras. Since it preparing an arrangement which will fea­ members, took tours of houses, and Such a production is the first to be pre­ be appropriately titled “Close Harmony”. has been unusual for his orchestra to ture devices uncommon to jazz for next were shown the various activities of sented in Durham. Planned by the Carni­ The sing will feature the best in double travel a great distance for an engage­ week’s program. fraternity life. Open house hours will val Committee as one of the highlights quartets of the New England colleges.. ment, his New Hampshire appearance be from 6:30 to 9 p. m. on each of the Carnival, the show will also be Included in the program will be the fine is considered “rather a special night.” Tickets may be purchased at the door Wednesday. Invitations for weekend the first such affair to be presented on harmonies of the world renouned “Meddie- for 60 cents. functions will be issued by various the newly-opened rink.
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